Barry-Care Was Always A Ploy To Get Single-Payer

I have two brothers who get their healthcare from the VA and probably know about 6-7 people or more who are on Medicare. Incidentally, all of the aforementioned are Republicans, too, and the Medicare friends absolutely love it. No complaints. Not a single one of them.

They may be Republicans, but they're not Conservatives.
Guess you'll never go to Europe, Asia, Australia, Canada or South America.
You're just another stubborn asshole who can't admit the U.S. has a fucked up health care system and the stupid, stupid Republicans lied to all of you about being able to repeal it. And you believed them. Hahahahaha....losers.

I'm an American. I have no need to go anywhere else.

I dondon't t trust either party. I'm a Conservative... I don't believe the Government has any legitimate place in the healthcare system.
youre lucky, glad youre ok .. BP can hit you for no reason, and without you knowing it .. a yearly physical virtually saved my life .. the Dr is still trying to figure out why I didnt boil over and croak, 255/190 will get you instantly admitted to the cardiac er, and a three day stay in the hospital ... trust me

Holy Toledo....255/190? My worst reading was 170/100. I've been into running since my Army days and I figure that's what saved me from smoking cigarettes for 40 years. The only signal I got something was wrong was one morning I couldn't remember any of my computer passwords......I sat here thinking WTF? I also had an incident with Ginkgo Biloba when I first got on it.....Sitting outside a super market in my truck one night, felt like I caught a round in the side of the head....I was looking around for blood and broken glass but there wasn't any. I had no idea what had happened but as I was driving home, my memory suddenly was off the scales....I had instant recall on everything that had been perplexing me for weeks...Doc said it's a blood-thinner and it probably cleared a blood clot...he'd heard of the same symptoms before. Outta 9 lives, I've spent 7....siete.
Greece went bankrupt because of their early retirement system,


Greece went bankrupt because it took all of your ideas and enacted them


All of my ideas? I haven't posted any of my ideas. I posted the facts, the countries that have universal healthcare and you want to single out Greece. Not your day, Sparky, quit while you're behind.
Guess you'll never go to Europe, Asia, Australia, Canada or South America.
You're just another stubborn asshole who can't admit the U.S. has a fucked up health care system and the stupid, stupid Republicans lied to all of you about being able to repeal it. And you believed them. Hahahahaha....losers.

I'm an American. I have no need to go anywhere else.

I dondon't t trust either party. I'm a Conservative... I don't believe the Government has any legitimate place in the healthcare system.

Good, then you will refuse or have refused Medicare when you turn 65, correct?
Just answer the question.
The extensive list of countries that I posted that have universal care have their citizens contribute a larger share of their pay into the fund, like 10-11%. We only put 1.45% of our pay into Medicare. That's why it's in trouble. Sorry, people, but we pay now or we pay a hell of a lot more later.
The extensive list of countries that I posted that have universal care have their citizens contribute a larger share of their pay into the fund, like 10-11%. We only put 1.45% of our pay into Medicare. That's why it's in trouble. Sorry, people, but we pay now or we pay a hell of a lot more later.

In the end, the only "solution" of the socialist is HIGHER TAXES which enables MORE STEALING by leftists in government.

Greece had similar liars pushing the same bullshit - we must raise taxes or the sky will fall....

More precisely, higher taxes pushed out Greek private sector employers.... and caused Greece to fail.
Good, then you will refuse or have refused Medicare when you turn 65, correct? Just answer the question.

Yes, I have informed both agencies thst I will not be stealing money through the US Government. My wife gave up her Medicare when we got married 3 years ago (she's disabled).
Single-payer has always been the endgame.

Yesterday's Dimocrats:

"Ask not, what your country can do for you.
Ask, what you can do for your country.

Today's Dimocrats:

"Ask not, what your country can do for you, DEMAND IT !!!!!!!!
They own the problems with Obamacare now. It's their power to fix them.

Not a chance, moron.......all we have to do is sit back and wait for the crowd to come after your hacks with lanterns and pitchforks....and they will.

There's no chance the GOP can make Obamacare better?

lol, thanks Captain Obvious...

They don't have to, there's more than one way to kill a law. It's time for the GOP to adopt commiecrat tactics and use the courts.

They own the problems with Obamacare now. It's their power to fix them.

Not a chance, moron.......all we have to do is sit back and wait for the crowd to come after your hacks with lanterns and pitchforks....and they will.

There's no chance the GOP can make Obamacare better?

lol, thanks Captain Obvious...

They don't have to, there's more than one way to kill a law. It's time for the GOP to adopt commiecrat tactics and use the courts.


Haven't challenges to the ACA already lost in court several times?
Single-payer has always been the endgame.

Yesterday's Dimocrats:

"Ask not, what your country can do for you.
Ask, what you can do for your country.

Today's Dimocrats:

"Ask not, what your country can do for you, DEMAND IT !!!!!!!!

Medicare and Medicaid were JFK initiatives.
They own the problems with Obamacare now. It's their power to fix them.

Not a chance, moron.......all we have to do is sit back and wait for the crowd to come after your hacks with lanterns and pitchforks....and they will.

There's no chance the GOP can make Obamacare better?

lol, thanks Captain Obvious...

They don't have to, there's more than one way to kill a law. It's time for the GOP to adopt commiecrat tactics and use the courts.


Haven't challenges to the ACA already lost in court several times?

What makes you think the Trump DOJ would defend it? They can just say they agree with the plaintiff and the court would enter a judgment in the plaintiffs favor. You folks have been using that tactic for years to rewrite EPA regs though the courts.

Trump is immune to Obamacare now, he gave Democrats a chance to fix it and every last one of them voted no so Dem's own it. Bank on this, Schumer will go crawling on his knees to his GOP RINO pals begging them to let Dem's off the hook and repair this turd before the 2018 mid terms. And I would not be surprised if they craft a bi-partisan bill Trump can't sign just to try pinning the blame on him.
lol, I thought the Republicans winning elections was a ploy to repeal Obamacare.
That is what they've been telling us for the last 8 years

They own the problems with Obamacare now. It's their power to fix them.

You broke it...but now the GOP "owns" it? do you figure THAT!

I figure it easily. Obamacare is now viewed net favorably by the American people. That's a win for Democrats.

But Obamacare has flaws, and only the Republicans at this point have the power to fix the flaws,

and they have no intention of doing so.

To say that ObamaCare has "flaws" is like saying the Titanic had a small problem on it's maiden voyage! Do you not grasp that the entire structure of the ACA was built to fail? It's going to happen and there's nothing the GOP can do to stop it from happening.
Well, you could always hope that Obamacare was actually heading somewhere positive.

When Jan Brewer took the Medicaid money from ACA, a lot of poor people in Arizona who hadn't seen a doctor in years, got in to see one. We have to acknowledge that saved many lives in the last 7 years. I hadn't seen my doctor in years until 2 years ago when he told me my BP was WAY UP. That appt was the best $95 I ever spent because I didn't have a clue anything was wrong with me. I hadn't had health insurance in years and a stroke or heart attack would have wiped me out. In my business career, I've had to decline countless customers who's credit scores were mangled by medical catastrophes....something had to be done alright....but not with intention of turning it into single-payer.

And why shouldn't there be a single payer system? Most of the people who say there shouldn't be one, are the people who have never experienced it and just believe what they're told.
I recall when the talk shows breached that issue in 2009, the Rats smiling and carefully parsing their words to the contrary. But that's what they wanted; the ACA was simply a means of getting there and they'd make a few bucks before it imploded. And now it has and only 4 of them voted against that amendment when it came up yesterday...the rest voted "present", a tactic the Kenyan often used on his rise to power. So let's get something straight about's impossible: :deal:

What would it cost if we insured everybody, all 326 million Americans?

Somewhere between $2.5 trillion and $3.5 trillion. An additional $1.35 trillion to $2.35 trillion more than the feds spend on Medicaid/Medicare now.

In 2016 the feds only brought in $3.27 trillion and spent $3.85 trillion. Where are the extra trillions supposed to come from? Taxes? To cover everyone and pay for it via taxes means the average person would owe an additional $4,100 to $7,200 every year. At a minimum, a family of four would have to pay $16,400 extra. You can buy a damn good private insurance policy for that kind of money … and have enough left over for a down-payment on a nice car.

Read more at How Much Would Single Payer Health Insurance Cost? | The Daily Liberator
Yep, communist in a bottle....

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