Barry-Care Was Always A Ploy To Get Single-Payer

Trump is immune to Obamacare now, he gave Democrats a chance to fix it and every last one of them voted no so Dem's own it. Bank on this, Schumer will go crawling on his knees to his GOP RINO pals begging them to let Dem's off the hook and repair this turd before the 2018 mid terms. And I would not be surprised if they craft a bi-partisan bill Trump can't sign just to try pinning the blame on him.
Wow that's quite the fantasy you've got there. Did your little pecker get tingly writing that nonsense?

Republicans have been telling us for 8 years that if we put them in power they'd not only repeal Obamacare, but also replace it with a much better law that would cover everyone. Trump promised this repeatedly during the campaign. So what happens? Republicans control the House, the Senate and the Whitehouse; Republicans put forth bills that would cause millions to lose their health insurance. The bills were so unpopular that people polled preferred Obamacare over the GOP alternatives.

Republicans and Donald OWN this and they always will. They had their chance and they blew it. BIGLY. SAD!!

Let me translate, :crybaby: Dem's still own Obamacare :crybaby: Blues is so mean I really hate him :crybaby: I still can't believe Trump won. Does that about sum it up? :laugh:
Not at all. Republicans control government. They own it all

All that really proves, that you Progressives managed to saddle us with a healthcare bill that is SO bad that it's going into a death spiral as we speak but because you've given millions of Americans free or heavily subsidized healthcare and they now see that as their's political suicide to try and take it away from them!

That's what Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi did to us when we asked them to lower healthcare costs. THEY own the ACA...warts and all!
Nah Republicans own it. They promised to repeal it and failed. They control the government. They own it

Liberals don't want to own it anymore? Oh wait, that's not a question, liberals don't want to own it anymore :laugh:
Trump is immune to Obamacare now, he gave Democrats a chance to fix it and every last one of them voted no so Dem's own it. Bank on this, Schumer will go crawling on his knees to his GOP RINO pals begging them to let Dem's off the hook and repair this turd before the 2018 mid terms. And I would not be surprised if they craft a bi-partisan bill Trump can't sign just to try pinning the blame on him.
Wow that's quite the fantasy you've got there. Did your little pecker get tingly writing that nonsense?

Republicans have been telling us for 8 years that if we put them in power they'd not only repeal Obamacare, but also replace it with a much better law that would cover everyone. Trump promised this repeatedly during the campaign. So what happens? Republicans control the House, the Senate and the Whitehouse; Republicans put forth bills that would cause millions to lose their health insurance. The bills were so unpopular that people polled preferred Obamacare over the GOP alternatives.

Republicans and Donald OWN this and they always will. They had their chance and they blew it. BIGLY. SAD!!

Let me translate, :crybaby: Dem's still own Obamacare :crybaby: Blues is so mean I really hate him :crybaby: I still can't believe Trump won. Does that about sum it up? :laugh:
Not at all. Republicans control government. They own it all

All that really proves, that you Progressives managed to saddle us with a healthcare bill that is SO bad that it's going into a death spiral as we speak but because you've given millions of Americans free or heavily subsidized healthcare and they now see that as their's political suicide to try and take it away from them!

That's what Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi did to us when we asked them to lower healthcare costs. THEY own the ACA...warts and all!

Did you notice J.E.D. doesn't want to own Obamacare anymore lmao. Why isn't J.E.D. jealously guarding his ownership of Obamacare as a huge Democratic party victory? I'll tell you why, because its an unpopular turd that's why. :laugh:
It's more popular than anything Republicans passed.

I know you're butt hurt that your party is incapable of governing. It's ok little guy. Go suck your thumb and watch Hannity.

And I'm not a Democrat. I'm an independent. I don't subscribe to blind party loyalty.
Wow that's quite the fantasy you've got there. Did your little pecker get tingly writing that nonsense?

Republicans have been telling us for 8 years that if we put them in power they'd not only repeal Obamacare, but also replace it with a much better law that would cover everyone. Trump promised this repeatedly during the campaign. So what happens? Republicans control the House, the Senate and the Whitehouse; Republicans put forth bills that would cause millions to lose their health insurance. The bills were so unpopular that people polled preferred Obamacare over the GOP alternatives.

Republicans and Donald OWN this and they always will. They had their chance and they blew it. BIGLY. SAD!!

Let me translate, :crybaby: Dem's still own Obamacare :crybaby: Blues is so mean I really hate him :crybaby: I still can't believe Trump won. Does that about sum it up? :laugh:
Not at all. Republicans control government. They own it all

All that really proves, that you Progressives managed to saddle us with a healthcare bill that is SO bad that it's going into a death spiral as we speak but because you've given millions of Americans free or heavily subsidized healthcare and they now see that as their's political suicide to try and take it away from them!

That's what Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi did to us when we asked them to lower healthcare costs. THEY own the ACA...warts and all!

Did you notice J.E.D. doesn't want to own Obamacare anymore lmao. Why isn't J.E.D. jealously guarding his ownership of Obamacare as a huge Democratic party victory? I'll tell you why, because its an unpopular turd that's why. :laugh:
It's more popular than anything Republicans passed.

I know you're butt hurt that your party is incapable of governing. It's ok little guy. Go suck your thumb and watch Hannity.

And I'm not a Democrat. I'm an independent. I don't subscribe to blind party loyalty.

You people passed Obamacare and voters spanked your ass bad, pretty much obliterated the Dem party. House...ass whooping. Senate...ass whooping. White House ass whooping. Enjoy your Obamacare though. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Let me translate, :crybaby: Dem's still own Obamacare :crybaby: Blues is so mean I really hate him :crybaby: I still can't believe Trump won. Does that about sum it up? :laugh:
Not at all. Republicans control government. They own it all

All that really proves, that you Progressives managed to saddle us with a healthcare bill that is SO bad that it's going into a death spiral as we speak but because you've given millions of Americans free or heavily subsidized healthcare and they now see that as their's political suicide to try and take it away from them!

That's what Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi did to us when we asked them to lower healthcare costs. THEY own the ACA...warts and all!

Did you notice J.E.D. doesn't want to own Obamacare anymore lmao. Why isn't J.E.D. jealously guarding his ownership of Obamacare as a huge Democratic party victory? I'll tell you why, because its an unpopular turd that's why. :laugh:
It's more popular than anything Republicans passed.

I know you're butt hurt that your party is incapable of governing. It's ok little guy. Go suck your thumb and watch Hannity.

And I'm not a Democrat. I'm an independent. I don't subscribe to blind party loyalty.

You people passed Obamacare and voters spanked your ass bad, pretty much obliterated the Dem party. House...ass whooping. Senate...ass whooping. White House ass whooping. Enjoy your Obamacare though. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Yeah I'm sure voters will be pleased with the GOP after putting them in power only to see them completely fail at fulfilling the promises that got them elected. Midterms are right around the corner.
Not at all. Republicans control government. They own it all

All that really proves, that you Progressives managed to saddle us with a healthcare bill that is SO bad that it's going into a death spiral as we speak but because you've given millions of Americans free or heavily subsidized healthcare and they now see that as their's political suicide to try and take it away from them!

That's what Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi did to us when we asked them to lower healthcare costs. THEY own the ACA...warts and all!

Did you notice J.E.D. doesn't want to own Obamacare anymore lmao. Why isn't J.E.D. jealously guarding his ownership of Obamacare as a huge Democratic party victory? I'll tell you why, because its an unpopular turd that's why. :laugh:
It's more popular than anything Republicans passed.

I know you're butt hurt that your party is incapable of governing. It's ok little guy. Go suck your thumb and watch Hannity.

And I'm not a Democrat. I'm an independent. I don't subscribe to blind party loyalty.

You people passed Obamacare and voters spanked your ass bad, pretty much obliterated the Dem party. House...ass whooping. Senate...ass whooping. White House ass whooping. Enjoy your Obamacare though. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Yeah I'm sure voters will be pleased with the GOP after putting them in power only to see them completely fail at fulfilling the promises that got them elected. Midterms are right around the corner.

You think they are going to switch and vote for the Obamacare inventors? Here let me point and laugh at you :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
I recall when the talk shows breached that issue in 2009, the Rats smiling and carefully parsing their words to the contrary. But that's what they wanted; the ACA was simply a means of getting there and they'd make a few bucks before it imploded. And now it has and only 4 of them voted against that amendment when it came up yesterday...the rest voted "present", a tactic the Kenyan often used on his rise to power. So let's get something straight about's impossible: :deal:

What would it cost if we insured everybody, all 326 million Americans?

Somewhere between $2.5 trillion and $3.5 trillion. An additional $1.35 trillion to $2.35 trillion more than the feds spend on Medicaid/Medicare now.

In 2016 the feds only brought in $3.27 trillion and spent $3.85 trillion. Where are the extra trillions supposed to come from? Taxes? To cover everyone and pay for it via taxes means the average person would owe an additional $4,100 to $7,200 every year. At a minimum, a family of four would have to pay $16,400 extra. You can buy a damn good private insurance policy for that kind of money … and have enough left over for a down-payment on a nice car.

Read more at How Much Would Single Payer Health Insurance Cost? | The Daily Liberator
I missed something somewhere. Single payer is touted as the worst thing ever or the best thing since sliced bread? I can look it up and end the can't be both. And the Affordable health care program isn't fixing anything. 10 dollar aspirins, thousand dollar a day hospital beds? Let's actually try to make health care affordable, not create government sanctioned ponzi schemes that dosen't address or fix the absurd increases in health care costs. Why IS healthcare, and for that matter housing growing out of hand? 50 years ago, neither was an issue. Now? Something smells fishy in Denmark.
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All that really proves, that you Progressives managed to saddle us with a healthcare bill that is SO bad that it's going into a death spiral as we speak but because you've given millions of Americans free or heavily subsidized healthcare and they now see that as their's political suicide to try and take it away from them!

That's what Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi did to us when we asked them to lower healthcare costs. THEY own the ACA...warts and all!

Did you notice J.E.D. doesn't want to own Obamacare anymore lmao. Why isn't J.E.D. jealously guarding his ownership of Obamacare as a huge Democratic party victory? I'll tell you why, because its an unpopular turd that's why. :laugh:
It's more popular than anything Republicans passed.

I know you're butt hurt that your party is incapable of governing. It's ok little guy. Go suck your thumb and watch Hannity.

And I'm not a Democrat. I'm an independent. I don't subscribe to blind party loyalty.

You people passed Obamacare and voters spanked your ass bad, pretty much obliterated the Dem party. House...ass whooping. Senate...ass whooping. White House ass whooping. Enjoy your Obamacare though. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Yeah I'm sure voters will be pleased with the GOP after putting them in power only to see them completely fail at fulfilling the promises that got them elected. Midterms are right around the corner.

You think they are going to switch and vote for the Obamacare inventors? Here let me point and laugh at you :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Maybe. Maybe not. But considering Obamacare is more popular than anything the GOP offered, and considering the GOP has completely failed at governing, I wouldn't bet on them coming out of the midterms unscathed. The party in power typically loses seats in midterms. Good luck. You're going to need it
What we have now is the ACA. If Trump & and congress withhold the payments to insurance co not only will they due damage to the ACA (I no that's what many of you want) they will get there money buy raising the rates on all insurance. we all will pay for the lack of fixing or an improved method of health insurance delivery. why do we continue to work against our own best interests. in the name of political support for party's owned by less than 1% of the population.
There are only three major problems in Obamacare which prevents if from reaching it's goal of near full coverage for all Americans at affordable prices.

Democrats underestimated the cost of eliminating pre-existing conditions in the individual healthcare market and overestimated the additional revenues generated by the individual mandate. This is the major factor that drove premiums and deductibles up. It was aggravated by republican states rejecting expanded medicaid in 20 states. This pushed more low income people with prexisting conditions into the individual healthcare market.

Since Democrats estimated a much lower cost of insurance in the individual market, the estimate of subsidies require was off which of course made premiums even more unaffordable.

Expanded Medicare is not available in 20 states.

To fix Obamacare, we have to pay for the cost of covering pre-existing conditions and make changes to the subsidy formula. This will dramatically bring down cost of health insurance. To bring us closer to coverage for all Americans, Expanded Medicaid should be available in all states. However to lower costs, copays or coinsurance should be required of all participants.

There are parts of the law that people don't like but are necessary to reach the goal of full coverage for all Americans for example the individual mandate and essential coverage. I think these are certainly negotiable points as are the taxes.
I recall when the talk shows breached that issue in 2009, the Rats smiling and carefully parsing their words to the contrary. But that's what they wanted; the ACA was simply a means of getting there and they'd make a few bucks before it imploded. And now it has and only 4 of them voted against that amendment when it came up yesterday...the rest voted "present", a tactic the Kenyan often used on his rise to power. So let's get something straight about's impossible: :deal:

What would it cost if we insured everybody, all 326 million Americans?

Somewhere between $2.5 trillion and $3.5 trillion. An additional $1.35 trillion to $2.35 trillion more than the feds spend on Medicaid/Medicare now.

In 2016 the feds only brought in $3.27 trillion and spent $3.85 trillion. Where are the extra trillions supposed to come from? Taxes? To cover everyone and pay for it via taxes means the average person would owe an additional $4,100 to $7,200 every year. At a minimum, a family of four would have to pay $16,400 extra. You can buy a damn good private insurance policy for that kind of money … and have enough left over for a down-payment on a nice car.

Read more at How Much Would Single Payer Health Insurance Cost? | The Daily Liberator
I missed something somewhere. Single payer is touted as the worst thing ever or the best thing since sliced bread? I can look it up and end the can't be both. And the Affordable health care program isn't fixing anything. 10 dollar aspirins, thousand dollar a day hospital beds? Let's actually try to make health care affordable, not create government sanctioned ponzi schemes that dosen't address or fix the absurd increases in health care costs. Why IS healthcare, and for that matter housing growing out of hand? 50 years ago, neither was an issue. Now? Something smells fishy in Denmark.
Whether single payer is the best or the worst thing ever depends on your perspective. If you work for a health insurance company, it's the worst. However, for most Americans, removing health insurance from their lives and increasing payroll taxes would be well received. The healthcare discussion should be about saving more lives, curing cancer and other terrible disease, not constantly arguing about how the bills are to be paid. We have been fighting the battle over health insurance for over 20 years. Isn't it about time we turn to more important issues?
Trump is immune to Obamacare now, he gave Democrats a chance to fix it and every last one of them voted no so Dem's own it. Bank on this, Schumer will go crawling on his knees to his GOP RINO pals begging them to let Dem's off the hook and repair this turd before the 2018 mid terms. And I would not be surprised if they craft a bi-partisan bill Trump can't sign just to try pinning the blame on him.
Wow that's quite the fantasy you've got there. Did your little pecker get tingly writing that nonsense?

Republicans have been telling us for 8 years that if we put them in power they'd not only repeal Obamacare, but also replace it with a much better law that would cover everyone. Trump promised this repeatedly during the campaign. So what happens? Republicans control the House, the Senate and the Whitehouse; Republicans put forth bills that would cause millions to lose their health insurance. The bills were so unpopular that people polled preferred Obamacare over the GOP alternatives.

Republicans and Donald OWN this and they always will. They had their chance and they blew it. BIGLY. SAD!!

Let me translate, :crybaby: Dem's still own Obamacare :crybaby: Blues is so mean I really hate him :crybaby: I still can't believe Trump won. Does that about sum it up? :laugh:
Not at all. Republicans control government. They own it all

All that really proves, that you Progressives managed to saddle us with a healthcare bill that is SO bad that it's going into a death spiral as we speak but because you've given millions of Americans free or heavily subsidized healthcare and they now see that as their's political suicide to try and take it away from them!

That's what Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi did to us when we asked them to lower healthcare costs. THEY own the ACA...warts and all!
Nah Republicans own it. They promised to repeal it and failed. They control the government. They own it

How do you figure the GOP "owns" the ACA? Not a single one of them voted for it!!! The ACA is totally a Democratic thing. ObamaCare belongs to Barry, Harry and Nancy! They crafted it. They passed it. They OWN it!!!
I recall when the talk shows breached that issue in 2009, the Rats smiling and carefully parsing their words to the contrary. But that's what they wanted; the ACA was simply a means of getting there and they'd make a few bucks before it imploded. And now it has and only 4 of them voted against that amendment when it came up yesterday...the rest voted "present", a tactic the Kenyan often used on his rise to power. So let's get something straight about's impossible: :deal:

What would it cost if we insured everybody, all 326 million Americans?

Somewhere between $2.5 trillion and $3.5 trillion. An additional $1.35 trillion to $2.35 trillion more than the feds spend on Medicaid/Medicare now.

In 2016 the feds only brought in $3.27 trillion and spent $3.85 trillion. Where are the extra trillions supposed to come from? Taxes? To cover everyone and pay for it via taxes means the average person would owe an additional $4,100 to $7,200 every year. At a minimum, a family of four would have to pay $16,400 extra. You can buy a damn good private insurance policy for that kind of money … and have enough left over for a down-payment on a nice car.

Read more at How Much Would Single Payer Health Insurance Cost? | The Daily Liberator
I missed something somewhere. Single payer is touted as the worst thing ever or the best thing since sliced bread? I can look it up and end the can't be both. And the Affordable health care program isn't fixing anything. 10 dollar aspirins, thousand dollar a day hospital beds? Let's actually try to make health care affordable, not create government sanctioned ponzi schemes that dosen't address or fix the absurd increases in health care costs. Why IS healthcare, and for that matter housing growing out of hand? 50 years ago, neither was an issue. Now? Something smells fishy in Denmark.
Whether single payer is the best or the worst thing ever depends on your perspective. If you work for a health insurance company, it's the worst. However, for most Americans, removing health insurance from their lives and increasing payroll taxes would be well received. The healthcare discussion should be about saving more lives, curing cancer and other terrible disease, not constantly arguing about how the bills are to be paid. We have been fighting the battle over health insurance for over 20 years. Isn't it about time we turn to more important issues?

Interesting concept, Flopper! You think that instituting a Single Payer system will help cure cancer? How? Name a country that has Single Payer that is a leader in medical research! The US has been just that for a hundred years. Our healthcare system was the envy of much of the world. We were where you went to get treatment if you lived somewhere else and had the means to get here. Ask someone who gets their medical treatment through England's State run healthcare system if they think that they receive the best care that money can buy or whether they get stuck with whatever the system decides to give them?
I recall when the talk shows breached that issue in 2009, the Rats smiling and carefully parsing their words to the contrary. But that's what they wanted; the ACA was simply a means of getting there and they'd make a few bucks before it imploded. And now it has and only 4 of them voted against that amendment when it came up yesterday...the rest voted "present", a tactic the Kenyan often used on his rise to power. So let's get something straight about's impossible: :deal:

What would it cost if we insured everybody, all 326 million Americans?

Somewhere between $2.5 trillion and $3.5 trillion. An additional $1.35 trillion to $2.35 trillion more than the feds spend on Medicaid/Medicare now.

In 2016 the feds only brought in $3.27 trillion and spent $3.85 trillion. Where are the extra trillions supposed to come from? Taxes? To cover everyone and pay for it via taxes means the average person would owe an additional $4,100 to $7,200 every year. At a minimum, a family of four would have to pay $16,400 extra. You can buy a damn good private insurance policy for that kind of money … and have enough left over for a down-payment on a nice car.

Read more at How Much Would Single Payer Health Insurance Cost? | The Daily Liberator
I missed something somewhere. Single payer is touted as the worst thing ever or the best thing since sliced bread? I can look it up and end the can't be both. And the Affordable health care program isn't fixing anything. 10 dollar aspirins, thousand dollar a day hospital beds? Let's actually try to make health care affordable, not create government sanctioned ponzi schemes that dosen't address or fix the absurd increases in health care costs. Why IS healthcare, and for that matter housing growing out of hand? 50 years ago, neither was an issue. Now? Something smells fishy in Denmark.
Whether single payer is the best or the worst thing ever depends on your perspective. If you work for a health insurance company, it's the worst. However, for most Americans, removing health insurance from their lives and increasing payroll taxes would be well received. The healthcare discussion should be about saving more lives, curing cancer and other terrible disease, not constantly arguing about how the bills are to be paid. We have been fighting the battle over health insurance for over 20 years. Isn't it about time we turn to more important issues?

Interesting concept, Flopper! You think that instituting a Single Payer system will help cure cancer? How? Name a country that has Single Payer that is a leader in medical research! The US has been just that for a hundred years. Our healthcare system was the envy of much of the world. We were where you went to get treatment if you lived somewhere else and had the means to get here. Ask someone who gets their medical treatment through England's State run healthcare system if they think that they receive the best care that money can buy or whether they get stuck with whatever the system decides to give them?

Yep, the US healthcare system is amazing for rich people. Like Steve Jobs, he's rich, and he still died. Doesn't say anything about the US healthcare system, just that people die even if they have lots of money.

However a good healthcare system for the COUNTRY, rather than just the rich, is something quite different.
lol, I thought the Republicans winning elections was a ploy to repeal Obamacare.
That is what they've been telling us for the last 8 years

They own the problems with Obamacare now. It's their power to fix them.

You broke it...but now the GOP "owns" it? do you figure THAT!

I figure it easily. Obamacare is now viewed net favorably by the American people. That's a win for Democrats.

But Obamacare has flaws, and only the Republicans at this point have the power to fix the flaws,

and they have no intention of doing so.

To say that ObamaCare has "flaws" is like saying the Titanic had a small problem on it's maiden voyage! Do you not grasp that the entire structure of the ACA was built to fail? It's going to happen and there's nothing the GOP can do to stop it from happening.
Describe how it was made to fail.

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
I recall when the talk shows breached that issue in 2009, the Rats smiling and carefully parsing their words to the contrary. But that's what they wanted; the ACA was simply a means of getting there and they'd make a few bucks before it imploded. And now it has and only 4 of them voted against that amendment when it came up yesterday...the rest voted "present", a tactic the Kenyan often used on his rise to power. So let's get something straight about's impossible: :deal:

What would it cost if we insured everybody, all 326 million Americans?

Somewhere between $2.5 trillion and $3.5 trillion. An additional $1.35 trillion to $2.35 trillion more than the feds spend on Medicaid/Medicare now.

In 2016 the feds only brought in $3.27 trillion and spent $3.85 trillion. Where are the extra trillions supposed to come from? Taxes? To cover everyone and pay for it via taxes means the average person would owe an additional $4,100 to $7,200 every year. At a minimum, a family of four would have to pay $16,400 extra. You can buy a damn good private insurance policy for that kind of money … and have enough left over for a down-payment on a nice car.

Read more at How Much Would Single Payer Health Insurance Cost? | The Daily Liberator
I missed something somewhere. Single payer is touted as the worst thing ever or the best thing since sliced bread? I can look it up and end the can't be both. And the Affordable health care program isn't fixing anything. 10 dollar aspirins, thousand dollar a day hospital beds? Let's actually try to make health care affordable, not create government sanctioned ponzi schemes that dosen't address or fix the absurd increases in health care costs. Why IS healthcare, and for that matter housing growing out of hand? 50 years ago, neither was an issue. Now? Something smells fishy in Denmark.
Whether single payer is the best or the worst thing ever depends on your perspective. If you work for a health insurance company, it's the worst. However, for most Americans, removing health insurance from their lives and increasing payroll taxes would be well received. The healthcare discussion should be about saving more lives, curing cancer and other terrible disease, not constantly arguing about how the bills are to be paid. We have been fighting the battle over health insurance for over 20 years. Isn't it about time we turn to more important issues?

Interesting concept, Flopper! You think that instituting a Single Payer system will help cure cancer? How? Name a country that has Single Payer that is a leader in medical research! The US has been just that for a hundred years. Our healthcare system was the envy of much of the world. We were where you went to get treatment if you lived somewhere else and had the means to get here. Ask someone who gets their medical treatment through England's State run healthcare system if they think that they receive the best care that money can buy or whether they get stuck with whatever the system decides to give them?

Yep, the US healthcare system is amazing for rich people. Like Steve Jobs, he's rich, and he still died. Doesn't say anything about the US healthcare system, just that people die even if they have lots of money.

However a good healthcare system for the COUNTRY, rather than just the rich, is something quite different.
So let me see if I understand your "logic" here, Weirdo! Because a rich guy died...our healthcare system is awful?

Let me explain how this will all work if and when we DO get Single Payer! Yes, people on the bottom of the income levels will have better healthcare...but people in the Middle Class will get worse healthcare...and they will pay a whole lot MORE for that inferior care! The rich will be able to afford private healthcare and will be laughing at the idiots in the Middle Class that somehow thought this will be a good thing for them.
That is what they've been telling us for the last 8 years

They own the problems with Obamacare now. It's their power to fix them.

You broke it...but now the GOP "owns" it? do you figure THAT!

I figure it easily. Obamacare is now viewed net favorably by the American people. That's a win for Democrats.

But Obamacare has flaws, and only the Republicans at this point have the power to fix the flaws,

and they have no intention of doing so.

To say that ObamaCare has "flaws" is like saying the Titanic had a small problem on it's maiden voyage! Do you not grasp that the entire structure of the ACA was built to fail? It's going to happen and there's nothing the GOP can do to stop it from happening.
Describe how it was made to fail.

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk

Are you not paying attention to what's happening, Marc? The implementation of the ACA was structured so that the real costs of the law would stay as hidden from the voters for as long as possible so they wouldn't understand that millions of Middle Class Americans would see huge spikes in their premiums to pay for the huge subsidies given to the poor and to those with pre-existing conditions. Jonathon Gruber was amazingly candid about the fact that the architects of the ACA were NOT transparent about what the law would do and what the law would cost because they KNEW that there would be a public revolt against that legislation if the Middle Class figured out how badly they were about to get screwed! The real costs are now kicking in and the entire house of cards is collapsing.
I recall when the talk shows breached that issue in 2009, the Rats smiling and carefully parsing their words to the contrary. But that's what they wanted; the ACA was simply a means of getting there and they'd make a few bucks before it imploded. And now it has and only 4 of them voted against that amendment when it came up yesterday...the rest voted "present", a tactic the Kenyan often used on his rise to power. So let's get something straight about's impossible: :deal:

What would it cost if we insured everybody, all 326 million Americans?

Somewhere between $2.5 trillion and $3.5 trillion. An additional $1.35 trillion to $2.35 trillion more than the feds spend on Medicaid/Medicare now.

In 2016 the feds only brought in $3.27 trillion and spent $3.85 trillion. Where are the extra trillions supposed to come from? Taxes? To cover everyone and pay for it via taxes means the average person would owe an additional $4,100 to $7,200 every year. At a minimum, a family of four would have to pay $16,400 extra. You can buy a damn good private insurance policy for that kind of money … and have enough left over for a down-payment on a nice car.

Read more at How Much Would Single Payer Health Insurance Cost? | The Daily Liberator
I missed something somewhere. Single payer is touted as the worst thing ever or the best thing since sliced bread? I can look it up and end the can't be both. And the Affordable health care program isn't fixing anything. 10 dollar aspirins, thousand dollar a day hospital beds? Let's actually try to make health care affordable, not create government sanctioned ponzi schemes that dosen't address or fix the absurd increases in health care costs. Why IS healthcare, and for that matter housing growing out of hand? 50 years ago, neither was an issue. Now? Something smells fishy in Denmark.
Whether single payer is the best or the worst thing ever depends on your perspective. If you work for a health insurance company, it's the worst. However, for most Americans, removing health insurance from their lives and increasing payroll taxes would be well received. The healthcare discussion should be about saving more lives, curing cancer and other terrible disease, not constantly arguing about how the bills are to be paid. We have been fighting the battle over health insurance for over 20 years. Isn't it about time we turn to more important issues?

Interesting concept, Flopper! You think that instituting a Single Payer system will help cure cancer? How? Name a country that has Single Payer that is a leader in medical research! The US has been just that for a hundred years. Our healthcare system was the envy of much of the world. We were where you went to get treatment if you lived somewhere else and had the means to get here. Ask someone who gets their medical treatment through England's State run healthcare system if they think that they receive the best care that money can buy or whether they get stuck with whatever the system decides to give them?

Yep, the US healthcare system is amazing for rich people. Like Steve Jobs, he's rich, and he still died. Doesn't say anything about the US healthcare system, just that people die even if they have lots of money.

However a good healthcare system for the COUNTRY, rather than just the rich, is something quite different.
So let me see if I understand your "logic" here, Weirdo! Because a rich guy died...our healthcare system is awful?

Let me explain how this will all work if and when we DO get Single Payer! Yes, people on the bottom of the income levels will have better healthcare...but people in the Middle Class will get worse healthcare...and they will pay a whole lot MORE for that inferior care! The rich will be able to afford private healthcare and will be laughing at the idiots in the Middle Class that somehow thought this will be a good thing for them.

No, I clearly didn't say that, did I? Would help if you actually read what is written AND try and comprehend what was said.

You think the middle class will pay more for inferior healthcare? Really?

Okay, one fact for you.

The US federal govt pays MORE for healthcare than the UK govt does. Yes, that's right. The UK govt which has a whole single payer system, costs less than the US govt which doesn't even cover most people, and the US has to pay double what the UK pays, and still some people miss out.

I don't think it would cost the middle classes more, it wouldn't even cost the rich more.
I recall when the talk shows breached that issue in 2009, the Rats smiling and carefully parsing their words to the contrary. But that's what they wanted; the ACA was simply a means of getting there and they'd make a few bucks before it imploded. And now it has and only 4 of them voted against that amendment when it came up yesterday...the rest voted "present", a tactic the Kenyan often used on his rise to power. So let's get something straight about's impossible: :deal:

What would it cost if we insured everybody, all 326 million Americans?

Somewhere between $2.5 trillion and $3.5 trillion. An additional $1.35 trillion to $2.35 trillion more than the feds spend on Medicaid/Medicare now.

In 2016 the feds only brought in $3.27 trillion and spent $3.85 trillion. Where are the extra trillions supposed to come from? Taxes? To cover everyone and pay for it via taxes means the average person would owe an additional $4,100 to $7,200 every year. At a minimum, a family of four would have to pay $16,400 extra. You can buy a damn good private insurance policy for that kind of money … and have enough left over for a down-payment on a nice car.

Read more at How Much Would Single Payer Health Insurance Cost? | The Daily Liberator
I missed something somewhere. Single payer is touted as the worst thing ever or the best thing since sliced bread? I can look it up and end the can't be both. And the Affordable health care program isn't fixing anything. 10 dollar aspirins, thousand dollar a day hospital beds? Let's actually try to make health care affordable, not create government sanctioned ponzi schemes that dosen't address or fix the absurd increases in health care costs. Why IS healthcare, and for that matter housing growing out of hand? 50 years ago, neither was an issue. Now? Something smells fishy in Denmark.
Whether single payer is the best or the worst thing ever depends on your perspective. If you work for a health insurance company, it's the worst. However, for most Americans, removing health insurance from their lives and increasing payroll taxes would be well received. The healthcare discussion should be about saving more lives, curing cancer and other terrible disease, not constantly arguing about how the bills are to be paid. We have been fighting the battle over health insurance for over 20 years. Isn't it about time we turn to more important issues?

Interesting concept, Flopper! You think that instituting a Single Payer system will help cure cancer? How? Name a country that has Single Payer that is a leader in medical research! The US has been just that for a hundred years. Our healthcare system was the envy of much of the world. We were where you went to get treatment if you lived somewhere else and had the means to get here. Ask someone who gets their medical treatment through England's State run healthcare system if they think that they receive the best care that money can buy or whether they get stuck with whatever the system decides to give them?
Of course instituting single payer will not cure cancer or other diseases. What I'm saying is constant fighting over insurance reform and that is exactly what Obamacare is, takes the attention away from other really important healthcare issues.

Actually you want find much difference in the satisfaction with the qualify of healthcare systems. According to Gallup, 50% of Americans, 53% of the British, and 48% of the Canadians are not satisfied with healthcare quality.

I don't understand how single payer will hurt medical research. We have had single payer for over 70 years and half the insured are already covered by single payer and yet we are the world leader is medical research.

There are several reasons why the United States leads the world and none of them are directly connected to how we pay for medical care. China which has the largest single payer system in the world and Britain which has oldest are number 2 and 3 in medical research. However, the major factor is not how we pay our medical bills but the amount of funding devoted to research.

Healthcare System Ratings: U.S., Great Britain, Canada
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The legal and medical professions have way too much power.

To break the power of the medical profession from just printing money for itself, we must introduce market forces, specifically the right of Americans to not pay for overpriced health "insurance."

"Self determination" is just that. Set up your own Health Savings Account and use that for your health care that you choose to purchase.

Fuck the health insurers, guaranteed to print money because of the Period of American WO.

I am not liable or responsible for the 400 pound woman at McDonald's ordering another carmel Oreo frappe.

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