Barry Hussein strikes without congressional approval vs Trump’s.

I bet you can't show me one post where you disapproved of Obama's drone strikes (when they happened - not in the last month)
FU. I have been here a long time. Those who know me, know I have criticized O regularly and often.

I voted for Donnie, but won’t again.

This was clearly a wag the dog deal, but cons can’t see it. They would see it clearly, if Ears did it.


I have no problem with the drone strikes by Obama. It has clearly been sanctioned by congress.

I also don't care how long you've been here. That is irrelevant.

You also didn't state the you have criticized "O" for the drone strikes he approved.

Edit to add: Do we really need to use "FU" as a response? I challenged you and your initial reaction was fuck you. :lame2:
Please learn.

Not only was Soleimani a key figure in defeating ISIS, he was also assassinated while *on a peace mission*. Weird, US media hasn't picked up this development!!!
Now Dimwingers are describing orchestrating the attack of the US Embassy in Iraq as a "peace mission"'

LOL. You really are reaching now.
Reaching? That is exactly what you just did.
Yes the far left looks the other way when Obama drone strikes children or starts illegal wars.

Never once heard the far left tell Obama that he needed Congressional approval to do it.
The left are really squabbling about how Americans should die! Hly fk, the left hates you if you are a citizen. Illegals, now terrorists are all okay with them. Can’t make it up

Send American citizens off to die in a foreign land? Absolutely!

Secure the southern border and don’t allow illegals to enter? How dare you!

Fucking lefties.
A mother of a soldier said it best Friday on the radio. She said, my son fought years in Iraq, for the leftists to allow Iran to take over, made all soldiers who died in that war worthless. Obammy’s 1.5 billion did that, know that. Stand up and stop these Nazi terrorist fks
Not a single Dimwinger shows up to condemn all the attacks and civilian deaths Obama perpetuated without Congressional approval.

Meanwhile, Trump is a war criminal for taking out the leader of a designated terrorist group.

I'm shocked..............SHOCKED I tells ya!:21:
Not a single Dimwinger shows up to condemn all the attacks and civilian deaths Obama perpetuated without Congressional approval.

Meanwhile, Trump is a war criminal for taking out the leader of a designated terrorist group.

I'm shocked..............SHOCKED I tells ya!:21:
just more exposure into their anti america rhetoric.
No country has used more drone strikes than the U.S. to carry out military objectives, and the way the U.S. has used drones has set a precedent for the rest of the world. The number of these strikes has steadily escalated since the late 1990s, as have the reasons for their use.

But until now the American military had never used a drone to kill a senior government official. Killing Soleimani crosses a threshold past presidents weren’t willing to cross. The question is: will other countries now use drones to target state officials? Could Russia, for example, use a drone strike to kill a high-ranking state official in the Ukraine? And if these sort of drone strikes become commonplace, what will that mean for global stability and peace?

News analysis: Did the drone strike on an Iranian general set a dangerous global precedent?
But until now the American military had never used a drone to kill a senior government official. Killing Soleimani crosses a threshold past presidents weren’t willing to cross.
Just curious...which one told you this...?
She said, my son fought years in Iraq, for the leftists to allow Iran to take over, made all soldiers who died in that war worthless.

The overthrow of Saddam (Sunnis) and the US led, UN sanctioned occupation gave Iran much more influence in Iraq (majority Shiites). Not to worry moms, those lives were spent liberating and protecting the oil.......
No country has used more drone strikes than the U.S. to carry out military objectives, and the way the U.S. has used drones has set a precedent for the rest of the world. The number of these strikes has steadily escalated since the late 1990s, as have the reasons for their use.

But until now the American military had never used a drone to kill a senior government official. Killing Soleimani crosses a threshold past presidents weren’t willing to cross. The question is: will other countries now use drones to target state officials? Could Russia, for example, use a drone strike to kill a high-ranking state official in the Ukraine? And if these sort of drone strikes become commonplace, what will that mean for global stability and peace?

News analysis: Did the drone strike on an Iranian general set a dangerous global precedent?
Govt official? You clowns are trying to make him some politician.

He was a General who commanded a designated terrorist organization. He was a legit target. The fact Barry Hussein was too big of a wimp to take him out doesn't change that.
She said, my son fought years in Iraq, for the leftists to allow Iran to take over, made all soldiers who died in that war worthless.

The overthrow of Saddam (Sunnis) and the US led, UN sanctioned occupation gave Iran much more influence in Iraq (majority Shiites). Not to worry moms, those lives were spent liberating and protecting the oil.......
yep, they fought with their lives. to give it back is still saying they fought for nothing. Wow, what a burden to place on those families, and you all love it. whoop whoop right?
Let's also not forget about what Obama, Biden and Clinton did in Libya

No country has used more drone strikes than the U.S. to carry out military objectives, and the way the U.S. has used drones has set a precedent for the rest of the world. The number of these strikes has steadily escalated since the late 1990s, as have the reasons for their use.

But until now the American military had never used a drone to kill a senior government official. Killing Soleimani crosses a threshold past presidents weren’t willing to cross. The question is: will other countries now use drones to target state officials? Could Russia, for example, use a drone strike to kill a high-ranking state official in the Ukraine? And if these sort of drone strikes become commonplace, what will that mean for global stability and peace?

News analysis: Did the drone strike on an Iranian general set a dangerous global precedent?
Govt official? You clowns are trying to make him some politician.

He was a General who commanded a designated terrorist organization. He was a legit target. The fact Barry Hussein was too big of a wimp to take him out doesn't change that.


No only was Obama Bin Lying a wimp, but when they got Intel from The Bin Laden raid, there was clear evidence Iran and Soleimani were financing Al Queada and the 9-11 High Jackers. Obama HID that FACT from American Citizens.

Iran Also had Billions of Dollars of Judgments against them for killing Americans, and the money Obama gave Iran was supposed to pay for those damages, BUT Obama knowing both these facts, BROKE International Law, US Law, and Violated UN Sanctions against Iran and flew $150 Billion dollars to The Devil's Country, Iran.

He should have been tried for Treason on that.

Then you have Weasel John Kerry violating The Logan Act and running off to Paris meeting with Iran to undermine US Policy. He should be shot for that.

Obama also took out Qadaffi because Qadaffi did not want The Russians in Libya and at that time Obama and Clinton were very cozy with Putin and were working closely with Russia in Iran, Crimea, Ukraine and elsewhere. So they had Qadaffi killed, and rather than be somber and respectful about it like Trump was when we took out Soleimani, Clinton laughed hysterically over it.

Obama also got in bed with Russia again when he gave Russia part of Our Aleutian Islands with huge Oil Reserves, Gave Russia 20% of our Uranium, Allowed them to Control Burisma and allowed them access to US Tax Dollars to develop Natural Gas and Oil in The Ukraine through Burisma, and then took out Qadaffi so Russia could move in and control Libyan Oil Fields in Libya.

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You obviously are ignorant of the two AUMF's still in effect covering the ME regarding the 911 attack and Bush's NeoCon regime building plans; PL 107-40 (2001) and PL 107-243 (2002). Neither authorized an Act of War on Iran AND the WarPowers Act!

Trump gave Congress notice of the assassination just before the 48 hours deadline REQUIRED by the War Powers Act to keep his ass off the BBQ spit. If NO EXISTING AUMF covered the military action and assissination, AN ACT OF WAR, that notification to Congress by Donny Orange within 48hrs was absolutely required.

It's painfully obvious that someone in the Orange Clown's coven of sycophantic ass-kissers let him in on the fact that NO AUMF COVERED the assassination of Gen Soleimani so, the notification of the attack HAD to be and was made according to the LAW. Read the War Powers Act at 50 USC §§ 1541-1548 and quit pulling bullshit out your dumb, fabricating lemming ass.
You are mistaken. Actually the bills to repeal the AUMF never made it through congress. They are still in effect.
She said, my son fought years in Iraq, for the leftists to allow Iran to take over, made all soldiers who died in that war worthless.

The overthrow of Saddam (Sunnis) and the US led, UN sanctioned occupation gave Iran much more influence in Iraq (majority Shiites). Not to worry moms, those lives were spent liberating and protecting the oil.......
yep, they fought with their lives. to give it back is still saying they fought for nothing. Wow, what a burden to place on those families, and you all love it. whoop whoop right?

Nothing was given back. Iran never had much controlled in the Iraqi government before President Bushes Strategic blunder of invading and occupying Iraq. Raygun should have never aided Saddam in the first place, then the families would never have been burdened with the loss.
She said, my son fought years in Iraq, for the leftists to allow Iran to take over, made all soldiers who died in that war worthless.

The overthrow of Saddam (Sunnis) and the US led, UN sanctioned occupation gave Iran much more influence in Iraq (majority Shiites). Not to worry moms, those lives were spent liberating and protecting the oil.......
yep, they fought with their lives. to give it back is still saying they fought for nothing. Wow, what a burden to place on those families, and you all love it. whoop whoop right?

Nothing was given back. Iran never had much controlled in the Iraqi government before President Bushes Strategic blunder of invading and occupying Iraq. Raygun should have never aided Saddam in the first place, then the families would never have been burdened with the loss.
I think God Himself was in control of Desert Storm. Don't tempt God, or you will end up Incinerated like Iran does in Ezekiel 38.

Let's also not forget about what Obama, Biden and Clinton did in Libya
Remember when Gadaffi blew up a commercial jet and splattered all those Americans across the Lockerbie landscape.

ISIS formed during the Iraq war while Bush was in office.
Remember when you criticized Reagan for going after Qadaffi?
All you have are lies and lying. I have always criticized Reagan for his weak response to Lockerbie.

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