Barry Hussein strikes without congressional approval vs Trump’s.

Yes .

Members of an actual terrorist group killing people.

Not a member of an government that supports various groups that use terrorists tactics.

The US supports groups that other countries call terrorist. So Trump & Pence & Pompeo are all legal targets by countries like Iran & Russia?
The terrorist you love and defend killed hundreds of American soldiers in Iraq.

You cheer that. Disgusting.

Not just killed, but crippled to. The left will hug a haji and shit on an American serviceman. Always been like that with them. Most republicans to, but the left has always shit on the common man.
The left stands for a common man.

Republicans stood for the wealthy.

Where the fuck have you been living? in Trump's ass?
The left stands for terrorists.

Funny how Obama went after the terrorists while you assfucks ran in circles screaming "illegal war!!!!"
The big difference is Trump attacks Terrorists, Obama hit hospitals and civilians.


Trump's civilian death count was so high, he ordered the military to quit counting them.

I would ask for a link, but we all know you do nothing but talk out of your ass.
Which part were you too uninformed to know?
How would I know what your latest pack of lies will be?

I posted this: "Trump's civilian death count was so high, he ordered the military to quit counting them."

I asked which part were you too fucking uninformed to know?

Why is that so difficult to get? Are you just stupid?
How would I know what your latest pack of lies will be?
Obama was a House Negro controlled by Iran, Russia and China.

My apologies to my Black Brothers who are Patriots.

It's only an issue because Trump don't have a cool name for droning bad guys. Token negro called it "the disposition matrix". All trump has to do is call it something cool and then all will be well.
Token negro?
Wonder where that came from?

Urban Dictionary: Token Negro

Token Negro
That one negro in TV shows when everyone else is white, and has to be there for political correct reasons.
Fifty percent of the time, this token negro has a trophy white wife, usually a blonde.
No one really likes the token negro as he is falsely described as intelligent, easy going, and the peacemaker. As if to say that whites are bad and blacks are the children of God.
Also has a bland personality.
2. Token Negro, The kind who tokes his weed.
That Dr. Quinn from SeaLab 2021.

That damn token negro gets the blonde and saves the day. That's about as likely as cats given birth to puppies.
The saving the day part. Stupid white chicks dig black man.
2. That token negro be sniffing the weed all day long

That sums Bammer up nicely. All he is is a guy white people can say they voted for to prove they are okay with black men. Other then being half black, Bammer is an empty suit.

Fuck you you racist POS.

I guess if a black man gains any office or such it is because he is a token.

In have news you racist fuck, Obama if far far far better educated than Trump,. Had far far far more experience in government than Trump.

Phew, Barry, read no more!!!
And where is he and where are you genius?
Or whining from your Alabama double wide.?
Never helped anyone in your zero college life
Your link is from:

Apr 4, 2017, 12:59 PM

The first few months of his Presidency, when Trump was having to clean up Barry Hussein's ''JV Team".

Major fail by you.:5_1_12024:
Omg it's from the zero college English 2 nd language cross eyed lovely.
Typical trumpanzee
How long did it take for you to find Palousy?
You can't have invented it?
Looks like I have a single digit IQ stalker.:banana:

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