Barry Hussein strikes without congressional approval vs Trump’s.

How many drone strikes has Trump ordered and how many has he killed, outside of this Hit?
If you want to know, look it up.
How many drone strikes has Trump ordered and how many has he killed, outside of this Hit?
If you want to know, look it up.
y'all Trumpers are two faced on this, not us....

Under Donald Trump, drone strikes far exceed Obama's numbers

In this 2013 file photo, an X47-B Navy drone grabs the wire as it lands aboard the nuclear aircraft carrier USS George H. W. Bush off the Virginia coast. | AP Photo/Steve Helber
If I gave you a pop quiz on recent current events, I bet you’d do pretty well, thanks to a 24-hour cable news cycle, late night talk shows, social media and popular culture.

You undoubtedly know that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle had their first child this week. You can likely go into some detail about the Mueller report. You probably have an opinion of Attorney General William Barr.


But what would you say if I asked you the following multiple choice question?

When it comes to President Obama’s drone wars, President Trump has:

A. Ended them

B. Continued them

C. Escalated them

You’re forgiven for not knowing the answer. It’s C. This administration has not only surpassed the previous one’s drone strike volume overseas, it has made the drone wars even more secretive, if that’s possible.

We can cobble together some reporting on the numbers, but finding exact figures on drone strikes in the Trump administration is difficult. More on that in a minute.

According to a 2018 report in The Daily Beast, Obama launched 186 drone strikes in Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan during his first two years in office. In Trump’s first two years, he launched 238.

The Trump administration has carried out 176 strikes in Yemen in just two years, compared with 154 there during all eight years of Obama’s tenure, according to a count by The Associated Press and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism.

Experts also say drone strikes under President Trump have surged in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.

And, as was the case during Obama’s presidency, these strikes have resulted in untold numbers of civilian casualties. According to the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, U.S. drone strikes in Afghanistan killed more than 150 civilians in the first nine months of 2018.

Amnesty International reports drones have killed at least 14 civilians in Somalia since 2017.

As of January of this year, U.S. drone strikes fighting ISIS in Iraq and Syria have killed at least 1,257 civilians, according to the Pentagon, and a monitoring group, Airwars, estimates the number to be as great as 7,500.

That you might not be aware of what should be a startling and deeply troubling escalation in unaccountable remote-control warfare by the U.S. is both by design and default.

For one, the Obama administration paved the way for popularizing and normalizing drone wars, which also included the extrajudicial killing of U.S. citizens, first by hiding it, then by begrudgingly acknowledging it, and then by pretending to meaningfully constrain it.

Obama eventually put in place arcane requirements to issue public reports on civilian death tolls (but just in certain military theaters), to limit targets to high-level militants (again, in certain battlefields), and require interagency approval (also only for certain targets).

Trump has peeled back all of those requirements because, well, he can. We now know more than we did about U.S. drone wars when Obama first took office, but less than when he left.

You can also blame cowardly, partisan politics for hearing little from lawmakers about these escalations. Republicans, of course, no longer criticize these sorts of things — even if they subscribe to Trump’s Obama-rebuking, “America First” isolationism. And Democrats who might take issue with unaccountable wars and civilian deaths know to do so they’d have to acknowledge Obama’s role in the mess, and so …Trump’s tax returns it is.

You can’t, however, blame the media for this one. Refreshingly, many mainstream outlets have been reporting on this escalation for months if not years. From Foreign Policy to The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal to Fox News, The Washington Post to CNN, the issue is getting coverage. Whether Americans care or not is another story.

De-escalating our involvement — even shadow or unmanned — in overseas conflicts was something that many Trump critics and supporters were rug, especially abroad. One CBC headline from 2016 read, “Drone King Barack Obama will not be missed.” Another, from The Guardian: “At least President Trump would ground the drones.”

It was all wishful thinking.

S.E. Cupp is the host of “S.E. Cupp Unfiltered” on CNN.

The big difference is Trump attacks Terrorists, Obama hit hospitals and civilians.

care to back that opinion up?

How many would you like?

U.S. airstrikes over Syria hit civilian target: 25 dead, 100+ injured - The Real Side With Joe Messina
How many drone strikes has Trump ordered and how many has he killed, outside of this Hit?
If you want to know, look it up.
How many drone strikes has Trump ordered and how many has he killed, outside of this Hit?
If you want to know, look it up.
y'all Trumpers are two faced on this, not us....

Under Donald Trump, drone strikes far exceed Obama's numbers

In this 2013 file photo, an X47-B Navy drone grabs the wire as it lands aboard the nuclear aircraft carrier USS George H. W. Bush off the Virginia coast. | AP Photo/Steve Helber
If I gave you a pop quiz on recent current events, I bet you’d do pretty well, thanks to a 24-hour cable news cycle, late night talk shows, social media and popular culture.

You undoubtedly know that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle had their first child this week. You can likely go into some detail about the Mueller report. You probably have an opinion of Attorney General William Barr.


But what would you say if I asked you the following multiple choice question?

When it comes to President Obama’s drone wars, President Trump has:

A. Ended them

B. Continued them

C. Escalated them

You’re forgiven for not knowing the answer. It’s C. This administration has not only surpassed the previous one’s drone strike volume overseas, it has made the drone wars even more secretive, if that’s possible.

We can cobble together some reporting on the numbers, but finding exact figures on drone strikes in the Trump administration is difficult. More on that in a minute.

According to a 2018 report in The Daily Beast, Obama launched 186 drone strikes in Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan during his first two years in office. In Trump’s first two years, he launched 238.

The Trump administration has carried out 176 strikes in Yemen in just two years, compared with 154 there during all eight years of Obama’s tenure, according to a count by The Associated Press and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism.

Experts also say drone strikes under President Trump have surged in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.

And, as was the case during Obama’s presidency, these strikes have resulted in untold numbers of civilian casualties. According to the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, U.S. drone strikes in Afghanistan killed more than 150 civilians in the first nine months of 2018.

Amnesty International reports drones have killed at least 14 civilians in Somalia since 2017.

As of January of this year, U.S. drone strikes fighting ISIS in Iraq and Syria have killed at least 1,257 civilians, according to the Pentagon, and a monitoring group, Airwars, estimates the number to be as great as 7,500.

That you might not be aware of what should be a startling and deeply troubling escalation in unaccountable remote-control warfare by the U.S. is both by design and default.

For one, the Obama administration paved the way for popularizing and normalizing drone wars, which also included the extrajudicial killing of U.S. citizens, first by hiding it, then by begrudgingly acknowledging it, and then by pretending to meaningfully constrain it.

Obama eventually put in place arcane requirements to issue public reports on civilian death tolls (but just in certain military theaters), to limit targets to high-level militants (again, in certain battlefields), and require interagency approval (also only for certain targets).

Trump has peeled back all of those requirements because, well, he can. We now know more than we did about U.S. drone wars when Obama first took office, but less than when he left.

You can also blame cowardly, partisan politics for hearing little from lawmakers about these escalations. Republicans, of course, no longer criticize these sorts of things — even if they subscribe to Trump’s Obama-rebuking, “America First” isolationism. And Democrats who might take issue with unaccountable wars and civilian deaths know to do so they’d have to acknowledge Obama’s role in the mess, and so …Trump’s tax returns it is.

You can’t, however, blame the media for this one. Refreshingly, many mainstream outlets have been reporting on this escalation for months if not years. From Foreign Policy to The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal to Fox News, The Washington Post to CNN, the issue is getting coverage. Whether Americans care or not is another story.

De-escalating our involvement — even shadow or unmanned — in overseas conflicts was something that many Trump critics and supporters were rug, especially abroad. One CBC headline from 2016 read, “Drone King Barack Obama will not be missed.” Another, from The Guardian: “At least President Trump would ground the drones.”

It was all wishful thinking.

S.E. Cupp is the host of “S.E. Cupp Unfiltered” on CNN.

The big difference is Trump attacks Terrorists, Obama hit hospitals and civilians.

care to back that opinion up?

How many would you like?

U.S. airstrikes over Syria hit civilian target: 25 dead, 100+ injured - The Real Side With Joe Messina
and in order to compare, how many drone strikes or moves under President Trump killed civilians and how many civilians?
Your token negro killed over 300 innocent civilians and bragged about it. Most likely becaus Machelle never takes the boot off his throat. Your token negro, the half black guy you voted for in hopes of getting cried with your black friends got his jollies killing woman and children and you support it. you, and dumb sheep like you never questioned his personal kill list or what he dubbed "the disposition matrix". It's stupid lemmings like you that got us the govrenment we have now. Now stop being emotional. I swear you are like a tween gal on the rag.

OH SHUT THE FUCK UP, you blithering Breitbart parrot.

You shut the fuck up. You just can't get over the rack that your hero Barry killed woman and children and bragged about it. Deal with it.

When did Obama brag about killing women & children.

Obama worked to keep civilian casualties to a minimum. They tracked the number killed.

Your fat assed orange buddy told the military to quit tracking them.

If we are to use drones, there will be civilian casualties. Obama cared & tried to reduce them. Trump declared them irrelevant.

Posted a link. You love a woman killing presidant. I'll take a pussy grabber over a woman/child killer any day.

You stupid fuck. How many civilians has Trump killed with his drone strikes.

Trump grabs pussies by choice for his personal benefit.

Not the same as fighting an enemy in a war. Oh wait, you love AL Qaeda & You love ISIS & we should do nothing to fight them? Is that it?

Trump is a fraud, business cheat, adulter, accused child rapist and liat. All of these are for his personal benefit.

Not fighting terrorists.

Can't say sheep, but I will say your token half negro killed a 16 year old and bragged about it. Typical leftward. Live their whole lives feeling picked on and rejected and what do they do? Punch an old woman or send a drone to kill an American teen and his dad. Kill a kid, the left makes you a god.
Your token negro killed over 300 innocent civilians and bragged about it. Most likely becaus Machelle never takes the boot off his throat. Your token negro, the half black guy you voted for in hopes of getting cried with your black friends got his jollies killing woman and children and you support it. you, and dumb sheep like you never questioned his personal kill list or what he dubbed "the disposition matrix". It's stupid lemmings like you that got us the govrenment we have now. Now stop being emotional. I swear you are like a tween gal on the rag.

OH SHUT THE FUCK UP, you blithering Breitbart parrot.

You shut the fuck up. You just can't get over the rack that your hero Barry killed woman and children and bragged about it. Deal with it.

When did Obama brag about killing women & children.

Obama worked to keep civilian casualties to a minimum. They tracked the number killed.

Your fat assed orange buddy told the military to quit tracking them.

If we are to use drones, there will be civilian casualties. Obama cared & tried to reduce them. Trump declared them irrelevant.

Posted a link. You love a woman killing presidant. I'll take a pussy grabber over a woman/child killer any day.

Huh... those the only two choices??

Na. Only for the argument.
So since Ears did it, it’s okay for Don to do it. Is that right?

Why would you want Don emulating O, when you hate O?
Obama did it.....he did worse.....but Trump can't.
Obama is loved by the press.....but Trump is a dictator.
This country must be filled with racists......
Filled with stupid fucks like you.

Obama never sent a drone to kill an government official.

Killing Al Qaeda & Isis members is not the same thing.

Trump gets negative press because he does negative shit.
Did Obama assassinate a terrorist? Yes, or no?

Yes .

Members of an actual terrorist group killing people.

Not a member of an government that supports various groups that use terrorists tactics.

The US supports groups that other countries call terrorist. So Trump & Pence & Pompeo are all legal targets by countries like Iran & Russia?
The terrorist you love and defend killed hundreds of American soldiers in Iraq.

You cheer that. Disgusting.

Not just killed, but crippled to. The left will hug a haji and shit on an American serviceman. Always been like that with them. Most republicans to, but the left has always shit on the common man.
So since Ears did it, it’s okay for Don to do it. Is that right?

Why would you want Don emulating O, when you hate O?
Obama did it.....he did worse.....but Trump can't.
Obama is loved by the press.....but Trump is a dictator.
This country must be filled with racists......
Filled with stupid fucks like you.

Obama never sent a drone to kill an government official.

Killing Al Qaeda & Isis members is not the same thing.

Trump gets negative press because he does negative shit.
Obama only killed wedding parties and other small people of no significance.
I can see why he wanted nobody to mention his drone program in public.
He had alot of fun killing under the wire and creating enemies to America while receiving praise from a fawning press.
How many drone strikes has Trump ordered and how many has he killed, outside of this Hit?
If you want to know, look it up.
How many drone strikes has Trump ordered and how many has he killed, outside of this Hit?
If you want to know, look it up.
y'all Trumpers are two faced on this, not us....

Under Donald Trump, drone strikes far exceed Obama's numbers

In this 2013 file photo, an X47-B Navy drone grabs the wire as it lands aboard the nuclear aircraft carrier USS George H. W. Bush off the Virginia coast. | AP Photo/Steve Helber
If I gave you a pop quiz on recent current events, I bet you’d do pretty well, thanks to a 24-hour cable news cycle, late night talk shows, social media and popular culture.

You undoubtedly know that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle had their first child this week. You can likely go into some detail about the Mueller report. You probably have an opinion of Attorney General William Barr.


But what would you say if I asked you the following multiple choice question?

When it comes to President Obama’s drone wars, President Trump has:

A. Ended them

B. Continued them

C. Escalated them

You’re forgiven for not knowing the answer. It’s C. This administration has not only surpassed the previous one’s drone strike volume overseas, it has made the drone wars even more secretive, if that’s possible.

We can cobble together some reporting on the numbers, but finding exact figures on drone strikes in the Trump administration is difficult. More on that in a minute.

According to a 2018 report in The Daily Beast, Obama launched 186 drone strikes in Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan during his first two years in office. In Trump’s first two years, he launched 238.

The Trump administration has carried out 176 strikes in Yemen in just two years, compared with 154 there during all eight years of Obama’s tenure, according to a count by The Associated Press and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism.

Experts also say drone strikes under President Trump have surged in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.

And, as was the case during Obama’s presidency, these strikes have resulted in untold numbers of civilian casualties. According to the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, U.S. drone strikes in Afghanistan killed more than 150 civilians in the first nine months of 2018.

Amnesty International reports drones have killed at least 14 civilians in Somalia since 2017.

As of January of this year, U.S. drone strikes fighting ISIS in Iraq and Syria have killed at least 1,257 civilians, according to the Pentagon, and a monitoring group, Airwars, estimates the number to be as great as 7,500.

That you might not be aware of what should be a startling and deeply troubling escalation in unaccountable remote-control warfare by the U.S. is both by design and default.

For one, the Obama administration paved the way for popularizing and normalizing drone wars, which also included the extrajudicial killing of U.S. citizens, first by hiding it, then by begrudgingly acknowledging it, and then by pretending to meaningfully constrain it.

Obama eventually put in place arcane requirements to issue public reports on civilian death tolls (but just in certain military theaters), to limit targets to high-level militants (again, in certain battlefields), and require interagency approval (also only for certain targets).

Trump has peeled back all of those requirements because, well, he can. We now know more than we did about U.S. drone wars when Obama first took office, but less than when he left.

You can also blame cowardly, partisan politics for hearing little from lawmakers about these escalations. Republicans, of course, no longer criticize these sorts of things — even if they subscribe to Trump’s Obama-rebuking, “America First” isolationism. And Democrats who might take issue with unaccountable wars and civilian deaths know to do so they’d have to acknowledge Obama’s role in the mess, and so …Trump’s tax returns it is.

You can’t, however, blame the media for this one. Refreshingly, many mainstream outlets have been reporting on this escalation for months if not years. From Foreign Policy to The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal to Fox News, The Washington Post to CNN, the issue is getting coverage. Whether Americans care or not is another story.

De-escalating our involvement — even shadow or unmanned — in overseas conflicts was something that many Trump critics and supporters were rug, especially abroad. One CBC headline from 2016 read, “Drone King Barack Obama will not be missed.” Another, from The Guardian: “At least President Trump would ground the drones.”

It was all wishful thinking.

S.E. Cupp is the host of “S.E. Cupp Unfiltered” on CNN.

The big difference is Trump attacks Terrorists, Obama hit hospitals and civilians.


Trump's civilian death count was so high, he ordered the military to quit counting them.

I would ask for a link, but we all know you do nothing but talk out of your ass.
How many drone strikes has Trump ordered and how many has he killed, outside of this Hit?
If you want to know, look it up.
How many drone strikes has Trump ordered and how many has he killed, outside of this Hit?
If you want to know, look it up.
y'all Trumpers are two faced on this, not us....

Under Donald Trump, drone strikes far exceed Obama's numbers

In this 2013 file photo, an X47-B Navy drone grabs the wire as it lands aboard the nuclear aircraft carrier USS George H. W. Bush off the Virginia coast. | AP Photo/Steve Helber
If I gave you a pop quiz on recent current events, I bet you’d do pretty well, thanks to a 24-hour cable news cycle, late night talk shows, social media and popular culture.

You undoubtedly know that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle had their first child this week. You can likely go into some detail about the Mueller report. You probably have an opinion of Attorney General William Barr.


But what would you say if I asked you the following multiple choice question?

When it comes to President Obama’s drone wars, President Trump has:

A. Ended them

B. Continued them

C. Escalated them

You’re forgiven for not knowing the answer. It’s C. This administration has not only surpassed the previous one’s drone strike volume overseas, it has made the drone wars even more secretive, if that’s possible.

We can cobble together some reporting on the numbers, but finding exact figures on drone strikes in the Trump administration is difficult. More on that in a minute.

According to a 2018 report in The Daily Beast, Obama launched 186 drone strikes in Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan during his first two years in office. In Trump’s first two years, he launched 238.

The Trump administration has carried out 176 strikes in Yemen in just two years, compared with 154 there during all eight years of Obama’s tenure, according to a count by The Associated Press and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism.

Experts also say drone strikes under President Trump have surged in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.

And, as was the case during Obama’s presidency, these strikes have resulted in untold numbers of civilian casualties. According to the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, U.S. drone strikes in Afghanistan killed more than 150 civilians in the first nine months of 2018.

Amnesty International reports drones have killed at least 14 civilians in Somalia since 2017.

As of January of this year, U.S. drone strikes fighting ISIS in Iraq and Syria have killed at least 1,257 civilians, according to the Pentagon, and a monitoring group, Airwars, estimates the number to be as great as 7,500.

That you might not be aware of what should be a startling and deeply troubling escalation in unaccountable remote-control warfare by the U.S. is both by design and default.

For one, the Obama administration paved the way for popularizing and normalizing drone wars, which also included the extrajudicial killing of U.S. citizens, first by hiding it, then by begrudgingly acknowledging it, and then by pretending to meaningfully constrain it.

Obama eventually put in place arcane requirements to issue public reports on civilian death tolls (but just in certain military theaters), to limit targets to high-level militants (again, in certain battlefields), and require interagency approval (also only for certain targets).

Trump has peeled back all of those requirements because, well, he can. We now know more than we did about U.S. drone wars when Obama first took office, but less than when he left.

You can also blame cowardly, partisan politics for hearing little from lawmakers about these escalations. Republicans, of course, no longer criticize these sorts of things — even if they subscribe to Trump’s Obama-rebuking, “America First” isolationism. And Democrats who might take issue with unaccountable wars and civilian deaths know to do so they’d have to acknowledge Obama’s role in the mess, and so …Trump’s tax returns it is.

You can’t, however, blame the media for this one. Refreshingly, many mainstream outlets have been reporting on this escalation for months if not years. From Foreign Policy to The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal to Fox News, The Washington Post to CNN, the issue is getting coverage. Whether Americans care or not is another story.

De-escalating our involvement — even shadow or unmanned — in overseas conflicts was something that many Trump critics and supporters were rug, especially abroad. One CBC headline from 2016 read, “Drone King Barack Obama will not be missed.” Another, from The Guardian: “At least President Trump would ground the drones.”

It was all wishful thinking.

S.E. Cupp is the host of “S.E. Cupp Unfiltered” on CNN.

The big difference is Trump attacks Terrorists, Obama hit hospitals and civilians.

care to back that opinion up?


Obama apologizes to Doctors Without Borders for U.S. bombing of hospital
How many drone strikes has Trump ordered and how many has he killed, outside of this Hit?
If you want to know, look it up.
How many drone strikes has Trump ordered and how many has he killed, outside of this Hit?
If you want to know, look it up.
y'all Trumpers are two faced on this, not us....

Under Donald Trump, drone strikes far exceed Obama's numbers

In this 2013 file photo, an X47-B Navy drone grabs the wire as it lands aboard the nuclear aircraft carrier USS George H. W. Bush off the Virginia coast. | AP Photo/Steve Helber
If I gave you a pop quiz on recent current events, I bet you’d do pretty well, thanks to a 24-hour cable news cycle, late night talk shows, social media and popular culture.

You undoubtedly know that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle had their first child this week. You can likely go into some detail about the Mueller report. You probably have an opinion of Attorney General William Barr.


But what would you say if I asked you the following multiple choice question?

When it comes to President Obama’s drone wars, President Trump has:

A. Ended them

B. Continued them

C. Escalated them

You’re forgiven for not knowing the answer. It’s C. This administration has not only surpassed the previous one’s drone strike volume overseas, it has made the drone wars even more secretive, if that’s possible.

We can cobble together some reporting on the numbers, but finding exact figures on drone strikes in the Trump administration is difficult. More on that in a minute.

According to a 2018 report in The Daily Beast, Obama launched 186 drone strikes in Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan during his first two years in office. In Trump’s first two years, he launched 238.

The Trump administration has carried out 176 strikes in Yemen in just two years, compared with 154 there during all eight years of Obama’s tenure, according to a count by The Associated Press and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism.

Experts also say drone strikes under President Trump have surged in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.

And, as was the case during Obama’s presidency, these strikes have resulted in untold numbers of civilian casualties. According to the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, U.S. drone strikes in Afghanistan killed more than 150 civilians in the first nine months of 2018.

Amnesty International reports drones have killed at least 14 civilians in Somalia since 2017.

As of January of this year, U.S. drone strikes fighting ISIS in Iraq and Syria have killed at least 1,257 civilians, according to the Pentagon, and a monitoring group, Airwars, estimates the number to be as great as 7,500.

That you might not be aware of what should be a startling and deeply troubling escalation in unaccountable remote-control warfare by the U.S. is both by design and default.

For one, the Obama administration paved the way for popularizing and normalizing drone wars, which also included the extrajudicial killing of U.S. citizens, first by hiding it, then by begrudgingly acknowledging it, and then by pretending to meaningfully constrain it.

Obama eventually put in place arcane requirements to issue public reports on civilian death tolls (but just in certain military theaters), to limit targets to high-level militants (again, in certain battlefields), and require interagency approval (also only for certain targets).

Trump has peeled back all of those requirements because, well, he can. We now know more than we did about U.S. drone wars when Obama first took office, but less than when he left.

You can also blame cowardly, partisan politics for hearing little from lawmakers about these escalations. Republicans, of course, no longer criticize these sorts of things — even if they subscribe to Trump’s Obama-rebuking, “America First” isolationism. And Democrats who might take issue with unaccountable wars and civilian deaths know to do so they’d have to acknowledge Obama’s role in the mess, and so …Trump’s tax returns it is.

You can’t, however, blame the media for this one. Refreshingly, many mainstream outlets have been reporting on this escalation for months if not years. From Foreign Policy to The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal to Fox News, The Washington Post to CNN, the issue is getting coverage. Whether Americans care or not is another story.

De-escalating our involvement — even shadow or unmanned — in overseas conflicts was something that many Trump critics and supporters were rug, especially abroad. One CBC headline from 2016 read, “Drone King Barack Obama will not be missed.” Another, from The Guardian: “At least President Trump would ground the drones.”

It was all wishful thinking.

S.E. Cupp is the host of “S.E. Cupp Unfiltered” on CNN.

The big difference is Trump attacks Terrorists, Obama hit hospitals and civilians.


Trump's civilian death count was so high, he ordered the military to quit counting them.

I would ask for a link, but we all know you do nothing but talk out of your ass.
Which part were you too uninformed to know?
So since Ears did it, it’s okay for Don to do it. Is that right?

Why would you want Don emulating O, when you hate O?
Obama did it.....he did worse.....but Trump can't.
Obama is loved by the press.....but Trump is a dictator.
This country must be filled with racists......
Filled with stupid fucks like you.

Obama never sent a drone to kill an government official.

Killing Al Qaeda & Isis members is not the same thing.

Trump gets negative press because he does negative shit.
Obama only killed wedding parties and other small people of no significance.
I can see why he wanted nobody to mention his drone program in public.
He had alot of fun killing under the wire and creating enemies to America while receiving praise from a fawning press.
Which drone strike are you talking about?

If Obama had fun killing civilians then Bush must have been the happiest man alive followed by Trump.
Obama did it.....he did worse.....but Trump can't.
Obama is loved by the press.....but Trump is a dictator.
This country must be filled with racists......
Filled with stupid fucks like you.

Obama never sent a drone to kill an government official.

Killing Al Qaeda & Isis members is not the same thing.

Trump gets negative press because he does negative shit.
Did Obama assassinate a terrorist? Yes, or no?

Yes .

Members of an actual terrorist group killing people.

Not a member of an government that supports various groups that use terrorists tactics.

The US supports groups that other countries call terrorist. So Trump & Pence & Pompeo are all legal targets by countries like Iran & Russia?
The terrorist you love and defend killed hundreds of American soldiers in Iraq.

You cheer that. Disgusting.

Not just killed, but crippled to. The left will hug a haji and shit on an American serviceman. Always been like that with them. Most republicans to, but the left has always shit on the common man.
The left stands for a common man.

Republicans stood for the wealthy.

Where the fuck have you been living? in Trump's ass?
If you want to know, look it up.
If you want to know, look it up.
y'all Trumpers are two faced on this, not us....

Under Donald Trump, drone strikes far exceed Obama's numbers

In this 2013 file photo, an X47-B Navy drone grabs the wire as it lands aboard the nuclear aircraft carrier USS George H. W. Bush off the Virginia coast. | AP Photo/Steve Helber
If I gave you a pop quiz on recent current events, I bet you’d do pretty well, thanks to a 24-hour cable news cycle, late night talk shows, social media and popular culture.

You undoubtedly know that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle had their first child this week. You can likely go into some detail about the Mueller report. You probably have an opinion of Attorney General William Barr.


But what would you say if I asked you the following multiple choice question?

When it comes to President Obama’s drone wars, President Trump has:

A. Ended them

B. Continued them

C. Escalated them

You’re forgiven for not knowing the answer. It’s C. This administration has not only surpassed the previous one’s drone strike volume overseas, it has made the drone wars even more secretive, if that’s possible.

We can cobble together some reporting on the numbers, but finding exact figures on drone strikes in the Trump administration is difficult. More on that in a minute.

According to a 2018 report in The Daily Beast, Obama launched 186 drone strikes in Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan during his first two years in office. In Trump’s first two years, he launched 238.

The Trump administration has carried out 176 strikes in Yemen in just two years, compared with 154 there during all eight years of Obama’s tenure, according to a count by The Associated Press and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism.

Experts also say drone strikes under President Trump have surged in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.

And, as was the case during Obama’s presidency, these strikes have resulted in untold numbers of civilian casualties. According to the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, U.S. drone strikes in Afghanistan killed more than 150 civilians in the first nine months of 2018.

Amnesty International reports drones have killed at least 14 civilians in Somalia since 2017.

As of January of this year, U.S. drone strikes fighting ISIS in Iraq and Syria have killed at least 1,257 civilians, according to the Pentagon, and a monitoring group, Airwars, estimates the number to be as great as 7,500.

That you might not be aware of what should be a startling and deeply troubling escalation in unaccountable remote-control warfare by the U.S. is both by design and default.

For one, the Obama administration paved the way for popularizing and normalizing drone wars, which also included the extrajudicial killing of U.S. citizens, first by hiding it, then by begrudgingly acknowledging it, and then by pretending to meaningfully constrain it.

Obama eventually put in place arcane requirements to issue public reports on civilian death tolls (but just in certain military theaters), to limit targets to high-level militants (again, in certain battlefields), and require interagency approval (also only for certain targets).

Trump has peeled back all of those requirements because, well, he can. We now know more than we did about U.S. drone wars when Obama first took office, but less than when he left.

You can also blame cowardly, partisan politics for hearing little from lawmakers about these escalations. Republicans, of course, no longer criticize these sorts of things — even if they subscribe to Trump’s Obama-rebuking, “America First” isolationism. And Democrats who might take issue with unaccountable wars and civilian deaths know to do so they’d have to acknowledge Obama’s role in the mess, and so …Trump’s tax returns it is.

You can’t, however, blame the media for this one. Refreshingly, many mainstream outlets have been reporting on this escalation for months if not years. From Foreign Policy to The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal to Fox News, The Washington Post to CNN, the issue is getting coverage. Whether Americans care or not is another story.

De-escalating our involvement — even shadow or unmanned — in overseas conflicts was something that many Trump critics and supporters were rug, especially abroad. One CBC headline from 2016 read, “Drone King Barack Obama will not be missed.” Another, from The Guardian: “At least President Trump would ground the drones.”

It was all wishful thinking.

S.E. Cupp is the host of “S.E. Cupp Unfiltered” on CNN.

The big difference is Trump attacks Terrorists, Obama hit hospitals and civilians.

care to back that opinion up?

How many would you like?

U.S. airstrikes over Syria hit civilian target: 25 dead, 100+ injured - The Real Side With Joe Messina
and in order to compare, how many drone strikes or moves under President Trump killed civilians and how many civilians?
Trump ordered the military to no long track civilian deaths so we will never know.
If you want to know, look it up.
If you want to know, look it up.
y'all Trumpers are two faced on this, not us....

Under Donald Trump, drone strikes far exceed Obama's numbers

In this 2013 file photo, an X47-B Navy drone grabs the wire as it lands aboard the nuclear aircraft carrier USS George H. W. Bush off the Virginia coast. | AP Photo/Steve Helber
If I gave you a pop quiz on recent current events, I bet you’d do pretty well, thanks to a 24-hour cable news cycle, late night talk shows, social media and popular culture.

You undoubtedly know that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle had their first child this week. You can likely go into some detail about the Mueller report. You probably have an opinion of Attorney General William Barr.


But what would you say if I asked you the following multiple choice question?

When it comes to President Obama’s drone wars, President Trump has:

A. Ended them

B. Continued them

C. Escalated them

You’re forgiven for not knowing the answer. It’s C. This administration has not only surpassed the previous one’s drone strike volume overseas, it has made the drone wars even more secretive, if that’s possible.

We can cobble together some reporting on the numbers, but finding exact figures on drone strikes in the Trump administration is difficult. More on that in a minute.

According to a 2018 report in The Daily Beast, Obama launched 186 drone strikes in Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan during his first two years in office. In Trump’s first two years, he launched 238.

The Trump administration has carried out 176 strikes in Yemen in just two years, compared with 154 there during all eight years of Obama’s tenure, according to a count by The Associated Press and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism.

Experts also say drone strikes under President Trump have surged in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.

And, as was the case during Obama’s presidency, these strikes have resulted in untold numbers of civilian casualties. According to the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, U.S. drone strikes in Afghanistan killed more than 150 civilians in the first nine months of 2018.

Amnesty International reports drones have killed at least 14 civilians in Somalia since 2017.

As of January of this year, U.S. drone strikes fighting ISIS in Iraq and Syria have killed at least 1,257 civilians, according to the Pentagon, and a monitoring group, Airwars, estimates the number to be as great as 7,500.

That you might not be aware of what should be a startling and deeply troubling escalation in unaccountable remote-control warfare by the U.S. is both by design and default.

For one, the Obama administration paved the way for popularizing and normalizing drone wars, which also included the extrajudicial killing of U.S. citizens, first by hiding it, then by begrudgingly acknowledging it, and then by pretending to meaningfully constrain it.

Obama eventually put in place arcane requirements to issue public reports on civilian death tolls (but just in certain military theaters), to limit targets to high-level militants (again, in certain battlefields), and require interagency approval (also only for certain targets).

Trump has peeled back all of those requirements because, well, he can. We now know more than we did about U.S. drone wars when Obama first took office, but less than when he left.

You can also blame cowardly, partisan politics for hearing little from lawmakers about these escalations. Republicans, of course, no longer criticize these sorts of things — even if they subscribe to Trump’s Obama-rebuking, “America First” isolationism. And Democrats who might take issue with unaccountable wars and civilian deaths know to do so they’d have to acknowledge Obama’s role in the mess, and so …Trump’s tax returns it is.

You can’t, however, blame the media for this one. Refreshingly, many mainstream outlets have been reporting on this escalation for months if not years. From Foreign Policy to The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal to Fox News, The Washington Post to CNN, the issue is getting coverage. Whether Americans care or not is another story.

De-escalating our involvement — even shadow or unmanned — in overseas conflicts was something that many Trump critics and supporters were rug, especially abroad. One CBC headline from 2016 read, “Drone King Barack Obama will not be missed.” Another, from The Guardian: “At least President Trump would ground the drones.”

It was all wishful thinking.

S.E. Cupp is the host of “S.E. Cupp Unfiltered” on CNN.

The big difference is Trump attacks Terrorists, Obama hit hospitals and civilians.


Trump's civilian death count was so high, he ordered the military to quit counting them.

I would ask for a link, but we all know you do nothing but talk out of your ass.
Which part were you too uninformed to know?
How would I know what your latest pack of lies will be?
Filled with stupid fucks like you.

Obama never sent a drone to kill an government official.

Killing Al Qaeda & Isis members is not the same thing.

Trump gets negative press because he does negative shit.
Did Obama assassinate a terrorist? Yes, or no?

Yes .

Members of an actual terrorist group killing people.

Not a member of an government that supports various groups that use terrorists tactics.

The US supports groups that other countries call terrorist. So Trump & Pence & Pompeo are all legal targets by countries like Iran & Russia?
The terrorist you love and defend killed hundreds of American soldiers in Iraq.

You cheer that. Disgusting.

Not just killed, but crippled to. The left will hug a haji and shit on an American serviceman. Always been like that with them. Most republicans to, but the left has always shit on the common man.
The left stands for a common man.

Republicans stood for the wealthy.

Where the fuck have you been living? in Trump's ass?
The left stands for terrorists.
Did Obama assassinate a terrorist? Yes, or no?

Yes .

Members of an actual terrorist group killing people.

Not a member of an government that supports various groups that use terrorists tactics.

The US supports groups that other countries call terrorist. So Trump & Pence & Pompeo are all legal targets by countries like Iran & Russia?
The terrorist you love and defend killed hundreds of American soldiers in Iraq.

You cheer that. Disgusting.

Not just killed, but crippled to. The left will hug a haji and shit on an American serviceman. Always been like that with them. Most republicans to, but the left has always shit on the common man.
The left stands for a common man.

Republicans stood for the wealthy.

Where the fuck have you been living? in Trump's ass?
The left stands for terrorists.

Funny how Obama went after the terrorists while you assfucks ran in circles screaming "illegal war!!!!"
y'all Trumpers are two faced on this, not us....

Under Donald Trump, drone strikes far exceed Obama's numbers

In this 2013 file photo, an X47-B Navy drone grabs the wire as it lands aboard the nuclear aircraft carrier USS George H. W. Bush off the Virginia coast. | AP Photo/Steve Helber
If I gave you a pop quiz on recent current events, I bet you’d do pretty well, thanks to a 24-hour cable news cycle, late night talk shows, social media and popular culture.

You undoubtedly know that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle had their first child this week. You can likely go into some detail about the Mueller report. You probably have an opinion of Attorney General William Barr.


But what would you say if I asked you the following multiple choice question?

When it comes to President Obama’s drone wars, President Trump has:

A. Ended them

B. Continued them

C. Escalated them

You’re forgiven for not knowing the answer. It’s C. This administration has not only surpassed the previous one’s drone strike volume overseas, it has made the drone wars even more secretive, if that’s possible.

We can cobble together some reporting on the numbers, but finding exact figures on drone strikes in the Trump administration is difficult. More on that in a minute.

According to a 2018 report in The Daily Beast, Obama launched 186 drone strikes in Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan during his first two years in office. In Trump’s first two years, he launched 238.

The Trump administration has carried out 176 strikes in Yemen in just two years, compared with 154 there during all eight years of Obama’s tenure, according to a count by The Associated Press and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism.

Experts also say drone strikes under President Trump have surged in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.

And, as was the case during Obama’s presidency, these strikes have resulted in untold numbers of civilian casualties. According to the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, U.S. drone strikes in Afghanistan killed more than 150 civilians in the first nine months of 2018.

Amnesty International reports drones have killed at least 14 civilians in Somalia since 2017.

As of January of this year, U.S. drone strikes fighting ISIS in Iraq and Syria have killed at least 1,257 civilians, according to the Pentagon, and a monitoring group, Airwars, estimates the number to be as great as 7,500.

That you might not be aware of what should be a startling and deeply troubling escalation in unaccountable remote-control warfare by the U.S. is both by design and default.

For one, the Obama administration paved the way for popularizing and normalizing drone wars, which also included the extrajudicial killing of U.S. citizens, first by hiding it, then by begrudgingly acknowledging it, and then by pretending to meaningfully constrain it.

Obama eventually put in place arcane requirements to issue public reports on civilian death tolls (but just in certain military theaters), to limit targets to high-level militants (again, in certain battlefields), and require interagency approval (also only for certain targets).

Trump has peeled back all of those requirements because, well, he can. We now know more than we did about U.S. drone wars when Obama first took office, but less than when he left.

You can also blame cowardly, partisan politics for hearing little from lawmakers about these escalations. Republicans, of course, no longer criticize these sorts of things — even if they subscribe to Trump’s Obama-rebuking, “America First” isolationism. And Democrats who might take issue with unaccountable wars and civilian deaths know to do so they’d have to acknowledge Obama’s role in the mess, and so …Trump’s tax returns it is.

You can’t, however, blame the media for this one. Refreshingly, many mainstream outlets have been reporting on this escalation for months if not years. From Foreign Policy to The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal to Fox News, The Washington Post to CNN, the issue is getting coverage. Whether Americans care or not is another story.

De-escalating our involvement — even shadow or unmanned — in overseas conflicts was something that many Trump critics and supporters were rug, especially abroad. One CBC headline from 2016 read, “Drone King Barack Obama will not be missed.” Another, from The Guardian: “At least President Trump would ground the drones.”

It was all wishful thinking.

S.E. Cupp is the host of “S.E. Cupp Unfiltered” on CNN.

The big difference is Trump attacks Terrorists, Obama hit hospitals and civilians.


Trump's civilian death count was so high, he ordered the military to quit counting them.

I would ask for a link, but we all know you do nothing but talk out of your ass.
Which part were you too uninformed to know?
How would I know what your latest pack of lies will be?

I posted this: "Trump's civilian death count was so high, he ordered the military to quit counting them."

I asked which part were you too fucking uninformed to know?

Why is that so difficult to get? Are you just stupid?
So since Ears did it, it’s okay for Don to do it. Is that right?

Why would you want Don emulating O, when you hate O?

At least with Trump, the world hears about it.

With Obama, no one knows what the hell is going on.

Which do you prefer?
So since Ears did it, it’s okay for Don to do it. Is that right?

Why would you want Don emulating O, when you hate O?
Obama did it.....he did worse.....but Trump can't.
Obama is loved by the press.....but Trump is a dictator.
This country must be filled with racists......
Filled with stupid fucks like you.

Obama never sent a drone to kill an government official.

Killing Al Qaeda & Isis members is not the same thing.

Trump gets negative press because he does negative shit.
Obama only killed wedding parties and other small people of no significance.
I can see why he wanted nobody to mention his drone program in public.
He had alot of fun killing under the wire and creating enemies to America while receiving praise from a fawning press.
Which drone strike are you talking about?

If Obama had fun killing civilians then Bush must have been the happiest man alive followed by Trump.
So anything Bush did is a valid excuse???

Foreign policies dictated by moral-relativism is just a poor excuse for incompetence.

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