Barry Hussein strikes without congressional approval vs Trump’s.

You obviously are ignorant of the two AUMF's still in effect covering the ME regarding the 911 attack and Bush's NeoCon regime building plans; PL 107-40 (2001) and PL 107-243 (2002). Neither authorized an Act of War on Iran AND the WarPowers Act!

Trump gave Congress notice of the assassination just before the 48 hours deadline REQUIRED by the War Powers Act to keep his ass off the BBQ spit. If NO EXISTING AUMF covered the military action and assissination, AN ACT OF WAR, that notification to Congress by Donny Orange within 48hrs was absolutely required.

It's painfully obvious that someone in the Orange Clown's coven of sycophantic ass-kissers let him in on the fact that NO AUMF COVERED the assassination of Gen Soleimani so, the notification of the attack HAD to be and was made according to the LAW. Read the War Powers Act at 50 USC §§ 1541-1548 and quit pulling bullshit out your dumb, fabricating lemming ass.
You are mistaken. Actually the bills to repeal the AUMF never made it through congress. They are still in effect.
You are mistaken. Actually the bills to repeal the AUMF never made it through congress. They are still in effect.
Re-read what I wrote. I acknowledged the existence of PL 107-40 and PL 107-243, the two AUMF's. The legal authorization for both was the War Powers Act (WPA) of 1973. It was the 48 max hour notification required by the WPA by POTUS to Congress upon initiation of hostile US action I was trying to stuff into the vacuous skull of "Nostra".
Let's also not forget about what Obama, Biden and Clinton did in Libya
Remember when Gadaffi blew up a commercial jet and splattered all those Americans across the Lockerbie landscape.

ISIS formed during the Iraq war while Bush was in office.
Remember when you criticized Reagan for going after Qadaffi?
All you have are lies and lying. I have always criticized Reagan for his weak response to Lockerbie.
Did you know Nancy Pelosi is a near Idiot? She is going Senile and her IQ barely Cracks 100.

I have got to give the crooked witch a hand for staying in the game this long.

You know who is smarter than her? Reagan IQ 139 & Trump IQ 140.

Dumbo Nancy is not going to win her little game and stuttering dummy Joe Biden is never going to be President, and Donald J. Trump has outsmarted her and all The DemNazis for 3 straight years every single day.

BTW, Hillary Clinton was a dummy too,and that is why she was corrupt, because she had to cheat to stay in the game with people smarter than her. Even Bill Clinton was a Genius compared to Clinton.

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So since Ears did it, it’s okay for Don to do it. Is that right?

Why would you want Don emulating O, when you hate O?

That's the thing, he didn't. And you need to remember, this "authority" wasn't taken from congress it was given. It was all part of Dubya's thing when he said we have to give up some of our rights so we will be safe.
You obviously are ignorant of the two AUMF's still in effect covering the ME regarding the 911 attack and Bush's NeoCon regime building plans; PL 107-40 (2001) and PL 107-243 (2002). Neither authorized an Act of War on Iran AND the WarPowers Act!

Trump gave Congress notice of the assassination just before the 48 hours deadline REQUIRED by the War Powers Act to keep his ass off the BBQ spit. If NO EXISTING AUMF covered the military action and assissination, AN ACT OF WAR, that notification to Congress by Donny Orange within 48hrs was absolutely required.

It's painfully obvious that someone in the Orange Clown's coven of sycophantic ass-kissers let him in on the fact that NO AUMF COVERED the assassination of Gen Soleimani so, the notification of the attack HAD to be and was made according to the LAW. Read the War Powers Act at 50 USC §§ 1541-1548 and quit pulling bullshit out your dumb, fabricating lemming ass.
You are mistaken. Actually the bills to repeal the AUMF never made it through congress. They are still in effect.
You are mistaken. Actually the bills to repeal the AUMF never made it through congress. They are still in effect.
Re-read what I wrote. I acknowledged the existence of PL 107-40 and PL 107-243, the two AUMF's. The legal authorization for both was the War Powers Act (WPA) of 1973. It was the 48 max hour notification required by the WPA by POTUS to Congress upon initiation of hostile US action I was trying to stuff into the vacuous skull of "Nostra".
Have you even read the AUMFs?

Oh and BTW, Trump never attacked Iran, nitwit.
You obviously are ignorant of the two AUMF's still in effect covering the ME regarding the 911 attack and Bush's NeoCon regime building plans; PL 107-40 (2001) and PL 107-243 (2002). Neither authorized an Act of War on Iran AND the WarPowers Act!

Trump gave Congress notice of the assassination just before the 48 hours deadline REQUIRED by the War Powers Act to keep his ass off the BBQ spit. If NO EXISTING AUMF covered the military action and assissination, AN ACT OF WAR, that notification to Congress by Donny Orange within 48hrs was absolutely required.

It's painfully obvious that someone in the Orange Clown's coven of sycophantic ass-kissers let him in on the fact that NO AUMF COVERED the assassination of Gen Soleimani so, the notification of the attack HAD to be and was made according to the LAW. Read the War Powers Act at 50 USC §§ 1541-1548 and quit pulling bullshit out your dumb, fabricating lemming ass.
You are mistaken. Actually the bills to repeal the AUMF never made it through congress. They are still in effect.
You are mistaken. Actually the bills to repeal the AUMF never made it through congress. They are still in effect.
Re-read what I wrote. I acknowledged the existence of PL 107-40 and PL 107-243, the two AUMF's. The legal authorization for both was the War Powers Act (WPA) of 1973. It was the 48 max hour notification required by the WPA by POTUS to Congress upon initiation of hostile US action I was trying to stuff into the vacuous skull of "Nostra".
Have you even read the AUMFs?

Oh and BTW, Trump never attacked Iran, nitwit.
Have you even read the AUMFs?

Oh and BTW, Trump never attacked Iran, nitwit.
Obviously, I've read & UNDERSTOOD both the 2001 & 2002 AUMF's for what they're worth with their inherent conflicts with Article 1 Section 8 Clause 11.

FYI Eisenstein, under existing Conventions to which the US is a signatory, what the Magic Orange did was an act of war, whether your ignorant ass will acknowledge that or not. Look up the Geneva Protocols. And if Trumpy destroys cultural sites as he has boosted will happen, he will be guilty of war crimes, again under protocols to which the US is a signatory. And YOU look the citations, hot shot, because I'm not in the mood to spoon fed you with information your dimness should already know!

On August 5, 1964 some US destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin were allegedly "attacked" by PT boats from North Vietnam. A few days later we were in a shooting war with N. Vietnam because of LBJ's Tonkin Gulf War Resolution. With your logic, N. Vietnam never attacked those US ships in the Tonkin Gulf! You be the Nitwit!

That War Resolution was unconstitutional as Hell because war had not been declared by Congress as was required then and is STILL REQUIRED by Article 1 Section 8 Clause 11 of the constitution; the War Powers Act (1973) notwithstanding from when it was created and holds the same status today and will remain in that status until Article 1 Section 8 Clause 11 is amended so war powers are no longer the SOLE power of Congress or want-to-be dictators or kings like that fucking want-to-be pretend POTUS, and the US has become just another Banana Republic of the America's.
So since Ears did it, it’s okay for Don to do it. Is that right?

Why would you want Don emulating O, when you hate O?
The point being made, which you seem to be ignorant of, is why is congress shitting themselves about it now when it was done so many times before by Obama? Answer: Partisan Politics and TDS

It's only an issue because Trump don't have a cool name for droning bad guys. Token negro called it "the disposition matrix". All trump has to do is call it something cool and then all will be well.
Token negro?
Wonder where that came from?

Urban Dictionary: Token Negro

Token Negro
That one negro in TV shows when everyone else is white, and has to be there for political correct reasons.
Fifty percent of the time, this token negro has a trophy white wife, usually a blonde.
No one really likes the token negro as he is falsely described as intelligent, easy going, and the peacemaker. As if to say that whites are bad and blacks are the children of God.
Also has a bland personality.
2. Token Negro, The kind who tokes his weed.
That Dr. Quinn from SeaLab 2021.

That damn token negro gets the blonde and saves the day. That's about as likely as cats given birth to puppies.
The saving the day part. Stupid white chicks dig black man.
2. That token negro be sniffing the weed all day long

That sums Bammer up nicely. All he is is a guy white people can say they voted for to prove they are okay with black men. Other then being half black, Bammer is an empty suit.

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