Barry is Building an America that is Built to Last?... He Thinks a Lot of himself...


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
Like in this e-mail he sent leading up to the SOTU... Barry Refers to himself 8 times in a short e-mail...

Friend --

I'm heading to Capitol Hill soon to deliver my third State of the Union address.

Before I go, I want to say thanks for everything you're doing.

Tonight, we set the tone for the year ahead. I'm going to lay out in concrete terms the path we need to take as a country if we want an economy that works for everyone and rewards hard work and responsibility.

Those are values that brought millions of people into this movement, and they remain the core values that unite us and shape our agenda for 2012 and beyond.

But I wouldn't be able to speak to them without your continued support. I'm glad to know you'll be standing with me up there.

Thanks, and I hope you can tune in tonight.





He Apparently is Laying a Blueprint for Building an America that is Built to Last... that's gonna be the Slogan, eh?...

I Think we Need Change. :thup:


Let's compare it for fun side by side to any emails you might have subscribed yourself to receiving from the GOP candidates.
Let's compare it for fun side by side to any emails you might have subscribed yourself to receiving from the GOP candidates.

OK... I haven't Subscribed, but because I am Registered and a Member of the GOP, I get all the Hackery...

Let me go Look.


Dear Patriot,

Tuesday night was the best debate of the campaign.

I hope you had a chance to watch and see why I would be the strongest candidate to face Barack Obama one-on-one on stage and challenge him for being the greatest food-stamp President in American history. I won’t back down from President Obama just like I didn’t back down from Juan Williams when he did what the liberal media always does: playing “gotcha” games because I dared to take on President Obama.

That’s why South Carolina voters gave me a standing ovation - because they were proud to see a Republican who will not will not be cowed by the attacks of the left. Click here to watch the video.

I wasn’t going to back down from Mitt Romney either. This is a race between a Massachusetts moderate and a solid Reagan conservative and I am not afraid to say so. I have said from the beginning that I was going to tell the truth to the American people without hesitation and that’s what I did that night.

We all know about Gov. Romney's flip-flops on abortion. In 1994 he said, "I will preserve and defend a woman's right to choose." Today, he says he's changed his mind. But what about his other flip-flops? He says he opposes the Stimulus today. But he was for it a few years ago. His "Romneycare" bill was the template used to create ObamaCare. He even said, "The president is copying that idea; I am glad to hear that..." In 1994, he even bragged about opposing Ronald Reagan when he was in office. Today, he claims to be a proud Reagan conservative. This stuff is easy to find with a simple Google search.

Barack Obama and the Democrats have all of this information. They are licking their chops at the idea of facing Mitt Romney. They know Mitt Romney has demonstrated a willingness to say whatever is expedient in order to get elected. That's why I must win this primary. I am the only Republican who can beat Barack Obama in November. But I cannot do it without your help.

I've said this before: Ronald Reagan told conservatives in 1964 that that was a time for choosing. Lyndon Johnson was a radical, progressive President seeking to remake America. Reagan told Americans that they could either fight to preserve America as the last, best hope on earth, or consign their children to a thousand years of darkness. Right now, we have a President in Barack Obama far more radical than Johnson was, and the times we live in are far more dangerous.

This is also a time for choosing. To paraphrase President Reagan again, we can nominate a timid Massachusetts moderate Republican who will raise a banner of pale pastels, or a proud Reagan conservative who will carry a banner of bold colors that Americans can rally behind.

I'm going to win this primary. But I need your help. I hope you will choose to fight for our country this week, and help our campaign win this primary in South Carolina on Saturday.

This is the last chance for conservatives. Can we count on you?

For America,
Speaker Newt Gingrich


I Thought I had a Perry one...

I am not part of any of the GOP Candidates Campaigns...

Only Barry's...

Odd, that.


Dear Patriot,

Tuesday night was the best debate of the campaign.

I hope you had a chance to watch and see why I would be the strongest candidate to face Barack Obama one-on-one on stage and challenge him for being the greatest food-stamp President in American history. I won’t back down from President Obama just like I didn’t back down from Juan Williams when he did what the liberal media always does: playing “gotcha” games because I dared to take on President Obama.

That’s why South Carolina voters gave me a standing ovation - because they were proud to see a Republican who will not will not be cowed by the attacks of the left. Click here to watch the video.

I wasn’t going to back down from Mitt Romney either. This is a race between a Massachusetts moderate and a solid Reagan conservative and I am not afraid to say so. I have said from the beginning that I was going to tell the truth to the American people without hesitation and that’s what I did that night.

We all know about Gov. Romney's flip-flops on abortion. In 1994 he said, "I will preserve and defend a woman's right to choose." Today, he says he's changed his mind. But what about his other flip-flops? He says he opposes the Stimulus today. But he was for it a few years ago. His "Romneycare" bill was the template used to create ObamaCare. He even said, "The president is copying that idea; I am glad to hear that..." In 1994, he even bragged about opposing Ronald Reagan when he was in office. Today, he claims to be a proud Reagan conservative. This stuff is easy to find with a simple Google search.

Barack Obama and the Democrats have all of this information. They are licking their chops at the idea of facing Mitt Romney. They know Mitt Romney has demonstrated a willingness to say whatever is expedient in order to get elected. That's why I must win this primary. I am the only Republican who can beat Barack Obama in November. But I cannot do it without your help.

I've said this before: Ronald Reagan told conservatives in 1964 that that was a time for choosing. Lyndon Johnson was a radical, progressive President seeking to remake America. Reagan told Americans that they could either fight to preserve America as the last, best hope on earth, or consign their children to a thousand years of darkness. Right now, we have a President in Barack Obama far more radical than Johnson was, and the times we live in are far more dangerous.

This is also a time for choosing. To paraphrase President Reagan again, we can nominate a timid Massachusetts moderate Republican who will raise a banner of pale pastels, or a proud Reagan conservative who will carry a banner of bold colors that Americans can rally behind.

I'm going to win this primary. But I need your help. I hope you will choose to fight for our country this week, and help our campaign win this primary in South Carolina on Saturday.

This is the last chance for conservatives. Can we count on you?

For America,
Speaker Newt Gingrich


I Thought I had a Perry one...

I am not part of any of the GOP Candidates Campaigns...

Only Barry's...

Odd, that.



lol wowza
Last edited:
Dear Patriot,

Tuesday night was the best debate of the campaign.

I hope you had a chance to watch and see why I would be the strongest candidate to face Barack Obama one-on-one on stage and challenge him for being the greatest food-stamp President in American history. I won’t back down from President Obama just like I didn’t back down from Juan Williams when he did what the liberal media always does: playing “gotcha” games because I dared to take on President Obama.

That’s why South Carolina voters gave me a standing ovation - because they were proud to see a Republican who will not will not be cowed by the attacks of the left. Click here to watch the video.

I wasn’t going to back down from Mitt Romney either. This is a race between a Massachusetts moderate and a solid Reagan conservative and I am not afraid to say so. I have said from the beginning that I was going to tell the truth to the American people without hesitation and that’s what I did that night.

We all know about Gov. Romney's flip-flops on abortion. In 1994 he said, "I will preserve and defend a woman's right to choose." Today, he says he's changed his mind. But what about his other flip-flops? He says he opposes the Stimulus today. But he was for it a few years ago. His "Romneycare" bill was the template used to create ObamaCare. He even said, "The president is copying that idea; I am glad to hear that..." In 1994, he even bragged about opposing Ronald Reagan when he was in office. Today, he claims to be a proud Reagan conservative. This stuff is easy to find with a simple Google search.

Barack Obama and the Democrats have all of this information. They are licking their chops at the idea of facing Mitt Romney. They know Mitt Romney has demonstrated a willingness to say whatever is expedient in order to get elected. That's why I must win this primary. I am the only Republican who can beat Barack Obama in November. But I cannot do it without your help.

I've said this before: Ronald Reagan told conservatives in 1964 that that was a time for choosing. Lyndon Johnson was a radical, progressive President seeking to remake America. Reagan told Americans that they could either fight to preserve America as the last, best hope on earth, or consign their children to a thousand years of darkness. Right now, we have a President in Barack Obama far more radical than Johnson was, and the times we live in are far more dangerous.

This is also a time for choosing. To paraphrase President Reagan again, we can nominate a timid Massachusetts moderate Republican who will raise a banner of pale pastels, or a proud Reagan conservative who will carry a banner of bold colors that Americans can rally behind.

I'm going to win this primary. But I need your help. I hope you will choose to fight for our country this week, and help our campaign win this primary in South Carolina on Saturday.

This is the last chance for conservatives. Can we count on you?

For America,
Speaker Newt Gingrich


I Thought I had a Perry one...

I am not part of any of the GOP Candidates Campaigns...

Only Barry's...

Odd, that.



lol wowza

I didn't even Read it... :lol:


I get em all the time as well and I'm an Indi, LOL

I just delete em. They do fill up the ol file though.

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