Barry Squeals Just Like A Pig

Trump spending all his political capital covering for the crimes of his henchmen is one of his biggest betrayals. He could have been making America great again but since he apparently can't do it with honest people he has sabotaged himself into uselessness.
The Flynn debacle was a sham and you know it. The American people are not going to fall for Obama's smokescreen BS. Rule of law, my ass.
Flynn was operating as an unregistered foreign agent of Russia within the Trump administration. Obama specifically warned Trump not to hire him. Trump did it anyway and now he's acting like he was targeted. All he had to do was take Obama's advice and none of us would even know who Michael Flynn is.
I wouldn't take Obama's advice either.
Then you're an idiot. You don't have to like someone to realize they just might be right about something. If your brother in law says wait for the light to change do you walk into traffic just to spite them? That's exactly what Trump did. He walked into the wood chipper with his eyes wide open.
You're a deranged cocksucker. Obama is as corrupt as they come.
Really? If that were so you would think the republicans would have gotten something solid on him after 8 years of fruitless investigations and hearings. Obama left the presidency cleaner than any president in memory, maybe ever.
The Great Obama ran a corruption free administration.

Like all Real Americans, he is shocked at how Trump has corrupted the office

Hopefully that is sarcasm and not what you truly believe. Being a sheep is a terrible waste of a mind.
It’s a FACT Jack

The Great Obama was incorruptible

Actually, you don't know the definition of "fact". A "fact" has evidence backing it up, not just your deranged daydreams You really should learn the meanings of words before using them in public. It would lend credibility to your false claims.
Actually, a FACT is known real events proven valid through direct, verifiable experience. Having evidence to back something up only makes it a supported theory.

Must be a liberal. A theory is just a supposition. When it gains evidence, then it becomes a fact. Get a dictionary.
They're coming for you, ya git. :auiqs.jpg:

Former President Barack Obama on Friday reacted to the Justice Department’s move to end its case against Michael Flynn by declaring that the “rule of law is at risk” -- as new details emerge about what the former president knew about the case against Flynn in the last days of his administration.

Obama says ‘rule of law is at risk’ after DOJ dropped Michael Flynn case

Flipped through this FOX NOISE/TRUMP CHANNEL piece and I would advise others to drill down on the external links.
There's no end to Fox and its idolatry of Trump.
However, Trump is getting read to dump Fox for OANN.
Ooooh, that could lead to a "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" scenario with ratings going into the toilet and Fox turning into a Wolf. hehehehee

Well, that's what happens when you rely on bullshit sites like Salon. Try getting real honest news once in a while.

Trump spending all his political capital covering for the crimes of his henchmen is one of his biggest betrayals. He could have been making America great again but since he apparently can't do it with honest people he has sabotaged himself into uselessness.
The Flynn debacle was a sham and you know it. The American people are not going to fall for Obama's smokescreen BS. Rule of law, my ass.
Flynn was operating as an unregistered foreign agent of Russia within the Trump administration. Obama specifically warned Trump not to hire him. Trump did it anyway and now he's acting like he was targeted. All he had to do was take Obama's advice and none of us would even know who Michael Flynn is.
I wouldn't take Obama's advice either.
Then you're an idiot. You don't have to like someone to realize they just might be right about something. If your brother in law says wait for the light to change do you walk into traffic just to spite them? That's exactly what Trump did. He walked into the wood chipper with his eyes wide open.
You're a deranged cocksucker. Obama is as corrupt as they come.
Really? If that were so you would think the republicans would have gotten something solid on him after 8 years of fruitless investigations and hearings. Obama left the presidency cleaner than any president in memory, maybe ever.
We don't charge former Presidents with crimes. Why didn't Bush get charged? The Democrats accused him of being as bad as Hitler. You know how this works.
Trump spending all his political capital covering for the crimes of his henchmen is one of his biggest betrayals. He could have been making America great again but since he apparently can't do it with honest people he has sabotaged himself into uselessness.
The Flynn debacle was a sham and you know it. The American people are not going to fall for Obama's smokescreen BS. Rule of law, my ass.
Flynn was operating as an unregistered foreign agent of Russia within the Trump administration. Obama specifically warned Trump not to hire him. Trump did it anyway and now he's acting like he was targeted. All he had to do was take Obama's advice and none of us would even know who Michael Flynn is.
I wouldn't take Obama's advice either.
Then you're an idiot. You don't have to like someone to realize they just might be right about something. If your brother in law says wait for the light to change do you walk into traffic just to spite them? That's exactly what Trump did. He walked into the wood chipper with his eyes wide open.
You're a deranged cocksucker. Obama is as corrupt as they come.
Really? If that were so you would think the republicans would have gotten something solid on him after 8 years of fruitless investigations and hearings. Obama left the presidency cleaner than any president in memory, maybe ever.
We don't charge former Presidents with crimes. Why didn't Bush get charged? The Democrats accused him of being as bad as Hitler. You know how this works.

I forget what state it was now, perhaps New Mexico or somewhere. But they issued an arrest warrant for GW if he stepped foot in their state.
Barry knows he directed all of it....and that the finger of guilt points directly at him.
He is guilty for Flynn lying to the FBI? How so?
democrat controlled mainstream media fed you a lie Flynn did not lie has had already been pointed out. obama on the other hand is in trouble for his corrupt administration
Barry knows he directed all of it....and that the finger of guilt points directly at him.
He is guilty for Flynn lying to the FBI? How so?
democrat controlled mainstream media fed you a lie Flynn did not lie has had already been pointed out. obama on the other hand is in trouble for his corrupt administration
If Flynn didn’t lie, why did Trump fire him for lying to Pence?
first impressions hell the FBI interviewers said they didn't believe Flynn lied
If the FBI asks you where you had lunch and you said "McDonald's", but you actually had lunch at Burger King, thats lying to the FBI, and that's about as serious as Flynn's lie was.

It was more like:

"You had lunch at McDonald's right?"

"Ummm, yes I think so..."

"Oooops, sorry mother fucker, it was actually at Burger King.... and we have the illegal audio and video surveillance to prove it. Now, about your son... is he important to you?"
The Great Obama ran a corruption free administration.

Like all Real Americans, he is shocked at how Trump has corrupted the office

Hopefully that is sarcasm and not what you truly believe. Being a sheep is a terrible waste of a mind.
It’s a FACT Jack

The Great Obama was incorruptible

Actually, you don't know the definition of "fact". A "fact" has evidence backing it up, not just your deranged daydreams You really should learn the meanings of words before using them in public. It would lend credibility to your false claims.
Actually, a FACT is known real events proven valid through direct, verifiable experience. Having evidence to back something up only makes it a supported theory.

Must be a liberal. A theory is just a supposition. When it gains evidence, then it becomes a fact. Get a dictionary.
STRIKE TWO. I'll give you calling me a liberal because you are new here and don't know shit from shinola that I'm one of the most ardently conservative people on this board. And that you don't know I'm a writer and a word smith. But I can't give your suggestion that I "get a dictionary" a pass when you obvious haven't checked any yourself. Here are two I just looked up on the web:

View attachment 333959View attachment 333960

Do you see the word EVIDENCE anywhere in the definition of a fact? You are confusing PROOF with evidence.

There is EVIDENCE that every heroin addict started life by drinking milk. But that does not PROVE that drinking milk leads to heroin addiction. Modus Tollens. The evidence supports the theory but does not make it a fact.

Based on your fervent claims, you deny all that you claim and provide empirical evidence of the fact. Typical lies of the liberal.
Again how can you be sure ? he pled guilty twice.
Obama has been out of government for more than three years & none of his people convicted of any crimes, that with a Republican congress & senate for most of his time in office.
Every president makes mistakes any one who thinks different has a closed mind. & closed minds are why we are in this mess.
They're coming for you, ya git. :auiqs.jpg:

Former President Barack Obama on Friday reacted to the Justice Department’s move to end its case against Michael Flynn by declaring that the “rule of law is at risk” -- as new details emerge about what the former president knew about the case against Flynn in the last days of his administration.

Obama says ‘rule of law is at risk’ after DOJ dropped Michael Flynn case

So NOW he's worried the “rule of law is at risk”.

Better late than never, I guess.
trumps chumps lied for him - they got busted - Flynn will skate - the other just got out of prison

if Fukstik Flynn wasnt guilty he shouldnt have plead guilty - his lying ass is no better than Cohen.

F Flynn and his horse.

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