Barry Squeals Just Like A Pig

They're coming for you, ya git. :auiqs.jpg:

Former President Barack Obama on Friday reacted to the Justice Department’s move to end its case against Michael Flynn by declaring that the “rule of law is at risk” -- as new details emerge about what the former president knew about the case against Flynn in the last days of his administration.

Obama says ‘rule of law is at risk’ after DOJ dropped Michael Flynn case

Barrack really fucked up with his assumption trump woudln't win and he could just do whatever he wanted to him and his campaign

History books will not be kind to him on this topic

There is no way he approves any of this without believing trump had a shot to win even the primary

history books love impeached presidents who lost 33 million jobs on their watch -

Good thing Trump created roaring economy when it hit. Just imagine how bad it would have been if it hit during Obama's pathetic economy.

Thank God Trump is the President today. You can tell how Democrats would have handled the situation when they castigated Trump for his travel bans, used so much pork in the stimulus bill that even the Republicans couldn't let it slide, and now they are complaining because the lockdown is incrementally opening up. They want to keep it shutdown as long as possible.

I can't even imagine what a mess our country would be in today with Hillary and this commie House.
Shitstain obama's attorney general was impeached. Eric Holder the only ag to have that distinction.

"contempt of congress" Good job shitstain POS
Yes, it was Contempt of Congress, and the only AG to do so.
They're coming for you, ya git. :auiqs.jpg:

Former President Barack Obama on Friday reacted to the Justice Department’s move to end its case against Michael Flynn by declaring that the “rule of law is at risk” -- as new details emerge about what the former president knew about the case against Flynn in the last days of his administration.

Obama says ‘rule of law is at risk’ after DOJ dropped Michael Flynn case
Not to worry... this all goes away on January 20, 2020, when the new President (D) is sworn-in.

Not to worry... this all goes away on January 20, 2020,

That was almost 4 months ago, moron.
Typical of a democrat...they are lucky if they even know what day it is.
They're coming for you, ya git. :auiqs.jpg:

Former President Barack Obama on Friday reacted to the Justice Department’s move to end its case against Michael Flynn by declaring that the “rule of law is at risk” -- as new details emerge about what the former president knew about the case against Flynn in the last days of his administration.

Obama says ‘rule of law is at risk’ after DOJ dropped Michael Flynn case
Not to worry... this all goes away on January 20, 2020, when the new President (D) is sworn-in.

Not to worry... this all goes away on January 20, 2020,

That was almost 4 months ago, moron.
Typical of a democrat...they are lucky if they even know what day it is.
Lighten up, Francis...

All this fuss over a typo...

I am no Democrat...

I am no Republican...

It's just that I don't worship your Orange Baboon-God.
They're coming for you, ya git. :auiqs.jpg:

Former President Barack Obama on Friday reacted to the Justice Department’s move to end its case against Michael Flynn by declaring that the “rule of law is at risk” -- as new details emerge about what the former president knew about the case against Flynn in the last days of his administration.

Obama says ‘rule of law is at risk’ after DOJ dropped Michael Flynn case
Not to worry... this all goes away on January 20, 2020, when the new President (D) is sworn-in.

Not to worry... this all goes away on January 20, 2020,

That was almost 4 months ago, moron.
You're right... force-of-habit... will correct... thanks for the mention, and for drawing additional views of the post. :)

Like I said... the Orange Baboon-God will be gone within eight months, and this all goes away.

You're welcome.
I'm happy to draw more views to your idiocy.
If the FBI asks you where you had lunch and you said "McDonald's", but you actually had lunch at Burger King, thats lying to the FBI, and that's about as serious as Flynn's lie was.

Uh, if your lie isn't material to the crime they believe you committed, or are trying to frame you for, it's not perjury. People lie about everything....everything is a matter of perception so who can say it's a lie? They already knew what Flynn said to the Russian and there was nothing wrong with it...they thought he might deny talking to the guy like he told Pence but he probably just forgot what they talked about. Things were pretty hectic in the beginning of the Trump administration. He may have gotten mixed up about which conversation was which.
Correct. It had nothing to do with the rule of law and everything to do with politics. As usual, Obama assumes the position of moral superiority while stabbing the American people in the back and pissing on our Constitution.
Obama lecturing America about the "rule of law" is almost has funny as Madonna lecturing people about chastity.
How many Obama administration officials were indicted for all their supposed lawlessness?
wait for it..
Funny how all Leftards like to proudly wave how all their crooks got off without indictment or conviction like that proves their innocence! By their standards, Al Capone was likewise not guilty of racketeering and murder because in the end, they only got him on tax evasion.
Obama turned the US into a 3rd World Banana Republic with his dictatorial regime's violations of Constitution and Rule of law...and he says he is worried that reversing that would 'accelerate the decline of the Rule of Law'?

Perhaps the dictatorial Obama Rule Of Law....
Born in Kenya Barack fingerfucked the Constitution
"Rule of law". This weeks liberal soundbite. Like a bunch of goddamn parrots.

Forgive me if I find their concern completely full of hypocrisy and bullshit.
They left out "our" before "law"
Social justice is really JUST US.....everyone else can lose their jobs and their homes and just starve and die.
This is communism folks.

Trump said he was a war time president, the virus was the enemy, and some of his soldiers would die -

so stfu and go salute commies along side the fat sob.
...Or Obama goes to jail when Trump is re-elected.
Possible, of course, but given the state of the country and the Orange Critter's blame-shifting and unbalanced behaviors in recent times, not bloody likely.

Unless Old Uncle Joe makes the wrong choice of a running mate.

Or law enforcement finally does their job and hold the Obama asshole responsible for all the crimes he has committed and tried to blame others for.

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