Barry Squeals Just Like A Pig

They're coming for you, ya git. :auiqs.jpg:

Former President Barack Obama on Friday reacted to the Justice Department’s move to end its case against Michael Flynn by declaring that the “rule of law is at risk” -- as new details emerge about what the former president knew about the case against Flynn in the last days of his administration.

Obama says ‘rule of law is at risk’ after DOJ dropped Michael Flynn case
Not to worry... this all goes away on January 20, 2021, when the new President (D) is sworn-in.
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They're coming for you, ya git. :auiqs.jpg:

Former President Barack Obama on Friday reacted to the Justice Department’s move to end its case against Michael Flynn by declaring that the “rule of law is at risk” -- as new details emerge about what the former president knew about the case against Flynn in the last days of his administration.

Obama says ‘rule of law is at risk’ after DOJ dropped Michael Flynn case
Not to worry... this all goes away on January 20, 2020, when the new President (D) is sworn-in.

Not to worry... this all goes away on January 20, 2020,

That was almost 4 months ago, moron.
They're coming for you, ya git. :auiqs.jpg:

Former President Barack Obama on Friday reacted to the Justice Department’s move to end its case against Michael Flynn by declaring that the “rule of law is at risk” -- as new details emerge about what the former president knew about the case against Flynn in the last days of his administration.

Obama says ‘rule of law is at risk’ after DOJ dropped Michael Flynn case
Not to worry... this all goes away on January 20, 2020, when the new President (D) is sworn-in.

Not to worry... this all goes away on January 20, 2020,

That was almost 4 months ago, moron.
You're right... force-of-habit... will correct... thanks for the mention, and for drawing additional views of the post. :)

Like I said... the Orange Baboon-God will be gone within eight months, and this all goes away.
Trump spending all his political capital covering for the crimes of his henchmen is one of his biggest betrayals. He could have been making America great again but since he apparently can't do it with honest people he has sabotaged himself into uselessness.
The Flynn debacle was a sham and you know it. The American people are not going to fall for Obama's smokescreen BS. Rule of law, my ass.
Flynn was operating as an unregistered foreign agent of Russia within the Trump administration. Obama specifically warned Trump not to hire him. Trump did it anyway and now he's acting like he was targeted. All he had to do was take Obama's advice and none of us would even know who Michael Flynn is.

Cool story bro. Any Proof?
Didnt thinks so. Now start thinking up your next fabricated post.
They're coming for you, ya git. :auiqs.jpg:

Former President Barack Obama on Friday reacted to the Justice Department’s move to end its case against Michael Flynn by declaring that the “rule of law is at risk” -- as new details emerge about what the former president knew about the case against Flynn in the last days of his administration.

Obama says ‘rule of law is at risk’ after DOJ dropped Michael Flynn case
Not to worry... this all goes away on January 20, 2021, when the new President (D) is sworn-in.

I don't believe any such transfer of power will be taking place.
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They're coming for you, ya git. :auiqs.jpg:

Former President Barack Obama on Friday reacted to the Justice Department’s move to end its case against Michael Flynn by declaring that the “rule of law is at risk” -- as new details emerge about what the former president knew about the case against Flynn in the last days of his administration.

Obama says ‘rule of law is at risk’ after DOJ dropped Michael Flynn case
Oh look...a trumpanzee obsession over Former President Obama. View attachment 333927
Hey look, an Obamanzee who doesn’t understand that the topic here is the statements that Obozo himself made. Oops.
They're coming for you, ya git. :auiqs.jpg:

Former President Barack Obama on Friday reacted to the Justice Department’s move to end its case against Michael Flynn by declaring that the “rule of law is at risk” -- as new details emerge about what the former president knew about the case against Flynn in the last days of his administration.

Obama says ‘rule of law is at risk’ after DOJ dropped Michael Flynn case
Not to worry... this all goes away on January 20, 2021, when the new President (D) is sworn-in.

Or Obama goes to jail when Trump is re-elected.
They're coming for you, ya git. :auiqs.jpg:

Former President Barack Obama on Friday reacted to the Justice Department’s move to end its case against Michael Flynn by declaring that the “rule of law is at risk” -- as new details emerge about what the former president knew about the case against Flynn in the last days of his administration.

Obama says ‘rule of law is at risk’ after DOJ dropped Michael Flynn case
Not to worry... this all goes away on January 20, 2021, when the new President (D) is sworn-in.

I think the next election is going to be even more fun than this.

Screaming .jpeg
The Great Obama ran a corruption free administration.

Like all Real Americans, he is shocked at how Trump has corrupted the office

Who in the administration of the Great Obama was even indicted let alone convicted ?

Never saw the Great Obama impeached like Crooked Donnie

If your point is that the filthy marxist shitstains lied and covered for each other, it's duly noted. Although I wouldn't brag about it.

That fucking "wingman" needs some serious correctional shit-dicking in the showers. Just sayin'.....
How could they with a “vigilant” Republican Congress conducting SEVEN Benghazi investigations and multiple investigations of Fast and Furious, emails and every other possible infraction

All of which found NOTHING

The Great Obama was the most honest administration in history
With 95% of the media owned lock, stock and barrel by the Progs socialist globalists, what do you think the result would be? This man's job was to destroy hetero relationships and marriages even more. And he did. Extremist gay and feminist agendas prospered to unseen levels. This will not last. Woe to us all when it crashes.
...Or Obama goes to jail when Trump is re-elected.
Possible, of course, but given the state of the country and the Orange Critter's blame-shifting and unbalanced behaviors in recent times, not bloody likely.

Unless Old Uncle Joe makes the wrong choice of a running mate.
...I think the next election is going to be even more fun than this.

View attachment 334113
Unless Old Uncle Joe chooses the wrong running mate, it seems likely that the incumbent is going to lose, perhaps by historic proportions.

It's bad enough that the country has half-disintegrated in the past two months, but Rump's failure to take responsibility, nor to act effectively, have predetermined his fate.

Think Herbert Hoover in the wake of the Wall Street Crash, compounded by 100K+ deaths in a matter of months... the incumbent always gets clobbered.

Always possible that I'm wrong, of course, but I genuinely doubt it; in any event, we'll know for sure, the morning of November 4, 2020.
If the FBI asks you where you had lunch and you said "McDonald's", but you actually had lunch at Burger King, thats lying to the FBI, and that's about as serious as Flynn's lie was.

Uh, if your lie isn't material to the crime they believe you committed, or are trying to frame you for, it's not perjury. People lie about everything....everything is a matter of perception so who can say it's a lie? They already knew what Flynn said to the Russian and there was nothing wrong with it...they thought he might deny talking to the guy like he told Pence but he probably just forgot what they talked about. Things were pretty hectic in the beginning of the Trump administration. He may have gotten mixed up about which conversation was which.
...I think the next election is going to be even more fun than this.

View attachment 334113
Unless Old Uncle Joe chooses the wrong running mate, it seems likely that the incumbent is going to lose, perhaps by historic proportions.

It's bad enough that the country has half-disintegrated in the past two months, but Rump's failure to take responsibility, nor to act effectively, have predetermined his fate.

Think Herbert Hoover in the wake of the Wall Street Crash, compounded by 100K+ deaths in a matter of months... the incumbent always gets clobbered.

Always possible that I'm wrong, of course, but I genuinely doubt it; in any event, we'll know for sure, the morning of November 4, 2020.
But it wasn't Herbie Hoover's fault. It was the Federal Reserve who tightened the fiat money spigot after leaving it on full speed ahead for the whole 1920's. Hence the Roaring 20's. Then old FDR kept us in a Depression until he could get us into another WAR. And he did.
...I think the next election is going to be even more fun than this.

View attachment 334113
Unless Old Uncle Joe chooses the wrong running mate, it seems likely that the incumbent is going to lose, perhaps by historic proportions.

It's bad enough that the country has half-disintegrated in the past two months, but Rump's failure to take responsibility, nor to act effectively, have predetermined his fate.

Think Herbert Hoover in the wake of the Wall Street Crash, compounded by 100K+ deaths in a matter of months... the incumbent always gets clobbered.

Always possible that I'm wrong, of course, but I genuinely doubt it; in any event, we'll know for sure, the morning of November 4, 2020.

Yes we will, because I have more faith in my fellow American. I believe they know a worldwide pandemic is not the fault of a US President. I believe they will see how the left has made this a political basketball as they always do.

As for those following this situation, they understand it's our government agencies that really screwed things up--not the President. The President was merely acting on the advice of our medical professionals like Fauci.

You tried to blame Trump for Russian interference in the election. Failed. You tried to blame Bush for 911. Failed. You tried to blame GW for hurricane Katrina. Failed. Now you are trying to blame Trump for a worldwide virus that affected over 180 countries. It will fail.

If Biden dares to try and cast blame on Trump, I'm sure the President will remind people it was the Obama/ Biden administration that drained our medical stockpile, and never replaced it. He will remind people that it was the Obama/ Biden administration that funded that Wuhan lab.
...But it wasn't Herbie Hoover's fault. It was the Federal Reserve who tightened the fiat money spigot after leaving it on full speed ahead for the whole 1920's. Hence the Roaring 20's. Then old FDR kept us in a Depression until he could get us into another WAR. And he did.
It doesn't matter whether it was Hoover's fault, when you stop to think about it.

His hand was on the wheel, when the wheels came off.

As a herd, a voting constituency hardly ever sees beyond "who's in charge" when a disaster unfolds.

And, given the wide variety of obnoxious and unstable remarks and behaviors we see coming out of the incumbent, I would not bet the farm on this being 'the exception'.

There are one helluva lot of folks out there who voted for him but who have long-since developed a case of "buyer's remorse" and are looking for an excuse to dump the guy.

His weasel-like behaviors (it's never, ever his fault, is it?), his idiotic pronouncements (cleaning products, and UV rays), him pushing non-existent cures, his hyper-partisan thinly-veiled implicit threats to withhold desperately-needed aid to Blue States or Sanctuary jurisdictions, his a$$-ki$$ing of the Chinese in the early going of the pandemic, his failure to lead-by-example with respect to wearing PPE in public, and his grotesque lack of genuine empathy for the victims of this disaster, have all created a great anger, and will be remembered.

Politics is all about Perception, and your boy is so arrogant and optics-blind that he doesn't even realize that he's become his own worst enemy on the public relations front.

Haven't you folks had enough yet of trying to defend this train-wreck of a leader? You've been on the defensive for 3+ years already. I can't imagine you actually want more.

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