Barstow cops are fucked!

Nothing short of a Constitutional Convention can nullify the Bill of Rights.
One would like to think so. And for the record, you are right. But ever since Reagan politicized the DOJ, the Constitution is not being enforced. And ever since Bush pushed through the Patriot and Military Commissions Act's, they can take anyone off the street, without charges, and detain them indefinitely, for the rest of their lives.
For example, I watch the tv "ride-along" reality documentary, COPS, as much as I can. I am frequently amazed to see a cop pull someone over, ask for ID, then ask where they are going and where have they been, if they have anything illegal in the car or on their person, then ask them to get out of the car, pat them down and ask if they can search the car.

You do not have to answer those questions or consent to a search.
You're quite right. But if you watch COPS, which I strongly recommend, you will see many examples of this kind of oppressive disregard for the Fourth Amendment -- and it's perfectly lawful. Unfortunately, it is clear that most Americans don't know they have a right to refuse to comply.

Again, if you don't watch COPS I recommend you do.
For example, I watch the tv "ride-along" reality documentary, COPS, as much as I can. I am frequently amazed to see a cop pull someone over, ask for ID, then ask where they are going and where have they been, if they have anything illegal in the car or on their person, then ask them to get out of the car, pat them down and ask if they can search the car.

You do not have to answer those questions or consent to a search.
You're quite right. But if you watch COPS, which I strongly recommend, you will see many examples of this kind of oppressive disregard for the Fourth Amendment -- and it's perfectly lawful. Unfortunately, it is clear that most Americans don't know they have a right to refuse to comply.

Again, if you don't watch COPS I recommend you do.

If its perfectly lawful...then its doesnt break the 4th amendment. See...the 4th protects against UNREASONABLE search and seizure.

So who decides what is reasonable? We do. Through civilian courts.

SCOTUS ruled. Terry v. Ohio.

And they ruled that if a cop suspects a criminal act MIGHT have is reasonable that he can stop and detain you to investigate it to see if a crime did...or didnt...occur.

Reread that last sentence over and over and over.
Fuck you, you racist fucking pricks!

Fuck Barstow cops!

This country is becoming Nazi Germany.

The cops were called on the BITCH. They asked her questions and like most blacks she refused to give her name, was belligerent, combative and then ultimately resisted arrest. If she would have given her name, cooperated and provided her account of the story. They would have just taken the information and she would have been on her merry way,

The minute she showed her attitude and belligerence nature, she lost her credibility and the other woman's account of the event gain creditability.

Again if she would have said my name is Michelle Black Bitch, I drove in the parking lot and this woman screamed at me saying I was going the wrong way, I said something back, I didn't toss anything at her (which we know is a lie), I didn't threaten her and I left the situation. Then when they ask her for identification she hands it over without issue. The cops would have stated if we need anything else we will call you. The cops would have left, she would have left and the cops would have forgotten about the situation.

She got what she deserved and police were 100% in the right.
I know I said I was out, but I'm glad to see the healthy debate on this subject!

Yes, a Cop can ASK for ID but that doesn't mean you have to give it. You only have to Identify yourself when Arrested.

Merely failing to ID when a Cop asks is NOT AN ARRESTABLE OFFENSE BY ITSELF!

When a Cop asks for your ID ask him "Officer, can my I D be used against me in a Court of Law?"

If the Officer knows the Law he'll say "Yes". You then invoke your 5th Amendment Rights.
Asking for ID is reasonable. Asking a driver where he is going and where he has been is not. But if you watch the tv "ride-along" documentary, COPS, you will see that it is commonly done by police all over America.

Surprisingly, the majority of subjects do not hesitate to go along with what should be but is not an illegal line of questioning. And when they do go along the cop moves to the next step which is to tell them to step out of the car, where he pats them down.

While it is lawful for the subjects of these encroachments to refuse, it is not unlawful for the police to impose on them. But it should be -- because too many citizens are either ignorant of their Fourth Amendment rights or, as it clearly seems, they are simply too intimidated by police to refuse. And if you watch COPS it will become clear that many law-abiding citizens are indeed intimidated by police.
Another brilliant use of words by union educated low information idiots.
Why are you so inclined to denigrate unions? What have you got against unions -- which probably are responsible for your present standard of living -- whether you or yours belong to a union or not.
For example, I watch the tv "ride-along" reality documentary, COPS, as much as I can. I am frequently amazed to see a cop pull someone over, ask for ID, then ask where they are going and where have they been, if they have anything illegal in the car or on their person, then ask them to get out of the car, pat them down and ask if they can search the car.

You do not have to answer those questions or consent to a search.
You're quite right. But if you watch COPS, which I strongly recommend, you will see many examples of this kind of oppressive disregard for the Fourth Amendment -- and it's perfectly lawful. Unfortunately, it is clear that most Americans don't know they have a right to refuse to comply.

Again, if you don't watch COPS I recommend you do.

Yep. People, especially minorities, need to understand that Cops are allowed to lie to you. They are allowed to to trick you into giving up your rights. That's why all people need to watch the video that I posted. Know your rights.

I know I said I was out, but I'm glad to see the healthy debate on this subject!

Yes, a Cop can ASK for ID but that doesn't mean you have to give it. You only have to Identify yourself when Arrested.

Merely failing to ID when a Cop asks is NOT AN ARRESTABLE OFFENSE BY ITSELF!

When a Cop asks for your ID ask him "Officer, can my I D be used against me in a Court of Law?"

If the Officer knows the Law he'll say "Yes". You then invoke your 5th Amendment Rights.
In some situations you are absolutely correct. But if you are somehow involved in a situation which calls for preliminary investigation and you refuse to identify yourself, the cop can lawfully detain you. And if you choose to resist he can lawfully arrest you.
Other than a traffic stop- If a cop asks you for ID- simply ask him/her:"Am I being detained or am I free to go?" You'll know in 2 seconds If you're being detained.

If so, cough up the ID, otherwise walk away. Always be polite and non-confrontational. Never resist arrest.
Another brilliant use of words by union educated low information idiots.
Why are you so inclined to denigrate unions? What have you got against unions -- which probably are responsible for your present standard of living -- whether you or yours belong to a union or not.
Unions were important way back in the early 20th century when sleazy democrats like FDR were giving the Country away to their rich industrial supporters but when unions got their sticky fingers into the public sector with collective bargaining that bankrupted small municipalities the education system took a nose dive.Teachers who used to care about education became virtual factory workers punching a clock and cranking out generations of ignorant kids.
I doubt that it is true the police can indefinitely detain you without charges for life, and that isn't happening here.
I frankly don't know if that's true or not. But so many changes in Law have taken place in recent years that I hesitate to rely on what I know was true back in the 50s and 60s. Things I see and hear about have convinced me that a virtual web of seemingly minor impositions in the Criminal Law has been created and may operate as an inescapable trap which a motivated prosecutor can use to ensnare the most pristine individual.

Consider the Patriot Act, for one example, which indirectly but quite clearly says, "Fuck the Constutition!"
I know I said I was out, but I'm glad to see the healthy debate on this subject!

Yes, a Cop can ASK for ID but that doesn't mean you have to give it. You only have to Identify yourself when Arrested.

Merely failing to ID when a Cop asks is NOT AN ARRESTABLE OFFENSE BY ITSELF!

When a Cop asks for your ID ask him "Officer, can my I D be used against me in a Court of Law?"

If the Officer knows the Law he'll say "Yes". You then invoke your 5th Amendment Rights.
Asking for ID is reasonable. Asking a driver where he is going and where he has been is not. But if you watch the tv "ride-along" documentary, COPS, you will see that it is commonly done by police all over America.

Surprisingly, the majority of subjects do not hesitate to go along with what should be but is not an illegal line of questioning. And when they do go along the cop moves to the next step which is to tell them to step out of the car, where he pats them down.

While it is lawful for the subjects of these encroachments to refuse, it is not unlawful for the police to impose on them. But it should be -- because too many citizens are either ignorant of their Fourth Amendment rights or, as it clearly seems, they are simply too intimidated by police to refuse. And if you watch COPS it will become clear that many law-abiding citizens are indeed intimidated by police.

So you want it to be illegal for a cop to ask a question??? You do know that when a cop sees something that appears suspicious. ...sometimes asking those questions EXPLAINS it and shows the cop that his suspicion is unfounded.

I stopped a black kid in a car once in Atlanta. I saw he was sweating profusely and had a little bit of blood running down his face. I asked him where he was coming from. Maybe he was in a fight. Maybe he was a victim...or a violent robbery. It was a bad neighborhood afterall.

His answer? Football practice. He had a busted nose from it. And was sweaty. Ah. Perfect sense.

Had he said "None of your damn business" I would've been concerned. And probably investigated longer.

By the way...he went on to play for the University of Georgia and a short stint in the NFL.
Other than a traffic stop- If a cop asks you for ID- simply ask him/her:"Am I being detained or am I free to go?" You'll know in 2 seconds If you're being detained.

If so, cough up the ID, otherwise walk away. Always be polite and non-confrontational. Never resist arrest.

That is VERY good advice. I had people ask me that and I had absolutely no problem with it. In fact...I found it respectful. It showed me they know the law and respect it...which I was enforcing. They respected the detention if it was happening and asked me to respect their rights if they werent.

Perfect balance. One simple question. "Am I being detained?". If so...just comply because you wont win resisting. If not...just say id like to decline and walk away sir. The officer should respect that. If not? Sue them.
I stopped a black kid in a car once in Atlanta. I saw he was sweating profusely and had a little bit of blood running down his face. I asked him where he was coming from. Maybe he was in a fight. Maybe he was a victim...or a violent robbery. It was a bad neighborhood afterall.

His answer? Football practice. He had a busted nose from it. And was sweaty. Ah. Perfect sense.

Had he said "None of your damn business" I would've been concerned. And probably investigated longer.

By the way...he went on to play for the University of Georgia and a short stint in the NFL.
Why did you stop him in the first place?

And if he had just committed a felonious assault and was smart enough to tell you he was playing football, how would you know the difference? Unless you've decided you have an unlimited right to impose yourself into his private affairs by exhaustively interrogating him.

And how did you know so much about his future successes? Do you keep in touch with all the sweaty Blacks you stop?

Technically speaking, if he'd said, "None of your damn business," he would have been quite right. Because, as you know, if you'd arrested him and it was determined he'd been playing football and just didn't feel like explaining the details of his private life to you, I think a $10,000 false arrest award would have been appropriate.

Don't you?

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