Barstow cops are fucked!

But the cop did not say he was placing her in detention. And he only said she was under arrest after she was handcuffed. How can you resist arrest (or detention) if it is not being made clear?

I think he made it quite clear right after she said she wasn't giving him her name; 4:31 - "Yeah, I actually do have the right to ask for your name in this case."

She was put under arrest for obstruction because she started walking away, in clear defiance of his investigative intention - aka his insistence that he needed her full name.
I don't see how the cops are supposed to be racist. If anyone was racist, it was the person getting detained.
Yeah, black is white, up is down and Len Bias is still alive. I don't know what alternate universe you live in, but here on planet earth, that cop was a racist asshole.

Also, this woman was stupid. You know if you walk away from an investigating cop that you're going to get detained.
He told her he'd give her 2 minutes to make her phone call. 20 seconds later, he was taking her to the ground. He had no right treating her like she broke the law and it is against the law for him to ask her for her ID without probable cause.

And if you think he did, then you are certainly not an American. Because one of our American values (despite the Patriot Act, MCA and NDAA), is that you are to be "presumed innocent until proven guilty". That video showed the opposite.
I doubt that it is true the police can indefinitely detain you without charges for life, and that isn't happening here.
Go read the Military Commissions Act. That gives the government the right to lock you up without charges. All that is required is someone from the Defense Dept to declare you an "unprivileged enemy combatant" and you're fuckin' history.
No crime was commited, the officer admitted this fact, therefore the woman was within her rights to refuse giving her full details.

This is a universal problem and is not confined to the U.S.A.
It really depends on the state one is in. 22 states require a person to produce identification or name and address when asked for said info by a law enforcement officer.

Evidently it is not required in California, and as such the officer overstepped his authority. This whole episode was being handled well by the officer until the word "white" was used. This seemed to me, to outrage the officer, and lead to his overreaction.
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No crime was commited, the officer admitted this fact, therefore the woman was within her rights to refuse giving her full details.

This is a universal problem and is not confined to the U.S.A.
It really depends on the state one is in. 22 states require a person to produce identification or name and address when asked for said info by a law enforcement officer.

Evidently it is not required in California, and as such the officer overstepped his authority. This whole episode was being handled well by the officer until the word "white" was used. This seemed to me, to outrage the officer, and lead to his overreaction.

California law cant supercede federal law.

And under federal SCOTUS ruling Terry v. Ohio...a person must identify themselves if they are part of an investigation of a "POSSIBLE" but not yet confirmed crime.

Did a crime POSSIBLY occur? Yes. She may have attempted to vandalize the womans car. She may have committed a violation of laws governing school property behavior.

Was the crime confirmed? Well...the cop was trying to by INVESTIGATING it. It looked like his hunch was there wouldnt be charges.

If anything. ..his investigation was going to simply confirm no crime occurred.

But that bitch had to "Keep It Real" and act like ghetto trash.
No crime was commited, the officer admitted this fact, therefore the woman was within her rights to refuse giving her full details.

This is a universal problem and is not confined to the U.S.A.
It really depends on the state one is in. 22 states require a person to produce identification or name and address when asked for said info by a law enforcement officer.

Evidently it is not required in California, and as such the officer overstepped his authority. This whole episode was being handled well by the officer until the word "white" was used. This seemed to me, to outrage the officer, and lead to his overreaction.

California law cant supercede federal law.

And under federal SCOTUS ruling Terry v. Ohio...a person must identify themselves if they are part of an investigation of a "POSSIBLE" but not yet confirmed crime.

Did a crime POSSIBLY occur? Yes. She may have attempted to vandalize the womans car. She may have committed a violation of laws governing school property behavior.

Was the crime confirmed? Well...the cop was trying to by INVESTIGATING it. It looked like his hunch was there wouldnt be charges.

If anything. ..his investigation was going to simply confirm no crime occurred.

But that bitch had to "Keep It Real" and act like ghetto trash.

Yes the woman did overreact as well, but the officer could have defused the encounter with a more moderate approach.
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No crime was commited, the officer admitted this fact, therefore the woman was within her rights to refuse giving her full details.

This is a universal problem and is not confined to the U.S.A.
It really depends on the state one is in. 22 states require a person to produce identification or name and address when asked for said info by a law enforcement officer.

Evidently it is not required in California, and as such the officer overstepped his authority. This whole episode was being handled well by the officer until the word "white" was used. This seemed to me, to outrage the officer, and lead to his overreaction.

California law cant supercede federal law.

And under federal SCOTUS ruling Terry v. Ohio...a person must identify themselves if they are part of an investigation of a "POSSIBLE" but not yet confirmed crime.

Did a crime POSSIBLY occur? Yes. She may have attempted to vandalize the womans car. She may have committed a violation of laws governing school property behavior.

Was the crime confirmed? Well...the cop was trying to by INVESTIGATING it. It looked like his hunch was there wouldnt be charges.

If anything. ..his investigation was going to simply confirm no crime occurred.

But that bitch had to "Keep It Real" and act like ghetto trash.

Yes the woman did overreact as well, but the officer could have defused the encouter with a more moderate approach.

Such as??? What should he just let her walk off and follow her like a lost dog? How long should they wait on her? What if she just ignored them and went to drive away?

Its just ridiculous. Stop being ghetto trash.
No crime was commited, the officer admitted this fact, therefore the woman was within her rights to refuse giving her full details.

This is a universal problem and is not confined to the U.S.A.
It really depends on the state one is in. 22 states require a person to produce identification or name and address when asked for said info by a law enforcement officer.

Evidently it is not required in California, and as such the officer overstepped his authority. This whole episode was being handled well by the officer until the word "white" was used. This seemed to me, to outrage the officer, and lead to his overreaction.

California law cant supercede federal law.

And under federal SCOTUS ruling Terry v. Ohio...a person must identify themselves if they are part of an investigation of a "POSSIBLE" but not yet confirmed crime.

Did a crime POSSIBLY occur? Yes. She may have attempted to vandalize the womans car. She may have committed a violation of laws governing school property behavior.

Was the crime confirmed? Well...the cop was trying to by INVESTIGATING it. It looked like his hunch was there wouldnt be charges.

If anything. ..his investigation was going to simply confirm no crime occurred.

But that bitch had to "Keep It Real" and act like ghetto trash.

Yes the woman did overreact as well, but the officer could have defused the encouter with a more moderate approach.

Such as??? What should he just let her walk off and follow her like a lost dog? How long should they wait on her? What if she just ignored them and went to drive away?

Its just ridiculous. Stop being ghetto trash.

He could have allowed her the 2 minutes to answer as he had stated. This was not a major crime, it was an altercation between two individuals in a carpark, with no visible signs any crime had been commited.
Dealing with blacks should no longer be a Cops job, call in animal control

Yet another example on this board of why minorities are running away from the republicans and conservatives.
It's actually more of an awkward primate loping stride.


Ah, you betray everything the GOP pretends to be.
Not really. I'm reflecting your own racism back to you. Leftists hate looking in a mirror.
It really depends on the state one is in. 22 states require a person to produce identification or name and address when asked for said info by a law enforcement officer.

Evidently it is not required in California, and as such the officer overstepped his authority. This whole episode was being handled well by the officer until the word "white" was used. This seemed to me, to outrage the officer, and lead to his overreaction.

California law cant supercede federal law.

And under federal SCOTUS ruling Terry v. Ohio...a person must identify themselves if they are part of an investigation of a "POSSIBLE" but not yet confirmed crime.

Did a crime POSSIBLY occur? Yes. She may have attempted to vandalize the womans car. She may have committed a violation of laws governing school property behavior.

Was the crime confirmed? Well...the cop was trying to by INVESTIGATING it. It looked like his hunch was there wouldnt be charges.

If anything. ..his investigation was going to simply confirm no crime occurred.

But that bitch had to "Keep It Real" and act like ghetto trash.

Yes the woman did overreact as well, but the officer could have defused the encouter with a more moderate approach.

Such as??? What should he just let her walk off and follow her like a lost dog? How long should they wait on her? What if she just ignored them and went to drive away?

Its just ridiculous. Stop being ghetto trash.

He could have allowed her the 2 minutes to answer as he had stated. This was not a major crime, it was an altercation between two individuals in a carpark, with no visible signs any crime had been commited.

What if that didnt work? What if she wanted 20?

She needs to realize that our society has rules. She has to follow them.
Evidently it is not required in California, and as such the officer overstepped his authority. This whole episode was being handled well by the officer until the word "white" was used. This seemed to me, to outrage the officer, and lead to his overreaction.

California law cant supercede federal law.

And under federal SCOTUS ruling Terry v. Ohio...a person must identify themselves if they are part of an investigation of a "POSSIBLE" but not yet confirmed crime.

Did a crime POSSIBLY occur? Yes. She may have attempted to vandalize the womans car. She may have committed a violation of laws governing school property behavior.

Was the crime confirmed? Well...the cop was trying to by INVESTIGATING it. It looked like his hunch was there wouldnt be charges.

If anything. ..his investigation was going to simply confirm no crime occurred.

But that bitch had to "Keep It Real" and act like ghetto trash.

Yes the woman did overreact as well, but the officer could have defused the encouter with a more moderate approach.

Such as??? What should he just let her walk off and follow her like a lost dog? How long should they wait on her? What if she just ignored them and went to drive away?

Its just ridiculous. Stop being ghetto trash.

He could have allowed her the 2 minutes to answer as he had stated. This was not a major crime, it was an altercation between two individuals in a carpark, with no visible signs any crime had been commited.

What if that didnt work? What if she wanted 20?

She needs to realize that our society has rules. She has to follow them.

Yes the whole saga was handled badly by everyone involved.

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