Bart O'Kavanaugh

I guess if the alleged perpetrator is a conservative there is one standard and if the alleged perpetrator is a liberal there is another? Or is it if the woman is a liberal she was assaulted but if she was a conservative she wasn't?
Two words: Bart O'Kavanaugh.

That's a name, retard.

Here is a name that fits you like a glove, creep.

Heinreich Himler.
Ok kid, I know we've agreed that you aren't the shrarpest tack in the box but really?

Creep, if I ever agreed with you, that would make me an idiot.....

So creep, you and your party are engaged in the most vile form of demagoguery where you trot out not only unproven but patently absurd accusations against enemies of the party. Your corrupt and complicit press then runs those accusations as if they were fact, despite there not being even a hint of evidence to support them.

But you don't care, you want to destroy Judge Kavanaugh because you think he threatens abortion.

You call him a "rapist" because some soldier of the Soros left who was part of the Womans March shows up after the Kory and Kamala Klown show failed to derail Kavanaugh with claims that he assaulted her 36, or was it 45, or 32, or something years ago. She doesn't know when it was supposed to have happened, or where it was supposed to have happened, she doesn't know who was there, BUT she DID march for Soros and she DOES hate Trump.

So you call him "rapist," because you have no integrity and seek to destroy an enemy of the Nazi party you serve.

You are basically a clone of Heinreich Himmler.
lol. You can't really be this dumb.

It's gotta be an act.
It’s not an act.
Two words: Bart O'Kavanaugh.

That's a name, retard.

Here is a name that fits you like a glove, creep.

Heinreich Himler.
Ok kid, I know we've agreed that you aren't the shrarpest tack in the box but really?

Creep, if I ever agreed with you, that would make me an idiot.....

So creep, you and your party are engaged in the most vile form of demagoguery where you trot out not only unproven but patently absurd accusations against enemies of the party. Your corrupt and complicit press then runs those accusations as if they were fact, despite there not being even a hint of evidence to support them.

But you don't care, you want to destroy Judge Kavanaugh because you think he threatens abortion.

You call him a "rapist" because some soldier of the Soros left who was part of the Womans March shows up after the Kory and Kamala Klown show failed to derail Kavanaugh with claims that he assaulted her 36, or was it 45, or 32, or something years ago. She doesn't know when it was supposed to have happened, or where it was supposed to have happened, she doesn't know who was there, BUT she DID march for Soros and she DOES hate Trump.

So you call him "rapist," because you have no integrity and seek to destroy an enemy of the Nazi party you serve.

You are basically a clone of Heinreich Himmler.
lol. You can't really be this dumb.

It's gotta be an act.
It’s not an act.
Tryin' ta give the kid the benefit of the doubt. I'm a nice guy that way.
Let's talk about Bill Clinton, Joe! Guess what...Ms. Katz, the lawyer for the woman accusing Kavanaugh of attempted rape and murder also represented Bill Clinton back in the day! Amazingly...back then, Ms. Katz declared that touching a woman's breast or backside or forcing them to kiss you wasn't a big deal if it only happened once! Gee, to take a crack at explaining how THAT take on sexual assault has morphed into the stance that Katz is taking these days?

Touching a woman at a party, vs. pinning her to a bed, and trying to get her clothes off...

Um, yeah, too funny to watch you guys go 180 on this.
I guess if the alleged perpetrator is a conservative there is one standard and if the alleged perpetrator is a liberal there is another? Or is it if the woman is a liberal she was assaulted but if she was a conservative she wasn't?

Okay, we'll make it simple for you.

If you try to rape a woman and then want to take away their right to choose and their access to equal pay... um, yeah.

If you have consensual relationships with women other than your wife, and support women's rights, and even expanded them, women are pretty willing to over look a little adultery.

Happy to clear that up for you, you are a little dopey.
I guess if the alleged perpetrator is a conservative there is one standard and if the alleged perpetrator is a liberal there is another? Or is it if the woman is a liberal she was assaulted but if she was a conservative she wasn't?

Okay, we'll make it simple for you.

If you try to rape a woman and then want to take away their right to choose and their access to equal pay... um, yeah.

If you have consensual relationships with women other than your wife, and support women's rights, and even expanded them, women are pretty willing to over look a little adultery.

Happy to clear that up for you, you are a little dopey.

Except everyone from his adult life vouches for him and it’s only one fabricated accusation from when he was in high school.
Let's talk about Bill Clinton, Joe! Guess what...Ms. Katz, the lawyer for the woman accusing Kavanaugh of attempted rape and murder also represented Bill Clinton back in the day! Amazingly...back then, Ms. Katz declared that touching a woman's breast or backside or forcing them to kiss you wasn't a big deal if it only happened once! Gee, to take a crack at explaining how THAT take on sexual assault has morphed into the stance that Katz is taking these days?

Touching a woman at a party, vs. pinning her to a bed, and trying to get her clothes off...

Um, yeah, too funny to watch you guys go 180 on this.

Katz was representing Clinton for "touching a woman at a party"? It's always fun watching you prove how ignorant you are about things, Joey! Katz represented Clinton in the Paula Jones matter. You might want to read up on that before you make an ass of usual!
Katz was representing Clinton for "touching a woman at a party"? It's always fun watching you prove how ignorant you are about things, Joey! Katz represented Clinton in the Paula Jones matter. You might want to read up on that before you make an ass of usual!

Oh, you mean the lying trailer trash who made claims that were proven to not be true... that Paula Jones.

Okay, happy you cleared that up. It's not like you are trying to recycle 25 year old discredited bimbos..
I guess if the alleged perpetrator is a conservative there is one standard and if the alleged perpetrator is a liberal there is another? Or is it if the woman is a liberal she was assaulted but if she was a conservative she wasn't?

Okay, we'll make it simple for you.

If you try to rape a woman and then want to take away their right to choose and their access to equal pay... um, yeah.

If you have consensual relationships with women other than your wife, and support women's rights, and even expanded them, women are pretty willing to over look a little adultery.

Happy to clear that up for you, you are a little dopey.

Clinton didn't always HAVE "consensual relationships" with other women, Joey! Paula Jones sued him for sexual harassment. Juanita Broaddrick accused him of rape. Bill Clinton is the prototypical person in power that uses their office to get sex. In my opinion he's FAR worse than an allegedly drunk 17 year old who touched someone inappropriately one time!
Katz was representing Clinton for "touching a woman at a party"? It's always fun watching you prove how ignorant you are about things, Joey! Katz represented Clinton in the Paula Jones matter. You might want to read up on that before you make an ass of usual!

Oh, you mean the lying trailer trash who made claims that were proven to not be true... that Paula Jones.

Okay, happy you cleared that up. It's not like you are trying to recycle 25 year old discredited bimbos..

Funny how you accuse Jones of being the liar in that case, Joey but it was Clinton who settled that case out of court because he'd lied when he said he didn't have sex with Monica Lewinsky. He should have been charged with perjury for that but then again...we know there are two sets of for everyone else and one for the Clintons.
Katz was representing Clinton for "touching a woman at a party"? It's always fun watching you prove how ignorant you are about things, Joey! Katz represented Clinton in the Paula Jones matter. You might want to read up on that before you make an ass of usual!

Oh, you mean the lying trailer trash who made claims that were proven to not be true... that Paula Jones.

Okay, happy you cleared that up. It's not like you are trying to recycle 25 year old discredited bimbos..

Funny how you accuse Jones of being the liar in that case, Joey but it was Clinton who settled that case out of court because he'd lied when he said he didn't have sex with Monica Lewinsky. He should have been charged with perjury for that but then again...we know there are two sets of for everyone else and one for the Clintons.
Clinton wasn’t charged with perjury because he agreed to a deal to pay a fine and have his law license suspended. That’s not two sets of laws.

And what’s wrong with calling Paula Jones a liar? Her case was thrown out of court due to lack of merit.
Why put a sexual predator on the SC?

I've always wanted to be a sexual predator. Unfortunately, I'm doomed to be sexual prey.

Ok kid, I know we've agreed that you aren't the shrarpest tack in the box but really?

Creep, if I ever agreed with you, that would make me an idiot.....

So creep, you and your party are engaged in the most vile form of demagoguery where you trot out not only unproven but patently absurd accusations against enemies of the party. Your corrupt and complicit press then runs those accusations as if they were fact, despite there not being even a hint of evidence to support them.

But you don't care, you want to destroy Judge Kavanaugh because you think he threatens abortion.

You call him a "rapist" because some soldier of the Soros left who was part of the Womans March shows up after the Kory and Kamala Klown show failed to derail Kavanaugh with claims that he assaulted her 36, or was it 45, or 32, or something years ago. She doesn't know when it was supposed to have happened, or where it was supposed to have happened, she doesn't know who was there, BUT she DID march for Soros and she DOES hate Trump.

So you call him "rapist," because you have no integrity and seek to destroy an enemy of the Nazi party you serve.

You are basically a clone of Heinreich Himmler.
lol. You can't really be this dumb.

It's gotta be an act.
It’s not an act.
Tryin' ta give the kid the benefit of the doubt. I'm a nice guy that way.

Sure you are creep.

In that rain coat by the play ground...
Clinton didn't always HAVE "consensual relationships" with other women, Joey! Paula Jones sued him for sexual harassment. Juanita Broaddrick accused him of rape.

Juanita Broaddrick changed her story so many times, Kenny Starr didn't even believe her. She swore out two affadavitts saying she never had sex with Clinton, and then Kenny Starr came along and started threatening her, and she said whatever she thought he wanted to hear.

Not that I blame her. Kenny had already thrown two chicks in jail for not testifying the way he wanted.

Bill Clinton is the prototypical person in power that uses their office to get sex. In my opinion he's FAR worse than an allegedly drunk 17 year old who touched someone inappropriately one time!

Well, I guess you're entitled to your opinion. I know that the concept that women just like the guy is too horrifying for you.

But okay. I would be totally against putting him on SCOTUS, too.

Funny how you accuse Jones of being the liar in that case, Joey but it was Clinton who settled that case out of court because he'd lied when he said he didn't have sex with Monica Lewinsky. He should have been charged with perjury for that but then again...we know there are two sets of for everyone else and one for the Clintons.

Most reasonable people wouldn't admit to an affair, guy.

You also leave out a few details about that settlement.

1) Jones Case was thrown out of court as having no merit.
2) Weber-Wright ruled that whether or not Clinton had sex with Lewinsky had no bearing on Jones' claims of being harrassed.
3) Clinton settled for 1/3 of what Jones was asking for.
4) Clinton ONLY agreed to settle it in exchange for Jones' dropping any insistence on an apology or admission of wrongdoing, because settling for 1/3rd of what Jones was asking for was cheaper than going through two years of appeals.

Now, nitty-gritty legal shit here. Jones had no real case, because Clinton wasn't her boss. At that time, you had to prove that you had suffered a direct career setback for refusing to give sex, and Jones couldn't prove that. She was just kind of useless at her job and quit when it was obvious she was useless.

What changed was that Ellerth v. Burlington was ruled on in SCOTUS, where a person no longer had to prove that they suffered a setback in their career, just the perception was good enough. So it was cheaper to settle than go through three more years of litigation.

Big corporations settle these things all the time for the same reason, and frankly, it's why Sexual Harrassment is such a scam for business. (And I almost never take the side of business.)

Point was, Jones was always a whore who'd do anything for money. She accused Clinton for money. She boxed Tonya Harding for money. She took off her clothes for Penthouse for money.

Put a bag of money in front of her, she'd tell people you were a brain sucking alien.
Clinton didn't always HAVE "consensual relationships" with other women, Joey! Paula Jones sued him for sexual harassment. Juanita Broaddrick accused him of rape.

Juanita Broaddrick changed her story so many times, Kenny Starr didn't even believe her. She swore out two affadavitts saying she never had sex with Clinton, and then Kenny Starr came along and started threatening her, and she said whatever she thought he wanted to hear.

Not that I blame her. Kenny had already thrown two chicks in jail for not testifying the way he wanted.

Bill Clinton is the prototypical person in power that uses their office to get sex. In my opinion he's FAR worse than an allegedly drunk 17 year old who touched someone inappropriately one time!

Well, I guess you're entitled to your opinion. I know that the concept that women just like the guy is too horrifying for you.

But okay. I would be totally against putting him on SCOTUS, too.

Funny how you accuse Jones of being the liar in that case, Joey but it was Clinton who settled that case out of court because he'd lied when he said he didn't have sex with Monica Lewinsky. He should have been charged with perjury for that but then again...we know there are two sets of for everyone else and one for the Clintons.

Most reasonable people wouldn't admit to an affair, guy.

You also leave out a few details about that settlement.

1) Jones Case was thrown out of court as having no merit.
2) Weber-Wright ruled that whether or not Clinton had sex with Lewinsky had no bearing on Jones' claims of being harrassed.
3) Clinton settled for 1/3 of what Jones was asking for.
4) Clinton ONLY agreed to settle it in exchange for Jones' dropping any insistence on an apology or admission of wrongdoing, because settling for 1/3rd of what Jones was asking for was cheaper than going through two years of appeals.

Now, nitty-gritty legal shit here. Jones had no real case, because Clinton wasn't her boss. At that time, you had to prove that you had suffered a direct career setback for refusing to give sex, and Jones couldn't prove that. She was just kind of useless at her job and quit when it was obvious she was useless.

What changed was that Ellerth v. Burlington was ruled on in SCOTUS, where a person no longer had to prove that they suffered a setback in their career, just the perception was good enough. So it was cheaper to settle than go through three more years of litigation.

Big corporations settle these things all the time for the same reason, and frankly, it's why Sexual Harrassment is such a scam for business. (And I almost never take the side of business.)

Point was, Jones was always a whore who'd do anything for money. She accused Clinton for money. She boxed Tonya Harding for money. She took off her clothes for Penthouse for money.

Put a bag of money in front of her, she'd tell people you were a brain sucking alien. any "reasonable" person would lie about having an affair under oath? I beg to differ, Joey. A "reasonable" person knows that lying under oath is perjury and gets you into a lot more trouble than the blow back you get from having an affair! Bill Clinton had no problem at all lying under oath. He had no problem at all looking right into the cameras and lying to the American people.
Clinton wasn't Jones' boss? What would the Governor of a State be to a State employee if they weren't their "boss"?

As for what Clinton "settled" for? It was the full amount of $850,000...the 1/3 amount you cite is what Jones received after paying her attorneys. Clinton settled that case because he didn't want to be dragged back into court and have to explain his perjury in the earlier case...perjury which resulted in his losing his license to practice law for five years.
Clinton wasn't Jones' boss? What would the Governor of a State be to a State employee if they weren't their "boss"?

As for what Clinton "settled" for? It was the full amount of $850,000...the 1/3 amount you cite is what Jones received after paying her attorneys. Clinton settled that case because he didn't want to be dragged back into court and have to explain his perjury in the earlier case...perjury which resulted in his losing his license to practice law for five years.
No, ya lyin con tool. Jones asked for 2 million. She was awarded $200,000 of the $850,000 on which they settled.
Nothing funnier than watching you accuse me of being a liar as you defend the biggest liar ever to sit behind a desk in the Oval Office, Faun! Have a ball playing THAT game! Should we discuss what the meaning of the word "is" is?
Nothing funnier than watching you accuse me of being a liar as you defend the biggest liar ever to sit behind a desk in the Oval Office, Faun! Have a ball playing THAT game! Should we discuss what the meaning of the word "is" is?
I don’t defend trump, ya lying con tool.

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