Bart O'Kavanaugh

A character in Mike Judge's book about highschool drunks.

Bart O'Kavanaugh.


Kavanaugh classmate Mark Judge details parties in writings - CNNPolitics

Yeah creep, real convincing... :eusa_whistle:
Just what do you think I'm trying to convince you of?

You seek to delay the confirmation of Kavanaugh until after the mid-terms in hopes that you Stalinists seize the Senate. At which point you will block any judicial appointments for the remainder of Trumps term.

What liars like you are doing is trying to convince people there is some semblance of legitimacy to this shit.
A character in Mike Judge's book about highschool drunks.

Bart O'Kavanaugh.


Kavanaugh classmate Mark Judge details parties in writings - CNNPolitics

Yeah creep, real convincing... :eusa_whistle:
Just what do you think I'm trying to convince you of?

You seek to delay the confirmation of Kavanaugh until after the mid-terms in hopes that you Stalinists seize the Senate. At which point you will block any judicial appointments for the remainder of Trumps term.

What liars like you are doing is trying to convince people there is some semblance of legitimacy to this shit.
Two words: Bart O'Kavanaugh.

Why do you hate white people?

Yeah creep, that's convincing.

Tell us again how you of the Khmer Rouge are "destroying old white men?"

So guilty until proven innocent is the world you want, Comrade?

Are you really to stupid to grasp that the destruction of due process and let's face it, basic decency, isn't limited to your plot to save your beloved abortion (may Gaia be praised, sacrifice and infant to her)?

You may think yourself immune because you're a Communist, but the men who democrats model the party after, Joseph Stalin and Pol Pot, killed plenty of Communists.

Your war to destroy liberty and basic protection under the law will rise up and bite you.
I'm amused by the left's latest attempt to stall this nomination! You don't think he should be on the Supreme Court because he couldn't hold his liquor when he was a teenager? THAT negates 35 years of his adult life that's about as stellar as it gets?
Why put a sexual predator on the SC? First of all one is already there and secondly they have other candidates.
Why put a sexual predator in the White House… Slick Willy
I'm amused by the left's latest attempt to stall this nomination! You don't think he should be on the Supreme Court because he couldn't hold his liquor when he was a teenager? THAT negates 35 years of his adult life that's about as stellar as it gets?
Why put a sexual predator on the SC? First of all one is already there and secondly they have other candidates.

How can anyone say anything happened at this point. He couldn’t hold his beer? It’s not a done deal, we don’t know specifics of allegations, and apparently we have no specific date or location of the alleged crime. But the desired effect is occurring. Block the nomination. This guy is innocent until proven guilty, and everyone knows they have no was of providing any evidence. If anyone is old enough to go back 36 years, think of your most memorable party, and give all the specifics. Can’t be done. No one has proven anything. And where are the rest of the women that he also took advantage of? You mean this horrible guy was one and done in this one situation. He’s done nothing that we know of, and every newscast should start with disclaimers that everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The dirt balls on COPS get a better shake then this guy is getting. And we get to watch them commit crimes.

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I'm amused by the left's latest attempt to stall this nomination! You don't think he should be on the Supreme Court because he couldn't hold his liquor when he was a teenager? THAT negates 35 years of his adult life that's about as stellar as it gets?
Why put a sexual predator on the SC? First of all one is already there and secondly they have other candidates.

How can anyone say anything happened at this point. He couldn’t hold his beer? It’s not a done deal, we don’t know specifics of allegations, and apparently we have no specific date or location of the alleged crime. But the desired effect is occurring. Block the nomination. This guy is innocent until proven guilty, and everyone knows they have no was of providing any evidence. If anyone is old enough to go back 36 years, think of your most memorable party, and give all the specifics. Can’t be done. No one has proven anything. And where are the rest of the women that he also took advantage of? You mean this horrible guy was one and done in this one situation. He’s done nothing that we know of, and every newscast should start with disclaimers that everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The dirt balls on COPS get a better shake then this guy is getting. And we get to watch them commit crimes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

This was never about proving guilt, Butch...this is about stalling a confirmation by whatever means necessary! You saw it with the planned protests to disrupt the hearings. You saw it with the demands for unprecedented amounts of documentation on a nominee. This whole Ford thing is nothing more than a last desperate attempt by the left to smear someone with a "he said - she said" accusation from 36 years ago by someone who now puts "conditions" on when and how she will testify! The Democrats will draw this out for as long as they possibly can and then scream bloody murder when Grassley finally has enough spine to call for a vote.

Why do you hate white people?

Yeah creep, that's convincing.

Tell us again how you of the Khmer Rouge are "destroying old white men?"

So guilty until proven innocent is the world you want, Comrade?

Are you really to stupid to grasp that the destruction of due process and let's face it, basic decency, isn't limited to your plot to save your beloved abortion (may Gaia be praised, sacrifice and infant to her)?

You may think yourself immune because you're a Communist, but the men who democrats model the party after, Joseph Stalin and Pol Pot, killed plenty of Communists.

Your war to destroy liberty and basic protection under the law will rise up and bite you.
Dude, are you on drugs or what?

Why do you hate white people?

Yeah creep, that's convincing.

Tell us again how you of the Khmer Rouge are "destroying old white men?"

So guilty until proven innocent is the world you want, Comrade?

Are you really to stupid to grasp that the destruction of due process and let's face it, basic decency, isn't limited to your plot to save your beloved abortion (may Gaia be praised, sacrifice and infant to her)?

You may think yourself immune because you're a Communist, but the men who democrats model the party after, Joseph Stalin and Pol Pot, killed plenty of Communists.

Your war to destroy liberty and basic protection under the law will rise up and bite you.
Dude, are you on drugs or what?


Creep, you think this attack on Brett Kavanaugh is good, right?

So explain your position as a Marxist as to what the concept of "due process" means?

It is "Republican guilty, democrat immune to the law?"
I'm amused by the left's latest attempt to stall this nomination! You don't think he should be on the Supreme Court because he couldn't hold his liquor when he was a teenager? THAT negates 35 years of his adult life that's about as stellar as it gets?
“Couldn’t hold his liquor.” Man, you rape enablers are barely even trying anymore. Might as well come out and say you’re fine with rape.

Why do you hate white people?

Yeah creep, that's convincing.

Tell us again how you of the Khmer Rouge are "destroying old white men?"

So guilty until proven innocent is the world you want, Comrade?

Are you really to stupid to grasp that the destruction of due process and let's face it, basic decency, isn't limited to your plot to save your beloved abortion (may Gaia be praised, sacrifice and infant to her)?

You may think yourself immune because you're a Communist, but the men who democrats model the party after, Joseph Stalin and Pol Pot, killed plenty of Communists.

Your war to destroy liberty and basic protection under the law will rise up and bite you.
Dude, are you on drugs or what?


Creep, you think this attack on Brett Kavanaugh is good, right?

So explain your position as a Marxist as to what the concept of "due process" means?

It is "Republican guilty, democrat immune to the law?"

Why do you hate white people?

Yeah creep, that's convincing.

Tell us again how you of the Khmer Rouge are "destroying old white men?"

So guilty until proven innocent is the world you want, Comrade?

Are you really to stupid to grasp that the destruction of due process and let's face it, basic decency, isn't limited to your plot to save your beloved abortion (may Gaia be praised, sacrifice and infant to her)?

You may think yourself immune because you're a Communist, but the men who democrats model the party after, Joseph Stalin and Pol Pot, killed plenty of Communists.

Your war to destroy liberty and basic protection under the law will rise up and bite you.
Dude, are you on drugs or what?


Creep, you think this attack on Brett Kavanaugh is good, right?

So explain your position as a Marxist as to what the concept of "due process" means?

It is "Republican guilty, democrat immune to the law?"

Why do you hate white people?

Yeah creep, that's convincing.

Tell us again how you of the Khmer Rouge are "destroying old white men?"

So guilty until proven innocent is the world you want, Comrade?

Are you really to stupid to grasp that the destruction of due process and let's face it, basic decency, isn't limited to your plot to save your beloved abortion (may Gaia be praised, sacrifice and infant to her)?

You may think yourself immune because you're a Communist, but the men who democrats model the party after, Joseph Stalin and Pol Pot, killed plenty of Communists.

Your war to destroy liberty and basic protection under the law will rise up and bite you.
Dude, are you on drugs or what?


Creep, you think this attack on Brett Kavanaugh is good, right?

So explain your position as a Marxist as to what the concept of "due process" means?

It is "Republican guilty, democrat immune to the law?"
Now, you show me how any of the lies you just posted are true.

You bitch about this "attack on kavanaugh" but your every post is an attack on somebody.

You're just one more not too bright conservitard hypocrite.
Two words: Bart O'Kavanaugh.

That's a name, retard.

Here is a name that fits you like a glove, creep.

Heinreich Himler.
Ok kid, I know we've agreed that you aren't the shrarpest tack in the box but really?

Creep, if I ever agreed with you, that would make me an idiot.....

So creep, you and your party are engaged in the most vile form of demagoguery where you trot out not only unproven but patently absurd accusations against enemies of the party. Your corrupt and complicit press then runs those accusations as if they were fact, despite there not being even a hint of evidence to support them.

But you don't care, you want to destroy Judge Kavanaugh because you think he threatens abortion.

You call him a "rapist" because some soldier of the Soros left who was part of the Womans March shows up after the Kory and Kamala Klown show failed to derail Kavanaugh with claims that he assaulted her 36, or was it 45, or 32, or something years ago. She doesn't know when it was supposed to have happened, or where it was supposed to have happened, she doesn't know who was there, BUT she DID march for Soros and she DOES hate Trump.

So you call him "rapist," because you have no integrity and seek to destroy an enemy of the Nazi party you serve.

You are basically a clone of Heinreich Himmler.
Two words: Bart O'Kavanaugh.

That's a name, retard.

Here is a name that fits you like a glove, creep.

Heinreich Himler.
Ok kid, I know we've agreed that you aren't the shrarpest tack in the box but really?

Creep, if I ever agreed with you, that would make me an idiot.....

So creep, you and your party are engaged in the most vile form of demagoguery where you trot out not only unproven but patently absurd accusations against enemies of the party. Your corrupt and complicit press then runs those accusations as if they were fact, despite there not being even a hint of evidence to support them.

But you don't care, you want to destroy Judge Kavanaugh because you think he threatens abortion.

You call him a "rapist" because some soldier of the Soros left who was part of the Womans March shows up after the Kory and Kamala Klown show failed to derail Kavanaugh with claims that he assaulted her 36, or was it 45, or 32, or something years ago. She doesn't know when it was supposed to have happened, or where it was supposed to have happened, she doesn't know who was there, BUT she DID march for Soros and she DOES hate Trump.

So you call him "rapist," because you have no integrity and seek to destroy an enemy of the Nazi party you serve.

You are basically a clone of Heinreich Himmler.
lol. You can't really be this dumb.

It's gotta be an act.
Two words: Bart O'Kavanaugh.

That's a name, retard.

Here is a name that fits you like a glove, creep.

Heinreich Himler.
Ok kid, I know we've agreed that you aren't the shrarpest tack in the box but really?

Creep, if I ever agreed with you, that would make me an idiot.....

So creep, you and your party are engaged in the most vile form of demagoguery where you trot out not only unproven but patently absurd accusations against enemies of the party. Your corrupt and complicit press then runs those accusations as if they were fact, despite there not being even a hint of evidence to support them.

But you don't care, you want to destroy Judge Kavanaugh because you think he threatens abortion.

You call him a "rapist" because some soldier of the Soros left who was part of the Womans March shows up after the Kory and Kamala Klown show failed to derail Kavanaugh with claims that he assaulted her 36, or was it 45, or 32, or something years ago. She doesn't know when it was supposed to have happened, or where it was supposed to have happened, she doesn't know who was there, BUT she DID march for Soros and she DOES hate Trump.

So you call him "rapist," because you have no integrity and seek to destroy an enemy of the Nazi party you serve.

You are basically a clone of Heinreich Himmler.
lol. You can't really be this dumb.

It's gotta be an act.

Thanks Herr Himmler
I'm amused by the left's latest attempt to stall this nomination! You don't think he should be on the Supreme Court because he couldn't hold his liquor when he was a teenager? THAT negates 35 years of his adult life that's about as stellar as it gets?
“Couldn’t hold his liquor.” Man, you rape enablers are barely even trying anymore. Might as well come out and say you’re fine with rape.

Rape? Do you even know what the word means? Might as well come out and say you're a partisan hack, Black Flag!
I'm amused by the left's latest attempt to stall this nomination! You don't think he should be on the Supreme Court because he couldn't hold his liquor when he was a teenager? THAT negates 35 years of his adult life that's about as stellar as it gets?

YOu guys wanted to keep bringing up discredited charges from 40 years ago against Bill Clinton.
I'm amused by the left's latest attempt to stall this nomination! You don't think he should be on the Supreme Court because he couldn't hold his liquor when he was a teenager? THAT negates 35 years of his adult life that's about as stellar as it gets?

YOu guys wanted to keep bringing up discredited charges from 40 years ago against Bill Clinton.

Let's talk about Bill Clinton, Joe! Guess what...Ms. Katz, the lawyer for the woman accusing Kavanaugh of attempted rape and murder also represented Bill Clinton back in the day! Amazingly...back then, Ms. Katz declared that touching a woman's breast or backside or forcing them to kiss you wasn't a big deal if it only happened once! Gee, to take a crack at explaining how THAT take on sexual assault has morphed into the stance that Katz is taking these days?

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