Bashing Ayn Rand

Her "writing" wasn't overly was crap.

As to not having "credibility" with a batshit crazy homosexual right wing bomb thrower..don't worry..I'll live.


LOL, you make me laugh, swallow. For the record I am a cajun heterosexual, have never thrown a bomb, and have a very high IQ, I have seen a lot of bats, but never any batshit.

Idiot liberals like you are pitiful creatures, you live miserable lives, never enjoy anything, are perpetually angry, and must the the losers of the world that you hate so much.

I really feel sorry for you. Maybe a trip to a shrink would help you. :confused:

For the record you are a fucking flaming fag asking for a swallow.

And no..single digit IQs don't count as high.

My life is pretty fun, by the way. I live in a duplex in Brooklyn, own an apartment in Manhattan, and work for the financial industry. This affords me an income that has allowed me to travel the world.

Your world?

[ame=]Deliverance - Redneck Scene 1 - YouTube[/ame]

I do know some guys like the Deliverance cast. But if we are giving out personal info. I am retired from 40 years as an international manufacturer's representative. I have worked in europe, the far east, and mostly in the mid east representing companies making heavy construction and military products.

My investments are providing a very comfortable lifestyle including cruises, travel, nice cars, a nice house etc.

plus time to waste on internet boards arguing with intellectual children.
"some marginally competent GS 9 concerned about the consumer first" or "some marginally competent bean counter concerned about the business first".
Classic definitions always trump made up current wannabee definitions.

ACA may be government intrusion or interference or reform, but it is not socialism.

Oh, Rand and her philosophy simply are not relevant to our society.

not a valid analogy. I guess your definition of socialism is government ownership of the means or production. So I ask you, if the govt controls every aspect of medicine aren't they controlling the means of production of medical services?

It really is not socialism because socialism would place government directly as the arbiter or medical services. It is much close to corporatism as the government is giving the insurance companies legally bound customers. That is the real sad part about the ACA. They have eliminated the entire purpose of insurance companies (assessing risk and creating pools) but not the companies themselves. All they have to do now is profit….

Hell, the profit margin is even set. The worst part is that the left is openly supporting this bullshit.

its not socialism-----------yet.
Redfish said:
its not socialism-----------yet.

Classic definitions always trump made up current definitions.

It will become single payer if the GOP and the health care industry work to make this system don't work.

If that happens, the electorate will put in a congress and president to make ACA work, even if government has to take over the system.

Oh, single payer is not socialism.
hundreds of companies are reducing hours below 30/week to escape obamacare. its either that or close their doors, which would you do?

It's already not pretty. I have three business clients who are preparing to do this and a couple others who have asked about it. It's ridiculous enough that businesses should be burdened with health care, but this whole thing is just a bad joke.

The most telling thing is the fact that unions are now admitting it too: [url=]Now, some unions upset over Obamacare - CBS News[/URL]

And it's more than hundreds. Every qualifying business has had to look at this, and most of had to make decisions. Effin' madness.


But again, whose fault is that.

The problem with the ACA is that the Public Option was taken off the table, the Medicare Buy In for those over 55 was taken off the table, etc.

Businesses were already struggling to provide this benefit, and the burden was increased.

Again, single payer, solves all the problems, but that's too much like socialism for some people.

If the bill didn't include things that would have taken it from crappy to good, it should not have become law. The Democrats saw that they had a chance to make history, so they pushed through this steaming pile of crap by the thinnest of margins. They were willing to settle for this, and they stuck all of us with it.

There was never a serious conversation on single payer or (my choice) a public/private partnership that provides a foundational preventive/diagnostic-for-all component. Instead, this beast was pushed through in the most political way possible. And then there's the final poke in the eye -- millions will still be uninsured.

Our "leaders" keep failing us, and I'm sick of it.

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LOL, you make me laugh, swallow. For the record I am a cajun heterosexual, have never thrown a bomb, and have a very high IQ, I have seen a lot of bats, but never any batshit.

Idiot liberals like you are pitiful creatures, you live miserable lives, never enjoy anything, are perpetually angry, and must the the losers of the world that you hate so much.

I really feel sorry for you. Maybe a trip to a shrink would help you. :confused:

For the record you are a fucking flaming fag asking for a swallow.

And no..single digit IQs don't count as high.

My life is pretty fun, by the way. I live in a duplex in Brooklyn, own an apartment in Manhattan, and work for the financial industry. This affords me an income that has allowed me to travel the world.

Your world?

[ame=]Deliverance - Redneck Scene 1 - YouTube[/ame]

I do know some guys like the Deliverance cast. But if we are giving out personal info. I am retired from 40 years as an international manufacturer's representative. I have worked in europe, the far east, and mostly in the mid east representing companies making heavy construction and military products.

My investments are providing a very comfortable lifestyle including cruises, travel, nice cars, a nice house etc.

plus time to waste on internet boards arguing with intellectual children.

Well it's an argument you started gramps by projecting your homosexual fantasies.

Perhaps you should stick to shit you know.

Like sucking off sailor boys in town.
For the record you are a fucking flaming fag asking for a swallow.

And no..single digit IQs don't count as high.

My life is pretty fun, by the way. I live in a duplex in Brooklyn, own an apartment in Manhattan, and work for the financial industry. This affords me an income that has allowed me to travel the world.

Your world?

Deliverance - Redneck Scene 1 - YouTube

I do know some guys like the Deliverance cast. But if we are giving out personal info. I am retired from 40 years as an international manufacturer's representative. I have worked in europe, the far east, and mostly in the mid east representing companies making heavy construction and military products.

My investments are providing a very comfortable lifestyle including cruises, travel, nice cars, a nice house etc.

plus time to waste on internet boards arguing with intellectual children.

Well it's an argument you started gramps by projecting your homosexual fantasies.

Perhaps you should stick to shit you know.

Like sucking off sailor boys in town.

kinda looks like you are projecting your fantasies on others. quite typical of libtardians.
It's already not pretty. I have three business clients who are preparing to do this and a couple others who have asked about it. It's ridiculous enough that businesses should be burdened with health care, but this whole thing is just a bad joke.

The most telling thing is the fact that unions are now admitting it too: [url=]Now, some unions upset over Obamacare - CBS News[/URL]

And it's more than hundreds. Every qualifying business has had to look at this, and most of had to make decisions. Effin' madness.


But again, whose fault is that.

The problem with the ACA is that the Public Option was taken off the table, the Medicare Buy In for those over 55 was taken off the table, etc.

Businesses were already struggling to provide this benefit, and the burden was increased.

Again, single payer, solves all the problems, but that's too much like socialism for some people.

If the bill didn't include things that would have taken it from crappy to good, it should not have become law. The Democrats saw that they had a chance to make history, so they pushed through this steaming pile of crap by the thinnest of margins. They were willing to settle for this, and they stuck all of us with it.

There was never a serious conversation on single payer or (my choice) a public/private partnership that provides a foundational preventive/diagnostic-for-all component. Instead, this beast was pushed through in the most political way possible. And then there's the final poke in the eye -- millions will still be uninsured.

Our "leaders" keep failing us, and I'm sick of it.


good recap :clap2:
It's already not pretty. I have three business clients who are preparing to do this and a couple others who have asked about it. It's ridiculous enough that businesses should be burdened with health care, but this whole thing is just a bad joke.

The most telling thing is the fact that unions are now admitting it too: [url=]Now, some unions upset over Obamacare - CBS News[/URL]

And it's more than hundreds. Every qualifying business has had to look at this, and most of had to make decisions. Effin' madness.


But again, whose fault is that.

The problem with the ACA is that the Public Option was taken off the table, the Medicare Buy In for those over 55 was taken off the table, etc.

Businesses were already struggling to provide this benefit, and the burden was increased.

Again, single payer, solves all the problems, but that's too much like socialism for some people.

If the bill didn't include things that would have taken it from crappy to good, it should not have become law. The Democrats saw that they had a chance to make history, so they pushed through this steaming pile of crap by the thinnest of margins. They were willing to settle for this, and they stuck all of us with it.

There was never a serious conversation on single payer or (my choice) a public/private partnership that provides a foundational preventive/diagnostic-for-all component. Instead, this beast was pushed through in the most political way possible. And then there's the final poke in the eye -- millions will still be uninsured.

Our "leaders" keep failing us, and I'm sick of it.


1. That essentially not what happened. But don't let facts get in your way.

HMOs have been raising rates and kicking people out of their programs when they needed them the most. There wouldn't even need to be an ACA if the HMOs operated with the slightest bit of ethics. Instead, they went public and became all about profit. Republicans for almost the last century have feverishly opposed any sort of single payer option for the general public (while taking it for themselves in congress). There was a serious discussion about changing that during the Clinton administration. That again, was feverishly opposed and the alternative Heritage Foundation, personal responsibility plan was put up. Romney took that plan and implemented it his state. That was a proof of concept for Obama who eventually favored that plan.

Does it suck? Sure..but it's better than what was in place before that...

[ame=]Alan Grayson on the GOP Health Care Plan: "Don't Get Sick! And if You Do Get Sick, Die Quickly!"' - YouTube[/ame]
Redfish said:
its not socialism-----------yet.

Classic definitions always trump made up current definitions.

It will become single payer if the GOP and the health care industry work to make this system don't work.

If that happens, the electorate will put in a congress and president to make ACA work, even if government has to take over the system.

Oh, single payer is not socialism.

of course it is. Do Canada and the UK have socialized medicine?
I do know some guys like the Deliverance cast. But if we are giving out personal info. I am retired from 40 years as an international manufacturer's representative. I have worked in europe, the far east, and mostly in the mid east representing companies making heavy construction and military products.

My investments are providing a very comfortable lifestyle including cruises, travel, nice cars, a nice house etc.

plus time to waste on internet boards arguing with intellectual children.

Well it's an argument you started gramps by projecting your homosexual fantasies.

Perhaps you should stick to shit you know.

Like sucking off sailor boys in town.

kinda looks like you are projecting your fantasies on others. quite typical of libtardians.

Well no, asshole..Keep up.

I didn't start this did.
Well it's an argument you started gramps by projecting your homosexual fantasies.

Perhaps you should stick to shit you know.

Like sucking off sailor boys in town.

kinda looks like you are projecting your fantasies on others. quite typical of libtardians.

Well no, asshole..Keep up.

I didn't start this did.

why are you so sensitive about being called swallow? hit too close to home?

I could be calling you a small bird, you are the one who started the gay crap.
But again, whose fault is that.

The problem with the ACA is that the Public Option was taken off the table, the Medicare Buy In for those over 55 was taken off the table, etc.

Businesses were already struggling to provide this benefit, and the burden was increased.

Again, single payer, solves all the problems, but that's too much like socialism for some people.

If the bill didn't include things that would have taken it from crappy to good, it should not have become law. The Democrats saw that they had a chance to make history, so they pushed through this steaming pile of crap by the thinnest of margins. They were willing to settle for this, and they stuck all of us with it.

There was never a serious conversation on single payer or (my choice) a public/private partnership that provides a foundational preventive/diagnostic-for-all component. Instead, this beast was pushed through in the most political way possible. And then there's the final poke in the eye -- millions will still be uninsured.

Our "leaders" keep failing us, and I'm sick of it.


1. That essentially not what happened. But don't let facts get in your way.

HMOs have been raising rates and kicking people out of their programs when they needed them the most. There wouldn't even need to be an ACA if the HMOs operated with the slightest bit of ethics. Instead, they went public and became all about profit. Republicans for almost the last century have feverishly opposed any sort of single payer option for the general public (while taking it for themselves in congress). There was a serious discussion about changing that during the Clinton administration. That again, was feverishly opposed and the alternative Heritage Foundation, personal responsibility plan was put up. Romney took that plan and implemented it his state. That was a proof of concept for Obama who eventually favored that plan.

Does it suck? Sure..but it's better than what was in place before that...

[ame=]Alan Grayson on the GOP Health Care Plan: "Don't Get Sick! And if You Do Get Sick, Die Quickly!"' - YouTube[/ame]

Alan Grayson. Yes, classy stuff there. We can always count on him for intellectual honesty.

So you admit that a full conversation on single payer was not attempted during the creation of the ACA. Good, we agree.

We also agree that significant changes needed to be made.

Where am I not letting "the facts get in the way", precisely?

Last edited:
kinda looks like you are projecting your fantasies on others. quite typical of libtardians.

Well no, asshole..Keep up.

I didn't start this did.

why are you so sensitive about being called swallow? hit too close to home?

I could be calling you a small bird, you are the one who started the gay crap.

Think your cute, eh?

Word to the wise, faggot..

You're not.
If the bill didn't include things that would have taken it from crappy to good, it should not have become law. The Democrats saw that they had a chance to make history, so they pushed through this steaming pile of crap by the thinnest of margins. They were willing to settle for this, and they stuck all of us with it.

There was never a serious conversation on single payer or (my choice) a public/private partnership that provides a foundational preventive/diagnostic-for-all component. Instead, this beast was pushed through in the most political way possible. And then there's the final poke in the eye -- millions will still be uninsured.

Our "leaders" keep failing us, and I'm sick of it.


1. That essentially not what happened. But don't let facts get in your way.

HMOs have been raising rates and kicking people out of their programs when they needed them the most. There wouldn't even need to be an ACA if the HMOs operated with the slightest bit of ethics. Instead, they went public and became all about profit. Republicans for almost the last century have feverishly opposed any sort of single payer option for the general public (while taking it for themselves in congress). There was a serious discussion about changing that during the Clinton administration. That again, was feverishly opposed and the alternative Heritage Foundation, personal responsibility plan was put up. Romney took that plan and implemented it his state. That was a proof of concept for Obama who eventually favored that plan.

Does it suck? Sure..but it's better than what was in place before that...

[ame=]Alan Grayson on the GOP Health Care Plan: "Don't Get Sick! And if You Do Get Sick, Die Quickly!"' - YouTube[/ame]

Alan Grayson. Yes, classy stuff there. We can always count on him for intellectual honesty.

So you admit that a full conversation on single payer was not attempted during the creation of the ACA. Good, we agree.

We also agree that significant changes needed to be made.

Where am I not letting "the facts get in the way", precisely?


Because there was "serious conversation" about pushing single payer. They didn't have the votes..even among democrats.
1. That essentially not what happened. But don't let facts get in your way.

HMOs have been raising rates and kicking people out of their programs when they needed them the most. There wouldn't even need to be an ACA if the HMOs operated with the slightest bit of ethics. Instead, they went public and became all about profit. Republicans for almost the last century have feverishly opposed any sort of single payer option for the general public (while taking it for themselves in congress). There was a serious discussion about changing that during the Clinton administration. That again, was feverishly opposed and the alternative Heritage Foundation, personal responsibility plan was put up. Romney took that plan and implemented it his state. That was a proof of concept for Obama who eventually favored that plan.

Does it suck? Sure..but it's better than what was in place before that...

Alan Grayson on the GOP Health Care Plan: "Don't Get Sick! And if You Do Get Sick, Die Quickly!"' - YouTube

Alan Grayson. Yes, classy stuff there. We can always count on him for intellectual honesty.

So you admit that a full conversation on single payer was not attempted during the creation of the ACA. Good, we agree.

We also agree that significant changes needed to be made.

Where am I not letting "the facts get in the way", precisely?


Because there was "serious conversation" about pushing single payer. They didn't have the votes..even among democrats.

Then we have different definitions of "serious conversation".

The Democrats may have talked about it behind closed doors, but there were no significant public debates about it. Obama never pushed it, even though he had before he was President. The Democrats were afraid to bring it up with a Republican around. There were no ads by national Democrats. If I'm wrong, just give me some links, maybe I missed it.

Maybe the Democrats would have had the votes had they pushed it publicly.

I wouldn't want single payer alone, but the Dems were sheepish on it during the ACA, at best.

Why do so many of those that vote for the Democrats think that Medicare and Social Security is a choice?
You are forced to pay for Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security and you are forced to get it when you retire.
There is no choice and when those who talk about Ayn Rand with regards to getting Medicare and SSI she had no choice either.
She was forced to pay for Medicare and Social Security and she was forced to take it just like all the rest of us.

Just like the New Health Care Act. It was forced on us.
Alan Grayson. Yes, classy stuff there. We can always count on him for intellectual honesty.

So you admit that a full conversation on single payer was not attempted during the creation of the ACA. Good, we agree.

We also agree that significant changes needed to be made.

Where am I not letting "the facts get in the way", precisely?


Because there was "serious conversation" about pushing single payer. They didn't have the votes..even among democrats.

Then we have different definitions of "serious conversation".

The Democrats may have talked about it behind closed doors, but there were no significant public debates about it. Obama never pushed it, even though he had before he was President. The Democrats were afraid to bring it up with a Republican around. There were no ads by national Democrats. If I'm wrong, just give me some links, maybe I missed it.

Maybe the Democrats would have had the votes had they pushed it publicly.

I wouldn't want single payer alone, but the Dems were sheepish on it during the ACA, at best.


And you are wrong.

[ame=]Obama on single payer health insurance - YouTube[/ame]

Of course he did a double back flip on it..because he saw it wasn't going to happen.
Why do so many of those that vote for the Democrats think that Medicare and Social Security is a choice?
You are forced to pay for Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security and you are forced to get it when you retire.
There is no choice and when those who talk about Ayn Rand with regards to getting Medicare and SSI she had no choice either.
She was forced to pay for Medicare and Social Security and she was forced to take it just like all the rest of us.

Just like the New Health Care Act. It was forced on us.

Of course you have a choice.

You have the same choice that I have when this country goes to war, illegally. And I'm forced to pay for it.
Why do so many of those that vote for the Democrats think that Medicare and Social Security is a choice?
You are forced to pay for Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security and you are forced to get it when you retire.
There is no choice and when those who talk about Ayn Rand with regards to getting Medicare and SSI she had no choice either.
She was forced to pay for Medicare and Social Security and she was forced to take it just like all the rest of us.

Just like the New Health Care Act. It was forced on us.

Of course you have a choice.

You have the same choice that I have when this country goes to war, illegally. And I'm forced to pay for it.

Which wars were illegal?
Why do so many of those that vote for the Democrats think that Medicare and Social Security is a choice?
You are forced to pay for Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security and you are forced to get it when you retire.
There is no choice and when those who talk about Ayn Rand with regards to getting Medicare and SSI she had no choice either.
She was forced to pay for Medicare and Social Security and she was forced to take it just like all the rest of us.

Just like the New Health Care Act. It was forced on us.

Of course you have a choice.

You have the same choice that I have when this country goes to war, illegally. And I'm forced to pay for it.

Which wars were illegal?

Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Iraq (Both invasions)..heck..most of them were..

Read all about it.

Timeline of United States military operations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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