Bass: On Second Thought, Maybe Castro Wasn’t So Wonderful


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Bass: On Second Thought, Maybe Castro Wasn’t So Wonderful

3 Aug 2020 ~~ By Jazz Shaw
As some of our other writers here have already noted, there’s been quite a bit of chatter among politicos this week suggesting that California Congresswoman Karen Bass (D) may be rising near the top of the stack in the Joe Biden veepstakes. That choice would have struck me as slightly odd even without her documented record of being a cheerleader for Fidel Castro’s Cuban regime when she was younger. But with that added wrinkle in the story, Bass seemed like even less of an optimal pick. Now it looks like somebody must have slipped her a note about how her chances at the number two slot were about to go up in flames because yesterday she began changing her tune. You see, she’s been “listening” to various voices around her and has discovered much more about Castro’s legendary brutality. (Free Beacon)
California representative and potential vice presidential pick Karen Bass (D.) said Sunday that she “absolutely” should not have made a statement mourning the death of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro in 2016 because she knows “an awful lot more now” about Castro’s brutality.​
“I absolutely would have not put that statement out and I will tell you that after talking to my colleagues who represent the state of Florida, raised those concerns with me, lesson learned, would not do that again for sure,” Bass said during an appearance on Fox News Sunday.​
Bass said that she knows “an awful lot more now” about Castro’s abuses against the Cuban people since her initial visits to the country in the 1970s and that her perspective has “developed over time.”​
Ah. So her views have “evolved over time.” But they didn’t evolve all that quickly. As Ed Morrissey pointed out in the article I linked above, Bass didn’t go to Cuba just once to build houses and listen to Castro speak, learning what a monster he was in the process. She went back seven more times. And her policy positions as a Democrat in California haven’t exactly veered too far away from socialist principles. Here’s Bass explaining to Chuck Todd how much things have changed, despite all indications.
Aside from ticking off the aforementioned race and gender boxes, she doesn’t appear to do much for Biden in the national race. He’s already locked up California and having her on the ticket probably wouldn’t run up his lead in the popular vote by much in that state. But her previous support of Castro could actually wind up costing Biden votes in Florida where he definitely can’t afford to be squandering any. She has zero executive branch experience, unlike Kamala Harris who at least served as an Attorney General.
One apology tour on the Sunday shows never shuts up the media entirely when they’ve gotten their teeth into a story like this. If Biden picks her, you’ll be hearing Castro’s name at the VP debate and pretty much every stop she makes on the campaign trail between now and November. Honestly, if Biden actually winds up picking Bass, pundits are going to be wondering if Uncle Joe is even more addled than some might already suspect.

It appears that Congresswoman Karen Bass (D-CA) is a deeply dipped Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat verging near spying for the Castro regime.
There should be little doubt in anyone's mind that Ms. Bass is a Communist.
You have to wonder on who is really pulling the strings of the DNC and this "Democrat Presidential race?
Well, it appears that "Winston Smith and the Ministry of Truth" have wiped all those statements clean from Wikipedia, Youtube and other archival sites of every fluid historical record? Down the memory hole, like it never happened.

Hey stupid hateful shit he said didn't keep Trump from being potus! Cut the poor woman a break. She wants to be POUTUS. It's not like she borrowed money from PUTIN
Hey stupid hateful shit he said didn't keep Trump from being potus! Cut the poor woman a break. She wants to be POUTUS. It's not like she borrowed money from PUTIN

Of course you are referring to the DNC borrowing the money to get Obama elected...
BTW it's not POUTUS--- It's POTUS. Guess we can only chalk it up to your intelligence or lack thereof....
Bass: On Second Thought, Maybe Castro Wasn’t So Wonderful

3 Aug 2020 ~~ By Jazz Shaw
As some of our other writers here have already noted, there’s been quite a bit of chatter among politicos this week suggesting that California Congresswoman Karen Bass (D) may be rising near the top of the stack in the Joe Biden veepstakes. That choice would have struck me as slightly odd even without her documented record of being a cheerleader for Fidel Castro’s Cuban regime when she was younger. But with that added wrinkle in the story, Bass seemed like even less of an optimal pick. Now it looks like somebody must have slipped her a note about how her chances at the number two slot were about to go up in flames because yesterday she began changing her tune. You see, she’s been “listening” to various voices around her and has discovered much more about Castro’s legendary brutality. (Free Beacon)
California representative and potential vice presidential pick Karen Bass (D.) said Sunday that she “absolutely” should not have made a statement mourning the death of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro in 2016 because she knows “an awful lot more now” about Castro’s brutality.​
“I absolutely would have not put that statement out and I will tell you that after talking to my colleagues who represent the state of Florida, raised those concerns with me, lesson learned, would not do that again for sure,” Bass said during an appearance on Fox News Sunday.​
Bass said that she knows “an awful lot more now” about Castro’s abuses against the Cuban people since her initial visits to the country in the 1970s and that her perspective has “developed over time.”​
Ah. So her views have “evolved over time.” But they didn’t evolve all that quickly. As Ed Morrissey pointed out in the article I linked above, Bass didn’t go to Cuba just once to build houses and listen to Castro speak, learning what a monster he was in the process. She went back seven more times. And her policy positions as a Democrat in California haven’t exactly veered too far away from socialist principles. Here’s Bass explaining to Chuck Todd how much things have changed, despite all indications.
Aside from ticking off the aforementioned race and gender boxes, she doesn’t appear to do much for Biden in the national race. He’s already locked up California and having her on the ticket probably wouldn’t run up his lead in the popular vote by much in that state. But her previous support of Castro could actually wind up costing Biden votes in Florida where he definitely can’t afford to be squandering any. She has zero executive branch experience, unlike Kamala Harris who at least served as an Attorney General.
One apology tour on the Sunday shows never shuts up the media entirely when they’ve gotten their teeth into a story like this. If Biden picks her, you’ll be hearing Castro’s name at the VP debate and pretty much every stop she makes on the campaign trail between now and November. Honestly, if Biden actually winds up picking Bass, pundits are going to be wondering if Uncle Joe is even more addled than some might already suspect.

It appears that Congresswoman Karen Bass (D-CA) is a deeply dipped Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat verging near spying for the Castro regime.
There should be little doubt in anyone's mind that Ms. Bass is a Communist.
You have to wonder on who is really pulling the strings of the DNC and this "Democrat Presidential race?
Well, it appears that "Winston Smith and the Ministry of Truth" have wiped all those statements clean from Wikipedia, Youtube and other archival sites of every fluid historical record? Down the memory hole, like it never happened.


Funny how a regular guy like myself has always known about Castros penchant for brutality and she's just now discovering it.
Bass: On Second Thought, Maybe Castro Wasn’t So Wonderful

3 Aug 2020 ~~ By Jazz Shaw
As some of our other writers here have already noted, there’s been quite a bit of chatter among politicos this week suggesting that California Congresswoman Karen Bass (D) may be rising near the top of the stack in the Joe Biden veepstakes. That choice would have struck me as slightly odd even without her documented record of being a cheerleader for Fidel Castro’s Cuban regime when she was younger. But with that added wrinkle in the story, Bass seemed like even less of an optimal pick. Now it looks like somebody must have slipped her a note about how her chances at the number two slot were about to go up in flames because yesterday she began changing her tune. You see, she’s been “listening” to various voices around her and has discovered much more about Castro’s legendary brutality. (Free Beacon)
California representative and potential vice presidential pick Karen Bass (D.) said Sunday that she “absolutely” should not have made a statement mourning the death of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro in 2016 because she knows “an awful lot more now” about Castro’s brutality.​
“I absolutely would have not put that statement out and I will tell you that after talking to my colleagues who represent the state of Florida, raised those concerns with me, lesson learned, would not do that again for sure,” Bass said during an appearance on Fox News Sunday.​
Bass said that she knows “an awful lot more now” about Castro’s abuses against the Cuban people since her initial visits to the country in the 1970s and that her perspective has “developed over time.”​
Ah. So her views have “evolved over time.” But they didn’t evolve all that quickly. As Ed Morrissey pointed out in the article I linked above, Bass didn’t go to Cuba just once to build houses and listen to Castro speak, learning what a monster he was in the process. She went back seven more times. And her policy positions as a Democrat in California haven’t exactly veered too far away from socialist principles. Here’s Bass explaining to Chuck Todd how much things have changed, despite all indications.
Aside from ticking off the aforementioned race and gender boxes, she doesn’t appear to do much for Biden in the national race. He’s already locked up California and having her on the ticket probably wouldn’t run up his lead in the popular vote by much in that state. But her previous support of Castro could actually wind up costing Biden votes in Florida where he definitely can’t afford to be squandering any. She has zero executive branch experience, unlike Kamala Harris who at least served as an Attorney General.
One apology tour on the Sunday shows never shuts up the media entirely when they’ve gotten their teeth into a story like this. If Biden picks her, you’ll be hearing Castro’s name at the VP debate and pretty much every stop she makes on the campaign trail between now and November. Honestly, if Biden actually winds up picking Bass, pundits are going to be wondering if Uncle Joe is even more addled than some might already suspect.

It appears that Congresswoman Karen Bass (D-CA) is a deeply dipped Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat verging near spying for the Castro regime.
There should be little doubt in anyone's mind that Ms. Bass is a Communist.
You have to wonder on who is really pulling the strings of the DNC and this "Democrat Presidential race?
Well, it appears that "Winston Smith and the Ministry of Truth" have wiped all those statements clean from Wikipedia, Youtube and other archival sites of every fluid historical record? Down the memory hole, like it never happened.


Funny how a regular guy like myself has always known about Castros penchant for brutality and she's just now discovering it.
She didn't mark rental applications as colored people. She didn't pay for editorials to keep the Central Park 5 in jail for a DECADE AFTER THEY were proven innocent. She didn't spend a decade lying about where Obama was born. Give the girl a break. She just wants to be potus. It's her DREAM!!!
Bass: On Second Thought, Maybe Castro Wasn’t So Wonderful

3 Aug 2020 ~~ By Jazz Shaw
As some of our other writers here have already noted, there’s been quite a bit of chatter among politicos this week suggesting that California Congresswoman Karen Bass (D) may be rising near the top of the stack in the Joe Biden veepstakes. That choice would have struck me as slightly odd even without her documented record of being a cheerleader for Fidel Castro’s Cuban regime when she was younger. But with that added wrinkle in the story, Bass seemed like even less of an optimal pick. Now it looks like somebody must have slipped her a note about how her chances at the number two slot were about to go up in flames because yesterday she began changing her tune. You see, she’s been “listening” to various voices around her and has discovered much more about Castro’s legendary brutality. (Free Beacon)
California representative and potential vice presidential pick Karen Bass (D.) said Sunday that she “absolutely” should not have made a statement mourning the death of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro in 2016 because she knows “an awful lot more now” about Castro’s brutality.​
“I absolutely would have not put that statement out and I will tell you that after talking to my colleagues who represent the state of Florida, raised those concerns with me, lesson learned, would not do that again for sure,” Bass said during an appearance on Fox News Sunday.​
Bass said that she knows “an awful lot more now” about Castro’s abuses against the Cuban people since her initial visits to the country in the 1970s and that her perspective has “developed over time.”​
Ah. So her views have “evolved over time.” But they didn’t evolve all that quickly. As Ed Morrissey pointed out in the article I linked above, Bass didn’t go to Cuba just once to build houses and listen to Castro speak, learning what a monster he was in the process. She went back seven more times. And her policy positions as a Democrat in California haven’t exactly veered too far away from socialist principles. Here’s Bass explaining to Chuck Todd how much things have changed, despite all indications.
Aside from ticking off the aforementioned race and gender boxes, she doesn’t appear to do much for Biden in the national race. He’s already locked up California and having her on the ticket probably wouldn’t run up his lead in the popular vote by much in that state. But her previous support of Castro could actually wind up costing Biden votes in Florida where he definitely can’t afford to be squandering any. She has zero executive branch experience, unlike Kamala Harris who at least served as an Attorney General.
One apology tour on the Sunday shows never shuts up the media entirely when they’ve gotten their teeth into a story like this. If Biden picks her, you’ll be hearing Castro’s name at the VP debate and pretty much every stop she makes on the campaign trail between now and November. Honestly, if Biden actually winds up picking Bass, pundits are going to be wondering if Uncle Joe is even more addled than some might already suspect.

It appears that Congresswoman Karen Bass (D-CA) is a deeply dipped Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat verging near spying for the Castro regime.
There should be little doubt in anyone's mind that Ms. Bass is a Communist.
You have to wonder on who is really pulling the strings of the DNC and this "Democrat Presidential race?
Well, it appears that "Winston Smith and the Ministry of Truth" have wiped all those statements clean from Wikipedia, Youtube and other archival sites of every fluid historical record? Down the memory hole, like it never happened.


Funny how a regular guy like myself has always known about Castros penchant for brutality and she's just now discovering it.
She didn't mark rental applications as colored people. She didn't pay for editorials to keep the Central Park 5 in jail for a DECADE AFTER THEY were proven innocent. She didn't spend a decade lying about where Obama was born. Give the girl a break. She just wants to be potus. It's her DREAM!!!

WTF does that have to do with the discussion?
Weakest attempt at deflection ever!!!
Bass: On Second Thought, Maybe Castro Wasn’t So Wonderful

3 Aug 2020 ~~ By Jazz Shaw
As some of our other writers here have already noted, there’s been quite a bit of chatter among politicos this week suggesting that California Congresswoman Karen Bass (D) may be rising near the top of the stack in the Joe Biden veepstakes. That choice would have struck me as slightly odd even without her documented record of being a cheerleader for Fidel Castro’s Cuban regime when she was younger. But with that added wrinkle in the story, Bass seemed like even less of an optimal pick. Now it looks like somebody must have slipped her a note about how her chances at the number two slot were about to go up in flames because yesterday she began changing her tune. You see, she’s been “listening” to various voices around her and has discovered much more about Castro’s legendary brutality. (Free Beacon)
California representative and potential vice presidential pick Karen Bass (D.) said Sunday that she “absolutely” should not have made a statement mourning the death of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro in 2016 because she knows “an awful lot more now” about Castro’s brutality.​
“I absolutely would have not put that statement out and I will tell you that after talking to my colleagues who represent the state of Florida, raised those concerns with me, lesson learned, would not do that again for sure,” Bass said during an appearance on Fox News Sunday.​
Bass said that she knows “an awful lot more now” about Castro’s abuses against the Cuban people since her initial visits to the country in the 1970s and that her perspective has “developed over time.”​
Ah. So her views have “evolved over time.” But they didn’t evolve all that quickly. As Ed Morrissey pointed out in the article I linked above, Bass didn’t go to Cuba just once to build houses and listen to Castro speak, learning what a monster he was in the process. She went back seven more times. And her policy positions as a Democrat in California haven’t exactly veered too far away from socialist principles. Here’s Bass explaining to Chuck Todd how much things have changed, despite all indications.
Aside from ticking off the aforementioned race and gender boxes, she doesn’t appear to do much for Biden in the national race. He’s already locked up California and having her on the ticket probably wouldn’t run up his lead in the popular vote by much in that state. But her previous support of Castro could actually wind up costing Biden votes in Florida where he definitely can’t afford to be squandering any. She has zero executive branch experience, unlike Kamala Harris who at least served as an Attorney General.
One apology tour on the Sunday shows never shuts up the media entirely when they’ve gotten their teeth into a story like this. If Biden picks her, you’ll be hearing Castro’s name at the VP debate and pretty much every stop she makes on the campaign trail between now and November. Honestly, if Biden actually winds up picking Bass, pundits are going to be wondering if Uncle Joe is even more addled than some might already suspect.

It appears that Congresswoman Karen Bass (D-CA) is a deeply dipped Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat verging near spying for the Castro regime.
There should be little doubt in anyone's mind that Ms. Bass is a Communist.
You have to wonder on who is really pulling the strings of the DNC and this "Democrat Presidential race?
Well, it appears that "Winston Smith and the Ministry of Truth" have wiped all those statements clean from Wikipedia, Youtube and other archival sites of every fluid historical record? Down the memory hole, like it never happened.


Funny how a regular guy like myself has always known about Castros penchant for brutality and she's just now discovering it.
She didn't mark rental applications as colored people. She didn't pay for editorials to keep the Central Park 5 in jail for a DECADE AFTER THEY were proven innocent. She didn't spend a decade lying about where Obama was born. Give the girl a break. She just wants to be potus. It's her DREAM!!!

WTF does that have to do with the discussion?
Weakest attempt at deflection ever!!!
Whose deflecting. She's at least as disqualified as was the PUSSY GRABBER. I mean words people say decades ago HAVE CONSEQUENCES. lol
Bass: On Second Thought, Maybe Castro Wasn’t So Wonderful

3 Aug 2020 ~~ By Jazz Shaw
As some of our other writers here have already noted, there’s been quite a bit of chatter among politicos this week suggesting that California Congresswoman Karen Bass (D) may be rising near the top of the stack in the Joe Biden veepstakes. That choice would have struck me as slightly odd even without her documented record of being a cheerleader for Fidel Castro’s Cuban regime when she was younger. But with that added wrinkle in the story, Bass seemed like even less of an optimal pick. Now it looks like somebody must have slipped her a note about how her chances at the number two slot were about to go up in flames because yesterday she began changing her tune. You see, she’s been “listening” to various voices around her and has discovered much more about Castro’s legendary brutality. (Free Beacon)
California representative and potential vice presidential pick Karen Bass (D.) said Sunday that she “absolutely” should not have made a statement mourning the death of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro in 2016 because she knows “an awful lot more now” about Castro’s brutality.​
“I absolutely would have not put that statement out and I will tell you that after talking to my colleagues who represent the state of Florida, raised those concerns with me, lesson learned, would not do that again for sure,” Bass said during an appearance on Fox News Sunday.​
Bass said that she knows “an awful lot more now” about Castro’s abuses against the Cuban people since her initial visits to the country in the 1970s and that her perspective has “developed over time.”​
Ah. So her views have “evolved over time.” But they didn’t evolve all that quickly. As Ed Morrissey pointed out in the article I linked above, Bass didn’t go to Cuba just once to build houses and listen to Castro speak, learning what a monster he was in the process. She went back seven more times. And her policy positions as a Democrat in California haven’t exactly veered too far away from socialist principles. Here’s Bass explaining to Chuck Todd how much things have changed, despite all indications.
Aside from ticking off the aforementioned race and gender boxes, she doesn’t appear to do much for Biden in the national race. He’s already locked up California and having her on the ticket probably wouldn’t run up his lead in the popular vote by much in that state. But her previous support of Castro could actually wind up costing Biden votes in Florida where he definitely can’t afford to be squandering any. She has zero executive branch experience, unlike Kamala Harris who at least served as an Attorney General.
One apology tour on the Sunday shows never shuts up the media entirely when they’ve gotten their teeth into a story like this. If Biden picks her, you’ll be hearing Castro’s name at the VP debate and pretty much every stop she makes on the campaign trail between now and November. Honestly, if Biden actually winds up picking Bass, pundits are going to be wondering if Uncle Joe is even more addled than some might already suspect.

It appears that Congresswoman Karen Bass (D-CA) is a deeply dipped Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat verging near spying for the Castro regime.
There should be little doubt in anyone's mind that Ms. Bass is a Communist.
You have to wonder on who is really pulling the strings of the DNC and this "Democrat Presidential race?
Well, it appears that "Winston Smith and the Ministry of Truth" have wiped all those statements clean from Wikipedia, Youtube and other archival sites of every fluid historical record? Down the memory hole, like it never happened.


Funny how a regular guy like myself has always known about Castros penchant for brutality and she's just now discovering it.
She didn't mark rental applications as colored people. She didn't pay for editorials to keep the Central Park 5 in jail for a DECADE AFTER THEY were proven innocent. She didn't spend a decade lying about where Obama was born. Give the girl a break. She just wants to be potus. It's her DREAM!!!

WTF does that have to do with the discussion?
Weakest attempt at deflection ever!!!
Whose deflecting. She's at least as disqualified as was the PUSSY GRABBER. I mean words people say decades ago HAVE CONSEQUENCES. lol

I made a simple observation that even you should know.
Castro was a brutal dictator.
Hey stupid hateful shit he said didn't keep Trump from being potus! Cut the poor woman a break. She wants to be POUTUS. It's not like she borrowed money from PUTIN
You know what she is going to do. It takes a village.
Hopefully she'll sink back into obscurity, but the dims have a penchant for stealing defeat from the jaws of victory.

Because Democrats suck.
And people end up remembering that.
Fidel was the first person to drained the swamp. The very same Elites that are still in power was trying to remove Castro from power. Castro has removed Bastista from office who was working for the Elites. That he was letting these Elites to takeover their country. The Elites are the ones that has labeled Fidel a dictator like the way they are trying to do to Pres.Trump.

Fidel was the first person to drained the swamp. The very same Elites that are still in power was trying to remove Castro from power. Castro has removed Bastista from office who was working for the Elites.
Castro was a thug and a murderer of thousands upon thousands. Castro was a brutal communist dictator. Hardly can you claim he simply drained a swamp.
Bass: On Second Thought, Maybe Castro Wasn’t So Wonderful

3 Aug 2020 ~~ By Jazz Shaw
As some of our other writers here have already noted, there’s been quite a bit of chatter among politicos this week suggesting that California Congresswoman Karen Bass (D) may be rising near the top of the stack in the Joe Biden veepstakes. That choice would have struck me as slightly odd even without her documented record of being a cheerleader for Fidel Castro’s Cuban regime when she was younger. But with that added wrinkle in the story, Bass seemed like even less of an optimal pick. Now it looks like somebody must have slipped her a note about how her chances at the number two slot were about to go up in flames because yesterday she began changing her tune. You see, she’s been “listening” to various voices around her and has discovered much more about Castro’s legendary brutality. (Free Beacon)
California representative and potential vice presidential pick Karen Bass (D.) said Sunday that she “absolutely” should not have made a statement mourning the death of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro in 2016 because she knows “an awful lot more now” about Castro’s brutality.​
“I absolutely would have not put that statement out and I will tell you that after talking to my colleagues who represent the state of Florida, raised those concerns with me, lesson learned, would not do that again for sure,” Bass said during an appearance on Fox News Sunday.​
Bass said that she knows “an awful lot more now” about Castro’s abuses against the Cuban people since her initial visits to the country in the 1970s and that her perspective has “developed over time.”​
Ah. So her views have “evolved over time.” But they didn’t evolve all that quickly. As Ed Morrissey pointed out in the article I linked above, Bass didn’t go to Cuba just once to build houses and listen to Castro speak, learning what a monster he was in the process. She went back seven more times. And her policy positions as a Democrat in California haven’t exactly veered too far away from socialist principles. Here’s Bass explaining to Chuck Todd how much things have changed, despite all indications.
Aside from ticking off the aforementioned race and gender boxes, she doesn’t appear to do much for Biden in the national race. He’s already locked up California and having her on the ticket probably wouldn’t run up his lead in the popular vote by much in that state. But her previous support of Castro could actually wind up costing Biden votes in Florida where he definitely can’t afford to be squandering any. She has zero executive branch experience, unlike Kamala Harris who at least served as an Attorney General.
One apology tour on the Sunday shows never shuts up the media entirely when they’ve gotten their teeth into a story like this. If Biden picks her, you’ll be hearing Castro’s name at the VP debate and pretty much every stop she makes on the campaign trail between now and November. Honestly, if Biden actually winds up picking Bass, pundits are going to be wondering if Uncle Joe is even more addled than some might already suspect.

It appears that Congresswoman Karen Bass (D-CA) is a deeply dipped Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat verging near spying for the Castro regime.
There should be little doubt in anyone's mind that Ms. Bass is a Communist.
You have to wonder on who is really pulling the strings of the DNC and this "Democrat Presidential race?
Well, it appears that "Winston Smith and the Ministry of Truth" have wiped all those statements clean from Wikipedia, Youtube and other archival sites of every fluid historical record? Down the memory hole, like it never happened.

Yet another DNC presidential hopeful having to splain away their love affair with murderous and oppressive Marxist dictators.

This does get old after a while.

And yes I said President. If Biden is elected the VP will assume the role in the near term.
Bass: On Second Thought, Maybe Castro Wasn’t So Wonderful

3 Aug 2020 ~~ By Jazz Shaw
As some of our other writers here have already noted, there’s been quite a bit of chatter among politicos this week suggesting that California Congresswoman Karen Bass (D) may be rising near the top of the stack in the Joe Biden veepstakes. That choice would have struck me as slightly odd even without her documented record of being a cheerleader for Fidel Castro’s Cuban regime when she was younger. But with that added wrinkle in the story, Bass seemed like even less of an optimal pick. Now it looks like somebody must have slipped her a note about how her chances at the number two slot were about to go up in flames because yesterday she began changing her tune. You see, she’s been “listening” to various voices around her and has discovered much more about Castro’s legendary brutality. (Free Beacon)
California representative and potential vice presidential pick Karen Bass (D.) said Sunday that she “absolutely” should not have made a statement mourning the death of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro in 2016 because she knows “an awful lot more now” about Castro’s brutality.​
“I absolutely would have not put that statement out and I will tell you that after talking to my colleagues who represent the state of Florida, raised those concerns with me, lesson learned, would not do that again for sure,” Bass said during an appearance on Fox News Sunday.​
Bass said that she knows “an awful lot more now” about Castro’s abuses against the Cuban people since her initial visits to the country in the 1970s and that her perspective has “developed over time.”​
Ah. So her views have “evolved over time.” But they didn’t evolve all that quickly. As Ed Morrissey pointed out in the article I linked above, Bass didn’t go to Cuba just once to build houses and listen to Castro speak, learning what a monster he was in the process. She went back seven more times. And her policy positions as a Democrat in California haven’t exactly veered too far away from socialist principles. Here’s Bass explaining to Chuck Todd how much things have changed, despite all indications.
Aside from ticking off the aforementioned race and gender boxes, she doesn’t appear to do much for Biden in the national race. He’s already locked up California and having her on the ticket probably wouldn’t run up his lead in the popular vote by much in that state. But her previous support of Castro could actually wind up costing Biden votes in Florida where he definitely can’t afford to be squandering any. She has zero executive branch experience, unlike Kamala Harris who at least served as an Attorney General.
One apology tour on the Sunday shows never shuts up the media entirely when they’ve gotten their teeth into a story like this. If Biden picks her, you’ll be hearing Castro’s name at the VP debate and pretty much every stop she makes on the campaign trail between now and November. Honestly, if Biden actually winds up picking Bass, pundits are going to be wondering if Uncle Joe is even more addled than some might already suspect.

It appears that Congresswoman Karen Bass (D-CA) is a deeply dipped Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat verging near spying for the Castro regime.
There should be little doubt in anyone's mind that Ms. Bass is a Communist.
You have to wonder on who is really pulling the strings of the DNC and this "Democrat Presidential race?
Well, it appears that "Winston Smith and the Ministry of Truth" have wiped all those statements clean from Wikipedia, Youtube and other archival sites of every fluid historical record? Down the memory hole, like it never happened.


This black Commie bitch has also pirroutted back to gun control!
Bass: On Second Thought, Maybe Castro Wasn’t So Wonderful

3 Aug 2020 ~~ By Jazz Shaw
As some of our other writers here have already noted, there’s been quite a bit of chatter among politicos this week suggesting that California Congresswoman Karen Bass (D) may be rising near the top of the stack in the Joe Biden veepstakes. That choice would have struck me as slightly odd even without her documented record of being a cheerleader for Fidel Castro’s Cuban regime when she was younger. But with that added wrinkle in the story, Bass seemed like even less of an optimal pick. Now it looks like somebody must have slipped her a note about how her chances at the number two slot were about to go up in flames because yesterday she began changing her tune. You see, she’s been “listening” to various voices around her and has discovered much more about Castro’s legendary brutality. (Free Beacon)
California representative and potential vice presidential pick Karen Bass (D.) said Sunday that she “absolutely” should not have made a statement mourning the death of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro in 2016 because she knows “an awful lot more now” about Castro’s brutality.​
“I absolutely would have not put that statement out and I will tell you that after talking to my colleagues who represent the state of Florida, raised those concerns with me, lesson learned, would not do that again for sure,” Bass said during an appearance on Fox News Sunday.​
Bass said that she knows “an awful lot more now” about Castro’s abuses against the Cuban people since her initial visits to the country in the 1970s and that her perspective has “developed over time.”​
Ah. So her views have “evolved over time.” But they didn’t evolve all that quickly. As Ed Morrissey pointed out in the article I linked above, Bass didn’t go to Cuba just once to build houses and listen to Castro speak, learning what a monster he was in the process. She went back seven more times. And her policy positions as a Democrat in California haven’t exactly veered too far away from socialist principles. Here’s Bass explaining to Chuck Todd how much things have changed, despite all indications.
Aside from ticking off the aforementioned race and gender boxes, she doesn’t appear to do much for Biden in the national race. He’s already locked up California and having her on the ticket probably wouldn’t run up his lead in the popular vote by much in that state. But her previous support of Castro could actually wind up costing Biden votes in Florida where he definitely can’t afford to be squandering any. She has zero executive branch experience, unlike Kamala Harris who at least served as an Attorney General.
One apology tour on the Sunday shows never shuts up the media entirely when they’ve gotten their teeth into a story like this. If Biden picks her, you’ll be hearing Castro’s name at the VP debate and pretty much every stop she makes on the campaign trail between now and November. Honestly, if Biden actually winds up picking Bass, pundits are going to be wondering if Uncle Joe is even more addled than some might already suspect.

It appears that Congresswoman Karen Bass (D-CA) is a deeply dipped Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat verging near spying for the Castro regime.
There should be little doubt in anyone's mind that Ms. Bass is a Communist.
You have to wonder on who is really pulling the strings of the DNC and this "Democrat Presidential race?
Well, it appears that "Winston Smith and the Ministry of Truth" have wiped all those statements clean from Wikipedia, Youtube and other archival sites of every fluid historical record? Down the memory hole, like it never happened.


This black Commie bitch has also pirroutted back to gun control!
Well they can outlaw guns, but they will be confronted with all the gun sanctuary cities to round them up.

Many in law enforcement have already stated they won't help round them up because it is a Constitutional right and won't give a damn what 5 black Leftist robes may say about it.
Bass: On Second Thought, Maybe Castro Wasn’t So Wonderful

3 Aug 2020 ~~ By Jazz Shaw
As some of our other writers here have already noted, there’s been quite a bit of chatter among politicos this week suggesting that California Congresswoman Karen Bass (D) may be rising near the top of the stack in the Joe Biden veepstakes. That choice would have struck me as slightly odd even without her documented record of being a cheerleader for Fidel Castro’s Cuban regime when she was younger. But with that added wrinkle in the story, Bass seemed like even less of an optimal pick. Now it looks like somebody must have slipped her a note about how her chances at the number two slot were about to go up in flames because yesterday she began changing her tune. You see, she’s been “listening” to various voices around her and has discovered much more about Castro’s legendary brutality. (Free Beacon)
California representative and potential vice presidential pick Karen Bass (D.) said Sunday that she “absolutely” should not have made a statement mourning the death of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro in 2016 because she knows “an awful lot more now” about Castro’s brutality.​
“I absolutely would have not put that statement out and I will tell you that after talking to my colleagues who represent the state of Florida, raised those concerns with me, lesson learned, would not do that again for sure,” Bass said during an appearance on Fox News Sunday.​
Bass said that she knows “an awful lot more now” about Castro’s abuses against the Cuban people since her initial visits to the country in the 1970s and that her perspective has “developed over time.”​
Ah. So her views have “evolved over time.” But they didn’t evolve all that quickly. As Ed Morrissey pointed out in the article I linked above, Bass didn’t go to Cuba just once to build houses and listen to Castro speak, learning what a monster he was in the process. She went back seven more times. And her policy positions as a Democrat in California haven’t exactly veered too far away from socialist principles. Here’s Bass explaining to Chuck Todd how much things have changed, despite all indications.
Aside from ticking off the aforementioned race and gender boxes, she doesn’t appear to do much for Biden in the national race. He’s already locked up California and having her on the ticket probably wouldn’t run up his lead in the popular vote by much in that state. But her previous support of Castro could actually wind up costing Biden votes in Florida where he definitely can’t afford to be squandering any. She has zero executive branch experience, unlike Kamala Harris who at least served as an Attorney General.
One apology tour on the Sunday shows never shuts up the media entirely when they’ve gotten their teeth into a story like this. If Biden picks her, you’ll be hearing Castro’s name at the VP debate and pretty much every stop she makes on the campaign trail between now and November. Honestly, if Biden actually winds up picking Bass, pundits are going to be wondering if Uncle Joe is even more addled than some might already suspect.

It appears that Congresswoman Karen Bass (D-CA) is a deeply dipped Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat verging near spying for the Castro regime.
There should be little doubt in anyone's mind that Ms. Bass is a Communist.
You have to wonder on who is really pulling the strings of the DNC and this "Democrat Presidential race?
Well, it appears that "Winston Smith and the Ministry of Truth" have wiped all those statements clean from Wikipedia, Youtube and other archival sites of every fluid historical record? Down the memory hole, like it never happened.


This black Commie bitch has also pirroutted back to gun control!
Well they can outlaw guns, but they will be confronted with all the gun sanctuary cities to round them up.

Many in law enforcement have already stated they won't help round them up because it is a Constitutional right and won't give a damn what 5 black Leftist robes may say about it.

Wise choice on their part. Only if they abide!

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