bastard judge : Iran ordered to pay $10.5 billion for 9/11 by US judge !!!!

Which is completely unenforceable.

Yeah, and it's shocking so few Americans understand that Iran had nothing to do with 9/11 in any way, shape, or form. It was a Sunni Terrorist Saudi-supported attack. The Iranians don't work with Sunni Terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. The Sunni hate the Shiites. They don't work together.

You may be right but the threshold for evidence in a civil case is much lower than a criminal case. Why was Saudi Arabia not included in this is beyond me.

Our 'Good Friends' like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, are the biggest exporters of Terrorism in the world. Iran isn't even close. Iran is a Shiite-minority Muslim nation. It has very little influence on global Islamic Terrorism.

It isn't the same thing because these countries don't write checks to terrorist organizations. Perhaps that is why Iran got sued and should get sued in every country of the world.

They have, and still do. A group like ISIS couldn't have been possible without massive support from Sunni Nations like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, and so on. As far as a global level goes, Sunni Muslim terrorists do most of the killing and maiming by far. The Shiites have very little influence on Islamic Terrorism on a global level.

You are free to sue them in court if you feel that way. Please bring evidence.
Evidence in a civil isn't as strict as a criminal case. Maybe the families brought some evidence forward. It is no different than allowing victims of rape to sue their cleared attacker. How many cases where the accused were acquitted only to have their life savings taken away in a civil case. You might think this is unfair but we didn't open the door to this kind of mentality so Iran has to STFU on it.

Iran did not attack America on 9/11. It just didn't happen. It was a Sunni Terrorist Saudi-supported attack. Iran does not work with Sunni Muslim terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. So if you believe the 9/11 attacks were carried out by Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, you have to also believe Iran had nothing to do with it.

I didn't say anything either way. I said the evidence required in a civil case is much lower so it is easier to win these kind of cases even if the accused is not guilty of the crime. Even if Iran had nothing to do with it they can still be found liable because the threshold for evidence is lower. We hear of so many civil cases where people have been sued because they incited someone else to do something evil. THey never had anything directly to do with it but they were sued anyways. Maybe IRan yells 'death to America' and some terrorist takes that literally. Maybe they should be held liable for the same reason everyone else is in this country.

Why wouldn't they scream 'Death to America?' It's not like we've ever been kind to that nation. My God, we have millions of clueless Americans who actually believe Iran was involved with 9/11. We're such a Dumbed-Down nation at this point.

so true----millions of americans are as IGNORANT as are you. We did absolutely NOTHING to Iran Iran supports international terrorism and has splashed lots of
gutters thruout the world with blood

Sounds exactly like what your own nation does. But on a much bigger and bloodier scale.
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Why wouldn't they scream 'Death to America?' It's not like we've ever been kind to that nation. My God, we have millions of clueless Americans who actually believe Iran was involved with 9/11. We're such a Dumbed-Down nation at this point.

The question is why would you sit there and allow some goat-fucking mutt to say that to you....other than the fact you're a spineless liberal?

Iran was not involved with 9/11. To assert otherwise, is just a typical Dumbed-Down American delusion.

These countries and these organizations yell 'death to America' so often that just maybe they caused someone to actually try to attack us on 911. Wasn't the KKK sued for similar reasons?
Iran ordered to pay $10.5 billion for 9/11 by US judge !!!!

Which is completely unenforceable.

Yeah, and it's shocking so few Americans understand that Iran had nothing to do with 9/11 in any way, shape, or form. It was a Sunni Terrorist Saudi-supported attack. The Iranians don't work with Sunni Terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. The Sunni hate the Shiites. They don't work together.

You may be right but the threshold for evidence in a civil case is much lower than a criminal case. Why was Saudi Arabia not included in this is beyond me.

Our 'Good Friends' like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, are the biggest exporters of Terrorism in the world. Iran isn't even close. Iran is a Shiite-minority Muslim nation. It has very little influence on global Islamic Terrorism.
Iran is the worst by far.

Who took our diplomats hostage? Iran.

Who supplied Somali Technicals with weapons and training in Mogadishu? Iran.

Who provided the Iraqi insurgency with shaped IEDs killing nearly 4000 of our troops? Iran.

Who captured our sailors in the Persian Gulf? Iran
Yeah, and it's shocking so few Americans understand that Iran had nothing to do with 9/11 in any way, shape, or form. It was a Sunni Terrorist Saudi-supported attack. The Iranians don't work with Sunni Terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. The Sunni hate the Shiites. They don't work together.

You may be right but the threshold for evidence in a civil case is much lower than a criminal case. Why was Saudi Arabia not included in this is beyond me.

Our 'Good Friends' like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, are the biggest exporters of Terrorism in the world. Iran isn't even close. Iran is a Shiite-minority Muslim nation. It has very little influence on global Islamic Terrorism.

It isn't the same thing because these countries don't write checks to terrorist organizations. Perhaps that is why Iran got sued and should get sued in every country of the world.

They have, and still do. A group like ISIS couldn't have been possible without massive support from Sunni Nations like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, and so on. As far as a global level goes, Sunni Muslim terrorists do most of the killing and maiming by far. The Shiites have very little influence on Islamic Terrorism on a global level.

You are free to sue them in court if you feel that way. Please bring evidence.

No point. Saudi Royalty is very well-protected by our Ruling Class Elites.
Which is completely unenforceable.

Yeah, and it's shocking so few Americans understand that Iran had nothing to do with 9/11 in any way, shape, or form. It was a Sunni Terrorist Saudi-supported attack. The Iranians don't work with Sunni Terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. The Sunni hate the Shiites. They don't work together.

You may be right but the threshold for evidence in a civil case is much lower than a criminal case. Why was Saudi Arabia not included in this is beyond me.

Our 'Good Friends' like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, are the biggest exporters of Terrorism in the world. Iran isn't even close. Iran is a Shiite-minority Muslim nation. It has very little influence on global Islamic Terrorism.

sorry to bust your bubble-----the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY OF IRANIANS ARE SHIIITE MUSLIMS. ------Iran is the CENTER OF SHIIITE ISLAM In fact---since I learned about Shiite islam long before you were born-----I have an interesting factoid for you FARSI (the language of Iran) is virtually a HOLY LANGUAGE
for non Iranian Shiites in THE WORLD. Shiites have "HOLY SITES" in Iran.
It's ok ----feel free to ask questions

Not even close. Shiite Muslims make up a small minority of Islam globally. Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are Sunni Muslims who make up most of the global terrorist groups around the world.

try again PAUL----this is YOUR STATEMENT ". Iran is a Shiite-minority Muslim nation." <<< WRONG!!! Iran is SO SHIITE that sunnis are a PERSECUTED
TINY MINORITY. Lying hypocrite that you are ---YOU ATTEMPT to tell me that
I DO NOT KNOW THAT WORLD WIDE SUNNIS are in the majority of the muslim
population--------you are a DEVIOUS LITTLE LUMP OF CRAP. I note your
ignorancs and desperate distortions------Feel free to ask questions-----I would venture to guess that you never heard of SHIITE vs SUNNI before the past two
years and still have no concept
Why wouldn't they scream 'Death to America?' It's not like we've ever been kind to that nation. My God, we have millions of clueless Americans who actually believe Iran was involved with 9/11. We're such a Dumbed-Down nation at this point.

The question is why would you sit there and allow some goat-fucking mutt to say that to you....other than the fact you're a spineless liberal?

Iran was not involved with 9/11. To assert otherwise, is just a typical Dumbed-Down American delusion.

These countries and these organizations yell 'death to America' so often that just maybe they caused someone to actually try to attack us on 911. Wasn't the KKK sued for similar reasons?

Oh boy, I don't even know why i bother sometimes. Again, if you believe Bin Laden and Al qaeda carried out the 9/11 attacks, you must also believe Iran had nothing to do with 9/11. Iran does not support Sunni Terrorist groups like Al qaeda and ISIS. Sunnis and Shiites despise each other. They are not working together.
You may be right but the threshold for evidence in a civil case is much lower than a criminal case. Why was Saudi Arabia not included in this is beyond me.

Our 'Good Friends' like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, are the biggest exporters of Terrorism in the world. Iran isn't even close. Iran is a Shiite-minority Muslim nation. It has very little influence on global Islamic Terrorism.

It isn't the same thing because these countries don't write checks to terrorist organizations. Perhaps that is why Iran got sued and should get sued in every country of the world.

They have, and still do. A group like ISIS couldn't have been possible without massive support from Sunni Nations like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, and so on. As far as a global level goes, Sunni Muslim terrorists do most of the killing and maiming by far. The Shiites have very little influence on Islamic Terrorism on a global level.

You are free to sue them in court if you feel that way. Please bring evidence.

No point. Saudi Royalty is very well-protected by our Ruling Class Elites.

yes they are and they are very anti AL QUAIDA Al Quaida has an agenda to
DESTROY THE SAUDI MONARCHY just as the SHIITE ayatoilets have an agenda to DESTROY the Saudi Monarchy whilst SCREAMING "DEATH TO AMERICA"
Why wouldn't they scream 'Death to America?' It's not like we've ever been kind to that nation. My God, we have millions of clueless Americans who actually believe Iran was involved with 9/11. We're such a Dumbed-Down nation at this point.

The question is why would you sit there and allow some goat-fucking mutt to say that to you....other than the fact you're a spineless liberal?

Iran was not involved with 9/11. To assert otherwise, is just a typical Dumbed-Down American delusion.

These countries and these organizations yell 'death to America' so often that just maybe they caused someone to actually try to attack us on 911. Wasn't the KKK sued for similar reasons?

Oh boy, I don't even know why i bother sometimes. Again, if you believe Bin Laden and Al qaeda carried out the 9/11 attacks, you must also believe Iran had nothing to do with 9/11. Iran does not support Sunni Terrorist groups like Al qaeda and ISIS. Sunnis and Shiites despise each other. They are not working together.

right ----they hate each other as sunnis and Shiites have hated each other for 1400
years------but THEY DO HAVE SOME COMMON CAUSE ISSUES------like -----murdering lots of people----blowing the brains out of children and
Which is completely unenforceable.

Yeah, and it's shocking so few Americans understand that Iran had nothing to do with 9/11 in any way, shape, or form. It was a Sunni Terrorist Saudi-supported attack. The Iranians don't work with Sunni Terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. The Sunni hate the Shiites. They don't work together.

You may be right but the threshold for evidence in a civil case is much lower than a criminal case. Why was Saudi Arabia not included in this is beyond me.

Our 'Good Friends' like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, are the biggest exporters of Terrorism in the world. Iran isn't even close. Iran is a Shiite-minority Muslim nation. It has very little influence on global Islamic Terrorism.

It isn't the same thing because these countries don't write checks to terrorist organizations. Perhaps that is why Iran got sued and should get sued in every country of the world.

They have, and still do. A group like ISIS couldn't have been possible without massive support from Sunni Nations like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, and so on. As far as a global level goes, Sunni Muslim terrorists do most of the killing and maiming by far. The Shiites have very little influence on Islamic Terrorism on a global level.

wrong again ------HEZBOLLAH IS IRAN Sunnis kill more because there are lots more SUNNIS--------if there were a bit more Shiites, they they would create a BIGGER PILE OF DEAD INFANTS upon which you would like to dance
Saudi Arabia has too much money to go after them, I guess

Saudi arabia does go after them ----AL QUAIDA operatives are beheaded in Saudi arabia -------HEZBOLLIAN baby brain smashers are HEROS in Iran. You are confusing the general population with the LEADERS OF THE COUNTRIES-----the AYATOILETS lead their people in the DEATH TO.... chants-------the Saudi king---
actually does not.. Feel free to ask questions. I will help-----BOTH the sunnis and the Shiites have painted themselves into a corner with their own
HATE theologies--------but it is not OFFICIALLY sanctioned in Saudi arabia-----
Iran ordered to pay $10.5 billion for 9/11 by US judge !!!!

Which is completely unenforceable.

Yeah, and it's shocking so few Americans understand that Iran had nothing to do with 9/11 in any way, shape, or form. It was a Sunni Terrorist Saudi-supported attack. The Iranians don't work with Sunni Terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. The Sunni hate the Shiites. They don't work together.

You may be right but the threshold for evidence in a civil case is much lower than a criminal case. Why was Saudi Arabia not included in this is beyond me.

Our 'Good Friends' like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, are the biggest exporters of Terrorism in the world. Iran isn't even close. Iran is a Shiite-minority Muslim nation. It has very little influence on global Islamic Terrorism.
Iran is the worst by far.

Who took our diplomats hostage? Iran.

Who supplied Somali Technicals with weapons and training in Mogadishu? Iran.

Who provided the Iraqi insurgency with shaped IEDs killing nearly 4000 of our troops? Iran.

Who captured our sailors in the Persian Gulf? Iran

I'm telling you, we support worse. Saudi Arabia our 'Good Friend', is probably the most evil nation on earth. It is by far the biggest exporter of terrorism in the world. Without Saudi support, Al qaeda and ISIS couldn't have been possible. Iran doesn't support those groups. Iran is a Shiite nation with very little influnce on global Islamic Terrorism.
Hand over the money Dani.

hopefully ----this recent judgement against the filth of iran is only a BEGINNING----
Iran is destroying YEMEN-----a primitive and virtually defenseless country-----Iran has armed and trained the Shiite minority which has reddened the gutters of that poor
country in BLOOD
Yeah, and it's shocking so few Americans understand that Iran had nothing to do with 9/11 in any way, shape, or form. It was a Sunni Terrorist Saudi-supported attack. The Iranians don't work with Sunni Terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. The Sunni hate the Shiites. They don't work together.

You may be right but the threshold for evidence in a civil case is much lower than a criminal case. Why was Saudi Arabia not included in this is beyond me.

Our 'Good Friends' like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, are the biggest exporters of Terrorism in the world. Iran isn't even close. Iran is a Shiite-minority Muslim nation. It has very little influence on global Islamic Terrorism.

sorry to bust your bubble-----the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY OF IRANIANS ARE SHIIITE MUSLIMS. ------Iran is the CENTER OF SHIIITE ISLAM In fact---since I learned about Shiite islam long before you were born-----I have an interesting factoid for you FARSI (the language of Iran) is virtually a HOLY LANGUAGE
for non Iranian Shiites in THE WORLD. Shiites have "HOLY SITES" in Iran.
It's ok ----feel free to ask questions

Not even close. Shiite Muslims make up a small minority of Islam globally. Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are Sunni Muslims who make up most of the global terrorist groups around the world.

try again PAUL----this is YOUR STATEMENT ". Iran is a Shiite-minority Muslim nation." <<< WRONG!!! Iran is SO SHIITE that sunnis are a PERSECUTED
TINY MINORITY. Lying hypocrite that you are ---YOU ATTEMPT to tell me that
I DO NOT KNOW THAT WORLD WIDE SUNNIS are in the majority of the muslim
population--------you are a DEVIOUS LITTLE LUMP OF CRAP. I note your
ignorancs and desperate distortions------Feel free to ask questions-----I would venture to guess that you never heard of SHIITE vs SUNNI before the past two
years and still have no concept

"Islam globally." Shiites make up a small minority of Islam globally. They have nowhere near the influence Sunnis do on global Islamic Terrorism.
Which is completely unenforceable.

Yeah, and it's shocking so few Americans understand that Iran had nothing to do with 9/11 in any way, shape, or form. It was a Sunni Terrorist Saudi-supported attack. The Iranians don't work with Sunni Terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. The Sunni hate the Shiites. They don't work together.

You may be right but the threshold for evidence in a civil case is much lower than a criminal case. Why was Saudi Arabia not included in this is beyond me.

Our 'Good Friends' like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, are the biggest exporters of Terrorism in the world. Iran isn't even close. Iran is a Shiite-minority Muslim nation. It has very little influence on global Islamic Terrorism.
Iran is the worst by far.

Who took our diplomats hostage? Iran.

Who supplied Somali Technicals with weapons and training in Mogadishu? Iran.

Who provided the Iraqi insurgency with shaped IEDs killing nearly 4000 of our troops? Iran.

Who captured our sailors in the Persian Gulf? Iran

I'm telling you, we support worse. Saudi Arabia our 'Good Friend', is probably the most evil nation on earth. It is by far the biggest exporter of terrorism in the world. Without Saudi support, Al qaeda and ISIS couldn't have been possible. Iran doesn't support those groups. Iran is a Shiite nation with very little influnce on global Islamic Terrorism.

yes----I am fully aware of the filth you support The Saudi Arabian government does not support either ISIS or AL QUAIDA-------both have agendas that INCLUDE
OVER THROW of the Saudi Government. just as the SHIITE SHIT ayatoilets are
working FEVERISHLY toward that goal and thus fomenting WORLD WAR III.
NO DOUBT----Saudi arabia -----as a COUNTRY is the epicenter of shariah shit-----
but its government is not intent on smashing the brains out of non muslim children
in the USA as is the government of IRAN
Why wouldn't they scream 'Death to America?' It's not like we've ever been kind to that nation. My God, we have millions of clueless Americans who actually believe Iran was involved with 9/11. We're such a Dumbed-Down nation at this point.

The question is why would you sit there and allow some goat-fucking mutt to say that to you....other than the fact you're a spineless liberal?

Iran was not involved with 9/11. To assert otherwise, is just a typical Dumbed-Down American delusion.

These countries and these organizations yell 'death to America' so often that just maybe they caused someone to actually try to attack us on 911. Wasn't the KKK sued for similar reasons?

Oh boy, I don't even know why i bother sometimes. Again, if you believe Bin Laden and Al qaeda carried out the 9/11 attacks, you must also believe Iran had nothing to do with 9/11. Iran does not support Sunni Terrorist groups like Al qaeda and ISIS. Sunnis and Shiites despise each other. They are not working together.

right ----they hate each other as sunnis and Shiites have hated each other for 1400
years------but THEY DO HAVE SOME COMMON CAUSE ISSUES------like -----murdering lots of people----blowing the brains out of children and

Uh, your own country does that all the time. But on a much bigger and bloodier scale.
You may be right but the threshold for evidence in a civil case is much lower than a criminal case. Why was Saudi Arabia not included in this is beyond me.

Our 'Good Friends' like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, are the biggest exporters of Terrorism in the world. Iran isn't even close. Iran is a Shiite-minority Muslim nation. It has very little influence on global Islamic Terrorism.

sorry to bust your bubble-----the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY OF IRANIANS ARE SHIIITE MUSLIMS. ------Iran is the CENTER OF SHIIITE ISLAM In fact---since I learned about Shiite islam long before you were born-----I have an interesting factoid for you FARSI (the language of Iran) is virtually a HOLY LANGUAGE
for non Iranian Shiites in THE WORLD. Shiites have "HOLY SITES" in Iran.
It's ok ----feel free to ask questions

Not even close. Shiite Muslims make up a small minority of Islam globally. Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are Sunni Muslims who make up most of the global terrorist groups around the world.

try again PAUL----this is YOUR STATEMENT ". Iran is a Shiite-minority Muslim nation." <<< WRONG!!! Iran is SO SHIITE that sunnis are a PERSECUTED
TINY MINORITY. Lying hypocrite that you are ---YOU ATTEMPT to tell me that
I DO NOT KNOW THAT WORLD WIDE SUNNIS are in the majority of the muslim
population--------you are a DEVIOUS LITTLE LUMP OF CRAP. I note your
ignorancs and desperate distortions------Feel free to ask questions-----I would venture to guess that you never heard of SHIITE vs SUNNI before the past two
years and still have no concept

"Islam globally." Shiites make up a small minority of Islam globally. They have nowhere near the influence Sunnis do on global Islamic Terrorism.

Your hero ADOLF did not control the world either and the NAZIS were a tiny
minority in the WORLD-----they were a minority even in GERMANY
The question is why would you sit there and allow some goat-fucking mutt to say that to you....other than the fact you're a spineless liberal?

Iran was not involved with 9/11. To assert otherwise, is just a typical Dumbed-Down American delusion.

These countries and these organizations yell 'death to America' so often that just maybe they caused someone to actually try to attack us on 911. Wasn't the KKK sued for similar reasons?

Oh boy, I don't even know why i bother sometimes. Again, if you believe Bin Laden and Al qaeda carried out the 9/11 attacks, you must also believe Iran had nothing to do with 9/11. Iran does not support Sunni Terrorist groups like Al qaeda and ISIS. Sunnis and Shiites despise each other. They are not working together.

right ----they hate each other as sunnis and Shiites have hated each other for 1400
years------but THEY DO HAVE SOME COMMON CAUSE ISSUES------like -----murdering lots of people----blowing the brains out of children and

Uh, your own country does that all the time. But on a much bigger and bloodier scale.

My country is the UNITED STATES and has no agenda of blowing the brains out of the heads of the people of the USA or any other country or people

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