bastard judge : Iran ordered to pay $10.5 billion for 9/11 by US judge !!!!

Evidence in a civil isn't as strict as a criminal case. Maybe the families brought some evidence forward. It is no different than allowing victims of rape to sue their cleared attacker. How many cases where the accused were acquitted only to have their life savings taken away in a civil case. You might think this is unfair but we didn't open the door to this kind of mentality so Iran has to STFU on it.
Iran was not involved with 9/11. 9/11 was carried out with the support of our 'Good Friend' Saudi Arabia. Most of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudis. Most Americans are just woefully uninformed.

Iran is a Shiite Muslim Persian nation. It does not support Sunni Muslim Terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. Those are groups funded by 'Good Friends' like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Americans just need become better-informed.

Right Iran developed and trained and funds the INTERNATIONAL TERRORIST
ORGANIZATION----Hezbollah. In situations in which the SUNNI terrorists engage
in activities that IRAN SUPPORTS-----then Iran also supports the terrorist sunni
organizations. When push comes to shove-------sunnis and Shiites can get together in a throat slitting fest

Iran was not involved with 9/11 at all. It doesn't support Al Qaeda, ISIS, or any other Sunni Muslim terrorist groups. Sunnis despise Shiites. They don't work together. The 9/11 attack was carried out by Sunni Muslim terrorists funded by Saudi Arabia. Americans in general, just aren't informed enough to know that.

you are preaching to the choir. I have worked with, and socialized with ---BOTH
Sunni and Shiite muslims in the USA for ---ALMOST THE PAST 50 years. It took me about two years to understand why they HATED EACH OTHER. That was LONG before most americans like you knew a MUSLIM FROM A HINDU.
BTW your statement that the AL QUAEDA people were FUNDED BY THE SAUDI
GOVERNMENT is a sick lie--------they were generally Saudis-----with lots of OIL WEALTH-------that does not make them under the DIRECTION OF THE KING OF
SAUDI ARABIA. Hezbollah, however------IS IRAN-----it acts by the orders of the
AYATOILETS. You are confused------you know nothing about either group
Iran ordered to pay $10.5 billion for 9/11 by US judge !!!!

Which is completely unenforceable.

Yeah, and it's shocking so few Americans understand that Iran had nothing to do with 9/11 in any way, shape, or form. It was a Sunni Terrorist Saudi-supported attack. The Iranians don't work with Sunni Terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. The Sunni hate the Shiites. They don't work together.

You may be right but the threshold for evidence in a civil case is much lower than a criminal case. Why was Saudi Arabia not included in this is beyond me.
Evidence in a civil isn't as strict as a criminal case. Maybe the families brought some evidence forward. It is no different than allowing victims of rape to sue their cleared attacker. How many cases where the accused were acquitted only to have their life savings taken away in a civil case. You might think this is unfair but we didn't open the door to this kind of mentality so Iran has to STFU on it.

Iran did not attack America on 9/11. It just didn't happen. It was a Sunni Terrorist Saudi-supported attack. Iran does not work with Sunni Muslim terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. So if you believe the 9/11 attacks were carried out by Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, you have to also believe Iran had nothing to do with it.
i dont blame iranian for chanting "death to america " now as if you guys finally can dream up a valid excuse now.

I think this case is bullshit. But I do think it's Karma for all of the Americans you've killed or imprisoned.

the case is a good precedent-----it recognizes IRANIAN ROLE in international
terrorism--------the fact that Sunnis and Shiites OPPOSE EACH OTHER in general---
that BOTH GROUPS SUPPORT. Today----Iran is involved in the murderous pursuits of lots of SUNNI organizations------including Hamas. The American kid
stabbed by jihadi lump of shit in Tel Aviv/Jaffa-------is a HERO in Teheran and the family of this SUNNI JIHADI LUMP OF SHIT------will VERY LIKELY get a monetary
reward from the AYATOILETS
oh gee-----they are humanoids too. ------that's like saying every person in the
USA descended from German farmers in the NORTH EAST------should have gone
"back" to Germany to get rid of Hitler. We, in the USA, are all "mutts" and
not responsible for what we LEFT back---THERE. Most of the Iranians I have
encountered since the 1960s were FLEEING -----the political developments in Iran---
they did not come here to PROMULGATE SHIITE SHIT. (PS they were not fleeing
"the shah") -----they were fleeing "DA MOOOOSLIMS" who demanded shariah

They RAN instead of fighting for their country and that makes them pussies whether you like it or not.
Evidence in a civil isn't as strict as a criminal case. Maybe the families brought some evidence forward. It is no different than allowing victims of rape to sue their cleared attacker. How many cases where the accused were acquitted only to have their life savings taken away in a civil case. You might think this is unfair but we didn't open the door to this kind of mentality so Iran has to STFU on it.

Iran did not attack America on 9/11. It just didn't happen. It was a Sunni Terrorist Saudi-supported attack. Iran does not work with Sunni Muslim terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. So if you believe the 9/11 attacks were carried out by Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, you have to also believe Iran had nothing to do with it.

I didn't say anything either way. I said the evidence required in a civil case is much lower so it is easier to win these kind of cases even if the accused is not guilty of the crime. Even if Iran had nothing to do with it they can still be found liable because the threshold for evidence is lower. We hear of so many civil cases where people have been sued because they incited someone else to do something evil. THey never had anything directly to do with it but they were sued anyways. Maybe IRan yells 'death to America' and some terrorist takes that literally. Maybe they should be held liable for the same reason everyone else is in this country.
Iran ordered to pay $10.5 billion for 9/11 by US judge !!!!

Which is completely unenforceable.

Yeah, and it's shocking so few Americans understand that Iran had nothing to do with 9/11 in any way, shape, or form. It was a Sunni Terrorist Saudi-supported attack. The Iranians don't work with Sunni Terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. The Sunni hate the Shiites. They don't work together.

You may be right but the threshold for evidence in a civil case is much lower than a criminal case. Why was Saudi Arabia not included in this is beyond me.

Our 'Good Friends' like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, are the biggest exporters of Terrorism in the world. Iran isn't even close. Iran is a Shiite-minority Muslim nation. It has very little influence on global Islamic Terrorism.
Iran ordered to pay $10.5 billion for 9/11 by US judge !!!!

Which is completely unenforceable.

Yeah, and it's shocking so few Americans understand that Iran had nothing to do with 9/11 in any way, shape, or form. It was a Sunni Terrorist Saudi-supported attack. The Iranians don't work with Sunni Terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. The Sunni hate the Shiites. They don't work together.

You may be right but the threshold for evidence in a civil case is much lower than a criminal case. Why was Saudi Arabia not included in this is beyond me.

Saudi elements have-----to the best of my knowledge-----been held liable in other
actions (anyone?? ) There is a DIFFERENCE between the sunni vs Shiite
sponsorship of terrorism-------IRAN sponsors Shiite terrorism--------but the
Saudi govenement does not sponsor AL QUEIDA-------Saudi citizens ---of course
do. but not the government
Iran ordered to pay $10.5 billion for 9/11 by US judge !!!!

Which is completely unenforceable.

Yeah, and it's shocking so few Americans understand that Iran had nothing to do with 9/11 in any way, shape, or form. It was a Sunni Terrorist Saudi-supported attack. The Iranians don't work with Sunni Terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. The Sunni hate the Shiites. They don't work together.

You may be right but the threshold for evidence in a civil case is much lower than a criminal case. Why was Saudi Arabia not included in this is beyond me.

Our 'Good Friends' like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, are the biggest exporters of Terrorism in the world. Iran isn't even close. Iran is a Shiite-minority Muslim nation. It has very little influence on global Islamic Terrorism.

sorry to bust your bubble-----the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY OF IRANIANS ARE SHIIITE MUSLIMS. ------Iran is the CENTER OF SHIIITE ISLAM In fact---since I learned about Shiite islam long before you were born-----I have an interesting factoid for you FARSI (the language of Iran) is virtually a HOLY LANGUAGE
for non Iranian Shiites in THE WORLD. Shiites have "HOLY SITES" in Iran.
It's ok ----feel free to ask questions
Iran ordered to pay $10.5 billion for 9/11 by US judge !!!!

Which is completely unenforceable.

Yeah, and it's shocking so few Americans understand that Iran had nothing to do with 9/11 in any way, shape, or form. It was a Sunni Terrorist Saudi-supported attack. The Iranians don't work with Sunni Terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. The Sunni hate the Shiites. They don't work together.

You may be right but the threshold for evidence in a civil case is much lower than a criminal case. Why was Saudi Arabia not included in this is beyond me.

Our 'Good Friends' like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, are the biggest exporters of Terrorism in the world. Iran isn't even close. Iran is a Shiite-minority Muslim nation. It has very little influence on global Islamic Terrorism.

It isn't the same thing because these countries don't write checks to terrorist organizations. Perhaps that is why Iran got sued and should get sued in every country of the world.
Evidence in a civil isn't as strict as a criminal case. Maybe the families brought some evidence forward. It is no different than allowing victims of rape to sue their cleared attacker. How many cases where the accused were acquitted only to have their life savings taken away in a civil case. You might think this is unfair but we didn't open the door to this kind of mentality so Iran has to STFU on it.

Iran did not attack America on 9/11. It just didn't happen. It was a Sunni Terrorist Saudi-supported attack. Iran does not work with Sunni Muslim terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. So if you believe the 9/11 attacks were carried out by Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, you have to also believe Iran had nothing to do with it.

I didn't say anything either way. I said the evidence required in a civil case is much lower so it is easier to win these kind of cases even if the accused is not guilty of the crime. Even if Iran had nothing to do with it they can still be found liable because the threshold for evidence is lower. We hear of so many civil cases where people have been sued because they incited someone else to do something evil. THey never had anything directly to do with it but they were sued anyways. Maybe IRan yells 'death to America' and some terrorist takes that literally. Maybe they should be held liable for the same reason everyone else is in this country.

Why wouldn't they scream 'Death to America?' It's not like we've ever been kind to that nation. My God, we have millions of clueless Americans who actually believe Iran was involved with 9/11. We're such a Dumbed-Down nation at this point.
oh gee-----they are humanoids too. ------that's like saying every person in the
USA descended from German farmers in the NORTH EAST------should have gone
"back" to Germany to get rid of Hitler. We, in the USA, are all "mutts" and
not responsible for what we LEFT back---THERE. Most of the Iranians I have
encountered since the 1960s were FLEEING -----the political developments in Iran---
they did not come here to PROMULGATE SHIITE SHIT. (PS they were not fleeing
"the shah") -----they were fleeing "DA MOOOOSLIMS" who demanded shariah

They RAN instead of fighting for their country and that makes them pussies whether you like it or not.

Yeah? some members of my extended family ran from your hero ADOLF----
your comment is idiotic. -----most of those who attempted to flee were denied
visas by shit like you
Why wouldn't they scream 'Death to America?' It's not like we've ever been kind to that nation. My God, we have millions of clueless Americans who actually believe Iran was involved with 9/11. We're such a Dumbed-Down nation at this point.

The question is why would you sit there and allow some goat-fucking mutt to say that to you....other than the fact you're a spineless liberal?
Iran ordered to pay $10.5 billion for 9/11 by US judge !!!!

Which is completely unenforceable.

Yeah, and it's shocking so few Americans understand that Iran had nothing to do with 9/11 in any way, shape, or form. It was a Sunni Terrorist Saudi-supported attack. The Iranians don't work with Sunni Terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. The Sunni hate the Shiites. They don't work together.

You may be right but the threshold for evidence in a civil case is much lower than a criminal case. Why was Saudi Arabia not included in this is beyond me.

Our 'Good Friends' like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, are the biggest exporters of Terrorism in the world. Iran isn't even close. Iran is a Shiite-minority Muslim nation. It has very little influence on global Islamic Terrorism.

sorry to bust your bubble-----the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY OF IRANIANS ARE SHIIITE MUSLIMS. ------Iran is the CENTER OF SHIIITE ISLAM In fact---since I learned about Shiite islam long before you were born-----I have an interesting factoid for you FARSI (the language of Iran) is virtually a HOLY LANGUAGE
for non Iranian Shiites in THE WORLD. Shiites have "HOLY SITES" in Iran.
It's ok ----feel free to ask questions

Not even close. Shiite Muslims make up a small minority of Islam globally. Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are Sunni Muslims who make up most of the global terrorist groups around the world.
Evidence in a civil isn't as strict as a criminal case. Maybe the families brought some evidence forward. It is no different than allowing victims of rape to sue their cleared attacker. How many cases where the accused were acquitted only to have their life savings taken away in a civil case. You might think this is unfair but we didn't open the door to this kind of mentality so Iran has to STFU on it.

Iran did not attack America on 9/11. It just didn't happen. It was a Sunni Terrorist Saudi-supported attack. Iran does not work with Sunni Muslim terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. So if you believe the 9/11 attacks were carried out by Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, you have to also believe Iran had nothing to do with it.

I didn't say anything either way. I said the evidence required in a civil case is much lower so it is easier to win these kind of cases even if the accused is not guilty of the crime. Even if Iran had nothing to do with it they can still be found liable because the threshold for evidence is lower. We hear of so many civil cases where people have been sued because they incited someone else to do something evil. THey never had anything directly to do with it but they were sued anyways. Maybe IRan yells 'death to America' and some terrorist takes that literally. Maybe they should be held liable for the same reason everyone else is in this country.

Why wouldn't they scream 'Death to America?' It's not like we've ever been kind to that nation. My God, we have millions of clueless Americans who actually believe Iran was involved with 9/11. We're such a Dumbed-Down nation at this point.

so true----millions of americans are as IGNORANT as are you. We did absolutely NOTHING to Iran Iran supports international terrorism and has splashed lots of
gutters thruout the world with blood
Iran ordered to pay $10.5 billion for 9/11 by US judge !!!!

Which is completely unenforceable.

Yeah, and it's shocking so few Americans understand that Iran had nothing to do with 9/11 in any way, shape, or form. It was a Sunni Terrorist Saudi-supported attack. The Iranians don't work with Sunni Terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. The Sunni hate the Shiites. They don't work together.

You may be right but the threshold for evidence in a civil case is much lower than a criminal case. Why was Saudi Arabia not included in this is beyond me.

Our 'Good Friends' like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, are the biggest exporters of Terrorism in the world. Iran isn't even close. Iran is a Shiite-minority Muslim nation. It has very little influence on global Islamic Terrorism.

It isn't the same thing because these countries don't write checks to terrorist organizations. Perhaps that is why Iran got sued and should get sued in every country of the world.

They have, and still do. A group like ISIS couldn't have been possible without massive support from Sunni Nations like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, and so on. As far as a global level goes, Sunni Muslim terrorists do most of the killing and maiming by far. The Shiites have very little influence on Islamic Terrorism on a global level.
Why wouldn't they scream 'Death to America?' It's not like we've ever been kind to that nation. My God, we have millions of clueless Americans who actually believe Iran was involved with 9/11. We're such a Dumbed-Down nation at this point.

The question is why would you sit there and allow some goat-fucking mutt to say that to you....other than the fact you're a spineless liberal?

Iran was not involved with 9/11. To assert otherwise, is just a typical Dumbed-Down American delusion.

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