bastard judge : Iran ordered to pay $10.5 billion for 9/11 by US judge !!!!

Which is completely unenforceable.

Yeah, and it's shocking so few Americans understand that Iran had nothing to do with 9/11 in any way, shape, or form. It was a Sunni Terrorist Saudi-supported attack. The Iranians don't work with Sunni Terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. The Sunni hate the Shiites. They don't work together.

You may be right but the threshold for evidence in a civil case is much lower than a criminal case. Why was Saudi Arabia not included in this is beyond me.

Our 'Good Friends' like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, are the biggest exporters of Terrorism in the world. Iran isn't even close. Iran is a Shiite-minority Muslim nation. It has very little influence on global Islamic Terrorism.
Iran is the worst by far.

Who took our diplomats hostage? Iran.

Who supplied Somali Technicals with weapons and training in Mogadishu? Iran.

Who provided the Iraqi insurgency with shaped IEDs killing nearly 4000 of our troops? Iran.

Who captured our sailors in the Persian Gulf? Iran

I'm telling you, we support worse. Saudi Arabia our 'Good Friend', is probably the most evil nation on earth. It is by far the biggest exporter of terrorism in the world. Without Saudi support, Al qaeda and ISIS couldn't have been possible. Iran doesn't support those groups. Iran is a Shiite nation with very little influnce on global Islamic Terrorism.
The Saudis do it to stay in power. They're less open about it. I think if it weren't for state sponsors, missiles would not be raining on Tel Aviv.
Yeah, and it's shocking so few Americans understand that Iran had nothing to do with 9/11 in any way, shape, or form. It was a Sunni Terrorist Saudi-supported attack. The Iranians don't work with Sunni Terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. The Sunni hate the Shiites. They don't work together.

You may be right but the threshold for evidence in a civil case is much lower than a criminal case. Why was Saudi Arabia not included in this is beyond me.

Our 'Good Friends' like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, are the biggest exporters of Terrorism in the world. Iran isn't even close. Iran is a Shiite-minority Muslim nation. It has very little influence on global Islamic Terrorism.

It isn't the same thing because these countries don't write checks to terrorist organizations. Perhaps that is why Iran got sued and should get sued in every country of the world.

They have, and still do. A group like ISIS couldn't have been possible without massive support from Sunni Nations like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, and so on. As far as a global level goes, Sunni Muslim terrorists do most of the killing and maiming by far. The Shiites have very little influence on Islamic Terrorism on a global level.

wrong again ------HEZBOLLAH IS IRAN Sunnis kill more because there are lots more SUNNIS--------if there were a bit more Shiites, they they would create a BIGGER PILE OF DEAD INFANTS upon which you would like to dance

On a global scale, Shiites have very little influence on Islamic terrorism. Just about all of the brutal Islamic terrorist groups around the world are Sunni Muslim groups. And guess who supports them? Here's one hint... It isn't Iran.
Iran was not involved with 9/11. To assert otherwise, is just a typical Dumbed-Down American delusion.

These countries and these organizations yell 'death to America' so often that just maybe they caused someone to actually try to attack us on 911. Wasn't the KKK sued for similar reasons?

Oh boy, I don't even know why i bother sometimes. Again, if you believe Bin Laden and Al qaeda carried out the 9/11 attacks, you must also believe Iran had nothing to do with 9/11. Iran does not support Sunni Terrorist groups like Al qaeda and ISIS. Sunnis and Shiites despise each other. They are not working together.

right ----they hate each other as sunnis and Shiites have hated each other for 1400
years------but THEY DO HAVE SOME COMMON CAUSE ISSUES------like -----murdering lots of people----blowing the brains out of children and

Uh, your own country does that all the time. But on a much bigger and bloodier scale.

My country is the UNITED STATES and has no agenda of blowing the brains out of the heads of the people of the USA or any other country or people

Check out what your Government did in Iraq. Many Iraqi children today are suffering from horrific birth defects caused by depleted uranium used in U.S. weapons. Americans really do need to look in the mirror more often.
Our 'Good Friends' like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, are the biggest exporters of Terrorism in the world. Iran isn't even close. Iran is a Shiite-minority Muslim nation. It has very little influence on global Islamic Terrorism.

sorry to bust your bubble-----the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY OF IRANIANS ARE SHIIITE MUSLIMS. ------Iran is the CENTER OF SHIIITE ISLAM In fact---since I learned about Shiite islam long before you were born-----I have an interesting factoid for you FARSI (the language of Iran) is virtually a HOLY LANGUAGE
for non Iranian Shiites in THE WORLD. Shiites have "HOLY SITES" in Iran.
It's ok ----feel free to ask questions

Not even close. Shiite Muslims make up a small minority of Islam globally. Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are Sunni Muslims who make up most of the global terrorist groups around the world.

try again PAUL----this is YOUR STATEMENT ". Iran is a Shiite-minority Muslim nation." <<< WRONG!!! Iran is SO SHIITE that sunnis are a PERSECUTED
TINY MINORITY. Lying hypocrite that you are ---YOU ATTEMPT to tell me that
I DO NOT KNOW THAT WORLD WIDE SUNNIS are in the majority of the muslim
population--------you are a DEVIOUS LITTLE LUMP OF CRAP. I note your
ignorancs and desperate distortions------Feel free to ask questions-----I would venture to guess that you never heard of SHIITE vs SUNNI before the past two
years and still have no concept

"Islam globally." Shiites make up a small minority of Islam globally. They have nowhere near the influence Sunnis do on global Islamic Terrorism.

Your hero ADOLF did not control the world either and the NAZIS were a tiny
minority in the WORLD-----they were a minority even in GERMANY

Start with your 'Good Friends' the Saudis and Pakistanis. Maybe then, we can start to really address global Islamic Terrorism. They're the biggest problem. Shiites have a miniscule influence on global Islamic terrorism, compared to the Sunnis.
Yeah, and it's shocking so few Americans understand that Iran had nothing to do with 9/11 in any way, shape, or form. It was a Sunni Terrorist Saudi-supported attack. The Iranians don't work with Sunni Terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. The Sunni hate the Shiites. They don't work together.

You may be right but the threshold for evidence in a civil case is much lower than a criminal case. Why was Saudi Arabia not included in this is beyond me.

Our 'Good Friends' like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, are the biggest exporters of Terrorism in the world. Iran isn't even close. Iran is a Shiite-minority Muslim nation. It has very little influence on global Islamic Terrorism.
Iran is the worst by far.

Who took our diplomats hostage? Iran.

Who supplied Somali Technicals with weapons and training in Mogadishu? Iran.

Who provided the Iraqi insurgency with shaped IEDs killing nearly 4000 of our troops? Iran.

Who captured our sailors in the Persian Gulf? Iran

I'm telling you, we support worse. Saudi Arabia our 'Good Friend', is probably the most evil nation on earth. It is by far the biggest exporter of terrorism in the world. Without Saudi support, Al qaeda and ISIS couldn't have been possible. Iran doesn't support those groups. Iran is a Shiite nation with very little influnce on global Islamic Terrorism.
The Saudis do it to stay in power. They're less open about it. I think if it weren't for state sponsors, missiles would not be raining on Tel Aviv.

wrong again-----the missiles raining down in Israel are IRANIAN MADE or Iranian funded. In the past-----your hero SADDAM used to PAY THE FAMILIES OF
"palstinian" sluts who tied bombs to their asses in order to murder Israeli children----
now your HERO AYATOILETS DO THAT-------Saudi arabia never did. Feel
free to ask questions-----you have been ignorant for a very long time
These countries and these organizations yell 'death to America' so often that just maybe they caused someone to actually try to attack us on 911. Wasn't the KKK sued for similar reasons?

Oh boy, I don't even know why i bother sometimes. Again, if you believe Bin Laden and Al qaeda carried out the 9/11 attacks, you must also believe Iran had nothing to do with 9/11. Iran does not support Sunni Terrorist groups like Al qaeda and ISIS. Sunnis and Shiites despise each other. They are not working together.

right ----they hate each other as sunnis and Shiites have hated each other for 1400
years------but THEY DO HAVE SOME COMMON CAUSE ISSUES------like -----murdering lots of people----blowing the brains out of children and

Uh, your own country does that all the time. But on a much bigger and bloodier scale.

My country is the UNITED STATES and has no agenda of blowing the brains out of the heads of the people of the USA or any other country or people

Check out what your Government did in Iraq. Many Iraqi children today are suffering from horrific birth defects caused by depleted uranium used in U.S. weapons. Americans really do need to look in the mirror more often.

I am fascinated by your INCESSANT reiteration of islamo Nazi propaganda.
Do you have any kind of background in the field of medicine or birth defects?
Do you know ANYTHING at al about depleted Uranium------while you are parroing
islamo Nazi propaganda-----tell me about how AGENT ORANGE----had rendered
people who never got near it "IMPOTENT"
You may be right but the threshold for evidence in a civil case is much lower than a criminal case. Why was Saudi Arabia not included in this is beyond me.

Our 'Good Friends' like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, are the biggest exporters of Terrorism in the world. Iran isn't even close. Iran is a Shiite-minority Muslim nation. It has very little influence on global Islamic Terrorism.
Iran is the worst by far.

Who took our diplomats hostage? Iran.

Who supplied Somali Technicals with weapons and training in Mogadishu? Iran.

Who provided the Iraqi insurgency with shaped IEDs killing nearly 4000 of our troops? Iran.

Who captured our sailors in the Persian Gulf? Iran

I'm telling you, we support worse. Saudi Arabia our 'Good Friend', is probably the most evil nation on earth. It is by far the biggest exporter of terrorism in the world. Without Saudi support, Al qaeda and ISIS couldn't have been possible. Iran doesn't support those groups. Iran is a Shiite nation with very little influnce on global Islamic Terrorism.
The Saudis do it to stay in power. They're less open about it. I think if it weren't for state sponsors, missiles would not be raining on Tel Aviv.

wrong again-----the missiles raining down in Israel are IRANIAN MADE or Iranian funded. In the past-----your hero SADDAM used to PAY THE FAMILIES OF
"palstinian" sluts who tied bombs to their asses in order to murder Israeli children----
now your HERO AYATOILETS DO THAT-------Saudi arabia never did. Feel
free to ask questions-----you have been ignorant for a very long time

Saddam Hussein was a Sunni Muslim. See, now you're drifting into the Apples & Oranges area. And btw, Hussein didn't support Al qaeda either. He killed them wherever he found them.

But then, that all gets back to the Iraq War debacle, And that's just too tiresome to delve into again. Most Americans are dumb enough to think that was a 'success.' So no point goin there.
bastard judge : Iran ordered to pay $10.5 billion for 9/11 by US judge !!!!

Like Iraq, Iran had nothing to do with 9/11. Iran is Shiite, Bin Laden was Sunni from Saudi Arabia.

Cons whine and cry about activist judges, but love them when they make stupid rulings.

Yeah, i'm actually tired of educating them. I'm gonna move on from this thread. Iran had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. Our 'Good Friends' the Saudis and Pakistanis were the ones very heavily involved. Anyway, i'm out. Good luck. :)
Did you know the WTC had been attacked by terrorists in 1993?

Pretty good idea to buy insurance against terrorists if you buy it after that, don't you think?
The ruling is an EXCELLENT precedent because it addresses the issue of
HEZBOLLAH----the Shiite shit which was created by Iran as a world wide
terrorist organization. Iran ITSELF----the GOVERNMENT, therefore the
NATION OF IRAN created Hezbollah, funds it and trains its leaders.
Iran even PAYS the families of both Shiite and sunnni whores who tie
bombs on their stinking asses for the glory of ------that bastard in the well
in Qom.
ANYTHING Hezbollah does----directly or indirectly IS IRAN. As for
Saudi Arabia----the Saudi Arabian government did not invent Al Quaida and
does not fund it or train the trash that lead it. The Al Quaida people are
criminals for Saudi arabia. Their funding of filth is NOT GOVERNMENTAL---
oil rich citizens of iran and some of the emirates do it. I am delighted that the
filth of Hezbollah is recognized as being IRAN
What does any of that have to do with 9/11?

Fuck-all. That's what.
You may be right but the threshold for evidence in a civil case is much lower than a criminal case. Why was Saudi Arabia not included in this is beyond me.

Our 'Good Friends' like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, are the biggest exporters of Terrorism in the world. Iran isn't even close. Iran is a Shiite-minority Muslim nation. It has very little influence on global Islamic Terrorism.

It isn't the same thing because these countries don't write checks to terrorist organizations. Perhaps that is why Iran got sued and should get sued in every country of the world.

They have, and still do. A group like ISIS couldn't have been possible without massive support from Sunni Nations like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, and so on. As far as a global level goes, Sunni Muslim terrorists do most of the killing and maiming by far. The Shiites have very little influence on Islamic Terrorism on a global level.

wrong again ------HEZBOLLAH IS IRAN Sunnis kill more because there are lots more SUNNIS--------if there were a bit more Shiites, they they would create a BIGGER PILE OF DEAD INFANTS upon which you would like to dance

On a global scale, Shiites have very little influence on Islamic terrorism. Just about all of the brutal Islamic terrorist groups around the world are Sunni Muslim groups. And guess who supports them? Here's one hint... It isn't Iran.

you continue to say nothing other than the FACT that there are far more
SUNNIS in the world than there are SHIITES and THEREFORE far more SUNNI
terrorists. WHAT ELSE IS NEW? You are pathetic------there were far
more JAPANESE KAMIKAZIS in operating in the PACIFIC than German Kamikazes too. SO? Your INUENDOS that you are SO SMART FOR
KNOWING THIS STAT is AMUSING as you dance on the dead bodies of the
-----at this point----- MILLIONS dead over the past 20 years because of IRANIAN SHIT
The ruling is an EXCELLENT precedent because it addresses the issue of
HEZBOLLAH----the Shiite shit which was created by Iran as a world wide
terrorist organization. Iran ITSELF----the GOVERNMENT, therefore the
NATION OF IRAN created Hezbollah, funds it and trains its leaders.
Iran even PAYS the families of both Shiite and sunnni whores who tie
bombs on their stinking asses for the glory of ------that bastard in the well
in Qom.
ANYTHING Hezbollah does----directly or indirectly IS IRAN. As for
Saudi Arabia----the Saudi Arabian government did not invent Al Quaida and
does not fund it or train the trash that lead it. The Al Quaida people are
criminals for Saudi arabia. Their funding of filth is NOT GOVERNMENTAL---
oil rich citizens of iran and some of the emirates do it. I am delighted that the
filth of Hezbollah is recognized as being IRAN
What does any of that have to do with 9/11?

Fuck-all. That's what.

not surprisingly-----researchers found some SPONSORSHIP connection between
Iran and the Players of 9-11 ------that you are cynical that such a phenomenon existed is testimony to the fact that you know NOTHING about the COMMON CAUSE that exists between sunnis and Shiites-----despite the fact that they have
hated each other for the past 1400 years. I got news for you-----The Itallans were not fond of the Germans
Iran was not involved with 9/11. 9/11 was carried out with the support of our 'Good Friend' Saudi Arabia. Most of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudis. Most Americans are just woefully uninformed.

Iran is a Shiite Muslim Persian nation. It does not support Sunni Muslim Terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. Those are groups funded by 'Good Friends' like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Americans just need become better-informed.

Right Iran developed and trained and funds the INTERNATIONAL TERRORIST
ORGANIZATION----Hezbollah. In situations in which the SUNNI terrorists engage
in activities that IRAN SUPPORTS-----then Iran also supports the terrorist sunni
organizations. When push comes to shove-------sunnis and Shiites can get together in a throat slitting fest

dani had endorsed the muslim throat slitting fests as "FUNNY"
Iran ordered to pay $10.5 billion for 9/11 by US judge !!!!

Which is completely unenforceable.

Yeah, and it's shocking so few Americans understand that Iran had nothing to do with 9/11 in any way, shape, or form. It was a Sunni Terrorist Saudi-supported attack. The Iranians don't work with Sunni Terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. The Sunni hate the Shiites. They don't work together.

You may be right but the threshold for evidence in a civil case is much lower than a criminal case. Why was Saudi Arabia not included in this is beyond me.

Saudi elements have-----to the best of my knowledge-----been held liable in other
actions (anyone?? ) There is a DIFFERENCE between the sunni vs Shiite
sponsorship of terrorism-------IRAN sponsors Shiite terrorism--------but the
Saudi govenement does not sponsor AL QUEIDA-------Saudi citizens ---of course
do. but not the government
hezbolah isnt like al qaede and taliban and isis
they never attacked and killed civil people in west country !!!!!!!!
Iran ordered to pay $10.5 billion for 9/11 by US judge !!!!

Which is completely unenforceable.

Yeah, and it's shocking so few Americans understand that Iran had nothing to do with 9/11 in any way, shape, or form. It was a Sunni Terrorist Saudi-supported attack. The Iranians don't work with Sunni Terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. The Sunni hate the Shiites. They don't work together.

You may be right but the threshold for evidence in a civil case is much lower than a criminal case. Why was Saudi Arabia not included in this is beyond me.

Saudi elements have-----to the best of my knowledge-----been held liable in other
actions (anyone?? ) There is a DIFFERENCE between the sunni vs Shiite
sponsorship of terrorism-------IRAN sponsors Shiite terrorism--------but the
Saudi govenement does not sponsor AL QUEIDA-------Saudi citizens ---of course
do. but not the government

Another example of Shiite shit>>>>>

""hezbolah isnt like al qaede and taliban and isis
they never attacked and killed civil people in west country"" !!!!!!!!

you are paraphrasing the Islamic hero JOSEF GOEBBELS and the
people residing in America who licked the ass of the Islamic hero and
IRANIAN HERO---adolf hitler-----by claiming, in the 1930s-------MUSLIM
A US judge ordered Iran to pay over $10 billion in damages to families of victims who died on September 11, 2001 – even though there is no evidence of Tehran’s direct connection to the attack. The same judge earlier cleared Saudi Arabia from culpability.

Iran ordered to pay $10.5 billion for 9/11 by US judge
C'mon Dani...the money will go to the Cinton global initiative...think about how many blow jobs that can buy for the poor people.
This is what happens when Americans get 'educated' by the American Government/Corporate Media. The reality is, Iran had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. The attack was carried out by radical Sunni Muslims mainly from Saudi Arabia.

Iran is a Shiite nation that doesn't support terrorist groups like Al qaeda and ISIS. Sunnis and Shiites despise each other. They are not working together. Americans need to get more informed. They need to do their own research. They should stop relying solely on Government/Corporate Media for their informaton.
i dont blame iranian for chanting "death to america " now
why group a whole nation because of one judge? Talk about irony, you jihadist you...

TN meet DANI-------he is an IRANIAN SHIITE. The very first muslim I knew
VERY WELL-------was a SHIITE from New Dehli. That was almost 50 years
ago when I had no concept of SHIITE vs SUNNI------but I do know what that jerk
"BELIEVED" ------he was very enthusiastic about his "beliefs". Feel free to ask
question. (for the record----MOST Iranian Shiites I have know------laughed at
their own "SHIITE IRANIAN" designation"---------before the 1979 "cultural revolution" in Iran when Iranians started kissing the ass of sociopaths like
im not shia . im aryan :biggrin:

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