Bat-Shite Crazy For Sure But Why?


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
Losing in 2016 certainly triggered their derangement but America winning with Trump as POTUS - despite the left's persistent efforts to derail us - has exacerbated their nearly 33 month long hissy-fit. Consistently losing can be very disheartening and, as we've seen, even mentally & emotionally debilitating.

Liberals blind to Donald Trump”s wins – Boston Herald
The left, so blinded by its ideology and consumed with hate toward President Trump, refuses to acknowledge the peace and prosperity he’s bringing to America and the world.

The left, so blinded by its ideology and consumed with hate toward President Trump, refuses to acknowledge the peace and prosperity he’s bringing to America and the world.
Losing in 2016 certainly triggered their derangement but America winning with Trump as POTUS - despite the left's persistent efforts to derail us - has exacerbated their nearly 33 month long hissy-fit. Consistently losing can be very disheartening and, as we've seen, even mentally & emotionally debilitating.

Liberals blind to Donald Trump”s wins – Boston Herald
The left, so blinded by its ideology and consumed with hate toward President Trump, refuses to acknowledge the peace and prosperity he’s bringing to America and the world.

The left, so blinded by its ideology and consumed with hate toward President Trump, refuses to acknowledge the peace and prosperity he’s bringing to America and the world.
History tends to repeat itself , which is what it is doing when Ronald Reagan won the 1980s election of then Malaise Jimmy Carter. The attacks were endless, just the Dems were as openly radical as they are now. Back then Socialists were rounded up and shot, today the insane left just coddles them.
Losing in 2016 certainly triggered their derangement
Losing in 2016 certainly triggered their derangement
I have seen a couple of black libtUrds try to use the race card on the MAGA hat wearers, yet both times they LIED their asses off, so here we have another turd showing a deranged liberal posing as a MAGA wearer again, hating on AOC, the stupidest woman next to Hillary...Then you guys wonder why we hate your stinking guts.
Losing in 2016 certainly triggered their derangement but America winning with Trump as POTUS - despite the left's persistent efforts to derail us - has exacerbated their nearly 33 month long hissy-fit. Consistently losing can be very disheartening and, as we've seen, even mentally & emotionally debilitating.

Liberals blind to Donald Trump”s wins – Boston Herald
The left, so blinded by its ideology and consumed with hate toward President Trump, refuses to acknowledge the peace and prosperity he’s bringing to America and the world.

The left, so blinded by its ideology and consumed with hate toward President Trump, refuses to acknowledge the peace and prosperity he’s bringing to America and the world.

Patriotism is not to blindly follow the President of the United States, sadly is seems the author of this thread is pictured in the cartoon below:


Sayit is in the Red Shirt.

I'm a Democrat, socially liberal, fiscally responsible. I don't hate Trump, I fear him. In my opinion, and I'm not alone, Trump is inept, magniloquent, malicious and mendacious.

His self claimed accomplishments have done nothing but harm to people and the earth: He has repealed by fiat regulations passed to protect our environment; he has rejected and attacked our security agencies; promised to drain the swamp and yet has made it more toxic; fired anyone who disagreed with him: flipped and flopped repeatedly, going from bellicose rhetoric to love letters with Kim of NK; had secret meeting / contacts with Putin* and alienated our allies in NATO, Eastern and Western Nations too.

He has divided our nation and selected tribes to support and tribes to defame, his tweets commonly are used to attack the character and intelligence of those who don't kiss his ass and his speeches are nothing more than a hate and fear collection of cliches punctuated with superfluous adjectives.

He is to be feared, for Trumpism is akin to fascism and if he were to be reelected, his megalomania will grow an grow. He and his hand picked Attorney General have established a return to capital punishment; likely more and more "crimes" will become capital ones and the First Amendment will become an afterthought; sedition will become a capital crime and any attack on President Trump will be considered treason.

*Remember how the Right reacted to Obama's comment to a Russian Diplomat when Obama didn't know the mic was on? That was a big deal to the right, and they remain silent now that trump has done much more in secret with Putin and Kim.
...Back then Socialists were rounded up and shot, today the insane left just coddles them.
Coddles? They are one and the same.
we hate your stinking guts.
Of course you Trumpists do! Thank you for admitting Trump = hate.
I reject both Jim's characterization of collective hatred - he speaks only for Jim - and your sophomoric belief that his hate means "Trump = hate."

This independent voter - and I speak only for me - doesn't trust anyone in the Democrat Socialist Party anymore.

Y'all are traitors … every stinking one of ya.
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...I don't hate Trump, I fear him. In my opinion, and I'm not alone, Trump is inept, magniloquent, malicious and mendacious. His self claimed accomplishments have done nothing but harm to people and the earth...
Yanno, if Trump is all you claim, I demand we require those traits in all future presidents.
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder you bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for you. I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
North Korea is no threat to South Korea. Creating a Boogeyman (and no Trump isn't the only one to do this) and slaying that Boogeyman is no accomplishment.
Liberals blind to Donald Trump”s wins – Boston Herald
The left, so blinded by its ideology and consumed with hate toward President Trump, refuses to acknowledge the peace and prosperity he’s bringing to America and the world...
North Korea is no threat to South Korea. Creating a Boogeyman (and no Trump isn't the only one to do this) and slaying that Boogeyman is no accomplishment.
WTF are you responding to and WTF does your post have to do with the subject of this thread?

Your disconnect from reality is the very unhinged hissy-fit noted in the Boston Herald article.
Losing in 2016 certainly triggered their derangement but America winning with Trump as POTUS - despite the left's persistent efforts to derail us - has exacerbated their nearly 33 month long hissy-fit. Consistently losing can be very disheartening and, as we've seen, even mentally & emotionally debilitating.

Liberals blind to Donald Trump”s wins – Boston Herald
The left, so blinded by its ideology and consumed with hate toward President Trump, refuses to acknowledge the peace and prosperity he’s bringing to America and the world.

The left, so blinded by its ideology and consumed with hate toward President Trump, refuses to acknowledge the peace and prosperity he’s bringing to America and the world.

Patriotism is not to blindly follow the President of the United States, sadly is seems the author of this thread is pictured in the cartoon below:


Sayit is in the Red Shirt.

I'm a Democrat, socially liberal, fiscally responsible. I don't hate Trump, I fear him. In my opinion, and I'm not alone, Trump is inept, magniloquent, malicious and mendacious.

His self claimed accomplishments have done nothing but harm to people and the earth: He has repealed by fiat regulations passed to protect our environment; he has rejected and attacked our security agencies; promised to drain the swamp and yet has made it more toxic; fired anyone who disagreed with him: flipped and flopped repeatedly, going from bellicose rhetoric to love letters with Kim of NK; had secret meeting / contacts with Putin* and alienated our allies in NATO, Eastern and Western Nations too.

He has divided our nation and selected tribes to support and tribes to defame, his tweets commonly are used to attack the character and intelligence of those who don't kiss his ass and his speeches are nothing more than a hate and fear collection of cliches punctuated with superfluous adjectives.

He is to be feared, for Trumpism is akin to fascism and if he were to be reelected, his megalomania will grow an grow. He and his hand picked Attorney General have established a return to capital punishment; likely more and more "crimes" will become capital ones and the First Amendment will become an afterthought; sedition will become a capital crime and any attack on President Trump will be considered treason.

*Remember how the Right reacted to Obama's comment to a Russian Diplomat when Obama didn't know the mic was on? That was a big deal to the right, and they remain silent now that trump has done much more in secret with Putin and Kim.

Welcome to the list funny boy. How you escaped this long is a tragedy on my part.
Liberals blind to Donald Trump”s wins – Boston Herald
The left, so blinded by its ideology and consumed with hate toward President Trump, refuses to acknowledge the peace and prosperity he’s bringing to America and the world...
North Korea is no threat to South Korea. Creating a Boogeyman (and no Trump isn't the only one to do this) and slaying that Boogeyman is no accomplishment.
WTF are you responding to and WTF does your post have to do with the subject of this thread?

Your disconnect from reality is the very unhinged hissy-fit noted in the Boston Herald article.

Did you not actually read the article? It's one of the main things they gave Trump credit for.
Liberals blind to Donald Trump”s wins – Boston Herald
The left, so blinded by its ideology and consumed with hate toward President Trump, refuses to acknowledge the peace and prosperity he’s bringing to America and the world...
North Korea is no threat to South Korea. Creating a Boogeyman (and no Trump isn't the only one to do this) and slaying that Boogeyman is no accomplishment.
WTF are you responding to and WTF does your post have to do with the subject of this thread?

Your disconnect from reality is the very unhinged hissy-fit noted in the Boston Herald article.

Did you not actually read the article? It's one of the main things they gave Trump credit for.
The thread is clearly about blind libs like ... you. We've accomplished a boatload of good stuff that makes bitter leftards bat-shit crazy and you are concerned about Korea:

  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder you bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for you. I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
Losing in 2016 certainly triggered their derangement but America winning with Trump as POTUS - despite the left's persistent efforts to derail us - has exacerbated their nearly 33 month long hissy-fit. Consistently losing can be very disheartening and, as we've seen, even mentally & emotionally debilitating.

Liberals blind to Donald Trump”s wins – Boston Herald
The left, so blinded by its ideology and consumed with hate toward President Trump, refuses to acknowledge the peace and prosperity he’s bringing to America and the world.

The left, so blinded by its ideology and consumed with hate toward President Trump, refuses to acknowledge the peace and prosperity he’s bringing to America and the world.

Patriotism is not to blindly follow the President of the United States, sadly is seems the author of this thread is pictured in the cartoon below:


Sayit is in the Red Shirt.

I'm a Democrat, socially liberal, fiscally responsible. I don't hate Trump, I fear him. In my opinion, and I'm not alone, Trump is inept, magniloquent, malicious and mendacious.

His self claimed accomplishments have done nothing but harm to people and the earth: He has repealed by fiat regulations passed to protect our environment; he has rejected and attacked our security agencies; promised to drain the swamp and yet has made it more toxic; fired anyone who disagreed with him: flipped and flopped repeatedly, going from bellicose rhetoric to love letters with Kim of NK; had secret meeting / contacts with Putin* and alienated our allies in NATO, Eastern and Western Nations too.

He has divided our nation and selected tribes to support and tribes to defame, his tweets commonly are used to attack the character and intelligence of those who don't kiss his ass and his speeches are nothing more than a hate and fear collection of cliches punctuated with superfluous adjectives.

He is to be feared, for Trumpism is akin to fascism and if he were to be reelected, his megalomania will grow an grow. He and his hand picked Attorney General have established a return to capital punishment; likely more and more "crimes" will become capital ones and the First Amendment will become an afterthought; sedition will become a capital crime and any attack on President Trump will be considered treason.

*Remember how the Right reacted to Obama's comment to a Russian Diplomat when Obama didn't know the mic was on? That was a big deal to the right, and they remain silent now that trump has done much more in secret with Putin and Kim.

Welcome to the list funny boy. How you escaped this long is a tragedy on my part.

Thanks for sharing, too bad you never have anything of substance or thoughtful and thought provoking to offer.

I wonder if this is a congenital issue, if you are simply a biddable fool, or support trump and his lap dog, AG Barr's authoritarian ideology?
Liberals blind to Donald Trump”s wins – Boston Herald
The left, so blinded by its ideology and consumed with hate toward President Trump, refuses to acknowledge the peace and prosperity he’s bringing to America and the world...
North Korea is no threat to South Korea. Creating a Boogeyman (and no Trump isn't the only one to do this) and slaying that Boogeyman is no accomplishment.
WTF are you responding to and WTF does your post have to do with the subject of this thread?

Your disconnect from reality is the very unhinged hissy-fit noted in the Boston Herald article.

Did you not actually read the article? It's one of the main things they gave Trump credit for.
The thread is clearly about blind libs like ... you. We've accomplished a boatload of good stuff that makes bitter leftards bat-shit crazy and you are concerned about Korea:

I commented on the article. Excuse me for actually reading and commenting on the article.

Besides, I'm pro-life. I support the second Amendment. I believe we need a balanced budget Amendment.

What make me a "Leftard" (whatever that is)? Because I actually read the article provided?
Trump enacts Muslim ban, Democrats seek to block it in court.
Trump moves to deport illegal immigrants (who Dems call dreamers), Democrats seek to block it in court.
Trump move to build border wall, Democrats seek to block it in court.
Trump accurately calls African countries shithole places, Democrats play the race card.

No wonder Democrats will lose in 2020.
Liberals blind to Donald Trump”s wins – Boston Herald
The left, so blinded by its ideology and consumed with hate toward President Trump, refuses to acknowledge the peace and prosperity he’s bringing to America and the world...
North Korea is no threat to South Korea. Creating a Boogeyman (and no Trump isn't the only one to do this) and slaying that Boogeyman is no accomplishment.
WTF are you responding to and WTF does your post have to do with the subject of this thread?

Your disconnect from reality is the very unhinged hissy-fit noted in the Boston Herald article.

Did you not actually read the article? It's one of the main things they gave Trump credit for.
The thread is clearly about blind libs like ... you. We've accomplished a boatload of good stuff that makes bitter leftards bat-shit crazy and you are concerned about Korea:

  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder you bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for you. I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

    • The economy inherited by trump was already expanding, stable and with low inflation
    • Unemployment inherited by Obama from Bush was in free fall, it too began to climb once confidence was restored under Obama by June of 2019
    • Total bullshit, echoing Right Wing Propaganda
  • Job growth, when two jobs are required for most of the middle class and the working poor isn't something to applaud;
  • Trump's Trade wars have harmed American Farmers and raised the costs of many goods in supermarkets across the country.
Trump signed the biggest tax fraud in history, 2/3 of the benefits go to corporate America (even when their main office is on foreign soil), tax brackets were reduced to save billion of dollars for the 1%ers, and the 1/3 of working tax payers who get benefits will see the benefit sunset in 10 years.

Yeah, you are a trump supporter:


And our kids and theirs will suffer from the idiot you support:


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