Battle for Jesus Christ


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
How many of you speak german? I bet more then half of you have some basic knowledge. I did a speech on the battle for Jesus Christ. I did it free and spontaneous but I just marked two bible quotes but the speech is free.

If you dont understand it at all I will give a translation of the speech.

"Good Morning". Then I introduce myself.
"I would like to speak to you about the faith and specifically about the battle for christ and christian martyrdom".
"Martyr is not neccessarily someone who grabs the sword and injures someone or kills him".

Then I quote the Bible on the battle. Ephesians 6,11-17
What is the armour of God? Ephesians 6,11-17
We dont want fight against persons of flesh and blood but against the evil forces in this world. Ephesians 6,11-17
We fight with faith and truth.

It could be that we need to suffer and endure and maybe even get killed. 2 Timothy 2
If we deny Christ, he will denie us. If we stand with him, we will rule with him. 2 Timothy 2
So be strong and keep the faith.

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Do the right thing, the right way, for the right reason.
Peter understood that we must stand for good and that our journey is a progression.

2 Peter 1:1-8

The attributes listed by St. Peter are my swords. I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.

I have chosen the better portion and it shall not be taken from me.
So ,are you off on some sort of Germanic missionary Mort?

So ,are you off on some sort of Germanic missionary Mort?


Not neccessarily germanic but I speak german, because I posted it also on german language forums and because free speech is easier for me in german. I dont pretend Im germanic. Also not neccessarily missionary just talking about christian topics.
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A little more on the topic.

The Bible says that Christians are persecuted because of their faith. It was a historical fact, but today in many countries Christian minorities are persecuted and also killed or tortured. Even in our Democratic West, there are radical communists / cultural-marxists / anti-theists who discriminate against and also persecute Christians with laws such as Christian bakers needing to bake a pie for gay couples; if they do not, they are virtually expropriated and lose their lives Bakery and blackened, that is also a kind of persecution. Christians should stand firm even if they are persecuted. The apostles were killed or many of them because they spoke the truth.
A little more on the topic.

The Bible says that Christians are persecuted because of their faith. It was a historical fact, but today in many countries Christian minorities are persecuted and also killed or tortured. Even in our Democratic West, there are radical communists / cultural-marxists / anti-theists who discriminate against and also persecute Christians with laws such as Christian bakers needing to bake a pie for gay couples; if they do not, they are virtually expropriated and lose their lives Bakery and blackened, that is also a kind of persecution. Christians should stand firm even if they are persecuted. The apostles were killed or many of them because they spoke the truth.
The apostles were killed or many of them because they spoke the truth.

If we deny Christ, he will denie us. If we stand with him, we will rule with him.

the quote is a forgery, fitting for the christian false messiah and their makebelive bible.

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