Battle of Bakhmud won by Russia

You continue to try to justify the same stupid lies. They were Sunnis, the first honest thing you have posted, but they weren't fighting against foreign invaders, they were fighting to create a new state from lands of Syria and Iraq and they were fighting against anyone in their way, mostly other Muslims. By falsely claiming they were fighting against foreign invaders, you were trying to justify their atrocities. They have the same goals, colonizing the lands of other countries, and the same tactics, terrorizing civilian populations, as Russia has, and that is undeniable.

I am not justifying anything ... You ignorant twat ... :auiqs.jpg:

Wave your stupid little flag if you want to ... Just stop pretending you can make what I post mean something it doesn't.
You cannot change the facts ... No matter how badly you want to argue.

ISIS was Sunni Rebels ... It's where they lived ... The people they were fighting were foreigners (mostly Americans and our Allies) ... You dumbass.
You don't have to make excuses ... Or justify anything they did ... To understand Geography and Country of Origin.

It's what the saying means ...
"One man's Patriot is another man's Terrorist."

You don't have to justify one thing ... To understand everything.
You need to ... Because you want to wave your little jingoist flag ... Which I have already told you many times ...
And you still don't understand.

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Is it possible the point is it isn't propaganda?
What, in wartime? Every pronouncement by any government is propaganda in wartime. I don't ever read anything about the war because I know every word is false. From both sides.
Man, that is the point. Zelensky has only one supply route to Bakhmut left and the Russians exert fire control over it.
The point I was making, is that it would be a military failure, if the Russians waited until UAF reinforcement or supplies ENTER Bakhmut. (as you stated)

I am not at or in Bakhmut - however according to the www. map information, Russian forces are at the flanks (behind Bakhmut) since almost 2 weeks, and yet their main offensive is still being conducted on the East of Bakhmut, parallel to the Bakhmut river. Attacking and crossing along a river-line defense just doesn't make sense if one can move via the flanks (unobstructed by such natural obstacles).

At the same time Western reports are coming in and are also being verified by Russia, that UAF reinforcements are constantly, regularly entering Bahkmut.

Either the www. map information is not correct in regards to Russian forces controlling the flanks.
Or the Russian forces are not receiving enough supplies and combat support in order to launch an attack via the flanks towards the center and the backyard of Bakhmut. Which would automatically prevent UAF forces and supplies from passing through that corridor.
The conman Zelensky sacrificed huge numbers of Ukrainian solders by giving them strict orders to defend Bakhmut no matter the cost. Against a determined Russian army that was vastly superior in both soldiers and weapons.

So, if Russia decided it wanted the US, you'd just say "well, we can have anyone getting killed, so lay down your weapons and let Putin ride us until we're sore"?
This applies not only for Bakhmud but for all of corrupt Ukraine.

Col. Douglas McGregor is a hero! :clap2:I don't miss any of his interviews!

This interview from 2 days ago, you don't want to miss this!

Douglas Macgregor: UKRAINE IS DONE If This HAPPENS​

^^^ This is worth watching again!:thup:


I am not justifying anything ... You ignorant twat ... :auiqs.jpg:

Wave your stupid little flag if you want to ... Just stop pretending you can make what I post mean something it doesn't.
You cannot change the facts ... No matter how badly you want to argue.

ISIS was Sunni Rebels ... It's where they lived ... The people they were fighting were foreigners (mostly Americans and our Allies) ... You dumbass.
You don't have to make excuses ... Or justify anything they did ... To understand Geography and Country of Origin.

It's what the saying means ...
"One man's Patriot is another man's Terrorist."

You don't have to justify one thing ... To understand everything.
You need to ... Because you want to wave your little jingoist flag ... Which I have already told you many times ...
And you still don't understand.

There you go again trying to justify ISIS' atrocities by falsely claiming they were only killing foreigners, trying to make them seem as defenders rather than the aggressors they are, just as you try to defend Russia's atrocities in Ukraine by, astonishingly, claiming everyone, not just Russia, targets civilians in war.
What, in wartime? Every pronouncement by any government is propaganda in wartime. I don't ever read anything about the war because I know every word is false. From both sides.
If you don't believe there are any discernable facts to be had, then you have no basis in fact for any opinion about the war or its causes or how what the US does with respect to the war is in American interests, right?

After all, all the alleged "facts" come from present governments or politicians who hope to form the next government and if none of it can be trusted, as you say, then you would have no reason to think America's aid to Ukraine is not the best way to serve America's interests? But if this is true, why would you be posting here?
Nuts. Ukraine nazis glorify Kievan Rus and its beginnings.
First, there are no NAZIs in Ukraine or anywhere else, there are neo nazis in both Ukraine and Russia and many of the Russian neo nazis are in Ukraine fighting against the Ukrainian people.

The real NAZIs were German ultranationalists who believed it was Germany's destiny to colonize the rest of Europe, and perhaps later the rest of the world, but the NAZI party is outlawed in Germany today, so the real NAZIs today are just a few eccentrics.

There are certainly ultranationalists in Ukraine some of whom dress up in NAZI regalia, but there is no evidence they plan to colonize Europe or Central Asia, so the issue is irrelevant to the current conflict, at least on the Ukrainian side.

However there are Russian ultranationalist who are no joke. Although they may rarely dress up as NAZIs, these Russian ultranationalists believe that it is Russia's destiny to colonize eastern Europe, and they are no joke because these ultranationalists run the Russian government and Putin has been telling us since at least 2004 that his goal is to colonize eastern Europe, right from his speech in which he rejected the dissolution of the USSR to this moment when he tries to teach Russian school children to be Russin ultranationalists who will be ready to go to war to colonize Eastern Europe.

Although there are no real NAZIs anymore, the rhetoric and actions of Putin's Russia is nearly identical to those of Hitler's Germany.
The point I was making, is that it would be a military failure, if the Russians waited until UAF reinforcement or supplies ENTER Bakhmut. (as you stated)

I am not at or in Bakhmut - however according to the www. map information, Russian forces are at the flanks (behind Bakhmut) since almost 2 weeks, and yet their main offensive is still being conducted on the East of Bakhmut, parallel to the Bakhmut river. Attacking and crossing along a river-line defense just doesn't make sense if one can move via the flanks (unobstructed by such natural obstacles).

At the same time Western reports are coming in and are also being verified by Russia, that UAF reinforcements are constantly, regularly entering Bahkmut.

Either the www. map information is not correct in regards to Russian forces controlling the flanks.
Or the Russian forces are not receiving enough supplies and combat support in order to launch an attack via the flanks towards the center and the backyard of Bakhmut. Which would automatically prevent UAF forces and supplies from passing through that corridor.
The Ukrainian forces streaming into Bakhmut have a daily survival chance of 30 % according to themselves. It makes sense for Russia to deplete them in Bakhmut. It has been the Russian strategy all the time: Not taking over by all means but decimating the enemy sources.
Latest news from Bakhmut.

The Ukrainian forces streaming into Bakhmut have a daily survival chance of 30 % according to themselves. It makes sense for Russia to deplete them in Bakhmut. It has been the Russian strategy all the time: Not taking over by all means but decimating the enemy sources.
Since this war got started, both sides have proven that they are incapable of performing flanking maneuvers that result in an encirclement/entrapment of troops. Latest examples of this severe inefficiency were Sievierodonetsk and Lysychansk in Sep/Oct last year. Allowing thousand's or actually tens of thousands UAF members to withdraw to a new defensive line they are holding till now.

Allowing reinforcements into prepared defensive positions and areas of pure rubble, is about the worst thing an attacker can do.

The www map's usually behold a 24-36 hour delay in regards to update. The present latest map (1h ago) shows a ca. 1.2 km wide and 500m deep penetration into Bakhmut's southern outskirts - performed by the Russian southern flank.

Let's see if Bahkmut might be the first operation in this war that would allow for a flank driven assault to result into an encirclement.
Since this war got started, both sides have proven that they are incapable of performing flanking maneuvers that result in an encirclement/entrapment of troops. Latest examples of this severe inefficiency were Sievierodonetsk and Lysychansk in Sep/Oct last year. Allowing thousand's or actually tens of thousands UAF members to withdraw to a new defensive line they are holding till now.

Allowing reinforcements into prepared defensive positions and areas of pure rubble, is about the worst thing an attacker can do.

The www map's usually behold a 24-36 hour delay in regards to update. The present latest map (1h ago) shows a ca. 1.2 km wide and 500m deep penetration into Bakhmut's southern outskirts - performed by the Russian southern flank.

Let's see if Bahkmut might be the first operation in this war that would allow for a flank driven assault to result into an encirclement.
I don´t know what www maps is and where your infos are from. Same applies for your Bakhmut opinion, since you are ignoring what I said about Ukrainian losses. Syrian tactics didn´t work for Russia. Syria always left a retreat open so AQ and IS would eventually leave the city. Ukraine on the other hand doesn´t retreat but stays until total annihilation.
I don´t know what www maps is and where your infos are from.
e.g. Russian forces conducting offensive actions at Lyman, Bakhmut, Avdiivka, Maryinka and Shaktarske directions. Ukrainian military repelled over 75 Russian attacks near Hryanykivka, Bilohorivka and Spirne, Bakhmut, Orikhovo-Vasylivka and Bohdanivka, Stepove, Kamyanka, Avdiyivka, Syeverne, Netaylove, Pervomayske, Nevelske, Maryinka and Vuhledar, - General Staff of Armed Forces of Ukraine says in the morning report Vuhledar, Donetsk Oblast - Ukraine Interactive map - Ukraine Latest news on live map -
Same applies for your Bakhmut opinion, since you are ignoring what I said about Ukrainian losses.
Where is your logic in an attacker usually suffering 2 times and partially more, in ratio to the losses of a defender?
What loss statistics do you have or believe to be correct in regards to UAF and RF losses since Feb. 2022?
Syrian tactics didn´t work for Russia. Syria always left a retreat open so AQ and IS would eventually leave the city.
What do small scale inferior attacks conducted by Syrian troops/supported partially by RF and Wagner forces against militias in Syria, have in common with the Ukraine-Russian war?
Ukraine on the other hand doesn´t retreat but stays until total annihilation.
Where do you get this information from? Not a single UAF formation so far got entrapped along the front-line and suffered total annihilation - aside from Mariupol which was completely surrounded behind the front-line since the very beginning of the Russian attack.
At e.g. Sievierodonesk and Lysychansk - the UAF manged to pull out entirely their remaining forces, including it's heavy equipment.

The only reason IMO as to why Zelensky is creating/enforcing a needless massacre amongst the UAF, is due to his public promise after he ordered the retreat from Lysychansk in Oct. last year.
"No further Ukrainian city will be occupied/conquered by the RF anymore"
If you don't believe there are any discernable facts to be had, then you have no basis in fact for any opinion about the war or its causes or how what the US does with respect to the war is in American interests, right?

After all, all the alleged "facts" come from present governments or politicians who hope to form the next government and if none of it can be trusted, as you say, then you would have no reason to think America's aid to Ukraine is not the best way to serve America's interests? But if this is true, why would you be posting here?
Because it suits me to be posting? Yes, that's the reason.

You make a good point that if I don't believe there ARE any discernable facts to be had, perhaps I can't tell whether or not it's a wonderful thing for America to be wasting billions on a stymied war far away.

But some things are easily discernable and don't depend on the non-stop lies in the newspapers and cable news. Ukraine is a corrupt country that bribed our officials or their relatives: we know that. I see no point in our spending and fighting for such a place. It is like involving ourselves in the permanent war in the Congo: never do that! Ukraine is far away and borders the country that wants to re-establish a larger polity like they used to have. Capturing Ukraine is in Russia's interests; not much about it is in our interests. Europe, for several obvious reasons (energy, fear of invasion, etc.) should be far more involved in this situation than we are, so why are we leading it?

I am convinced Biden wants our troops on the ground there, fighting Ukraine's war FOR Ukraine, so he can win the election by making himself a wartime president, a sure-fire election winner for our entire history as a nation. And so he can re-establish conscription for our soldier-lacking military. I am totally opposed to getting involved in a war with nuclear Russia or restarting conscription.

IMO, the propaganda and lies in the fake news don't matter --- we can SEE our national interests are negative about the war in Ukraine. Let Europe do it: if they want to. They don't seem to much care either. I suppose this war will stretch out for some four years and then Russia will win; and I don't care. Not my business. Not America's business.
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