Battle of Bakhmud won by Russia



Here's an ABC article about Russia hiring Afghani Special Forces soldiers trained by ... And who fought alongside American Soldiers ...
That fled to Iran after the chaotic US withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Here's a CBS article about 40,000 Syrian Combatants registering to fight for Russia.

But ... It's safe to say that the Ukrainians ... Have their share of Foreign Fighters onboard.
Doesn't really matter who calls who the "new" ISIS.
Of course it matters and it's not about being a Muslim. ISIS fights by waging a campaign of terror against civilian populations in the hope of colonizing land just as Russia is doing in Ukraine. The Ukrainians, on the other hand, are fighting against the Russian terrorists to prevent their land from being colonized.
Russian artillery pounded the last routes out of Bakhmut on Friday, aiming to complete the encirclement of the besieged Ukrainian city and bring Moscow closer to its first major victory in half a year after the bloodiest battle of the war.

And that's that! :dunno:

March 3 (Reuters) -
March 4 to March 14. STILL no Russian victory there.

OP isn’t aging well.

Around the world nearly everyone finds Zelensky far more credible than Putin, and that's why they respond to his pleas for more weapons just as the US responded to British and Russian pleas for assistance when they were fighting off Hitler, another fascist dictator.
Of course it matters and it's not about being a Muslim. ISIS fights by waging a campaign of terror against civilian populations in the hope of colonizing land just as Russia is doing in Ukraine. The Ukrainians, on the other hand, are fighting against the Russian terrorists to prevent their land from being colonized.

The question was rather or not "Russia is the ISIS of Central Aisa" ...
I simply pointed out that foreign troops were heading to the warzone on both sides of the conflict ...
Some who trained and fought alongside the US ... And are now fighting alongside the Russians.

Your comment had nothing to do with what I posted or the question I was responding to.
If you want to pretend that Russia is the "new" ISIS ... Knock yourself out ... :auiqs.jpg:

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The question was rather or not "Russia is the ISIS of Central Aisa" ...
I simply pointed out that foreign troops were heading to the warzone on both sides of the conflict ...
Some who trained by and fought alongside the US ... And are now fighting alongside the Russians.

Your comment had nothing to do with what I posted or the question I was responding to.
If you want to pretend that Russian is the "new" ISIS ... Knock yourself out ... :auiqs.jpg:


The question was rather or not "Russia is the ISIS of Central Aisa" ...
I simply pointed out that foreign troops were heading to the warzone on both sides of the conflict ...
Some who trained by and fought alongside the US ... And are now fighting alongside the Russians.

Your comment had nothing to do with what I posted or the question I was responding to.
If you want to pretend that Russian is the "new" ISIS ... Knock yourself out ... :auiqs.jpg:

You responded to my claim Russia is the ISIS of central Asia by naming two Muslim groups who allegedly are fighting for Russia, so clearly your associated ISIS with being Muslim rather than with what their tactics, which was my association with between Russia and ISIS. As always, your bigotry is clear, your thinking is confused and your communication skills are poor.
You responded to my claim Russia is the ISIS of central Asia by naming two Muslim groups who allegedly are fighting for Russia, so clearly your associated ISIS with being Muslim rather than with what their tactics, which was my association with between Russia and ISIS. As always, your bigotry is clear, your thinking is confused and your communication skills are poor.

There is no bigotry ... Just a realistic look at the foreign fighters and overall interests.
It doesn't have anything to do with Muslims ... Outside of the ones signing up to fight with the Russians.

ISIS was the home team rebels ... Trying to fight the foreign invaders ... And were considered the terrorists.
I mean I am not making excuses for them ... But damn.

You trying to find something to object with is probably more of the problem ...
Am I not enough of a jingoist for you ... :auiqs.jpg:

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There is no bigotry ... Just a realistic look at the foreign fighters and overall interests.
It doesn't have anything to do with Muslims ... Outside of the ones signing up to fight with the Russians.

ISIS was the home team rebels ... Trying to fight the foreign invaders ... And were considered the terrorists.
I mean I am not making excuses for them ... But damn.

You trying to find something to object with is probably more of the problem ...
Am I not enough of a jingoist for you ... :auiqs.jpg:

Of course the issue is that both ISIS and Russian share the same tactics and strategy of terrorizing civilian populations in the hope that people will be so frightened they will surrender. Your response was irrelevant; was that by design or are you just too stupid to understand my post?
Of course the issue is that both ISIS and Russian share the same tactics and strategy of terrorizing civilian populations in the hope that people will be so frightened they will surrender. Your response was irrelevant; was that by design or are you just too stupid to understand my post?

If it's irrelevant ... Then shut the fuck up.
You don't have to keep posting stupid things ... Thinking you are saying something worthwhile doing so ... :auiqs.jpg:

Everything you have posted in response is just one stupid thing after another ...
Trying to twist what I posted into meaning something it didn't ...
Waving your little flag like that means something.


If it's irrelevant ... Then shut the fuck up.
You don't have to keep posting stupid things ... Thinking you are saying something worthwhile doing so ... :auiqs.jpg:

You shut the fuck up. It is important to post these facts so that people like you have the opportunity to try to process information other than Putin's bullshit.
You shut the fuck up. It is important to post these facts so that people like you have the opportunity to try to process information other than Putin's bullshit.

Wave your little jingoist flag some more ... Just don't try to tell me what you don't understand is irrelevant ...
And irrelevant enough you feel the need to say something ...
You ignorant twat ... :auiqs.jpg:


Wave your little jingoist flag some more ... Just don't try to tell me what you don't understand is irrelevant ...
And irrelevant enough you feel the need to say something ...
You ignorant twat ... :auiqs.jpg:

It is discouraging to see how difficult it is for you to process information.
It is discouraging to see how difficult it is for you to process information.

It's not difficult for me to process anything ...
It's just difficult for you to make any sense trying to fight with it.

Like ... Why would you even post that ... If it meant anything to start with?
You were trying to suggest I am incapable of processing or understanding what you were posting ... In a post responding to me.
You didn't even understand the implications of the stupid crap you posted.
Damn ... You are stupid .... :auiqs.jpg:


It's not difficult for me to process anything ...
It's just difficult for you to make any sense trying to fight with it.

Like ... Why would you even post that ... If it meant anything to start with?
You were trying to suggest I am incapable of processing or understanding what you were posting ... In a post responding to me.
You didn't even understand the implications of the stupid crap you posted.
Damn ... You are stupid .... :auiqs.jpg:

All this trouble just to avoid the fact that ISIS and Russia use the same tactics and strategy of terrorizing civilians to try to win a war, and the same goal of wanting to colonize some one else's land. Clearly, Russia is the ISIS of central Asia.
All this trouble just to avoid the fact that ISIS and Russia use the same tactics and strategy of terrorizing civilians to try to win a war, and the same goal of wanting to colonize some one else's land. Clearly, Russia is the ISIS of central Asia.

War tactics haven't change since the beginning of civilization ... If you need to pretend it is any different now ... It's not.
That's what I meant when speaking about your jingoism ... You're just waving a flag and thinking this war is any different than another.

If you need to pretend calling Russia ISIS means they are the same ...
Then you're just trying to use what people think about ISIS ... To steer your desires in regard to Russia.
Talk about not being able to process information correctly ... And then give us another example of failing to do so ... :auiqs.jpg:


War tactics haven't change since the beginning of civilization ... If you need to pretend it is any different now ... It's not.
That's what I meant when speaking about your jingoism ... You're just waving a flag and thinking this war is any different than another.

If you need to pretend calling Russia ISIS means they are the same ...
Then you're just trying to use what people think about ISIS ... To steer your desires in regard to Russia.
Talk about not being able to process information correctly ... And then give us another example of failing to do so ... :auiqs.jpg:

There you go again, first you tried to justify atrocities committed by ISIS and now you are trying to justify atrocities committed by Russia. You earlier claimed that ISIS was fighting against invaders, but that was a lie. ISIS was fighting to colonize parts of Syrai and Iraq to form their own state and now Russia is trying to colonize parts of Ukraine, so their goals are the same, and both ISIS and Russia commit horrible atrocities against civilians, not as collateral damage but deliberately to try to terrorize their enemies to surrender. That is not how a civilized people behaves.

Civilized countries devised rules of war to try to avoid that kind of atrocities against civilians that are core values of ISIS and Russia, and back in 2019 Putin withdrew Russia from the protocol of the Geneva Convention dealing with the protection of civilians, effectively telling his soldiers no matter what atrocities they commit they will not be held accountable, so Russian soldiers bomb civilian targets that have no military value at all and ignorant bigots like you see nothing wrong with. Clearly, Russian values are so alien to the civilized world, that Russia can only be compared to ISIS or nazi Germany, but not to any civilized country.

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