Battle of Bakhmud won by Russia

While the Wagner group is slowly advancing in Artemovsk, the Ukes keep throwing more warm bodies at it in stubborn resistance. The fight isn’t won by any stretch. Searching #bakhmut and #artemovsk on twitter under the latest header yields results from which, with some gleaning, a reasonable understanding of the situation can be had.

Bakhtmut may fall in the 'coming days', says Nato chief Jens Stoltenberg​

and I agree with one of the comments that says: "If he’s saying that now you can be sure it actually fell some time ago"

Last night's operation claimed more territory north of Bahmut including high ground. The cauldron ic closing. Kinzhals take only 60 seconds to mount to an SU, so infrastructure strikes in the rest of the country will be devastating because kinzhals are now mass-produced, with no shortage, like the Russians did with their tanks in WWII.
It was 4km, now it's 2.5km, as the cauldron now closes and starts to boil. Zelensky calls an emergency meeting that decides to "hold" Bakhmut. Zelensky is doing coke. It's too late to retreat.
Chasiv got hammered last night.
Putin continues his war of terror against the civilian population of Ukraine while the Russian military is an object of derision and mockery among military experts around the world. Is Russia the ISIS of central Asia?
Putin continues his war of terror against the civilian population of Ukraine while the Russian military is an object of derision and mockery among military experts around the world. Is Russia the ISIS of central Asia?

Here's an ABC article about Russia hiring Afghani Special Forces soldiers trained by ... And who fought alongside American Soldiers ...
That fled to Iran after the chaotic US withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Here's a CBS article about 40,000 Syrian Combatants registering to fight for Russia.

But ... It's safe to say that the Ukrainians ... Have their share of Foreign Fighters onboard.
Doesn't really matter who calls who the "new" ISIS.

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