Battle of Bakhmud won by Russia

Mariopul was betrayed by a city official who guided Russian troops into the city. He betrayed Ukraine for cash. (About $10,000 us equivalent....almost an average year's salary in that area)

Bakhmut is not going to fall all that easily. There are underground bunkers carefully guarded and reinforced and extremely hidden from eyes in the sky. Russia may have bunker busting munitions but not for artillery shells. And missiles are at a premium currently for Russia. (Their missile's engines are west Ukranian made)

Currently in order for Russia to win this war they will need another round of conscription of troops. This is highly unpopular with the Russian citizenry. This in addition to sanctions and an economy in the dumpster and Oligarchs are sharks looking for any opportunity for advancement....
Putin's reign is almost over unless he can claim something as a victory. (Even short lived).

And because of this....the goals of Americans are achieved. Russia is worn out from fighting. 200k+ KIA or wounded and people's lives disturbed, put on hold, or irrevocably changed has long lasting repercussions.

20% of Russian total capacity for any sort of Army is destroyed.

Russian current weapons capabilities completely revealed.

Old new generations of NATO weapons have been tested and tactics revised by NATO for best practices for repelling Russia and/or China. (Individual countries best military tech has yet to be revealed or utilized)

Sure, Russia keeps threatening with nuclear weapons but in truth its just threats. Nuclear weapons are weapons of last resort. These get used when your army is gone and invaders are at your door. You get no spoils of war or assistance after use. Everyone is upset over radiation which spreads around the planet.
Why do you call live map www map? To be the source master? You know they have sources? You know when crazy Ukrainian commander tweets some shit, it will appear there as fact?

Where is your logic in an attacker usually suffering 2 times and partially more, in ratio to the losses of a defender?
What loss statistics do you have or believe to be correct in regards to UAF and RF losses since Feb. 2022?
There are no loss statistics. Wagner claims 11K kills for Feb.. And we have reports from Ukrainian soldiers who fight in Bakhmut:

You read that first, otherwise there is no point in discussion this issue.

What do small scale inferior attacks conducted by Syrian troops/supported partially by RF and Wagner forces against militias in Syria, have in common with the Ukraine-Russian war?
Those weren´t "small scale inferior attacks". Many battles took place, many with thousands of troops partaking.

Where do you get this information from? Not a single UAF formation so far got entrapped along the front-line and suffered total annihilation - aside from Mariupol which was completely surrounded behind the front-line since the very beginning of the Russian attack.
At e.g. Sievierodonesk and Lysychansk - the UAF manged to pull out entirely their remaining forces, including it's heavy equipment.
Mariupol was a good example. The Ukrainians didn´t use the corridor provided to savely leave the city.

The only reason IMO as to why Zelensky is creating/enforcing a needless massacre amongst the UAF, is due to his public promise after he ordered the retreat from Lysychansk in Oct. last year.
"No further Ukrainian city will be occupied/conquered by the RF anymore"
The Ukrainian front line will collapse. The Ukrainian army chief said that.
Because it suits me to be posting? Yes, that's the reason.

You make a good point that if I don't believe there ARE any discernable facts to be had, perhaps I can't tell whether or not it's a wonderful thing for America to be wasting billions on a stymied war far away.

But some things are easily discernable and don't depend on the non-stop lies in the newspapers and cable news. Ukraine is a corrupt country that bribed our officials or their relatives: we know that. I see no point in our spending and fighting for such a place. It is like involving ourselves in the permanent war in the Congo: never do that! Ukraine is far away and borders the country that wants to re-establish a larger polity like they used to have. Capturing Ukraine is in Russia's interests; not much about it is in our interests. Europe, for several obvious reasons (energy, fear of invasion, etc.) should be far more involved in this situation than we are, so why are we leading it?

I am convinced Biden wants our troops on the ground there, fighting Ukraine's war FOR Ukraine, so he can win the election by making himself a wartime president, a sure-fire election winner for our entire history as a nation. And so he can re-establish conscription for our soldier-lacking military. I am totally opposed to getting involved in a war with nuclear Russia or restarting conscription.

IMO, the propaganda and lies in the fake news don't matter --- we can SEE our national interests are negative about the war in Ukraine. Let Europe do it: if they want to. They don't seem to much care either. I suppose this war will stretch out for some four years and then Russia will win; and I don't care. Not my business. Not America's business.
Your whole post is propaganda, all of it crafted just to take a swipe at Biden.
Mariopul was betrayed by a city official who guided Russian troops into the city. He betrayed Ukraine for cash. (About $10,000 us equivalent....almost an average year's salary in that area)
Hm.. I didn't know that - you sure that you are not mixing it up with Kherson?
Bakhmut is not going to fall all that easily. There are underground bunkers carefully guarded and reinforced and extremely hidden from eyes in the sky. Russia may have bunker busting munitions but not for artillery shells. And missiles are at a premium currently for Russia. (Their missile's engines are west Ukranian made)
Yes, will certainly cost a lot of Russian lives and I doubt that the RF has sufficient forces and supplies, to exploit a breakthrough as Zelinsky tries to propagate in order to hide his true agenda "No Ukrainian city is going to be occupied and taken by Russia anymore"
There is more and more opposition towards Zelinsky arising in Ukraine - and a "promise" such as above, might just provide the noose around his neck. It isn't just Putin that is being constantly speculated about in regards to whatever form of abdication.
Currently in order for Russia to win this war they will need another round of conscription of troops. This is highly unpopular with the Russian citizenry. This in addition to sanctions and an economy in the dumpster and Oligarchs are sharks looking for any opportunity for advancement....
They are doing it already - an estimated 300,000 new cannon fodder. It seems to be only unpopular in big cities that naturally harbor liberal's far more then the rural areas.
A recent survey conducted in the hope to find a negative reply - showed that 70% of Russia's population are in support of this war ah.. special mili.....
Putin's reign is almost over unless he can claim something as a victory. (Even short lived).
Well - that's just speculation
And because of this....the goals of Americans are achieved. Russia is worn out from fighting. 200k+ KIA or wounded and people's lives disturbed, put on hold, or irrevocably changed has long lasting repercussions.
That would also include the Ukraine to be a totally wasted country for decades to come - I do not believe that e.g. the EU is going to blindly finance the rebuild without solid guarantees of Russia and Ukraine not going to war with each other again.
20% of Russian total capacity for any sort of Army is destroyed.
Russian current weapons capabilities completely revealed.
Agree - but Ukraine also got nothing big or significant to offer.
Old new generations of NATO weapons have been tested and tactics revised by NATO for best practices for repelling Russia and/or China. (Individual countries best military tech has yet to be revealed or utilized)
I don't believe that the Ukraine-Russian war is of any significance towards the USA or NATO's learning process towards e.g. China. These two are just way too backward to provide any significant military revelations towards a major high-tech and modern warfare war involving China.
Sure, Russia keeps threatening with nuclear weapons but in truth its just threats. Nuclear weapons are weapons of last resort. These get used when your army is gone and invaders are at your door. You get no spoils of war or assistance after use. Everyone is upset over radiation which spreads around the planet.
Maybe, but controlling Ukraine is essential towards Russia's survival - so it depends in what stage of survival Russia "will" resort to nukes, not necessarily Russian territory being threatened directly.
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Three days from draft to the frontier in Bakhmut. Those are still civilians, man.

Defeating the Russians to achieve the National Socialist future in Cocraine requires sacrifices. Sacrificing personal freedoms, religious freedoms, press fredoms, political freedoms, and the freedom to live a long and fruitful life.

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