Battle of Bakhmud won by Russia

Western media shows CIA coke-addict Zelenskiy visiting Sumy, though forgot to cover Putin's recent visit to Mariupol. Keep up the good fascist work, Stupid.

@MargarittaaK "I can't believe it's already bank collapse season, I still have my train derailment decorations up!"

"Rossiya zaberet bol'shuyu chast' Ukrainy k 2025 godu, yesli kakiye-to politicheskiye dogovorennosti ne prervut etot protsess," zayavil eks-glavnokomanduyuschiy Ukrainy, Muzhenko.
Russia will take most of Ukraine by 2025, unless some political agreements interrupt this process," - ex-Commander-in-Chief of Ukraine, Muzhenko.
Russia has been seen sending decades old tanks to the front if they could work on this modern battlefront.

They can't.

However....there's another issue that's causing this to happen.

Russia has been using a LOT of artillery....something to the tune of 10K rounds per month.

Their howitzers are wearing out.

So the old tanks also fire the same 152mm rounds....and that's what they are using them for.

Artillery fire is a game of shoot and scoot....because there will be incoming from your firing location if you don't.

Where do you get the information from that these old tanks are armed with 152mm? they are armed with 100 and 125mm barrels.
That the RF will deploy them in an artillery support role is most likely correct.
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Right, because the genocidal maniac doesn't consider hundreds of thousands of dead Russians to be an actual loss.
I don't have reasons to believe that Putin is a genocidal maniac - but that's up you.

You can be sure that Putin considers hundreds of thousands of dead Russians to be an actual painful loss (aside from the great job he is doing via cleaning out the prisons) - but he and the majority of Russians are willing to pay that price for this ridiculous war and so are the Ukrainians. The latter has however so far nothing much to show for - so it is valid to place the question towards Ukraine, as for how long are they still willing to die and defend a ruined country, due to the Ukrainian elites wanting to be an EU and NATO member.
Putin IMO did not intend to occupy Ukraine - but to attack, intimidate and implement a Russia friendly government. It is of utmost economic and political importance for the Ukraine to be Russia friendly or controlled. The EU will automatically implement Western democratic standards - which in most non Western countries doesn't work out due to to a different culture and society aspects. The EU does not invest into a country that does not behold certain securities towards an investment, as such NATO always follows.

And NATO off course poses a national security risk for Russia additionally to the EU trying to get their hands onto Russia, Georgia, Moldavia, etc. in the event of the Ukraine being an EU and NATO member.

In 40-60 years maybe, Russia's society is more agreeable and able to accept Western democracy with all its negative side-effects. Or countries such as Hungary, Bulgaria, etc. will decide upon a Ukraine government being under Russian control, that Western democracy is not suitable for them. We will have to wait and see.

As for nuclear if at all - I rather tend towards the "China input" - I don't believe that nukes will be flying all over the place - certainly not amongst Russia and NATO. 3-5 strikes onto Kiev and the let's call it targets in Polish-Ukraine. It wouldn't make sense for Putin to use nukes in Donbas/Luhansk-Oblast and Crimea.

You cannot install a russian government without first occupying. If all they did was just install a few political figures they'd probably be assassinated within a few days. lol.

Why on earth would the EU care about "getting their hands" on Moldova or Georgia? If you want to join the EU then you file an application, but if not 🤷‍♂️

NATO is only a security risk if you plan on doing something stupid like invading or attacking a nato member.
It's about time the corrupt puppet Zelensky along with NATO and the thugs in the Biden Administration to stop sacrificing Ukranian citizens and start talking Peace!


You cannot install a russian government without first occupying. If all they did was just install a few political figures they'd probably be assassinated within a few days. lol.
Off course one can without occupying a country, the USA has and is still doing it all the time - so are other countries.
Why on earth would the EU care about "getting their hands" on Moldova or Georgia? If you want to join the EU then you file an application, but if not 🤷‍♂️
That is quite a naive statement - don't you think?
You cannot install a russian government without first occupying. If all they did was just install a few political figures they'd probably be assassinated within a few days. lol.

Why on earth would the EU care about "getting their hands" on Moldova or Georgia? If you want to join the EU then you file an application, but if not 🤷‍♂️

NATO is only a security risk if you plan on doing something stupid like invading or attacking a nato member.
But NATO's Janus-faced protection-racket philosophy also includes continued, evangelical, promiscuous conquest to shore up such capitalist Religions of the Fold. Putin is stopping this addiction.
You can be sure that Putin considers hundreds of thousands of dead Russians to be an actual painful loss (aside from the great job he is doing via cleaning out the prisons) - but he and the majority of Russians are willing to pay that price for this ridiculous war and so are the Ukrainians.
No they aren't. Else they would not have to be conscripted. Obviously.
No they aren't. Else they would not have to be conscripted. Obviously.
Oh I see, those Ukrainians drafted into the UAF are not fighting voluntarily then - time to get rid of this dictator Zelinsky who forces draftees to go into the front-line.
At least he should adopt Putin's system then, draftees are not to be send to the front-lines, (nobody is perfect, but it's the thought that counts - right?) but only contractual volunteers.
"From a legal point of view, Bakhmut has been taken," Prigozhin said in an audio message posted by his press service on the Telegram messaging app.

REUTERS • 36m ago

Just ask them. They want to fight.
No sane Western person want's to fight and die - ridiculous assumption - usually held by those who never served or fought in a war, or simply being immature.
Ask the russians... they want to flee Russia. The army now has to take to convicts and mentally ill.
Off course - see above statement, and Ukrainians are and have fled just as well. I still believe that pressing convicts into the army is a great idea. A great way to pay back their debt towards society and relieving a Governments payment obligations - aka tax payers money.
"From a legal point of view, Bakhmut has been taken," Prigozhin said in an audio message posted by his press service on the Telegram messaging app.

REUTERS • 36m ago

The city is in roughly 3 sections.
The part on the Eastern side of the city across the River the Russians have had. The administrative downtown business district is the part that they have been fighting for lately...and claim they have a portion. The residential section they haven touched.

The battles they are fighting over a garbage heap of a downtown business section goes back and forth....several times a day. And it's ugly, brutal fighting. It's literally house to house and apartment to apartment.

It's a boast of claiming they have it....(how exactly they know which pile of rubble is which is a mystery) They have nothing to boast about. The fighting continues...and they likely will have to retreat soon anyway. (Logistics are not exactly going well for either side for different reasons)

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