Battle of Bakhmud won by Russia

"Good Morning, Friends!"


I wish I could find it....but a Ukraine Soldier posted a video of exactly where the Wagner leader did but did it this morning....saying that it ain't over till it's over....but a ukranian version of the expression and stating that they are still there and still fighting.
"Good Morning, Friends!"

Love the high resolution Russian videos.

Wait for it.... You know it's coming...

The time-lapse: Well so much for the encirclement of Bakhmut.

A minor consideration: So far, the fighting has been mostly on the outskirts of the city. Look at the satellite maps, that is mainly single-story residential neighborhoods, some small commercial buildings, a couple apartment blocks, etc.

The fighting will move into the more dense urban part of the city now. It's mostly high-rise buildings, with a million places to make snipers nests or spot for artillery, operate the drones, etc.

The AFU can drag this out for a long time, fixing and atritting the Wagner and VDV units that are committed, and possibly forcing Gerasimov to commit more forces to Bakhmut (again).

I the meantime, the Russians have been building defenses everywhere along the front lines except for Bakhmut and Avdiivka, where they are still trying to take ground. They haven't had time to build up those defenses, and that could leave them more vulnerable later.

Second: I have been reading the telegram channel of Vladlen Tatarsky. There is a post from the RSOTM (Wagner) channel, a first person account of Bakhmut from a Wagner fighter. You should read it (I use Google translate).

I won't say what it says here, it's pretty gruesome.

The English-language twitter posters like Geroman are just propaganda accounts. You get a more realistic view if you read the Russian milblogger/milcorr telegram channels- the real Russians post in Russian, you know?
Russian artillery pounded the last routes out of Bakhmut on Friday, aiming to complete the encirclement of the besieged Ukrainian city and bring Moscow closer to its first major victory in half a year after the bloodiest battle of the war.

And that's that! :dunno:

March 3 (Reuters) -
Awesome. Just hope they annihilate Zelenskyy in the process.
Big Serge explains the situation as he sees it. We note Witte's assessment: reinforcements will not be sent to Bahmut.
I just read one of his substacks. This guy is much smarter than Geroman, lol. Whether or not his predictions come true, we'll know soon enough. But he does grasp the org issues with the RF (that a lot of people on that side try to deny), and he seems to think for himself.

I agree, I think he is giving his honest take. I do think he's whitewashing the Russian losses though. I've seen a lot of raw footage of trenches and fields full of corpses over the past 3 months. I've seen the Russian footage and I've seen it the AFU footage, and there's been a lot more of it coming from the AFU side.

When it's all said and done, I look at the map and I don't see Russia gaining ground...
Well Ukraine definitely has a bunch of arms, munitions, and equipment. And a fresh batch of several thousands of soldiers that have been trained to use the high tech gear in coordination with others on their side.

I'm guessing here....I have no inside information but I tend to think that either the end of this month or beginning of next we will see a massive counter assault coming from Ukraine to take back some of what Russia has taken. All this after Russia has spent tens of thousands of lives and resources. Putin will be weakened politically. He is already beginning to appear vulnerable with the lack of progress and heavy expenses. This isn't a two day fight like he originally promised or a six month or a 9 month or even a year long fight....

People get war weary....they are tired of losing loved ones to war with nothing to show for it except for some videos showing the horrors of war. How exactly would you feel if your son or nephew was highlighted by a video getting blown up by a grenade dropped by a toy? And then the president issues another draft into the military.
Republicans being giddy over the slaughter Russia has caused reminds me of how giddy they were seeing all the death they caused because of their Trump-like adoration of W Bush. Dead American soldiers in flag draped caskets, or obliterated Iraqi cities, both were porn to the religious right. It's no surprise the right so deliriously pray for the destruction of Ukraine.
Republicans being giddy over the slaughter Russia has caused reminds me of how giddy they were seeing all the death they caused because of their Trump-like adoration of W Bush. Dead American soldiers in flag draped caskets, or obliterated Iraqi cities, both were porn to the religious right. It's no surprise the right so deliriously pray for the destruction of Ukraine.
Republicans are playing opposition politics.
Because Biden pulled the US out of Afghanistan they are now opposed to anything and everything Biden does with Ukraine.
It doesn't matter if Ukraine's cause is just or not...they just oppose it because Biden is helping them.
Which is blood guilt that politicians don't care about anymore. They just care about winning and being in charge. The good of the world, their own people and lives are of secondary or tertiary importance.

Maybe it will be over this year. I hope so.

Battle of Bakhmud won by Russia​

The Wehrmacht is still holding by their toenails
According to Prigozhin, Russia is unlikely to capture Bakhmut.

Wagner Group founder Yevgeny Prigozhin admitted on April 6 that Ukrainian forces are not retreating from Bakhmut and said that a Russian offensive is "out of question" at the moment.

It contradicted his own earlier statement that Russian forces "had taken Bakhmut de jure."

"It should be clearly said that the enemy (Ukrainian forces) is not going anywhere (from Bakhmut). They have organized defense inside the city, first by the railway, then in the area of high-rise buildings in the western district of the city," Prigozhin said in a comment shared by his press service on Telegram.

I didn't realize the battle was over. What is the source of this claim that the OP is parroting?

Oh... only Putin.

That tracks.
We note Witte's assessment: reinforcements will not be sent to Bahmut.
What does Prigozhin say today? He says he needs help protecting his flanks, and he needs more ammunition. And he hasn't spoken to Surovkin in a long time.

That's just what he needs to finish taking Bakhmut, not to advance beyond. He knows the AFU can fight in the urban areas and still safely retreat to prepared defenses at Chasiv Yar, which has an elevation advantage over forces advancing out of Bakhmut.

A couple days ago when he answered the question about the "meat grinder", he said the choice was Wagner's, but that Surovkin played a big part and deserved a lot of the credit. You can take that a couple different ways, yes?

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