Battle of Bakhmud won by Russia

They are an easily observable fact. Though after their defeat at Mariupol their numbers were reduced dramatically
Nobody likes skinheads...duh...they weren't popular in America, illegal in Germany, and hated in Ukraine. So the units that had the equivalent of American skinheads were used by Ukranians as cannon fodder for the Russians and no more problem. Get a clue! They were at best a very very small fringe element of their society....just like they are in America.
Guess what?

Ukraine was 10-15 years away from being seriously considered as a member of NATO.
Now it's going to happen next week. All because of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
Ukraine and Georgia were few years away from joining NATO back in 2007. Now it won't happen at all.

Russian security is going down the toilet with the aggressive actions of their regime. They lost economic security, they have lost military security, and soon they will lose internal security as the police turn on the residents and create the next generation mafia.
Obviously no.

Russia is over.
To prevent that scenario Russia is going to use all necessary means, which includes (if necessary) direct nuclear counter-force attack against the USA. And the USA are really vulnerable for that sort of things.
Nobody likes skinheads...duh...they weren't popular in America, illegal in Germany, and hated in Ukraine. So the units that had the equivalent of American skinheads were used by Ukranians as cannon fodder for the Russians and no more problem. Get a clue! They were at best a very very small fringe element of their society....just like they are in America.
You see, there is no High Council for Den-ggerisatiom and Delatinisation in the USA, there is no official ban for usage of Spanish language or singing Rap or Reggie, and there are no government-supported demonstrative mass murders of BLM-activists (like Odessa's Massacre back in 2014). There was nothing like current Ukrainian situation in the USA even in our worst years.
Ukraine and Georgia were few years away from joining NATO back in 2007. Now it won't happen at all.

Obviously no.

To prevent that scenario Russia is going to use all necessary means, which includes (if necessary) direct nuclear counter-force attack against the USA. And the USA are really vulnerable for that sort of things.
The USA has several layers of ABMD.

It's possible to overwhelm it but only if Russia, and China and ALL of Europe sent ABMs at us at the same time....then a few might get through. Of course Russia and China would be huge losers in the exchange and Europe wouldn't....their missiles would be coming right at well as those in all the Submarines and the Aircraft carrier battle groups. The Wolfpack submarines are barely able to float anymore...they aren't a threat anymore. The economics have destroyed the Russian fleets.

Ussians are Long time losers....paper tigers. Too much vodka and macho thug posturing instead of being smarter and better.
You see, there is no High Council for Den-ggerisatiom and Delatinisation in the USA, there is no official ban for usage of Spanish language or singing Rap or Reggie, and there are no government-supported demonstrative mass murders of BLM-activists (like Odessa's Massacre back in 2014). There was nothing like current Ukrainian situation in the USA even in our worst years.
Your premise that clashes among Ukrainian citizens provided just cause for a Russian invasion is bizarre to anyone but a putinhead. Clearly you understand this or you wouldn't characterized the Odessa clashes between Ukrainian citizens in Odessa as the Odessa massacre.

In early 2014, there were clashes between rival groups of protestors in the Ukrainian city of Odesa, during the pro-Russian unrest that followed the Ukrainian Revolution.[21][22] The street clashes were between pro-revolution (pro-Maidan) and anti-revolution (anti-Maidan)/pro-Russian protesters. Violence erupted on 2 May, when a 'United Ukraine' rally was attacked by pro-Russian separatists. Stones, petrol bombs and gunfire were exchanged; two pro-Ukraine activists and four pro-Russia activists were shot dead in the clashes.[23][24][25][26] The pro-Ukraine demonstrators then moved to dismantle a pro-Russian protest camp in Kulykove Pole, causing some pro-Russian activists to barricade themselves in the nearby Trade Unions House. Shots were fired by both sides, and the pro-Ukraine demonstrators attempted to storm the building, which caught fire as the two groups threw petrol bombs at each other.[27][28][29]

The clashes resulted in deaths of 48 people, 46 of whom were anti-Maidan/pro-Russian activists.[30] 42 of the victims died in the Trade Unions House fire, and 200 were injured.[31]

The USA has several layers of ABMD.

It's possible to overwhelm it but only if Russia, and China and ALL of Europe sent ABMs at us at the same time....then a few might get through. Of course Russia and China would be huge losers in the exchange and Europe wouldn't....their missiles would be coming right at well as those in all the Submarines and the Aircraft carrier battle groups. The Wolfpack submarines are barely able to float anymore...they aren't a threat anymore. The economics have destroyed the Russian fleets.

Ussians are Long time losers....paper tigers. Too much vodka and macho thug posturing instead of being smarter and better.
Wishful thinking may be a really dangerous thing, my friend. Especially in the such delusional way.
Your premise that clashes among Ukrainian citizens provided just cause for a Russian invasion is bizarre to anyone but a putinhead. Clearly you understand this or you wouldn't characterized the Odessa clashes between Ukrainian citizens in Odessa as the Odessa massacre.
In same way, as clashes among Serbian citizens in Kosovo was just an excuse for Clinton's unprovoked agression against Serbia.

In early 2014, there were clashes between rival groups of protestors in the Ukrainian city of Odesa, during the pro-Russian unrest that followed the Ukrainian Revolution.[21][22] The street clashes were between pro-revolution (pro-Maidan) and anti-revolution (anti-Maidan)/pro-Russian protesters. Violence erupted on 2 May, when a 'United Ukraine' rally was attacked by pro-Russian separatists. Stones, petrol bombs and gunfire were exchanged; two pro-Ukraine activists and four pro-Russia activists were shot dead in the clashes.[23][24][25][26] The pro-Ukraine demonstrators then moved to dismantle a pro-Russian protest camp in Kulykove Pole, causing some pro-Russian activists to barricade themselves in the nearby Trade Unions House. Shots were fired by both sides, and the pro-Ukraine demonstrators attempted to storm the building, which caught fire as the two groups threw petrol bombs at each other.[27][28][29]

The clashes resulted in deaths of 48 people, 46 of whom were anti-Maidan/pro-Russian activists.[30] 42 of the victims died in the Trade Unions House fire, and 200 were injured.[31]

Or, from other point of view, more than 42 peaceful protesters were burned alive, and the 'government' (actually Junta) totally supported it. And when 'your' government says, that you should be discriminated and/or expelled/genocided (because the color of your skin, your religion or your language), you can fight against them personally or ask a government of other state to protect you.
Wishful thinking may be a really dangerous thing, my friend. Especially in the such delusional way.
How many times has Russia had to issue a "new currency" because the last one failed?

Corruption destroys the country that contains it. And Russians prize the corruption of its plutocrats.
How many times has Russia had to issue a "new currency" because the last one failed?
In the last twelve centuries? May be twenty, may be even more. Why?

Corruption destroys the country that contains it. And Russians prize the corruption of its plutocrats.
The problem is, that condition of the Russian economy is the way better. Especially with high oil prices and ineffective sanctions.
In same way, as clashes among Serbian citizens in Kosovo was just an excuse for Clinton's unprovoked agression against Serbia.

Or, from other point of view, more than 42 peaceful protesters were burned alive, and the 'government' (actually Junta) totally supported it. And when 'your' government says, that you should be discriminated and/or expelled/genocided (because the color of your skin, your religion or your language), you can fight against them personally or ask a government of other state to protect you.
"In same way, as clashes among Serbian citizens in Kosovo was just an excuse for Clinton's unprovoked agression against Serbia."

In other words, you are saying Russia's invasion of Ukraine is unprovoked.

You continue to tell lies about the clashes in Odessa. Clearly it was the pro Russian elements who began the violence, so they were hardly "innocent protesters," and there is no evidence of ethnic Russians being discriminated against because of their ethnicity. Just more putinhead garbage.
"In same way, as clashes among Serbian citizens in Kosovo was just an excuse for Clinton's unprovoked agression against Serbia."

In other words, you are saying Russia's invasion of Ukraine is unprovoked.
No. From the Russian point of view it was pure self-defense. Russian Federation recognized DPR and LPR as independent states and signed with them mutual defense treaty. And then - Ukrainian agression against DPR & LPR became agression against Russian Federation itself.

You continue to tell lies about the clashes in Odessa. Clearly it was the pro Russian elements who began the violence, so they were hardly "innocent protesters," and there is no evidence of ethnic Russians being discriminated against because of their ethnicity. Just more putinhead garbage.
Actually, it doesn't matter who throwed the first stone (likely it were the pro-Maidan demonstrants, delivered to Odessa from other regions). Tens of civilians were murdered (actually, burned alive) and the 'government' did nothing about it. Actually the government de facto said 'most of them were ethnic Russians, Moldavians and Jews, therefore it's OK'. And when 'a government' use lawless murders as the way to deal with protesters, then it gives right to fight against itself with weapon (or invite people with weapons for other states). If the government of the USA does send squads of pro-government gangs ('terror battalions') to burn alive fifty 'mostly peaceful BLM protesters' and then said: "Those were mere n#ggers and latinos, who cares about them at all? We allow all patriots to kill any dirty color protester they see"..... Yes, it will means civil war here. And it meant civil war in Ukraine.
No. From the Russian point of view it was pure self-defense. Russian Federation recognized DPR and LPR as independent states and signed with them mutual defense treaty. And then - Ukrainian agression against DPR & LPR became agression against Russian Federation itself.

Actually, it doesn't matter who throwed the first stone (likely it were the pro-Maidan demonstrants, delivered to Odessa from other regions). Tens of civilians were murdered (actually, burned alive) and the 'government' did nothing about it. Actually the government de facto said 'most of them were ethnic Russians, Moldavians and Jews, therefore it's OK'. And when 'a government' use lawless murders as the way to deal with protesters, then it gives right to fight against itself with weapon (or invite people with weapons for other states). If the government of the USA does send squads of pro-government gangs ('terror battalions') to burn alive fifty 'mostly peaceful BLM protesters' and then said: "Those were mere n#ggers and latinos, who cares about them at all? We allow all patriots to kill any dirty color protester they see"..... Yes, it will means civil war here. And it meant civil war in Ukraine.
There is no Russian point of view, just the lies Putin tells the Russian people to keep them from rebelling against his idiotic fantasies of rebuilding the Russian empire, lies the rest of the world has dismissed as nonsense. The so called republics are lands captured by Russian arms that are still under firm Russian control and no honest person sees their capture by Russia as anything but Russian imperialism.

There is no need to speculate about who started the violence. In Odessa as in the Donbass, the pro Russian Ukrainians attacked loyal Ukrainians, and in both cases the pro Russian Ukrainians were defeated. The only real difference is that Russia organized the pro Russian Ukrainians into militias and sent them to attack the Ukrainian government, causing the deaths of thousands of Ukrainians.

Nothing that happened between Ukrainians in 2014 justifies the horrors Russia has visited upon all Ukrainians whether pro Russian or anti Russian.
You see, there is no High Council for Den-ggerisatiom and Delatinisation in the USA, there is no official ban for usage of Spanish language or singing Rap or Reggie, and there are no government-supported demonstrative mass murders of BLM-activists (like Odessa's Massacre back in 2014). There was nothing like current Ukrainian situation in the USA even in our worst years.
Because the CIA has now flipped Trump so that if either the current White House joke wins or if Trump wins, the result will be CIA puppets in the WH to reinforce/control the coming existential crisis in the Western Hemisphere. Russia is smart to begin construction of the Russian Language and Culture Institute in Venezuela, and Putin damn sure wants to meet with either De Santis or Kennedy in 2024, rather than Trump or Biden.
So CIA puppet Biden starting false-flag WWIII is a real possibility before 2024 elections, dems knowing that they can't steal it again and the program is to tar and feather Kennedy. The chaos of de-dollarization may come to the Western Hemisphere.

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