Battle of Bakhmud won by Russia

From the telegram channel of "Russia Behind Bars". Google translation.

Units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation pass under the command of PMC "Wagner"

On April 22, 2023, servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of Ivanovsky, Donetsk region, captured Ilya Sergeyevich Kulikov, born in 1995 from the city of Odintsovo, Moscow region, call sign "Gypsum". He was part of the 105th Assault Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces, which, according to the prisoner, has recently come under the control of the 3rd Assault Squad of the Wagner PMC.

During the interrogation of the prisoner, it was established that at the beginning of March 2023 Kulikov received a summons, appeared at the military registration and enlistment office of the city of Odintsovo, and on March 10, as part of a group of 10 people, he was taken to the military registration and enlistment office of Ryazan.

According to our source from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the task of the unit where the prisoner served was to build a second line of defense behind the Wagner PMC, as well as evacuate the wounded.

According to our source, this is another confirmation that the ranks of the Wagner PMC are rapidly thinning out. If earlier each assault detachment had its own direction of assault, now the detachments are mixed with each other and supplemented with foreign units from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which explains the transition of the 105th assault brigade of the RF Armed Forces to the subordination of the Wagner PMC.

Kulikov surrendered himself, on his own initiative. “I was mobilized on March 10, I went through training near Luhansk for two weeks, then we were taken to the Bakhmut area. At first, our task was to evacuate the wounded "Wagners" from the third assault detachment. I evacuated up to 10 “light” ones a day, there were two or three “heavy” ones a day. “I myself left the positions and came into captivity, because I don’t want to be there, I don’t want to fight, I’m scared. I don't even know what I'm fighting for here, we've just been abandoned and that's it, we're just being forced to do it. They scare us with deadlines, and if we go back, the bosses from the Wagner PMC scare us with executions, now they are commanding us. Now there are very few Wagners left, they are not advancing, but are on the defensive.

“I want to tell the rest not to go to fight, there is nothing to do here, there is no need to fight here, this is not our war, we do not need to be here. If you value your lives and families, don't come here."
There is no Russian point of view, just the lies Putin tells the Russian people to keep them from rebelling against his idiotic fantasies of rebuilding the Russian empire, lies the rest of the world has dismissed as nonsense. The so called republics are lands captured by Russian arms that are still under firm Russian control and no honest person sees their capture by Russia as anything but Russian imperialism.

There is no need to speculate about who started the violence. In Odessa as in the Donbass, the pro Russian Ukrainians attacked loyal Ukrainians, and in both cases the pro Russian Ukrainians were defeated. The only real difference is that Russia organized the pro Russian Ukrainians into militias and sent them to attack the Ukrainian government, causing the deaths of thousands of Ukrainians.

Nothing that happened between Ukrainians in 2014 justifies the horrors Russia has visited upon all Ukrainians whether pro Russian or anti Russian.
You must know:
We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness -- That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive to these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shown that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security.
When this pro-EU Junta said: "If you want to speak Russian language, you should go to Russia", they said: "OK. We'll go. But we are going to take our land with us".
That's how the system works. If your government abuse people - people have sacred right to declare independence or fight that government back.
You must know:
We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness -- That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive to these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shown that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security.
When this pro-EU Junta said: "If you want to speak Russian language, you should go to Russia", they said: "OK. We'll go. But we are going to take our land with us".
That's how the system works. If your government abuse people - people have sacred right to declare independence or fight that government back.
The violence in 2014 involved only a minority of the Ukrainian population even in the Donbass that had been organized and armed by Russia. There was no popular uprising in even in the Donbass, and it is bizarre to claim that Russia, a country that recognizes no individual rights for its own citizens would be concerned with the rights of Ukrainians.
Update: After Bahmut Falls

I watched this and was absolutely impressed with the number of lies and outrageous fabrications this guy made.

Russia lost ground yesterday in Bakhmut because of infighting....Russian troops withdrew off the battlefront to leave Wagner Group mercenaries vulnerable....and it worked. They died when the Ukranians retook ground in a surprising way.

The way this useful idiot sounds it looks like the whole nation is about to collapse from Russian troops. When actually the reverse is true.
I watched this and was absolutely impressed with the number of lies and outrageous fabrications this guy made.

Russia lost ground yesterday in Bakhmut because of infighting....Russian troops withdrew off the battlefront to leave Wagner Group mercenaries vulnerable....and it worked. They died when the Ukranians retook ground in a surprising way.

The way this useful idiot sounds it looks like the whole nation is about to collapse from Russian troops. When actually the reverse is true.
And what were they fighting about? About which of them is responsible for Russia's failure to achieve any of its goals in Ukraine. The key word when talking about Russia in Ukraine is failure, failure, failure failure ........
And what were they fighting about? About which of them is responsible for Russia's failure to achieve any of its goals in Ukraine. The key word when talking about Russia in Ukraine is failure, failure, failure failure ........
It's basically political infighting. Wagner complains about the lack of coordination and others who waste ammunition and the regulars do the same about Wagner.

As the shelling continues the falling buildings are no longer susceptible to overpressure casualties and fallen concrete only reinforces the basements that Ukranians are hiding in while giving more cover to hide behind to shoot from. Plus all those broken buildings provide rubble which gets progressively worse to navigate vehicles on....especially with antipersonel mines mixed in.

Truth is that the Russians do not use a lot of close coordination between divisions to begin with. Which is what Ukraine was training to do in the last year at Nato bases. And they have had 6 weeks to train others with what they learned. They have a massive amount of really trained troops with advanced coordination training coming. And let's not forget with some of the best equipment NATO has to work with.

By the summer we are going to see a very different set of battle lines. And Russia is definitely going to be on their heels.

With as much damage as is coming to the Russian troops....let's hope it's not so much that this sets Putin off into a nuclear exchange.
New plan:

1. Russian media announces that Ukraine has been conquered and is now part of Russia

2. Ukrainian & Western Media announce that Russia has withdrawn all it's forces from Ukraine including Crimea.

3. All soldiers on both side turn in their weapons, go home and continue living their lives.

Everyone will be happy, very few will ever know the difference.
The violence in 2014 involved only a minority of the Ukrainian population even in the Donbass that had been organized and armed by Russia. There was no popular uprising in even in the Donbass, and it is bizarre to claim that Russia, a country that recognizes no individual rights for its own citizens would be concerned with the rights of Ukrainians.
There was well-organized violence against local pro-Russian activists in all main Ukrainian cities (especially in Russian-speaking ones). Thousands were kidnapped and killed. Odessa's massacre was only one of many, but the most impressive act of terror. After Odessa people finished open street protests. They started cooperation with the Russian secret services.
And no, talking about individual rights, Russian Federation is much more democratic state then the post-Maidan Ukraine. There are "regional languages" in the subjects of the Federation, sometimes more than one - Nohchi in Chechen Republic, Ukrainian and Crimean-Tatar languages in Crimea , more than twelve official languages in Dagestan and so on.
More or less same situation was in Ukraine before "the Revolution of Dignity".
The first law that the Junta adopted after the Revolution of Dignity was on the abolition of regional languages.
There was well-organized violence against local pro-Russian activists in all main Ukrainian cities (especially in Russian-speaking ones). Thousands were kidnapped and killed. Odessa's massacre was only one of many, but the most impressive act of terror. After Odessa people finished open street protests. They started cooperation with the Russian secret services.
And no, talking about individual rights, Russian Federation is much more democratic state then the post-Maidan Ukraine. There are "regional languages" in the subjects of the Federation, sometimes more than one - Nohchi in Chechen Republic, Ukrainian and Crimean-Tatar languages in Crimea , more than twelve official languages in Dagestan and so on.
More or less same situation was in Ukraine before "the Revolution of Dignity".
The first law that the Junta adopted after the Revolution of Dignity was on the abolition of regional languages.
There is not one honest word in your entire post. The violence in Odessa and other places was started by pro Russian Ukrainians in protest about Putin losing his control of the Ukrainian government once Yanukovych left and in the Donbass it was started by militias Russia organized and armed with the specific assignments to attack the Ukrainian government and Ukrainians who were anti Russian. This violence by the pro Russians cannot honestly be characterized as a popular uprising since even in the most pro Russian areas, the pro Russians constitute only a minority of the population. Putin's pro Russian forces were soundly defeated everywhere.

No honest person would claim there is any democracy in Russia, let alone more democracy than in Ukraine. Inside Russia if you even question the government the courts will send you to prison or worse, so it is absurd to claim the Russian invasion of Ukraine had anything to do with concern about anyone in Ukraine.
There is not one honest word in your entire post. The violence in Odessa and other places was started by pro Russian Ukrainians in protest about Putin losing his control of the Ukrainian government once Yanukovych left and in the Donbass it was started by militias Russia organized and armed with the specific assignments to attack the Ukrainian government and Ukrainians who were anti Russian. This violence by the pro Russians cannot honestly be characterized as a popular uprising since even in the most pro Russian areas, the pro Russians constitute only a minority of the population. Putin's pro Russian forces were soundly defeated everywhere.
You see... Back in 2010 "pro-Russian" Yanukovich and his "Party of regions" won the elections against pro-European Yulia Timoshenko.

After illegal pro-EU coup in 2014 the most popular Ukrainian party - Party of Regions was banned and anti-Russian terror was started. Pro-Russian forces were defeated in "streets vs government discussion", but they obviously were not eliminated, just suppressed. And when people can't go to street for peaceful protest - they go underground and start resistance. Sometimes they just invite foreign forces to help them fight against the tyranny.

No honest person would claim there is any democracy in Russia, let alone more democracy than in Ukraine.
There is discrimination of Russian-speakers (and all other minorities) in Ukraine and there is no discrimination of Ukrainians (and most of other minorities) in Russia. Those are simple facts.

Inside Russia if you even question the government the courts will send you to prison or worse, so it is absurd to claim the Russian invasion of Ukraine had anything to do with concern about anyone in Ukraine.
If you even question the government in Ukraine - they will murder you without any court (as it was with Martyrs of Odessa, or Oleg Buzina or many others). It doesn't seem very democratical to me. But it does seem democratical to Killary, Xiden and their cronies.
Just finishing it off.... the last details... because the big job has been done.

Like it or not it is what it is!:dunno:

Russians pound frontline positions in Bakhmut, Ukraine military says​

April 27
Just finishing it off.... the last details... because the big job has been done.

Like it or not it is what it is!:dunno:

Russians pound frontline positions in Bakhmut, Ukraine military says​

April 27
thanks for the "news", natasha.
But Russia's army is a joke, they are losing badly & getting killed by the tens of thousands.
Putin is on his deathbed with cancer & the people have turned against the war.
Ukraine is taking Crimea & may invade Russia any day now. :rolleyes:

Saying the truth makes you a Putin lover.
Truth to proggies is like garlic to a vampire
I don't believe skye is a Putin lover.

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