Battle of Bakhmud won by Russia

It’s much worse than you’ve been told. Mark my words sonny. No need to continue this awful war. Peace talks now.
Yes this is what all the Kremlin stooges say. Peace talks with Russia is a laugh, there is no credible party to negotiate with. Putin is not interested in anything but keeping Ukrainian land, and taking more when he gets another bite at the apple.

Of course he wants the Ukrainians to stop resisting. He wants to fix his fucked up piece of shit army so he can come back in a few years and do it right.

It is an awful war. Russia is committing genocide on her neighbor, and people like you are fueling the fire.

I haven't "been told" anything. Fact is, I don't need to be told what to think- I can see for myself what's going on in Ukraine. Which is why I don't waste my time listening to talking heads. If they aren't directly involved, I don't really care what they think. They are just catering to a following of weak-minded people who can't think for themselves.

You can watch your YouTube experts all you like. I will stick to the OSINT, which hasn't been wrong yet.
It’s much worse than you’ve been told. Mark my words sonny. No need to continue this awful war. Peace talks now.

Because Russia refuses to give up anything and Ukraine insists on having ALL of its territory back.
Yes this is what all the Kremlin stooges say. Peace talks with Russia is a laugh, there is no credible party to negotiate with. Putin is not interested in anything but keeping Ukrainian land, and taking more when he gets another bite at the apple.

Of course he wants the Ukrainians to stop resisting. He wants to fix his fucked up piece of shit army so he can come back in a few years and do it right.

It is an awful war. Russia is committing genocide on her neighbor, and people like you are fueling the fire.

I haven't "been told" anything. Fact is, I don't need to be told what to think- I can see for myself what's going on in Ukraine. Which is why I don't waste my time listening to talking heads. If they aren't directly involved, I don't really care what they think. They are just catering to a following of weak-minded people who can't think for themselves.

You can watch your YouTube experts all you like. I will stick to the OSINT, which hasn't been wrong yet.
The worst revelations are coming. Forced migration of Russians to Uke territory and forced Siberian immigration of Ukranians. (To work at labor camps....AKA slavery)
The worst revelations are coming. Forced migration of Russians to Uke territory and forced Siberian immigration of Ukranians. (To work at labor camps....AKA slavery)
That's been going on since 2014, unfortunately. Depopulation and changing the demographics of a place is one of the definitions of genocide. It's just been accelerated and expanded, so it's getting some attention now.

Stalin did it too, and he intentionally drew borders to break up ethnic populations (to weaken the national identity among the SSR's).
Putin isn’t Stalin.
He's much worse. At least the communists believed they were making the world better by spreading communism, but Putin and the other ultra nationalists are just after more power and their depredations have no legal or moral basis. What we see from Russia is just a primitive lust for power.
changing the demographics of a place
is one of the definitions of genocide.


What you said fits the official policy of the US government for the last 60 years perfectly.
changing the demographics of a place
is one of the definitions of genocide.


What you said fits the official policy of the US government for the last 60 years perfectly.
LMAO. Like my avatar pic in your post. :badgrin:

I don't agree though. The US doesn't forcibly relocate populations for demographic reasons (native populations during the westward expansion notwithstanding- yeah, that would be considered genocide today).

We've allowed times of nearly unrestricted immigration, and we haven't done very well at dealing with our southern border, but that isn't genocide by any stretch.

It also sounds a lot like whataboutism, and I don't really care to debate US policy in the 20th century or whatever.

Trying to stick to current events...
Originally posted by para bellum
LMAO. Like my avatar pic in your post. :badgrin:

My pleasure, Sir : )

Originally posted by para bellum
I don't agree though. The US doesn't forcibly relocate populations for demographic reasons (native populations during the westward expansion notwithstanding- yeah, that would be considered genocide today).

We've allowed times of nearly unrestricted immigration, and we haven't done very well at dealing with our southern border, but that isn't genocide by any stretch.

It also sounds a lot like whataboutism, and I don't really care to debate US policy in the 20th century or whatever.

Trying to stick to current events...

It cannot possibly be whataboutism because there's nothing even remotely similar to genocide happening in Russia or Ukraine. The stories about mass forced relocation of ukrainian civilians is garbage spewed by the western press to fool the gullible. Russia perpetrated a lot of war crimes in Ukraine just not this particular one.

But the genocide that's happening in America is all too real.

The country's immigration laws were changed in the 60's with the specific purpose of destroying the racial composition of the country by allowing millions of non-whites to flood the country LEGALLY. The country also started displaying an unprecedented level of tolerance towards illegal immigration (overwhelmingly non-white).

At the same time the american youth started being bombarded by a mass media campaign presenting mixed race couples as an ideal model to be followed as well as the glamourization of black, hispanic and asian pop culture.

These two policies/tendencies fit the UN definition of genocide to a T. In little more than 50 years white americans dropped from 90 to 70% of the population and the country witnessed an explosion in the number of mixed race couples. All these facts combined amount to genocide by miscegenation by any standard or definition.
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He's much worse. At least the communists believed they were making the world better by spreading communism, but Putin and the other ultra nationalists are just after more power and their depredations have no legal or moral basis. What we see from Russia is just a primitive lust for power.
You must consume prodigious amounts of state run media.
Because Russia refuses to give up anything and Ukraine insists on having ALL of its territory back.
Yes this is what all the Kremlin stooges say. Peace talks with Russia is a laugh, there is no credible party to negotiate with. Putin is not interested in anything but keeping Ukrainian land, and taking more when he gets another bite at the apple.

Of course he wants the Ukrainians to stop resisting. He wants to fix his fucked up piece of shit army so he can come back in a few years and do it right.

It is an awful war. Russia is committing genocide on her neighbor, and people like you are fueling the fire.

I haven't "been told" anything. Fact is, I don't need to be told what to think- I can see for myself what's going on in Ukraine. Which is why I don't waste my time listening to talking heads. If they aren't directly involved, I don't really care what they think. They are just catering to a following of weak-minded people who can't think for themselves.

You can watch your YouTube experts all you like. I will stick to the OSINT, which hasn't been wrong yet.

The Ukes are being bleed to death. Your ridiculous support of this awful war merely proves what a fool you. When this is done, there likely won’t be any young Ukrainian men left alive.
My pleasure, Sir : )
I don't know if you recognize it. I screen capped it from a video of Russian troops crossing the Dnipro last fall.
It cannot possibly be whataboutism because there's nothing even remotely similar to genocide happening in Russia or Ukraine. The stories about mass forced relocation of ukrainian civilians is garbage spewed by the western press to fool the gullible. Russia perpetrated a lot of war crimes in Ukraine just not this particular one.
So you think busloads of kids being reunited with their families is staged? Some of the stories might have been exagerrated, but the Russians would not let civilians leave Mariupol or Kherson to the Ukrainian-held territory.
But the genocide that's happening in America is all too real.

The country's immigration laws were changed in the 60's with the specific purpose of destroying the racial composition of the country by allowing millions of non-whites to flood the country LEGALLY. The country also started displaying an unprecedented level of tolerance towards illegal immigration (overwhelmingly non-white).

At the same time the american youth started being bombarded by a mass media campaign presenting mixed race couples as an ideal model to be followed as well as the glamourization of black, hispanic and asian pop culture.

These two policies/tendencies fit the UN definition of genocide to a T. In little more than 50 years white americans dropped from 90 to 70% of the population and the country witnessed an explosion in the number of mixed race couples. All these facts combined amount to genocide by miscegenation by any standard or definition.

The difference is coercion.

America is a melting pot, it's part of our national identity and always has been. It waxes and wanes. The first restrictive immigration law wasn't passed until after the civil war, it targeted Chinese "coolies".

There have always been interracial marriages in America, and most of the descendants of European immigrants have some native American blood if they've been here for even a few generations.

I don't pay much attention to who you choose to marry or live with, seeing as how it's none of my damn business.

I don't like it when identities are based first on someone's race or religion or political affiliation. "American" should come first, not second. And it can stand on it's own, it should not even need the qualifier.

e pluribus unum

It is how we behave that matters. What we stand for when no one is watching. That's what makes or breaks us as individuals.

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
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I don't know if you recognize it. I screen capped it from a video of Russian troops crossing the Dnipro last fall.

So you think busloads of kids being reunited with their families is staged? Some of the stories might have been exagerrated, but the Russians would not let civilians leave Mariupol or Kherson to the Ukrainian-held territory.

The difference is coercion.

America is a melting pot, it's part of our national identity and always has been. It waxes and wanes. The first restrictive immigration law wasn't passed until after the civil war, it targeted Chinese "coolies".

There have always been interracial marriages in America, and most of the descendants of European immigrants have some native American blood if they've been here for even a few generations.

I don't pay much attention to who you choose to marry or live with, seeing as how it's none of my damn business.

I don't like it when identities are based first on someone's race or religion or political affiliation. "American" should come first, not second. And it can stand on it's own, it should not even need the qualifier.

e pluribus unum

It is how we behave that matters. What we stand for when no one is watching. That's what makes or breaks us as individuals.

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Ukrainian army?
The past tense is used. “Won.” Look at the nearly month old thread headline.

And yet, Russia still hasn’t “won” there.

False thread headlines deserve to be sanctioned.

Banish this shit to the Bullshit Zone.


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