Battle of Bakhmud won by Russia

We are talking about very narrow question - you are full of shit or have some decency? For now, I am more inclined to the first version.
This thread is not about my humble person at all. This thread is about situation in Bakhmut and, bit more widely - about Russian-Ukrainian conflict, crisis of European security and decreasing of the American power.
This thread is not about my humble person at all. This thread is about situation in Bakhmut and, bit more widely - about Russian-Ukrainian conflict, crisis of European security and decreasing of the American power.
Your person isn't that humble obviously if you are afraid of some kind of revenge from the state. Edward, is that you?
Sure. When the Ukrainians had the choice between ethnic Ukrainian oligarch Poroshenko with his motto 'Army. Language. Faith' , and a bit anti-American Russian-speaking ethnic Jew (who lived in Moscow for years) with his motto 'Let's make peace, let's make a deal, let's allow people talk their language and recognize their choices' - 73% voted for tolerance, peace and respect of human rights. Absolute majority of Ukrainians are not Nazies.
But their regime is discriminative and oppressive. There is no equal rights, there is no recognition of free choice, there is High Council of Derussification.
Can you imagine, say, establishing Federal Council of Deafricanisation and Delatinisation here in the USA?

Hatred may be useful when it targets foreigners. But when it targets almost half of your own population - you have really big problems. That's why people from Crimea and Donbass turned against post-Maidan Kievan Junta, and that's why so many citizens of Ukraine are actively work for GRU, FSB, SVR and other Russian organisations.
You do understand that what Russia did with settlements in Donbas and Crimea are internationally condemned and illegal. If it's illegal for Israel to do it to Palestinians then it's wrong for Russia to do it to Crimea with steroids.

And Zekinski wasn't anti-american he was pro west...which is what caused Putun to invade because the leadership was now no longer a puppet of his regime.
You do understand that what Russia did with settlements in Donbas and Crimea are internationally condemned and illegal. If it's illegal for Israel to do it to Palestinians then it's wrong for Russia to do it to Crimea with steroids.
It depends on the point of view. The Russians recognized independence of Republic of Crimea, DPR and LPR and it was their right. As well as the USA have right to recognize independence of Kosovo or Taiwan. Then, they signed treaties about mutual defense with them and Ukrainian agression against DPR becomes agression against the Russian Federation itself. Anyway, all those talks about 'international laws' are totally meaningless since Clinton's unprovoked agression against Serbia back in 1999. As the Russians say "There is the law of Taiga, and the bear is a prosecutor here".

And Zekinski wasn't anti-american he was pro west...which is what caused Putun to invade because the leadership was now no longer a puppet of his regime.
I didn't say that he was totally anti-American. But many of his jokes were enough anti-American to be acceptable by the anti-Western part of Ukrainian society.
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Each and every passing moment since the OP got posted has made this moronic thread dumber and dumber. And it started-off way wicked dumb.

BTW, they way, there is a visual confirmation that there are still plenty of Russian-speacking civilians who are waiting, as they say, for their relatives and neighbours, but, likely, for the Russian soldiers.
Ummmm.....I've searched thousands of hours of video....the closest thing i could find was that the nazi thing is treated as a joke by the troops for when they put on the tape that identifies them as Ukranian friendly. So they don't get friendly fire.
May be, it's time to get out of your informational bubble and to watch situation from another side, too. May be, from Intel Slava Z channel in Telegram.
Please Boycott This Thread Now

AFU forces are rotting in the trenches as the Artemovsk cauldron heats up. Please do not believe the previous sentence, and don't believe the propaganda about Wagner flags flying in the city.
No Prisoners

Somehow Ukranian soldiers in Bakhmut, that can barely get supplies in or wounded out are supposed to make extra travel for a former convict soldier?
Not to mention that Ukranians who have been captured are beheaded by Russians and broadcast all over the internet?

Your logic is not congruent.

War is ugly, brutal and should be avoided at all cost. Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014 and went for complete occupation over a year ago. Russia deserves EVERY single thing done to them and more.

"U _mini_ _nit_ nikakoy _disriditacii_". Hell, why those CIPSO guys can't hire a girl without Ukrainian accent? It's not that difficult. Plenty of Ukrainians (including Zelenskiy) speaks Russian without any accent (or with Modern Moscow accent).
Somehow Ukranian soldiers in Bakhmut, that can barely get supplies in or wounded out are supposed to make extra travel for a former convict soldier?
Not to mention that Ukranians who have been captured are beheaded by Russians and broadcast all over the internet?

Your logic is not congruent.

War is ugly, brutal and should be avoided at all cost. Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014 and went for complete occupation over a year ago. Russia deserves EVERY single thing done to them and more.
2014 is not a congruent chron, Einstein. CIA presence in Ukraine for the last 70 years, while Vicky Nuland's molestations started more recently. Russia knows that Nazis must be physically moved westward away from its traditional border.
"U _mini_ _nit_ nikakoy _disriditacii_". Hell, why those CIPSO guys can't hire a girl without Ukrainian accent? It's not that difficult. Plenty of Ukrainians (including Zelenskiy) speaks Russian without any accent (or with Modern Moscow accent).
Money helps Zelenskiy to pronounce Moscow Russian. So does his CIA cocaine.
2014 is not a congruent chron, Einstein. CIA presence in Ukraine for the last 70 years, while Vicky Nuland's molestations started more recently. Russia knows that Nazis must be physically moved westward away from its traditional border.
Nazis are a lie and an excuse for trying to steal Ukranians resources....try using something else. If it was bad(which it isnt) they could have closed the border with Ukraine...end of problem.
But instead Russia wanted to lie, cheat, and more importantly STEAL by military Force.
Nazis are a lie and an excuse for trying to steal Ukranians resources....try using something else. If it was bad(which it isnt) they could have closed the border with Ukraine...end of problem.
But instead Russia wanted to lie, cheat, and more importantly STEAL by military Force.
First of all, nobody can close the border for ballistic missiles. It's the root of the problem.
US missiles in Ukraine are unacceptable for Russia, as well as Russian missiles in Texas are unacceptable for the USA.
Second, the problem is that Kievan Neo-Nazi regime discriminate and genocide local Russian population.
Third, it's all just irrelevant after Clinton's unprovoked invasion in Serbia and military occupation of Kosovo (which is, from the Serbs' POV - a part of Serbia).
The Nazies are the simple and observable fact. Our dear friends Litwin and ESay are Nazies.
First of all, nobody can close the border for ballistic missiles. It's the root of the problem.
US missiles in Ukraine are unacceptable for Russia, as well as Russian missiles in Texas are unacceptable for the USA.
Second, the problem is that Kievan Neo-Nazi regime discriminate and genocide local Russian population.
Third, it's all just irrelevant after Clinton's unprovoked invasion in Serbia and military occupation of Kosovo (which is, from the Serbs' POV - a part of Serbia).
The Nazies are the simple and observable fact. Our dear friends Litwin and ESay are Nazies.
Guess what?

Ukraine was 10-15 years away from being seriously considered as a member of NATO.
Now it's going to happen next week. All because of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Russian security is going down the toilet with the aggressive actions of their regime. They lost economic security, they have lost military security, and soon they will lose internal security as the police turn on the residents and create the next generation mafia.

Russia is over.

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