Be careful when teaching your children about love and acceptance that you don’t get caught up in how society defines it. THIS is not ok!

For the most part society defines love and acceptance the same way it did for the last century. Even though all we see is Hollywood and the media's perverted definition of love and acceptance, the recent Bud Lite controversy shows that the American public is aware of the effort by government and corporations to undermine the social fabric and is responding with a boycott. With few exceptions, parents are still the best role models and their responsibility to their kids upbringing should not be subverted by unelected officials employed by the state.
Democrats never cease to amaze me. To the level pandering and shilling to the lowest common denominator. Their pretentiousness is only excelled by their greed. Dems would nominate a candidate that is a taxidermized Moose head, a wooden cigar store indian or a 1000 year old mummy to fight against the dominance of the animate living sentient beings. Yeah, they do shit like this. Or they will, if they can get away with it. And you loser assholes just keep voting for this nonsense. Shame on you!

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