Be Honest: There is only one real reason to need to carry a gun.

Go stand in the street near Times Square and just wait.....don't leave. You can't leave or else we all know you are chickenshit....which we already do.:badgrin:

You wouldn't be around if you fought me with your fists, I would've cracked your skull with a kick to the head.

Name a place.

You even get the first shot.

Eyeah..just as I thought. Faggot. Through and through.

By the way..being in the Military doesn't mean hanging out at fag bars and sucking off lonely sailors. That means the Military is in you.

And MBA doesn't mean your jailhouse husband tattooed "My Bitch Always" on your ass.

Seriously. Think about it. If there was no FEAR of being robbed and/or assaulted there is no reason to carry a gun, right?

We buy auto insurance and wear seat belts because we FEAR that at some point in time we may be involved in an accident. (Ok, and in most cases the law requires it and we fear getting a ticket too.)

Hey!! I'm not knocking it. Illinois will soon finally join everyone else in passing a CC law. When we do that I will get one so I can carry it in any areas known for high crime rates. But since I don't FEAR being robbed and/or assaulted in my small hometown I don't feel the need to carry it around.

Now I also realize that there are those who simply want to carry one around like a playtoy. But I suspect that they are simply making up for other "shortcomings".

So if anyone disagrees that FEAR is the primary motivation to carry a gun please explain why it's not.


well, duh...

if you want to put into those terms, fear is the primary motivator for each and everything we do...
You don't meet any standards. You were in your own class of species growing up....I believe they called it ape.

]I could get a concealed weapons permit with ease [/B]with my military background and gun certifications, but I don't because I don't feel the need to carry one today. My city isn't dangerous enough for me to need to shoot criminals, yet. If things get worse when obamination continues to destroy this country and more illegals from south of the border move to my city, well then I will get one with a handgun.

I do hear people call in local talk radio that carry weapons because they believe there is a lot of crime. Some of them are crazy and some of them are just concerned citizens ready for public defense of others. I feel I can fight a criminal or run them over in my car if the situation warrants deadly force after I called the police.

In the end I still have the right to get a permit and gun when that day comes. If that day comes, it means liberals have really fucked up this country when I need to use my military training to shoot criminals at a 7-11 robbery.

shit man, that right there is evidence that the standards aren't near high enough.
If Swallow wasn't a homo, you would make a good psycho couple....but your defense of him shows you have balls, the hairy ones between your hairy legs.

:rolleyes: I'm a gun owner, so try real hard not to sprain your brain on that one...

Maybe you will shoot yourself, we could only be so lucky.

Took some pretty BIG BALLS to make that post, eh? :razz:

Still looking for a swallow, faggot?

I am sure somewhere in the world there are sailors coming home from the sea.

Go for it.
It takes some balls to carry an illegal weapon as well as stupidity. When a criminal is caught with an illegal gun, they are going to jail so it took some balls to carry the weapon.

It takes more balls for some random citizen to pull out their gun to defend other people at at robbery.

Just because someone wants to carry a weapons doesn't make them some fearful person. Most people full of fear would never touch a gun, knife, etc.

Uh, wrong.

People that carry guns have BALLS, not fear. People with fear run from confrontation, people carrying a gun that use it aren't scared of shit.

Takes more guts to pull out a gun on someone to rob them or to protect them than it does to run away from a situation.

Criminals and law abiding citizens that carry a gun have balls to do it. People too scared to carry a gun have FEAR.....fear of shooting themselves in the ass, fear of actually needing to stick around during a crime to defend people, etc.

Chickenshits tell other people they are scared because they have balls to carry a gun.

Fucking idiot. What part of "Illinois will soon finally join everyone else in passing a CC law. When we do that I will get one so I can carry it in any areas known for high crime rates." don't you understand in my post?

I will do that because I fear being robbed in high crime areas. But I'm not afraid to use it, however.

But no, it doesn't take "balls" to carry a gun. Quite the opposite. You must think that punks and criminals have "balls", don't you? I call them cowards.

Only one reason? That's the only one you can think of?

How about Wisdom? You don't think it might be wise to be able to protect oneself?

Prepared people have no reason to fear. It's only the ones who are unprepared who need to be afraid.

I would ask, what are you protecting yourself from?

I've known a couple of families that have had to bury a member who killed themselves with that gun they bought for protecting their families. It seems like the cure is worse than the disease.

Ironically, we are the richest country in the world, and we live in fear of our fellow citizens because we think that grinding poverty for an underclass is not only acceptable, but somehow validates our system.

We lock up 2 million people when most other advanced industrialized countries lock up less than 100K. We have 300 million guns out there, home security systems, bullet proof backpacks for our kids to go to school, that is the level of fear we live in...

And we think this is an expression of "Freedom".

I am protecting myself from anyone, or anything, that might do me, or my family harm. I live in a place where bears, mountain lions, and snakes abound. I have confronted many a bear and fortunately have never had to shoot one, but a good friend of mine once had to shoot an old bear that could no longer hunt so it was going after easy prey. Namely my friend, who won the argument.

Furthermore, when I go to town, amazingly enough there are criminals who also prey on defenceless people. I've drawn my pistol one time in 35 years of carrying it and it stopped the attack before it got too bad.

Then of course there was the attack by bandits in Africa, I suppose the fact that we shot back and they ran away was evil according to you. We should have just let them take whatever they wanted and hopefully they would leave us alone and not rape the pretty women who were with us.

Of course, the women were NOT raped and we kept everything and continued on our merry way. Must piss you off when things like that happen.
Joe why do you want to point out reality to these fuking gun nuts?

And as I read some of the posts, fear is exactly the reason people are arming themselves to the teeth.

Irrational fear is driving our society IMO.

But ain't it great when you are the father of a daughter that is working in a bar. And now in Ohio, you can conceal carry in a bar. How long before some crazy either pulls a gun while in the bar or goes out to his car and comes back in with an AR15. Fortunately my daughter is smart enough and scared enough that when the bouncers have to throw someone out, she heads to the kitchen till things calm down. I have taught her well to be scared of drunks with guns.

But its all good right gun nuts. Gotta be drunk in a bar with a gun to protect the 2nd.

Isn't the freedom to be scared at work great?

Just how many guns do you think the average gun owner has?
I have 5 that are mine my wife has 3

I have 2 rifles, 2 handguns and a shotgun.

One of my rifles I've had since I was 12, I have 2 hand guns because I target shoot with a .22 and keep a .45 for protection when I am taking business deposits to the bank.

I shoot trap with my shotgun.

I would hardly call that
"Armed to the teeth"

Interesting question. From what I have read, these is something like 300 millions guns owned by around 60 million people. I have two pistols, three shotguns and two .22 rifles.
So 7, you have 8, bet lots of others have many more and with much more destructive capabilities. I know of people with 2 AR15's 2 AK 47. a MAC 10 and several 9mm and .40 calibre pistols. Think they are armed to the teeth? I do.

Were you making a point about how good it is to feel afraid of gun violence in your work place? Or just proud of your gun collection.

I was looking for a reasonable definition of the hyperbole you used.

And any AK 47 a civilian owns is no different than any other semiautomatic rifle that anyone owns so what's your point that you want to ban all semiautomatic rifles or just the "scary" looking ones?
You're too stupid and fucked up in the head to know you look like an idiot. :badgrin::clap2:

Oh, the MBA comment just shows you are swinging and missing like the pussy you are.....kinda like your t-ball days wearing a skirt.

Go stand in the street near Times Square and just wait.....don't leave. You can't leave or else we all know you are chickenshit....which we already do.:badgrin:

Name a place.

You even get the first shot.

Eyeah..just as I thought. Faggot. Through and through.

By the way..being in the Military doesn't mean hanging out at fag bars and sucking off lonely sailors. That means the Military is in you.

And MBA doesn't mean your jailhouse husband tattooed "My Bitch Always" on your ass.
You're too stupid and fucked up in the head to know you look like an idiot. :badgrin::clap2:

Oh, the MBA comment just shows you are swinging and missing like the pussy you are.....kinda like your t-ball days wearing a skirt.

Go stand in the street near Times Square and just wait.....don't leave. You can't leave or else we all know you are chickenshit....which we already do.:badgrin:

Eyeah..just as I thought. Faggot. Through and through.

By the way..being in the Military doesn't mean hanging out at fag bars and sucking off lonely sailors. That means the Military is in you.

And MBA doesn't mean your jailhouse husband tattooed "My Bitch Always" on your ass.

Stupid naw.


I can smell a faggot and a coward from a million miles away.

Next time you threaten someone on the better be able to follow through.

Other wise..this is what you get.


You don't meet any standards. You were in your own class of species growing up....I believe they called it ape.

]I could get a concealed weapons permit with ease [/B]with my military background and gun certifications, but I don't because I don't feel the need to carry one today. My city isn't dangerous enough for me to need to shoot criminals, yet. If things get worse when obamination continues to destroy this country and more illegals from south of the border move to my city, well then I will get one with a handgun.

I do hear people call in local talk radio that carry weapons because they believe there is a lot of crime. Some of them are crazy and some of them are just concerned citizens ready for public defense of others. I feel I can fight a criminal or run them over in my car if the situation warrants deadly force after I called the police.

In the end I still have the right to get a permit and gun when that day comes. If that day comes, it means liberals have really fucked up this country when I need to use my military training to shoot criminals at a 7-11 robbery.

shit man, that right there is evidence that the standards aren't near high enough.

I'm an ape for believing that a person who threatened another person over a message board dispute is not a good candidate for a concealed carry permit? LOL

Holy shit some of you people are delusional.
There is only one reason you want to take other people's guns: Fear.
I could get a concealed weapons permit with ease with my military background and gun certifications, but I don't because I don't feel the need to carry one today. My city isn't dangerous enough for me to need to shoot criminals, yet. If things get worse when obamination continues to destroy this country and more illegals from south of the border move to my city, well then I will get one with a handgun.

I do hear people call in local talk radio that carry weapons because they believe there is a lot of crime. Some of them are crazy and some of them are just concerned citizens ready for public defense of others. I feel I can fight a criminal or run them over in my car if the situation warrants deadly force after I called the police.

In the end I still have the right to get a permit and gun when that day comes. If that day comes, it means liberals have really fucked up this country when I need to use my military training to shoot criminals at a 7-11 robbery.

And for that we are all thankful. :eusa_pray:

And here I was under the impression that carrying a firearm, much like any tool, was done to be prepared. I supppose this pocket knife that has come in handy more times than I can count, i carry due to fear also.. :rolleyes:

Best thing the Boyscouts ever taught me. Be prepared. Never anything in there about be fearful.
Shithead....swallow has made threats before, my comment was in response to his bullshit about fighting people in the streets and his threats to me and others here long before you discovered the internet.

Run along, idiot.

You don't meet any standards. You were in your own class of species growing up....I believe they called it ape.

shit man, that right there is evidence that the standards aren't near high enough.

I'm an ape for believing that a person who threatened another person over a message board dispute is not a good candidate for a concealed carry permit? LOL

Holy shit some of you people are delusional.
I don't fear other people, I can handle myself fine.

The Hells Angels in Stuttgart must've thought I was nuts to use their bar in the red light district for late night drinks when I was bored at the other bars. They never messed with me....

I could get a concealed weapons permit with ease with my military background and gun certifications, but I don't because I don't feel the need to carry one today. My city isn't dangerous enough for me to need to shoot criminals, yet. If things get worse when obamination continues to destroy this country and more illegals from south of the border move to my city, well then I will get one with a handgun.

I do hear people call in local talk radio that carry weapons because they believe there is a lot of crime. Some of them are crazy and some of them are just concerned citizens ready for public defense of others. I feel I can fight a criminal or run them over in my car if the situation warrants deadly force after I called the police.

In the end I still have the right to get a permit and gun when that day comes. If that day comes, it means liberals have really fucked up this country when I need to use my military training to shoot criminals at a 7-11 robbery.

And for that we are all thankful. :eusa_pray:


Seriously. Think about it. If there was no FEAR of being robbed and/or assaulted there is no reason to carry a gun, right?

We buy auto insurance and wear seat belts because we FEAR that at some point in time we may be involved in an accident. (Ok, and in most cases the law requires it and we fear getting a ticket too.)

Hey!! I'm not knocking it. Illinois will soon finally join everyone else in passing a CC law. When we do that I will get one so I can carry it in any areas known for high crime rates. But since I don't FEAR being robbed and/or assaulted in my small hometown I don't feel the need to carry it around.

Now I also realize that there are those who simply want to carry one around like a playtoy. But I suspect that they are simply making up for other "shortcomings".

So if anyone disagrees that FEAR is the primary motivation to carry a gun please explain why it's not.


I have auto insurance and wear a seatbelt because the state forces me to by law. I don't carry. In some instances, fear may play a part in it. But it is preparation. Under the back seat of my truck, I have thick wool socks, hiking boots and insulated bibs. I also have jumper cables and a flashlight. In the console, I have a knife and lighter. I live in Oklahoma. We don't have that cold of winters. But if I find myself stranded on the side of the road.......I'm prepared. I don't fear the cold, I just find it annoying. Some people find crime annoying. They like to be prepared in the event someone wants to make them a victim.......which happens every minute of every day. I gues it is just the Boy Scout leader in me, but be prepared. It's the smart thing to do.

You only carry those bibs and socks because you FEAR the cold!

You carry that flashlight because you FEAR the dark!

You only change the oil in your truck because you FEAR a costly break down!

And you only brush your teeth because you FEAR tooth decay, gingivitis and halitosis!

Stop being such a pussy!

/Sarcasm Off


Great post.
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