Be Honest: There is only one real reason to need to carry a gun.

If every person that we encounter on a daily basis were, indeed, carrying....this would be a rational fear.

Which is why I think they should be forced to carry in the open.

I believe we all have the right to know if there is some armed nutter sitting next to us.

It takes "balls" to get into a bare knuckle fight.

It takes no balls to shoot someone.


These are not people who could go toe to toe with a Girl Scout to steal her cookies.

And, if they are so terrified that they must carry a gun, make them show it to the rest of us.

If that were the law, I'd bet that many would break that law because they are so scared.
most law abiding citizens never come close to a confrontation with a criminals and don't need a gun for protection. At the wrong place at the wrong time doing what is illegal will get you killed by a criminal faster then minding your own business. Most gun crimes are committed by gangs and drug dealers. IF you own a bank your chances of getting robbed is small. Most homes do not qualify for home envasions. Unless they are looking for a pot to piss in. "You have nothing to fear but fear it self.'
It may have helped if the indians had guns and the africans kidnapped from africa and sold as slaves
Guns do not protect you because a criminal will bring you down before you can get to your gun. After the fact is a bitch. you dead.
the assault rifles are already out there and we cannot control them but we can stop the manufacturing and sell of the magizines they use. Make it criminal offense to make and sell them and possess them.
Oddly enough. he wasn't talking about crack dealers. He was talking that he should be able to buy anything he wants. Crack and AR15's together, if that is what he wants. Right up till the crack head starts killing people, it would be all good.

I guess you agree. No problem with crack heads owning semi auto rifles?

wtf is wrong with you people. No fuking common sense. Irrational fears.

For the record, when I said " be prohibited anything, beit a scary looking rifle or a bag of crack" it was to show the breadth of my disdain for any kind of prohibition. I think crack is disgusting, and the people who do it I have no desire to have anything to do with. But if their use doesn't infringe on anyone else then that's their business.
How are you going to know a person uses crack(or anything else) if they have no felonies on their record? You going to want to piss/blood test everyone who wants a gun too?[/

"The breadth of your disdain for any kind of prohibition."

Might want to rephrase. Cause you know where I am going with that.

And do a little reading up on crack. There addiction definitley impacts other peoples business.

And if people have to be drug tested to recieve a little money to live on, maybe its not a bad idea to drug test people that can buy the means to kill scores of people in a little bit of time. A spot drug test would definitely slow down the number of guns being sold. Unless you are gonna contend that only non drug users buy guns.

My dad was an alcoholic. Always had a gun. Never did anything positive with his gun. Should have never had a gun IMO. And an alcoholic friend killed himself with the gun he bought from a private seller. Who knew he was unstable, cause he knew him. But he wanted the money from the sale and......he killed himself within a couple days of buying the gun.

So you gun nuts want to defend the rights of druggies and alcoholics to have access to guns. And you call that responsible gun ownership?

How about the people that buy a gun and leave it laying around the house with no trigger locks or in a safe. With young kids who have access to the gun. Is that your idea of responsible gun ownership. The small child that finds dads gun and shoots himself with it, that child didn't deserve responsible gun owneship. Why?

And if you can't trust people to be responsible with a gun, you ever think that maybe they shouldn't have one? You want more of the killings like in Conn? Of course you don't.

But then again, you don't want to do anything that might keep that from happening again. Why?

The NRA couldn't even come out after the killing and say to everyone; lock your guns up. Put trigger guards on your weapons. If you have a unstable person in your household, store your guns and ammo elsewhere. Nothing, Nada from the NRA about responsible gun ownership. WHy?

All the NRA can think about is making money from the sale of guns and ammo. Did you know that the NRA recieves 1 dollar from the sale of guns and ammo in a licensed gun shop? Making money selling guns and ammo is what the NRA is all about. Wayne likes his big paycheck.
most law abiding citizens never come close to a confrontation with a criminals and don't need a gun for protection. At the wrong place at the wrong time doing what is illegal will get you killed by a criminal faster then minding your own business. Most gun crimes are committed by gangs and drug dealers. IF you own a bank your chances of getting robbed is small. Most homes do not qualify for home envasions. Unless they are looking for a pot to piss in. "You have nothing to fear but fear it self.'
It may have helped if the indians had guns and the africans kidnapped from africa and sold as slaves
Guns do not protect you because a criminal will bring you down before you can get to your gun. After the fact is a bitch. you dead.

did you ever hear about the genoicde in Rawanda? almost a million people killled in about 3 months, with machete.
As someone that actually owns guns and carried them in the military, I know the pussies like you that feared being handed a gun at the shooting range. We kept our eye on you because you would turn around with a loaded gun and point it at us asking the instructor why it wasn't firing. Everyone else would have their gun pointed at your head....

In your case you run away from any fight like a pussy or offer them blowjobs as a mediator for the fight.


It takes no balls to project your homosexuality over the interwebs.

You'd never say something like that to me face to face.


I've shot guns..faggot.

Wasn't scared in the slightest.

Been in bareknuckles fights too.

And generally? I won't start them..because of my experience with those. Even when you get bloody.

Which is why I don't start shit.

Which is why you probably don't start shit either..face to face.

Even more so..because you are such a faggot.
let me guess. if i lived in chicago, oakland or east los angeles? Pinal country arizona?I have two brothers that live in Tucson and they both don't move with out their gun strapped to their side. But it is not an AK41 or 47.

Burning AK47 300 Rounds & on Fire YouTube - YouTube

this gun is designed and sold to kill a lot of people and not lot of deer.

And, the gun nutters have said they want illegal aliens, drug dealers, terrorists to be able to easily buy this gun.

Because they refuse to even try to stop those people from getting these guns (and the high capacity magazines), the nutters/NRA are directly responsible for the deaths of innocent people, including children.
most law abiding citizens never come close to a confrontation with a criminals and don't need a gun for protection. At the wrong place at the wrong time doing what is illegal will get you killed by a criminal faster then minding your own business. Most gun crimes are committed by gangs and drug dealers. IF you own a bank your chances of getting robbed is small. Most homes do not qualify for home envasions. Unless they are looking for a pot to piss in. "You have nothing to fear but fear it self.'
It may have helped if the indians had guns and the africans kidnapped from africa and sold as slaves
Guns do not protect you because a criminal will bring you down before you can get to your gun. After the fact is a bitch. you dead.

did you ever hear about the genoicde in Rawanda? almost a million people killled in about 3 months, with machete.

Yeah and they carry those in their pockets, right?

And, bows and arrows fit right into those convenience ankle holsters.
You stupid fucks are confusing losers like you fist fighting in the parking lot over a parking space to someone that sees a 7-11 being robbed and they pull out their gun and shoot down the criminals.

You are a pussy compared to them because you would hide behind your car or drive off when the 7-11 is robbed.

If every person that we encounter on a daily basis were, indeed, carrying....this would be a rational fear.

Which is why I think they should be forced to carry in the open.

I believe we all have the right to know if there is some armed nutter sitting next to us.

It takes "balls" to get into a bare knuckle fight.

It takes no balls to shoot someone.


These are not people who could go toe to toe with a Girl Scout to steal her cookies.

And, if they are so terrified that they must carry a gun, make them show it to the rest of us.

If that were the law, I'd bet that many would break that law because they are so scared.
most law abiding citizens never come close to a confrontation with a criminals and don't need a gun for protection. At the wrong place at the wrong time doing what is illegal will get you killed by a criminal faster then minding your own business. Most gun crimes are committed by gangs and drug dealers. IF you own a bank your chances of getting robbed is small. Most homes do not qualify for home envasions. Unless they are looking for a pot to piss in. "You have nothing to fear but fear it self.'
It may have helped if the indians had guns and the africans kidnapped from africa and sold as slaves
Guns do not protect you because a criminal will bring you down before you can get to your gun. After the fact is a bitch. you dead.

did you ever hear about the genoicde in Rawanda? almost a million people killled in about 3 months, with machete.

Yeah and they carry those in their pockets, right?

And, bows and arrows fit right into those convenience ankle holsters.

get a grip.
You wouldn't be around if you fought me with your fists, I would've cracked your skull with a kick to the head.

As someone that actually owns guns and carried them in the military, I know the pussies like you that feared being handed a gun at the shooting range. We kept our eye on you because you would turn around with a loaded gun and point it at us asking the instructor why it wasn't firing. Everyone else would have their gun pointed at your head....


It takes no balls to project your homosexuality over the interwebs.

You'd never say something like that to me face to face.


I've shot guns..faggot.

Wasn't scared in the slightest.

Been in bareknuckles fights too.

And generally? I won't start them..because of my experience with those. Even when you get bloody.

Which is why I don't start shit.

Which is why you probably don't start shit either..face to face.

Even more so..because you are such a faggot.
Uh, wrong.

People that carry guns have BALLS, not fear. People with fear run from confrontation, people carrying a gun that use it aren't scared of shit.

Takes more guts to pull out a gun on someone to rob them or to protect them than it does to run away from a situation.

Criminals and law abiding citizens that carry a gun have balls to do it. People too scared to carry a gun have FEAR.....fear of shooting themselves in the ass, fear of actually needing to stick around during a crime to defend people, etc.

Chickenshits tell other people they are scared because they have balls to carry a gun.


Seriously. Think about it. If there was no FEAR of being robbed and/or assaulted there is no reason to carry a gun, right?

We buy auto insurance and wear seat belts because we FEAR that at some point in time we may be involved in an accident. (Ok, and in most cases the law requires it and we fear getting a ticket too.)

Hey!! I'm not knocking it. Illinois will soon finally join everyone else in passing a CC law. When we do that I will get one so I can carry it in any areas known for high crime rates. But since I don't FEAR being robbed and/or assaulted in my small hometown I don't feel the need to carry it around.

Now I also realize that there are those who simply want to carry one around like a playtoy. But I suspect that they are simply making up for other "shortcomings".

So if anyone disagrees that FEAR is the primary motivation to carry a gun please explain why it's not.


Oh fuck no.

It takes "balls" to get into a bare knuckle fight.

It takes no balls to shoot someone.

Obviously you've never been in a situation where you might have to shoot someone. Most people hesitate, most people would retreat to a "safe" place and only fire when cornered. Those who would fire automatically are either psychopaths, people in extreme fear of their lives or highly trained individuals properly responding to their training. Why do you think there are police and military shrinks trained to deal with officers and soldiers after the fact? Shooting someone, even a violent perp or an enemy soldier, can have a deleterious affect on some officers/soldiers.
No, it takes no balls to shoot someone....... :rolleyes:
I own guns. I keep one at my house, loaded and ready to use in case of emergency. I don't do that out of FEAR, I do it out of experience and intelligence. The world is full of dangerous, desperate people who will take advantage of you if they think they can. My guns are equalizers. I probably will never have to use my guns but it is a nice bit of insurance. I have insurance on my house, car, etc..why not insure myself against an act of violence or robbery?

If I carried large sums of cash or worked in a bad neighborhood, I'd probably keep a gun on my person or vehicle. "Fear" would play a role in that decision because Fear should play a part in that decision! Fear (despite DaGoose's and others attempt to troll the subject) is a gift! (and a very good book!) The Gift of Fear - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Swallow is a cum-guzzling fag that talks a lot of shit.

He would shit his pants if he saw someone pull out a gun on the street.

It takes balls to pull out a gun as a criminal to face the crime or as a good person putting your life at risk.

Fighting someone with their fists isn't as ballsy at pulling out a gun in a more serious situation that rises to felony activity once the gun is displayed. The police rarely arrest people for fist fights, but they don't let anyone leave a scene with a gun used or shown.

Uh, wrong.

People that carry guns have BALLS, not fear. People with fear run from confrontation, people carrying a gun that use it aren't scared of shit.

Takes more guts to pull out a gun on someone to rob them or to protect them than it does to run away from a situation.

Criminals and law abiding citizens that carry a gun have balls to do it. People too scared to carry a gun have FEAR.....fear of shooting themselves in the ass, fear of actually needing to stick around during a crime to defend people, etc.

Chickenshits tell other people they are scared because they have balls to carry a gun.

Oh fuck no.

It takes "balls" to get into a bare knuckle fight.

It takes no balls to shoot someone.

Obviously you've never been in a situation where you might have to shoot someone. Most people hesitate, most people would retreat to a "safe" place and only fire when cornered. Those who would fire automatically are either psychopaths, people in extreme fear of their lives or highly trained individuals properly responding to their training. Why do you think there are police and military shrinks trained to deal with officers and soldiers after the fact? Shooting someone, even a violent perp or an enemy soldier, can have a deleterious affect on some officers/soldiers.
No, it takes no balls to shoot someone....... :rolleyes:
Secondly, the gun nuts have said over and over and over that the AR15 is no more or less than any other gun in their arsenal. That being the case, what fuking difference could it make if you don't have one?

What literal difference? None of course.

What conceptual difference? Quite a bit.

First of all , the idea of the government deciding which legal products I may buy is repugnant.

Second of all, give an they take a mile. If we say okay, here are the AR15s , then next year they're back for pistols.

Third, what about principle, what happens when a group decides the government should take YOUR right.

really? you think you should be able to buy toys with lead in them for your kids?

you think products shouldn't be regulated even if they're unsafe?

what nonsense... you couldn't care less what government tells you that you can't buy.

so you have other objections, state them if you can. but it isn't that "waaaaaaaah... the big bad government is telling me i can't buy my toy".
]I own guns. I keep one at my house, loaded and ready to use in case of emergency. I don't do that out of FEAR, I do it out of experience and intelligence. The world is full of dangerous, desperate people who will take advantage of you if they think they can. My guns are equalizers.[/B] I probably will never have to use my guns but it is a nice bit of insurance. I have insurance on my house, car, etc..why not insure myself against an act of violence or robbery?

If I carried large sums of cash or worked in a bad neighborhood, I'd probably keep a gun on my person or vehicle. "Fear" would play a role in that decision because Fear should play a part in that decision! Fear (despite DaGoose's attempt to troll the subject) is a gift! (and a very good book!) The Gift of Fear - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In case of emergency eh? Like if a tree fell on your house in a storm. What you gonna do, shoot the tree?

And your experience and intelligence tells you that there are a lot of bad people out there trying to get you. But you aren't afraid of that? So you only have a gun for what you are not afraid of? That's fuking weird.

I got my guns and dogs because I am afraid of being robbed at home. Honesty is the best policy. Even though I have never been robbed. So I might have irrational fear. But at least I was more afraid of a gun tradegy and kept my guns in a safe than I was afraid of a B&E.
I might be afraid but I am not stupid. I know where and how most gun deaths occur.
And I guarantee you that by the time those dogs are done with you, shooting you won't be necessary. But they will give me time to get a gun.
You stupid fucks are confusing losers like you fist fighting in the parking lot over a parking space to someone that sees a 7-11 being robbed and they pull out their gun and shoot down the criminals.

You are a pussy compared to them because you would hide behind your car or drive off when the 7-11 is robbed.

:lol: Cuz it takes BIG BALLS to get shot over spare slurpy change...? That's just dumb.
Secondly, the gun nuts have said over and over and over that the AR15 is no more or less than any other gun in their arsenal. That being the case, what fuking difference could it make if you don't have one?

What literal difference? None of course.

What conceptual difference? Quite a bit.

First of all , the idea of the government deciding which legal products I may buy is repugnant.

Second of all, give an they take a mile. If we say okay, here are the AR15s , then next year they're back for pistols.

Third, what about principle, what happens when a group decides the government should take YOUR right.

really? you think you should be able to buy toys with lead in them for your kids?

you think products shouldn't be regulated even if they're unsafe?

what nonsense... you couldn't care less what government tells you that you can't buy.

so you have other objections, state them if you can. but it isn't that "waaaaaaaah... the big bad government is telling me i can't buy my toy".

Jillian, I went that direction with this poster also. No comment was the response. Cause what are they gonna say that doesn't sound stupid? Yea bring on all the lead toys my kids can handle. Make my food make me sick. I don't care. Just as long as the govennment is not interfering, give me whatever you want, poison or not.
Uh, who said anything about shooting someone over a parking space???

Nice strawman argument.

A person with a concealed weapon premit will only be allowed to use their gun when lives are at risk.

Now, if someone pulled out a weapon from their trunk during a parking lot fight, uh it takes BALLS for someone to step in with their gun to stop it.

You on the otherhand will drive away acting like you didn't see anything...

You stupid fucks are confusing losers like you fist fighting in the parking lot over a parking space to someone that sees a 7-11 being robbed and they pull out their gun and shoot down the criminals.

You are a pussy compared to them because you would hide behind your car or drive off when the 7-11 is robbed.

:lol: Cuz it takes BIG BALLS to get shot over spare slurpy change...? That's just dumb.

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