Be Prepared, Liberals: ABC’s Jon Karl Warns Mueller Report “Almost Certain To Be Anti-Climatic”

the people who want impeachment just want what THEY want for emotional insecurity reasons.

they need to grow the fuck up.

trump has exceeded the articles of impeachment & there IS a reason why the constitution has that as an option.
Do you really think you'll get 2/3rds of the Senate? Without that you're wasting your time.

i said impeachment - which begins in the house. it would take 2/3s of the senate to 'convict' him. only 2 ways that will happen... he somehow survives long enough to run & actually wins a 2nd term - but the (R) senate doesn't... OR there is so much hard core irrefutable evidence that there can be no denying that trump is dirty... but me thinx he'll resign b4 that in which case NYS has him. & besides i don't think this can be settled with just a resignation if he did in fact commit treason.

& there is a theory ( & yes it's just a theory) that michael cohen has tapes & flynn might have been wired. & lest ye forget - alan weisselburg has immunity & was head bean counter at trumpco, so there might be hard copy docs showing the deals donny made with the rooooskies.
Damn you leave me with the standard reply to all the rest of the bullshit you posted.

m'k... you go with that if it makes you feel better.

has he ever sat in the middle of a street and shot at anyone?

Hell, obama can spy on congress, reporters, and pretty much run roughshod over the constitution and his follows only say "no he didn't..." so while you rant on and on about what trump COULD DO, you have no issue with what HAS BEEN done.

trump shirley does.

february 7th - elijah cummings ( who trump denigrated ) & new chair of the oversight committee will be the first with having michael cohen testify.

& there's adam shiff ( who trump denigrated) & new chair of the intel committee said he's going to have hearings as well.

& maxine waters (who trump denigrated) & new chair of the finance committee said she will as well.

& jerry nadler - new chair of the judiciary committee said he will too.

mmm mmm mmmm....:popcorn:...damn good popcorn.

Can you live stream your reaction to trump winning in 2020? I will pay you
how do you expect that with dropping approval?
more people want impeachment.
the people who want impeachment just want what THEY want for emotional insecurity reasons.

they need to grow the fuck up.

trump has exceeded the articles of impeachment & there IS a reason why the constitution has that as an option.

keep going with that
trump shirley does.

february 7th - elijah cummings ( who trump denigrated ) & new chair of the oversight committee will be the first with having michael cohen testify.

& there's adam shiff ( who trump denigrated) & new chair of the intel committee said he's going to have hearings as well.

& maxine waters (who trump denigrated) & new chair of the finance committee said she will as well.

& jerry nadler - new chair of the judiciary committee said he will too.

mmm mmm mmmm....:popcorn:...damn good popcorn.

Can you live stream your reaction to trump winning in 2020? I will pay you
how do you expect that with dropping approval?
more people want impeachment.
the people who want impeachment just want what THEY want for emotional insecurity reasons.

they need to grow the fuck up.
Here are a few things we know about Donald Trump.

According to the Justice Department, he has committed multiple felonies.

Based on his public statements, he has sought to interfere and obstruct the special counsel’s investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 presidential campaign. In recent weeks he has dangled the possibility of pardons for former aides who could potentially incriminate him in wrongdoing. He’s publicly engaged in witness tampering, and has allegedly pushed the Justice Department to investigate and prosecute his political opponents.

He is personally profiting from holding the office of the presidency.
Instead of calling bullshit like the other posters, I'll explain why your claims on Trump are bullshit:
1. Just because Cohen pleads guilty to a felony, that has zero to do with Trump. The bimbo payments are not a crime, so says Dershowitz. If Cohen pleads guilty instead of fighting the charge, that is his problem, not Trumps.
2. There is no obstruction, period. He had every right to fire Comey. That did not affect the Mueller investigation.
Dershowitz: Trump Did Not Commit a Crime If He Paid Women Out of His Own Pocket
3. There was no dangling of pardons for Manafort. His crimes were state crimes, not federal.
4. Trump's tweets are not witness tampering, that's just silly
5. Trump is curious why real crimes are not being investigated while his non-crimes are. That question is not a crime.
Nice try, pinhead. You have just qualified as a contestant in the "Who's Dumber Then Trump Sweepstakes"!

Keep posting nonsense like you just did & you're on your way!

The winner gets to attend the swearing in of Pence while Trump sits in jail.
Can you live stream your reaction to trump winning in 2020? I will pay you
how do you expect that with dropping approval?
more people want impeachment.
the people who want impeachment just want what THEY want for emotional insecurity reasons.

they need to grow the fuck up.

trump has exceeded the articles of impeachment & there IS a reason why the constitution has that as an option.

keep going with that
so - if i make up some crap about you and you say you never did it, you're wrong?

all you got is your hate. reality slips away from you by the day.
how do you expect that with dropping approval?
more people want impeachment.
the people who want impeachment just want what THEY want for emotional insecurity reasons.

they need to grow the fuck up.

trump has exceeded the articles of impeachment & there IS a reason why the constitution has that as an option.
Do you really think you'll get 2/3rds of the Senate? Without that you're wasting your time.

i said impeachment - which begins in the house. it would take 2/3s of the senate to 'convict' him. only 2 ways that will happen... he somehow survives long enough to run & actually wins a 2nd term - but the (R) senate doesn't... OR there is so much hard core irrefutable evidence that there can be no denying that trump is dirty... but me thinx he'll resign b4 that in which case NYS has him. & besides i don't think this can be settled with just a resignation if he did in fact commit treason.

& there is a theory ( & yes it's just a theory) that michael cohen has tapes & flynn might have been wired. & lest ye forget - alan weisselburg has immunity & was head bean counter at trumpco, so there might be hard copy docs showing the deals donny made with the rooooskies.
Damn you leave me with the standard reply to all the rest of the bullshit you posted.
If Trump was a private citizen he'd be sitting in jail next to Manafort awaiting trial for treason.

The bastard will do anything to hold onto his wealth & that includes selling his own Country down the river.

And a special corner awaits Trump in hell for miking his own foundation. Stole from sick childten. Nice person you elected.

Not that it matters to The Cult.
the people who want impeachment just want what THEY want for emotional insecurity reasons.

they need to grow the fuck up.

trump has exceeded the articles of impeachment & there IS a reason why the constitution has that as an option.
Do you really think you'll get 2/3rds of the Senate? Without that you're wasting your time.

i said impeachment - which begins in the house. it would take 2/3s of the senate to 'convict' him. only 2 ways that will happen... he somehow survives long enough to run & actually wins a 2nd term - but the (R) senate doesn't... OR there is so much hard core irrefutable evidence that there can be no denying that trump is dirty... but me thinx he'll resign b4 that in which case NYS has him. & besides i don't think this can be settled with just a resignation if he did in fact commit treason.

& there is a theory ( & yes it's just a theory) that michael cohen has tapes & flynn might have been wired. & lest ye forget - alan weisselburg has immunity & was head bean counter at trumpco, so there might be hard copy docs showing the deals donny made with the rooooskies.
Damn you leave me with the standard reply to all the rest of the bullshit you posted.
If Trump was a private citizen he'd be sitting in jail next to Manafort awaiting trial for treason.

The bastard will do anything to hold onto his wealth & that includes selling his own Country down the river.

And a special corner awaits Trump in hell for miking his own foundation. Stole from sick childten. Nice person you elected.

Not that it matters to The Cult.
and you will do anything to convict him any way possible cause you hate him.

even go for the CHILDREN!!! ploy.
I'll make a deal.

If the Mueller report is anti-climatic and exonerates Trump, I will admit I was wrong and move on.

If the Mueller Report points to Russian collusion or illegal conduct on the part of Trump, you will admit you were wrong and call for his impeachment.

No, because "Russian collusion" is not a crime, bonehead. And by "point to," you mean he has irrefutable proof, not a lot of speculation.
the people who want impeachment just want what THEY want for emotional insecurity reasons.

they need to grow the fuck up.

trump has exceeded the articles of impeachment & there IS a reason why the constitution has that as an option.
Do you really think you'll get 2/3rds of the Senate? Without that you're wasting your time.

i said impeachment - which begins in the house. it would take 2/3s of the senate to 'convict' him. only 2 ways that will happen... he somehow survives long enough to run & actually wins a 2nd term - but the (R) senate doesn't... OR there is so much hard core irrefutable evidence that there can be no denying that trump is dirty... but me thinx he'll resign b4 that in which case NYS has him. & besides i don't think this can be settled with just a resignation if he did in fact commit treason.

& there is a theory ( & yes it's just a theory) that michael cohen has tapes & flynn might have been wired. & lest ye forget - alan weisselburg has immunity & was head bean counter at trumpco, so there might be hard copy docs showing the deals donny made with the rooooskies.
Damn you leave me with the standard reply to all the rest of the bullshit you posted.
If Trump was a private citizen he'd be sitting in jail next to Manafort awaiting trial for treason.

The bastard will do anything to hold onto his wealth & that includes selling his own Country down the river.

And a special corner awaits Trump in hell for miking his own foundation. Stole from sick childten. Nice person you elected.

Not that it matters to The Cult.
He gave up a Billionaire's lifestyle to be President.
how do you expect that with dropping approval?
more people want impeachment.
the people who want impeachment just want what THEY want for emotional insecurity reasons.

they need to grow the fuck up.

trump has exceeded the articles of impeachment & there IS a reason why the constitution has that as an option.

keep going with that
so - if i make up some crap about you and you say you never did it, you're wrong?

all you got is your hate. reality slips away from you by the day.
No hate here, just facts:
1) Cohen was instruction by "individual 1"
2) Obstruction: Paul Manafort advised White House on how to attack and discredit investigation of President Trump
3) Trump On Manafort Pardon: ‘Why Would I Take It Off The Table?’
4) witness tampering, tweet on roger stone. But more recently Cohen's father-in law.
5) list of crimes
trump has exceeded the articles of impeachment & there IS a reason why the constitution has that as an option.
Do you really think you'll get 2/3rds of the Senate? Without that you're wasting your time.

i said impeachment - which begins in the house. it would take 2/3s of the senate to 'convict' him. only 2 ways that will happen... he somehow survives long enough to run & actually wins a 2nd term - but the (R) senate doesn't... OR there is so much hard core irrefutable evidence that there can be no denying that trump is dirty... but me thinx he'll resign b4 that in which case NYS has him. & besides i don't think this can be settled with just a resignation if he did in fact commit treason.

& there is a theory ( & yes it's just a theory) that michael cohen has tapes & flynn might have been wired. & lest ye forget - alan weisselburg has immunity & was head bean counter at trumpco, so there might be hard copy docs showing the deals donny made with the rooooskies.
Damn you leave me with the standard reply to all the rest of the bullshit you posted.
If Trump was a private citizen he'd be sitting in jail next to Manafort awaiting trial for treason.

The bastard will do anything to hold onto his wealth & that includes selling his own Country down the river.

And a special corner awaits Trump in hell for miking his own foundation. Stole from sick childten. Nice person you elected.

Not that it matters to The Cult.
He gave up a Billionaire's lifestyle to be President.
I'll bet he's sorry that he let Putin talk him into running.
trump has exceeded the articles of impeachment & there IS a reason why the constitution has that as an option.
Do you really think you'll get 2/3rds of the Senate? Without that you're wasting your time.

i said impeachment - which begins in the house. it would take 2/3s of the senate to 'convict' him. only 2 ways that will happen... he somehow survives long enough to run & actually wins a 2nd term - but the (R) senate doesn't... OR there is so much hard core irrefutable evidence that there can be no denying that trump is dirty... but me thinx he'll resign b4 that in which case NYS has him. & besides i don't think this can be settled with just a resignation if he did in fact commit treason.

& there is a theory ( & yes it's just a theory) that michael cohen has tapes & flynn might have been wired. & lest ye forget - alan weisselburg has immunity & was head bean counter at trumpco, so there might be hard copy docs showing the deals donny made with the rooooskies.
Damn you leave me with the standard reply to all the rest of the bullshit you posted.
If Trump was a private citizen he'd be sitting in jail next to Manafort awaiting trial for treason.

The bastard will do anything to hold onto his wealth & that includes selling his own Country down the river.

And a special corner awaits Trump in hell for miking his own foundation. Stole from sick childten. Nice person you elected.

Not that it matters to The Cult.
and you will do anything to convict him any way possible cause you hate him.

even go for the CHILDREN!!! ploy.
Fact is Trump milked his own foundation.

Sorry if I hurt your feelings, snowflake. Not!
Do you really think you'll get 2/3rds of the Senate? Without that you're wasting your time.

i said impeachment - which begins in the house. it would take 2/3s of the senate to 'convict' him. only 2 ways that will happen... he somehow survives long enough to run & actually wins a 2nd term - but the (R) senate doesn't... OR there is so much hard core irrefutable evidence that there can be no denying that trump is dirty... but me thinx he'll resign b4 that in which case NYS has him. & besides i don't think this can be settled with just a resignation if he did in fact commit treason.

& there is a theory ( & yes it's just a theory) that michael cohen has tapes & flynn might have been wired. & lest ye forget - alan weisselburg has immunity & was head bean counter at trumpco, so there might be hard copy docs showing the deals donny made with the rooooskies.
Damn you leave me with the standard reply to all the rest of the bullshit you posted.
If Trump was a private citizen he'd be sitting in jail next to Manafort awaiting trial for treason.

The bastard will do anything to hold onto his wealth & that includes selling his own Country down the river.

And a special corner awaits Trump in hell for miking his own foundation. Stole from sick childten. Nice person you elected.

Not that it matters to The Cult.
and you will do anything to convict him any way possible cause you hate him.

even go for the CHILDREN!!! ploy.
Fact is Trump milked his own foundation.

Sorry if I hurt your feelings, snowflake. Not!
oh my god. yawn-city.

this IN YOUR FACE the left loves to do has lost effect. you just look like a moronic asshole with a vendetta you'll never understand.
Can you live stream your reaction to trump winning in 2020? I will pay you
how do you expect that with dropping approval?
more people want impeachment.
the people who want impeachment just want what THEY want for emotional insecurity reasons.

they need to grow the fuck up.
Here are a few things we know about Donald Trump.

According to the Justice Department, he has committed multiple felonies.

Based on his public statements, he has sought to interfere and obstruct the special counsel’s investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 presidential campaign. In recent weeks he has dangled the possibility of pardons for former aides who could potentially incriminate him in wrongdoing. He’s publicly engaged in witness tampering, and has allegedly pushed the Justice Department to investigate and prosecute his political opponents.

He is personally profiting from holding the office of the presidency.
Instead of calling bullshit like the other posters, I'll explain why your claims on Trump are bullshit:
1. Just because Cohen pleads guilty to a felony, that has zero to do with Trump. The bimbo payments are not a crime, so says Dershowitz. If Cohen pleads guilty instead of fighting the charge, that is his problem, not Trumps.
2. There is no obstruction, period. He had every right to fire Comey. That did not affect the Mueller investigation.
Dershowitz: Trump Did Not Commit a Crime If He Paid Women Out of His Own Pocket
3. There was no dangling of pardons for Manafort. His crimes were state crimes, not federal.
4. Trump's tweets are not witness tampering, that's just silly
5. Trump is curious why real crimes are not being investigated while his non-crimes are. That question is not a crime.
Nice try, pinhead. You have just qualified as a contestant in the "Who's Dumber Then Trump Sweepstakes"!

Keep posting nonsense like you just did & you're on your way!

The winner gets to attend the swearing in of Pence while Trump sits in jail.
Lol another deranged anti trumper
how do you expect that with dropping approval?
more people want impeachment.
the people who want impeachment just want what THEY want for emotional insecurity reasons.

they need to grow the fuck up.
Here are a few things we know about Donald Trump.

According to the Justice Department, he has committed multiple felonies.

Based on his public statements, he has sought to interfere and obstruct the special counsel’s investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 presidential campaign. In recent weeks he has dangled the possibility of pardons for former aides who could potentially incriminate him in wrongdoing. He’s publicly engaged in witness tampering, and has allegedly pushed the Justice Department to investigate and prosecute his political opponents.

He is personally profiting from holding the office of the presidency.
Instead of calling bullshit like the other posters, I'll explain why your claims on Trump are bullshit:
1. Just because Cohen pleads guilty to a felony, that has zero to do with Trump. The bimbo payments are not a crime, so says Dershowitz. If Cohen pleads guilty instead of fighting the charge, that is his problem, not Trumps.
2. There is no obstruction, period. He had every right to fire Comey. That did not affect the Mueller investigation.
Dershowitz: Trump Did Not Commit a Crime If He Paid Women Out of His Own Pocket
3. There was no dangling of pardons for Manafort. His crimes were state crimes, not federal.
4. Trump's tweets are not witness tampering, that's just silly
5. Trump is curious why real crimes are not being investigated while his non-crimes are. That question is not a crime.
Nice try, pinhead. You have just qualified as a contestant in the "Who's Dumber Then Trump Sweepstakes"!

Keep posting nonsense like you just did & you're on your way!

The winner gets to attend the swearing in of Pence while Trump sits in jail.
Lol another deranged anti trumper
the people who want impeachment just want what THEY want for emotional insecurity reasons.

they need to grow the fuck up.
Here are a few things we know about Donald Trump.

According to the Justice Department, he has committed multiple felonies.

Based on his public statements, he has sought to interfere and obstruct the special counsel’s investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 presidential campaign. In recent weeks he has dangled the possibility of pardons for former aides who could potentially incriminate him in wrongdoing. He’s publicly engaged in witness tampering, and has allegedly pushed the Justice Department to investigate and prosecute his political opponents.

He is personally profiting from holding the office of the presidency.
Instead of calling bullshit like the other posters, I'll explain why your claims on Trump are bullshit:
1. Just because Cohen pleads guilty to a felony, that has zero to do with Trump. The bimbo payments are not a crime, so says Dershowitz. If Cohen pleads guilty instead of fighting the charge, that is his problem, not Trumps.
2. There is no obstruction, period. He had every right to fire Comey. That did not affect the Mueller investigation.
Dershowitz: Trump Did Not Commit a Crime If He Paid Women Out of His Own Pocket
3. There was no dangling of pardons for Manafort. His crimes were state crimes, not federal.
4. Trump's tweets are not witness tampering, that's just silly
5. Trump is curious why real crimes are not being investigated while his non-crimes are. That question is not a crime.
Nice try, pinhead. You have just qualified as a contestant in the "Who's Dumber Then Trump Sweepstakes"!

Keep posting nonsense like you just did & you're on your way!

The winner gets to attend the swearing in of Pence while Trump sits in jail.
Lol another deranged anti trumper
Trump deleted 30 thousand emails? Lol
the people who want impeachment just want what THEY want for emotional insecurity reasons.

they need to grow the fuck up.

trump has exceeded the articles of impeachment & there IS a reason why the constitution has that as an option.

keep going with that
so - if i make up some crap about you and you say you never did it, you're wrong?

all you got is your hate. reality slips away from you by the day.
No hate here, just facts:
1) Cohen was instruction by "individual 1"
2) Obstruction: Paul Manafort advised White House on how to attack and discredit investigation of President Trump
3) Trump On Manafort Pardon: ‘Why Would I Take It Off The Table?’
4) witness tampering, tweet on roger stone. But more recently Cohen's father-in law.
5) list of crimes

1. Cohen was the lawyer, Trump the client. The lawyer should know what is legal or illegal.
2. Is Giuliani obstructing too? He discredits Mueller all day every day
3. Manafort has so much time in jail for state crimes a Trump pardon is meaningless.
4. On your list of crimes:
"So far, no Trump associates have been specifically charged with any crimes relating to helping Russia interfere with the 2016 election."
Here are a few things we know about Donald Trump.

According to the Justice Department, he has committed multiple felonies.

Based on his public statements, he has sought to interfere and obstruct the special counsel’s investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 presidential campaign. In recent weeks he has dangled the possibility of pardons for former aides who could potentially incriminate him in wrongdoing. He’s publicly engaged in witness tampering, and has allegedly pushed the Justice Department to investigate and prosecute his political opponents.

He is personally profiting from holding the office of the presidency.
Instead of calling bullshit like the other posters, I'll explain why your claims on Trump are bullshit:
1. Just because Cohen pleads guilty to a felony, that has zero to do with Trump. The bimbo payments are not a crime, so says Dershowitz. If Cohen pleads guilty instead of fighting the charge, that is his problem, not Trumps.
2. There is no obstruction, period. He had every right to fire Comey. That did not affect the Mueller investigation.
Dershowitz: Trump Did Not Commit a Crime If He Paid Women Out of His Own Pocket
3. There was no dangling of pardons for Manafort. His crimes were state crimes, not federal.
4. Trump's tweets are not witness tampering, that's just silly
5. Trump is curious why real crimes are not being investigated while his non-crimes are. That question is not a crime.
Nice try, pinhead. You have just qualified as a contestant in the "Who's Dumber Then Trump Sweepstakes"!

Keep posting nonsense like you just did & you're on your way!

The winner gets to attend the swearing in of Pence while Trump sits in jail.
Lol another deranged anti trumper
Trump deleted 30 thousand emails? Lol
Hillary is russian agent?
Anyone who claims to know what the Mueller report will say is a liar.
I'm sure he will word it in the most damaging way imaginable, but without evidence of any kind, he's going to have to be very inventive in his choice of words.
Mueller is a professional and will not engage in hyperbole. What he won't do is claim anything without supporting evidence.
See that, in many ways he is just like trump.


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