Beauties or Bimbos?

Run along now, kiddie, we've seen your whole act. Maybe you'll have something to say after you've grown up.



What? No gay porn? You're letting down your fans here, coward.
You have to watch the video at this link:

Indeed, the ladies are a pleasure to look at, but I’ve heard a few of them say some pretty stupid things. In truth, they remind me of an old joke.

A sinner asked God why he made women so beautiful?

God replied: So men would love them.

The sinner then asked God why he made women so dumb?

God answered: So they could love men.

I have heard ugly men say stupid things. Do we have a word for them? What do their good looks have to do with defining them as bimbos? Isn't part of the definition of a "bimbo" as someone with loose morals? Do we know their morals? lol

Honestly, I have never understood the need to make FoxNews women anything more or less than what they often are.
I don't think they are empty headed, although I do think they are in the entertainment business and part of that is the selling of an image.

Most networks, cable and MSM play the same game. I see the same on some of my local channels. Not an ugly woman in the bunch.

Women rarely age up in those jobs. They get let go and replaced with someone younger.

Of course I long ago stopped turning to these places for real news.

CNN, MSNBC and the rest of the alphabet channels are pretty much the same. Smoke and mirrors.
It's not only the fact that every female journalist on Fox News is beyond beautiful, its also the provocative clothing, and the overly polished hair/makeup. Like I said earlier in the thread, sex sells, Fox has just done a better job of selling it.
Fox is a right wing propaganda outlet. Those that are liberal, independent, democratic and libertarians like to get their news from numerous outlets, then come up with their own opinions.

The right wingers on the other hand only want to hear what they want to hear and nothing else, and let fox do all the thinking for them as thinking for yourself is "too hard" That's why they site on their fat asses all day being programmed by the BS from fox.

Ah, yet another "liberals are smart and pure of heart, and conservatives are poopy-heads!" contribution by some mindless partisan idiot. Why the fuck do you bother with such empty, self-indulgent nonsense?

You can't handle the truth, so you have to resort to childish name calling.

Yes, you are a perfect example of a right wing "poopy-head"

geeeeeeezzzzzz poopy-head????????
It's not only the fact that every female journalist on Fox News is beyond beautiful, its also the provocative clothing, and the overly polished hair/makeup. Like I said earlier in the thread, sex sells, Fox has just done a better job of selling it.

See I part ways with you there in the respect that dressing a certain way and using makeup as well as being pretty should never be the way we define a woman's intelligence or lack of it.

its also the provocative clothing, and the overly polished hair/makeup

I don't watch the stations, Fox or others, but I would say the above is more a subjective view? The last time I watch with regularity I don't remember the women wearing provocative clothing. I think most women in front of a camera wear more makeup than the average woman.

In the end it is about selling and promoting for all channels. No woman is forced to present herself in a certain manner so to me it is her personal choice to enter that business and all it brings.
It's not only the fact that every female journalist on Fox News is beyond beautiful, its also the provocative clothing, and the overly polished hair/makeup. Like I said earlier in the thread, sex sells, Fox has just done a better job of selling it.

See I part ways with you there in the respect that dressing a certain way and using makeup as well as being pretty should never be the way we define a woman's intelligence or lack of it.

its also the provocative clothing, and the overly polished hair/makeup

I don't watch the stations, Fox or others, but I would say the above is more a subjective view? The last time I watch with regularity I don't remember the women wearing provocative clothing. I think most women in front of a camera wear more makeup than the average woman.

In the end it is about selling and promoting for all channels. No woman is forced to present herself in a certain manner so to me it is her personal choice to enter that business and all it brings.

Again, I never said the way the dress is a reflection on their intelligence. However I do think FOX stands out in the way their female anchors often(not always) dress as attested to by the tribute website and country music song dedicated to them.
Tell you enjoy having to move Maddow's cock to enter her?

=Flanders;6934146]You have to watch the video at this link:

Indeed, the ladies are a pleasure to look at, but I’ve heard a few of them say some pretty stupid things. In truth, they remind me of an old joke.

A sinner asked God why he made women so beautiful?

God replied: So men would love them.

The sinner then asked God why he made women so dumb?

God answered: So they could love men.
Foxy Ladies - Atlantic Mobile

Here's an article about FOX female makeup vs other networks.

Interesting viewpoints offered.

When did being sexy, pretty, hot or wearing sexy clothing and makeup become the fodder for news junky observers to psychobabble over?

Of course it is partly about the "sell". They all use various methods to draw in viewers. Too bad that most do not actually give the best straight factual news offerings.

I cut out the middlemen and women and prefer gathering my news from various means and venues but I see nothing that wow about pretty women on the networks. I do take issue with those that judge intelligence differently when the woman is beautiful.

Let's take a closer look at the sometimes assumed "brain power" of plainer women AND men in the news business.
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Foxy Ladies - Atlantic Mobile

Here's an article about FOX female makeup vs other networks.

Great article. Good reading.

>> ...But the best explanation for Fox glam may be the channel’s largely conservative audience. An argument can be made that conservative women are typically less squeamish than progressive ones about embracing what the sociologist Catherine Hakim calls “erotic capital,” otherwise known as using your looks to get ahead. See the gleeful Laura Ingraham/*Ann Coulter school of beauty*ology, which holds that the angrier and better-*coiffed you are, the more attention you will receive. The Republican Party welcomes looks in a woman—Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, Nikki Haley—and so does Fox.

“They’re definitely pandering to a male audience,” says Meli Pennington, a makeup artist who runs a blog called Wild Beauty. Also, cable-news viewers tend to be older, so Fox may be specifically catering to the sensibilities of older men, she posits, by making women a little “brighter.” She means this literally. “You think of Hugh Hefner’s girlfriends,” she says: “As he got older, they all get brighter and blonder. Look at Anna Nicole Smith. It’s like the large-print edition of women.”

The media critic Jack Shafer adds that the women you see on Fox are not just winsome, lavishly cosmeticized women, but winsome women paired with older men. He says the network almost appears to be taking a page from the theory of evolutionary psychology, which argues that women are attracted to prosperous (often older) men, and these men are attracted to women whose youth and curves signal fertility. “

The men are kind of frumpy older men,” Sherman agrees, “paired with hyper-feminine women. That kind of kinetic energy between the sexes is one of the reasons Fox is successful. Oftentimes the older male hosts—Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity—in the prime time, at night, are paired with women, debating politics, and the women are generally much younger … It almost goes back to 1940s Hollywood.” For guests, the Hollywood screwball routine can be unnerving. It was for Nell Minow, a critic of inflated CEO pay, who was taken aback when a producer urged her to “attack the masculinity” of her debate partner.

Nell Minow is the daughter of Newton Minow, who gave us the coined the term "vast wasteland" to describe television. And he said that in 1961.

'Tis appropriate here to quote the philosopher Frank Zappa:
"Ï'm vile and perverted, I'm obsessed and deranged;
I have existed for years but very little has changed.
I'm the tool of the government and industry too.
For I'm destined to rule and regulate you.
You may think I'm pernicious, but you can't look away.
I'll make you think I'm delicious with the stuff that I say.
I'm the best you can get... have you guessed me yet?
I'm the slime oozing out of your TV set....”​
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Foxy Ladies - Atlantic Mobile

Here's an article about FOX female makeup vs other networks.

Interesting viewpoints offered.

When did being sexy, pretty, hot or wearing sexy clothing and makeup become the fodder for news junky observers to psychobabble over?

Of course it is partly about the "sell". They all use various methods to draw in viewers. Too bad that most do not actually give the best straight factual news offerings.

I cut out the middlemen and women and prefer gathering my news from various means and venues but I see nothing that wow about pretty women on the networks. I do take issue with those that judge intelligence differently when the woman is beautiful.

Let's take a closer look at the sometimes assumed "brain power" of plainer women AND men in the news business.
About the time news anchors stopped dressing like bankers and started dressing like entertainers.
[/QUOTE]To assume a certain race of men prefer a certain type of beauty is sheer ignorance. I'm not a white guy btw.....[/QUOTE]

But, superficial people think on superficial levels, so you'll have to forgive them. They are shallow and believe that everyone behaves as they do, so they presume everyone is stupid and a racist. It seems as if it's almost a disability.
And a large percentage of them have been active as attorneys and judges...

Beauty and brains.....this is what grabs the attention of the brightest and most masculine men...:)

To AquaAthena: It depends on what you mean by brains.

I always try to separate native intelligence from formal intelligence; i.e., intelligence gauged by formal education. A combination of those two is infinitely more substantial than beauty & brains.

The journalistic ladies I admire acquired formal education without sacrificing their native intelligence.

Native intelligence, formal intelligence, and beauty found in one woman is the stuff legends are made of.

And let&#8217;s not sell clever women short:

She was charming and sexy, a restless spirit who adored her common law husband. She wanted to be an actress, but found her greatest role as Wyatt Earp&#8217;s partner and the protector of his legacy.

In place of the gunslinger, gambler, saloon-keeper, and pimp, Josephine Marcus Earp gave us a &#8220;nice clean story&#8221; that scrubbed Wyatt spotless as a Sunday school teacher, a successful and generous businessman and a loving husband. Always ready to fight those who would turn his violent past into the stuff of lurid fiction and film, she tried to turn the real man into a senior statesman in a kind of reverse Pygmalion effort &#8211; and she mostly succeeded.

How Mrs. Wyatt Earp rewrote history
By Ann Kirschner
Published March 09, 2013

How Mrs. Wyatt Earp rewrote history | Fox News

Why is the question in the thread title 'beauties or bimbos'? It's both.

To Esmeralda: That's a broad generalization. Pun intended.

I'm not a broad, so I consider your pun an insult. It's not a generalization. I don't watch Faux New as a regular thing, but have seen enough to know the women being discussed in this thread are not bright stars intellectually. Another poster mentioned that some had been to law school. I imagine all of them have college degrees, but often so does your local waiter/waitress, administrative assistant, and people in a number of careers that don't call for the insight, intelligence and grasp of current events and history that being a good journalist requires. The idea of hiring a pretty face to do the news reminds me of the story of Jessica Savitch, who was hired because of her looks but was never able to do much more than just read the news, back in the days when news anchors were actual, real journalists.

As has been posted, sex sells and it's just 'entertainment' anyway. Unfortunately, that's the case, especially on Faux News. There are those who realize Faux News is mainly entertainment, as well as being a propaganda machine for the right wing, and don't expect any more from them. However, anyone who takes this 'news'' channel seriously........:cuckoo:

Diane Sawyer was a beauty pageant winner, but she always tried to tone down that aspect of her background in order to be taken seriously. She didn't dress in provocative clothing either.

BTW if you want to see really beautiful news people, watch Italian television; both the men and women are gorgeous. I don't speak Italian, so I don't know if these people are anything other than parrots who can read, but they sure are beautiful.
[ame=]jessica savitch - YouTube[/ame]
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You have to watch the video at this link:

Indeed, the ladies are a pleasure to look at, but I’ve heard a few of them say some pretty stupid things. In truth, they remind me of an old joke.

A sinner asked God why he made women so beautiful?

God replied: So men would love them.

The sinner then asked God why he made women so dumb?

God answered: So they could love men.

I have heard ugly men say stupid things. Do we have a word for them? What do their good looks have to do with defining them as bimbos? Isn't part of the definition of a "bimbo" as someone with loose morals? Do we know their morals? lol

Honestly, I have never understood the need to make FoxNews women anything more or less than what they often are.

I don't think part of the definiton of bimbo is loose morals. When I hear the term, I just think it means a silly, empty headed female. Mrs. Bennet in PRIDE AND PREJUDICE would be, imo, a bimbo: a silly, foolish woman.

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