Beauties or Bimbos?

The women of FOX seem like they are chosen to appeal to the same kind of beauty one might find in a Miss USA pagaent.

In other words, they're appealing to middle aged white guys with very conventional taste in women.

What astounds me is how bloody stupid many of them are.

But that too, probably appeals to Fox's targeted demographic.

Does it "astound" you that they are all more successful and accomplished than you? I would be absolutely astounded if every one of them weren't much more intelligent than you as well.
The women of FOX seem like they are chosen to appeal to the same kind of beauty one might find in a Miss USA pagaent.

In other words, they're appealing to middle aged white guys with very conventional taste in women.

What astounds me is how bloody stupid many of them are.

But that too, probably appeals to Fox's targeted demographic.

Does it "astound" you that they are all more successful and accomplished than you? I would be absolutely astounded if every one of them weren't much more intelligent than you as well.

They are not bimbos...they are all intelligent that I have seen, quick to answer questions and debate topics whether you agree with them or not.
But on topic - it is interesting how they dress them. In the professional world, women don't wear party dresses to work. It is true that some women's business suits have fairly short skirts - but few and far between show the kind of leg we see in journalism.
They all do it...but admittedly - Fox does it the most.
Not only do they obviously hire hotties - they dress them like party girls...

Most jobs would fire you if you came to work with a dress that short. :lmao:

So that makes what they say irrelevant?

I enjoy watching the left discredit those they disagree with. Bill O'Reilly interrupts people. Rush Limbaugh is a fat junky. Anne Coulter is skinny, mean spirited and looks like a man.
Now corespondents at FoxNews are too attractive.
I hear all the time how FNC lies, but rarely does anyone point out a specific "lie" and counter it with the "truth".
They all do it...but admittedly - Fox does it the most.
Not only do they obviously hire hotties - they dress them like party girls...

Most jobs would fire you if you came to work with a dress that short. :lmao:

You mean most jobs where the boss is a dumpy, bitter, insecure woman. Not all jobs are like that.

If her dress were any shorter you'd be able to tell if she's a granny panty or thong girl. Not too many respectable jobs that are ok with that kind of view.
They all do it...but admittedly - Fox does it the most.
Not only do they obviously hire hotties - they dress them like party girls...

Most jobs would fire you if you came to work with a dress that short. :lmao:

So that makes what they say irrelevant?

I enjoy watching the left discredit those they disagree with. Bill O'Reilly interrupts people. Rush Limbaugh is a fat junky. Anne Coulter is skinny, mean spirited and looks like a man.
Now corespondents at FoxNews are too attractive.
I hear all the time how FNC lies, but rarely does anyone point out a specific "lie" and counter it with the "truth".

Where did I say that?:confused:
The women of FOX seem like they are chosen to appeal to the same kind of beauty one might find in a Miss USA pagaent.

In other words, they're appealing to middle aged white guys with very conventional taste in women.

What astounds me is how bloody stupid many of them are.

But that too, probably appeals to Fox's targeted demographic.

Does it "astound" you that they are all more successful and accomplished than you? I would be absolutely astounded if every one of them weren't much more intelligent than you as well.

They are not bimbos...they are all intelligent that I have seen, quick to answer questions and debate topics whether you agree with them or not.
But on topic - it is interesting how they dress them. In the professional world, women don't wear party dresses to work. It is true that some women's business suits have fairly short skirts - but few and far between show the kind of leg we see in journalism.

It's a visual medium.
They got fine women of all colors/races on Fox so unless middle aged white guys are the only ones who love to look at beautiful women of all colors I have to disagree.

That's true, you have your choice of white, white, white, and any color hair you want, as long as it's bleach blonde :tongue:

It's clear fox just hires a bunch of teleprompter reading morons.

Loren Greene Black


Julie Banderas Hispanic


Michelle Malkin Philippine


Uma Pemmaraju Indian


Shall I go on, coward?
Julie Banderas and Michelle Malken make me crazy :) So freaking beautiful. Don't forget Kimberly Guilfoyle who is half Puerto Rican. She's smoking hot.

Another hottie is Michelle Fields she's of Honduran descent...

Fox has the hottest women in Cable "news" Hands down winner. Why are they the #1 cable news program? Hot women and great looking sets (no pun intended)
You have to watch the video at this link:

Indeed, the ladies are a pleasure to look at, but I’ve heard a few of them say some pretty stupid things. In truth, they remind me of an old joke.

A sinner asked God why he made women so beautiful?

God replied: So men would love them.

The sinner then asked God why he made women so dumb?

God answered: So they could love men.

one does not preclude the other....
And a large percentage of them have been active as attorneys and judges...

Beauty and brains.....this is what grabs the attention of the brightest and most masculine men...:)

To AquaAthena: It depends on what you mean by brains.

I always try to separate native intelligence from formal intelligence; i.e., intelligence gauged by formal education. A combination of those two is infinitely more substantial than beauty & brains.

The journalistic ladies I admire acquired formal education without sacrificing their native intelligence.

Native intelligence, formal intelligence, and beauty found in one woman is the stuff legends are made of.

And let’s not sell clever women short:

She was charming and sexy, a restless spirit who adored her common law husband. She wanted to be an actress, but found her greatest role as Wyatt Earp’s partner and the protector of his legacy.

In place of the gunslinger, gambler, saloon-keeper, and pimp, Josephine Marcus Earp gave us a “nice clean story” that scrubbed Wyatt spotless as a Sunday school teacher, a successful and generous businessman and a loving husband. Always ready to fight those who would turn his violent past into the stuff of lurid fiction and film, she tried to turn the real man into a senior statesman in a kind of reverse Pygmalion effort – and she mostly succeeded.

How Mrs. Wyatt Earp rewrote history
By Ann Kirschner
Published March 09, 2013

How Mrs. Wyatt Earp rewrote history | Fox News

Why is the question in the thread title 'beauties or bimbos'? It's both.

To Esmeralda: That's a broad generalization. Pun intended.
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Hey Flanders:
Maybe they should just hire stand up comics if they are going after the
18-35 white male crowd.

Here's a woman speaker and pastor who is stirring controversy in how she shares the Gospel, tattoos and even sarcasm and cuss words: Nadia Bolz-Weber - Home

If we saw more role models like this in the media, maybe that would change the focus
to be on the message and the content first, and how it's packaged for presentation second.
it would be totally clear that second part varies, depending on the audience addressed.

You have to watch the video at this link:

Indeed, the ladies are a pleasure to look at, but I’ve heard a few of them say some pretty stupid things. In truth, they remind me of an old joke.

A sinner asked God why he made women so beautiful?

God replied: So men would love them.

The sinner then asked God why he made women so dumb?

God answered: So they could love men.

My joke is that when Jesus wasn't enough to get people to forgive and love one another.
God created computers, so people would find something more frustrating to blame and hate on than human beings. So in comparison, we would learn to forgive problems caused by people as "not so bad" after all!
Here's a woman speaker and pastor who is stirring controversy in how she shares the Gospel, tattoos and even sarcasm and cuss words: Nadia Bolz-Weber - Home

To emilynghiem: Good lord! Lydia found God and changed her name to Nadia:

[ame=]Lydia the Tattooed Lady - YouTube[/ame]​
They got fine women of all colors/races on Fox so unless middle aged white guys are the only ones who love to look at beautiful women of all colors I have to disagree.

What does race have to do with anything I'd written?

Zero point nada.

Neither did I suggest that " middle aged white guys are the only ones who love to look at beautiful women of all colors".

I said, and I stand by, that FOX hires beautiful women along the lines of beauty found in a Miss American pagaent and that choice of beauty is DESIGNED to appeal to the tastes of middle aged White men.

I wonder if the problem is that you think that there is only one kind of beauty in women?

None (or few) of those gals would make it in a runway fashion model beauty contest.

That's another style of beauty, entirely.

THAT was my point.

Fox is offering the LCD of feminine beauty.

Probably a smart move, given their target audience.
That's the most ridiculous statement I have ever heard. Men are attracted to beauty period. White, Black, Asian, Hispanic etc men don't look at a beautiful woman and say "Well she looks like she belongs in a pageant, I'm not attracted to her." In general if a man finds a woman hot it doesn't matter what her background is. It's all about animal instinct, we love to look at beautiful women and don't care if she's walking down a runway, in a pageant, on a game show or walking down the aisle of a supermarket. Hot is hot is hot. To assume a certain race of men prefer a certain type of beauty is sheer ignorance. I'm not a white guy btw.....

Speak for yourself, CK. At a certain point the artificial fake counterfeit plastic too-perfect jiggery-pokery gets real old.
What does race have to do with anything I'd written?

Zero point nada.

Neither did I suggest that " middle aged white guys are the only ones who love to look at beautiful women of all colors".

I said, and I stand by, that FOX hires beautiful women along the lines of beauty found in a Miss American pagaent and that choice of beauty is DESIGNED to appeal to the tastes of middle aged White men.

I wonder if the problem is that you think that there is only one kind of beauty in women?

None (or few) of those gals would make it in a runway fashion model beauty contest.

That's another style of beauty, entirely.

THAT was my point.

Fox is offering the LCD of feminine beauty.

Probably a smart move, given their target audience.
That's the most ridiculous statement I have ever heard. Men are attracted to beauty period. White, Black, Asian, Hispanic etc men don't look at a beautiful woman and say "Well she looks like she belongs in a pageant, I'm not attracted to her." In general if a man finds a woman hot it doesn't matter what her background is. It's all about animal instinct, we love to look at beautiful women and don't care if she's walking down a runway, in a pageant, on a game show or walking down the aisle of a supermarket. Hot is hot is hot. To assume a certain race of men prefer a certain type of beauty is sheer ignorance. I'm not a white guy btw.....

Speak for yourself, CK. At a certain point the artificial fake counterfeit plastic too-perfect jiggery-pokery gets real old.

Lol, you sound like my husband:tongue: He hates the face full of makeup, hair sprayed in to perfection look.
Fox's targeted demographic.

To editec: Conservatives watch FOX because their TV choices are severely limited. That makes conservatives a captive audience; so FOX devotes more effort to attracting liberals with the fair & balanced crapola party line; hence, all of those liberals on a supposedly conservative network. Bottom line: An attractive woman appeals to men of every persuasion.

Bolshoi. Conservatives' TV choices are no more limited than anyone else's.

Unless what you're saying is that conservatives can only handle an echo chamber that tells them what they want to hear. Is that what you're saying in that self-important boldface?
Fox's targeted demographic.

To editec: Conservatives watch FOX because their TV choices are severely limited. That makes conservatives a captive audience; so FOX devotes more effort to attracting liberals with the fair & balanced crapola party line; hence, all of those liberals on a supposedly conservative network. Bottom line: An attractive woman appeals to men of every persuasion.

Bolshoi. Conservatives' TV choices are no more limited than anyone else's.

Unless what you're saying is that conservatives can only handle an echo chamber that tells them what they want to hear. Is that what you're saying in that self-important boldface?
The echo chamber is clearly on the left. That is why Fox news enjoys such high ratings. Most of the rest of the media cow tows to Obama's agenda.

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