Beauties or Bimbos?

That's the most ridiculous statement I have ever heard. Men are attracted to beauty period. White, Black, Asian, Hispanic etc men don't look at a beautiful woman and say "Well she looks like she belongs in a pageant, I'm not attracted to her." In general if a man finds a woman hot it doesn't matter what her background is. It's all about animal instinct, we love to look at beautiful women and don't care if she's walking down a runway, in a pageant, on a game show or walking down the aisle of a supermarket. Hot is hot is hot. To assume a certain race of men prefer a certain type of beauty is sheer ignorance. I'm not a white guy btw.....

Speak for yourself, CK. At a certain point the artificial fake counterfeit plastic too-perfect jiggery-pokery gets real old.

Lol, you sound like my husband:tongue: He hates the face full of makeup, hair sprayed in to perfection look.

Well it's true. I'm really not interested in what chemicals Revlon can put into a bottle; I'm interested in what's in the woman. The most attractive are those self-confident enough to dispense with all the superficiality and simply present their own persona, like it or not.

We (unfairly) put this spotlight on women where they've got to be constantly self-conscious about "is my hair all right" and "will everyone like this dress". Our standard of "beauty" is based on a perfect balance of a cookie-cutter model that abhors anything that could make an individual an individual -- eyes not exactly even, a birthmark, whatever, we consider these "flaws" because what we're looking for is a Barbie doll, which means an image with no character.
Not me. I'll be far more interested in the woman who looks at that system and declares "that's bullshit" and declines to play the game. There lies the point of actual human contact.

CK is correct; it's all about show business. Short-skirted bimbos are part of the Fox Noise design, along with the garish colored sets and the graphics that go whoooosh and the disturbing chyrons and the constant conflict motif that dominates the "news" material. What they're after is the viewer's emotions, not the intellect. If they went for intellect they'd never find their way to first place in the ratings. You can't sell news, but you can sell sex and drama. Television found out what "LCD" stands for long before the liquid crystal display was invented.
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Bolshoi. Conservatives' TV choices are no more limited than anyone else's.

Unless what you're saying is that conservatives can only handle an echo chamber that tells them what they want to hear. Is that what you're saying in that self-important boldface?

To Pogo: Intelligence limits choices. Nobody with an ounce of brains willingly tunes in to Left-wing talking points, liberal bias, and doublespeak. Socialists must force and/or trick anyone other liberals to listen. Brainwashing children in the public schools, required courses in universities, and the Democrat party’s ongoing efforts to bring back the discredited Fairness Doctrine (1949 to 1987) prove my case time and time again.

Learn from a conservative. I don’t read or listen to anything I don’t like when I know what’s coming. In addition to my format that annoys you, don’t read my messages if you don’t like what I say.
Bolshoi. Conservatives' TV choices are no more limited than anyone else's.

Unless what you're saying is that conservatives can only handle an echo chamber that tells them what they want to hear. Is that what you're saying in that self-important boldface?

To Pogo: Intelligence limits choices. Nobody with an ounce of brains willingly tunes in to Left-wing talking points, liberal bias, and doublespeak. Socialists must force and/or trick anyone other liberals to listen. Brainwashing children in the public schools, required courses in universities, and the Democrat party’s ongoing efforts to bring back the discredited Fairness Doctrine (1949 to 1987) prove my case time and time again.

Learn from a conservative. I don’t read or listen to anything I don’t like when I know what’s coming. In addition to my format that annoys you, don’t read my messages if you don’t like what I say.

Actually I'm not even sure what it is you say for all the BIG SCREAMING TYPEFACE noise. Sorry if you're laboring under the impression that your words are more important. That must be a burden. But as I was saying about women, pretentiousness doesn't impress me.

So let's see-- "intelligence limits choices" huh? You're saying that conservatives have only one choice because they lack intelligence? Well that oughta get you a few replies :lmao:
I don't believe you and I have ever discussed the Fairness Doctrine (I would have remembered the typeface) but it's never been "discredited". Incidentally it was championed by conservatives.

Hope you can find a way to read this in a normal typeface. Like normal people.
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Speak for yourself, CK. At a certain point the artificial fake counterfeit plastic too-perfect jiggery-pokery gets real old.

Lol, you sound like my husband:tongue: He hates the face full of makeup, hair sprayed in to perfection look.

Well it's true. I'm really not interested in what chemicals Revlon can put into a bottle; I'm interested in what's in the woman. The most attractive are those self-confident enough to dispense with all the superficiality and simply present their own persona, like it or not.

We (unfairly) put this spotlight on women where they've got to be constantly self-conscious about "is my hair all right" and "will everyone like this dress". Our standard of "beauty" is based on a perfect balance of a cookie-cutter model that abhors anything that could make an individual an individual -- eyes not exactly even, a birthmark, whatever, we consider these "flaws" because what we're looking for is a Barbie doll, which means an image with no character.
Not me. I'll be far more interested in the woman who looks at that system and declares "that's bullshit" and declines to play the game. There lies the point of actual human contact.

CK is correct; it's all about show business. Short-skirted bimbos are part of the Fox Noise design, along with the garish colored sets and the graphics that go whoooosh and the disturbing chyrons and the constant conflict motif that dominates the "news" material. What they're after is the viewer's emotions, not the intellect. If they went for intellect they'd never find their way to first place in the ratings. You can't sell news, but you can sell sex and drama. Television found out what "LCD" stands for long before the liquid crystal display was invented.

What a joke. All this 'I respect women too much!' performance as a thinly-veiled cover for the same old partisan hackery. Who do you think you're kidding?
To editec: Conservatives watch FOX because their TV choices are severely limited. That makes conservatives a captive audience; so FOX devotes more effort to attracting liberals with the fair & balanced crapola party line; hence, all of those liberals on a supposedly conservative network. Bottom line: An attractive woman appeals to men of every persuasion.

Bolshoi. Conservatives' TV choices are no more limited than anyone else's.

Unless what you're saying is that conservatives can only handle an echo chamber that tells them what they want to hear. Is that what you're saying in that self-important boldface?
The echo chamber is clearly on the left. That is why Fox news enjoys such high ratings. Most of the rest of the media cow tows to Obama's agenda.

Fox is a right wing propaganda outlet. Those that are liberal, independent, democratic and libertarians like to get their news from numerous outlets, then come up with their own opinions.

The right wingers on the other hand only want to hear what they want to hear and nothing else, and let fox do all the thinking for them as thinking for yourself is "too hard" That's why they site on their fat asses all day being programmed by the BS from fox.
Bolshoi. Conservatives' TV choices are no more limited than anyone else's.

Unless what you're saying is that conservatives can only handle an echo chamber that tells them what they want to hear. Is that what you're saying in that self-important boldface?
The echo chamber is clearly on the left. That is why Fox news enjoys such high ratings. Most of the rest of the media cow tows to Obama's agenda.

Fox is a right wing propaganda outlet. Those that are liberal, independent, democratic and libertarians like to get their news from numerous outlets, then come up with their own opinions.

The right wingers on the other hand only want to hear what they want to hear and nothing else, and let fox do all the thinking for them as thinking for yourself is "too hard" That's why they site on their fat asses all day being programmed by the BS from fox.

like there is no left wing echo chamber

Huff Poo

among others
What does race have to do with anything I'd written?

Zero point nada.

Neither did I suggest that " middle aged white guys are the only ones who love to look at beautiful women of all colors".

I said, and I stand by, that FOX hires beautiful women along the lines of beauty found in a Miss American pagaent and that choice of beauty is DESIGNED to appeal to the tastes of middle aged White men.

I wonder if the problem is that you think that there is only one kind of beauty in women?

None (or few) of those gals would make it in a runway fashion model beauty contest.

That's another style of beauty, entirely.

THAT was my point.

Fox is offering the LCD of feminine beauty.

Probably a smart move, given their target audience.
That's the most ridiculous statement I have ever heard. Men are attracted to beauty period. White, Black, Asian, Hispanic etc men don't look at a beautiful woman and say "Well she looks like she belongs in a pageant, I'm not attracted to her." In general if a man finds a woman hot it doesn't matter what her background is. It's all about animal instinct, we love to look at beautiful women and don't care if she's walking down a runway, in a pageant, on a game show or walking down the aisle of a supermarket. Hot is hot is hot. To assume a certain race of men prefer a certain type of beauty is sheer ignorance. I'm not a white guy btw.....

Speak for yourself, CK. At a certain point the artificial fake counterfeit plastic too-perfect jiggery-pokery gets real old.

Bolshoi. Conservatives' TV choices are no more limited than anyone else's.

Unless what you're saying is that conservatives can only handle an echo chamber that tells them what they want to hear. Is that what you're saying in that self-important boldface?
The echo chamber is clearly on the left. That is why Fox news enjoys such high ratings. Most of the rest of the media cow tows to Obama's agenda.

Fox is a right wing propaganda outlet. Those that are liberal, independent, democratic and libertarians like to get their news from numerous outlets, then come up with their own opinions.

The right wingers on the other hand only want to hear what they want to hear and nothing else, and let fox do all the thinking for them as thinking for yourself is "too hard" That's why they site on their fat asses all day being programmed by the BS from fox.

Do you watch FoxNews? I watch CBS or NBC network news regularly. I go to HuffPo and occasionally MSNBC to read up on how the Left is reporting a story, but it is YOU complaining that the Right gets all their news from Fox. Man up, coward! How often do you watch anything more than a clip from FNC that ThinkProgress has edited and posted on their site?
The echo chamber is clearly on the left. That is why Fox news enjoys such high ratings. Most of the rest of the media cow tows to Obama's agenda.

Fox is a right wing propaganda outlet. Those that are liberal, independent, democratic and libertarians like to get their news from numerous outlets, then come up with their own opinions.

The right wingers on the other hand only want to hear what they want to hear and nothing else, and let fox do all the thinking for them as thinking for yourself is "too hard" That's why they site on their fat asses all day being programmed by the BS from fox.

like there is no left wing echo chamber

Huff Poo

among others

I have never heard of those, though I do see quite a bit of 3rd grade nonsense which is typical of the intelligence levels of the common right winger.
You have to watch the video at this link:

Indeed, the ladies are a pleasure to look at, but I’ve heard a few of them say some pretty stupid things. In truth, they remind me of an old joke.

A sinner asked God why he made women so beautiful?

God replied: So men would love them.

The sinner then asked God why he made women so dumb?

God answered: So they could love men.

Still more evidence of the sissie left wing's war on women.
Bolshoi. Conservatives' TV choices are no more limited than anyone else's.

Unless what you're saying is that conservatives can only handle an echo chamber that tells them what they want to hear. Is that what you're saying in that self-important boldface?
The echo chamber is clearly on the left. That is why Fox news enjoys such high ratings. Most of the rest of the media cow tows to Obama's agenda.

Fox is a right wing propaganda outlet. Those that are liberal, independent, democratic and libertarians like to get their news from numerous outlets, then come up with their own opinions.

The right wingers on the other hand only want to hear what they want to hear and nothing else, and let fox do all the thinking for them as thinking for yourself is "too hard" That's why they site on their fat asses all day being programmed by the BS from fox.

Ah, yet another "liberals are smart and pure of heart, and conservatives are poopy-heads!" contribution by some mindless partisan idiot. Why the fuck do you bother with such empty, self-indulgent nonsense?
The echo chamber is clearly on the left. That is why Fox news enjoys such high ratings. Most of the rest of the media cow tows to Obama's agenda.

Fox is a right wing propaganda outlet. Those that are liberal, independent, democratic and libertarians like to get their news from numerous outlets, then come up with their own opinions.

The right wingers on the other hand only want to hear what they want to hear and nothing else, and let fox do all the thinking for them as thinking for yourself is "too hard" That's why they site on their fat asses all day being programmed by the BS from fox.

Ah, yet another "liberals are smart and pure of heart, and conservatives are poopy-heads!" contribution by some mindless partisan idiot. Why the fuck do you bother with such empty, self-indulgent nonsense?

You can't handle the truth, so you have to resort to childish name calling.

Yes, you are a perfect example of a right wing "poopy-head"
Fox is a right wing propaganda outlet. Those that are liberal, independent, democratic and libertarians like to get their news from numerous outlets, then come up with their own opinions.

The right wingers on the other hand only want to hear what they want to hear and nothing else, and let fox do all the thinking for them as thinking for yourself is "too hard" That's why they site on their fat asses all day being programmed by the BS from fox.

Ah, yet another "liberals are smart and pure of heart, and conservatives are poopy-heads!" contribution by some mindless partisan idiot. Why the fuck do you bother with such empty, self-indulgent nonsense?

You can't handle the truth, so you have to resort to childish name calling.

Yes, you are a perfect example of a right wing "poopy-head"

Thanks for proving to the world that you are in fact the mindless, infantile, partisan hysteric I took you for.
Ah, yet another "liberals are smart and pure of heart, and conservatives are poopy-heads!" contribution by some mindless partisan idiot. Why the fuck do you bother with such empty, self-indulgent nonsense?

You can't handle the truth, so you have to resort to childish name calling.

Yes, you are a perfect example of a right wing "poopy-head"

Thanks for proving to the world that you are in fact the mindless, infantile, partisan hysteric I took you for.

Thanks for confirming the first line of my previous post once again :up: :clap2:
Run along now, kiddie, we've seen your whole act. Maybe you'll have something to say after you've grown up.
So let's see-- "intelligence limits choices" huh? You're saying that conservatives have only one choice because they lack intelligence? Well that oughta get you a few replies :lmao:

To Pogo: You are too stupid to play word games. Don’t you realize that debates in print are not the same as face to face debates. Print debates catches stupid people trying to be clever every time. This is what I said:

Intelligence limits choices. Nobody with an ounce of brains willingly tunes in to Left-wing talking points, liberal bias, and doublespeak.
So let's see-- "intelligence limits choices" huh? You're saying that conservatives have only one choice because they lack intelligence? Well that oughta get you a few replies :lmao:

To Pogo: You are too stupid to play word games. Don’t you realize that debates in print are not the same as face to face debates. Print debates catches stupid people trying to be clever every time. This is what I said:

Intelligence limits choices. Nobody with an ounce of brains willingly tunes in to Left-wing talking points, liberal bias, and doublespeak.

That's exactly what I said you said. Verbatim.
And it confirms what I asked before with "Conservatives watch FOX because their TV choices are severely limited" -- that what you're saying is that conservatives will only listen to an echo chamber that tells them what they want to hear. You've just reiterated it.

A simple 'yes' would have sufficed.

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