Because of Leftists this is deemed offensive

Do I look and sound like I'm asking for a safe space? I love mocking and shaming Confederate idolaters. I'm more of an advocate of bullying them off the block.
So if someone is wearing a jacket cause they think it’s cool they should be vilified or just asked not to wear it? They aren’t the same thing. Bullying is a slippery slope.
It was 1990, over 30 years ago. Why do we care what GnR wore way back when? Their hair was flammable there music was...meh, sometimes good, sometimes not.

Are we going to get bent out of shaping defending poor fashion decisions of the past?

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I dig the Pistols and Siouxsie Sioux. I could care less about some of their ridiculous attempts to appear rebellious in their dipshit youth.
No!!’ That is my point. Thank you, leftist. I am glad you understand.
Sure you are. You know, the communists killed all the socialists. Once you start The Terror, you don't control where or how far it goes. Your assumption that it will just be people you hate, is fucking stupid.
I'm not advocating violence, only mockery and ridicule until your culture dies from shame and embarrassment but feel free to live in fear chicken little.
So, if your bullshit about "traitors" was just bullshit, then what is your real reason for desiring to commit genocide?
It wasn't bullshit. Confederates were traitors who fought and killed Americans, just because I don't give a shit about a bunch of racist Whites slaughtering each other doesn't mean there aren't Americans out there who generally despise your idolatry of traitors.
Bullshit. Trump won plenty of norther states. Tell my you don't want to commit genocide on those northern whites too.
Against white wing culture? Sure. All Whites who embrace the Cobfederacy can get mocked and cancelled until they learn to act right.
You claimed that the celebration of Confederate Symbols was the celebration of the Confederacy. I pointed out that that was not true.
You tried to argue that waving a Confederate flag around doesn't mean you're venerating racist slavers and traitors but that argument is stupid and easily dismissed seeing as no one forced you to wave around their symbols.
So, what is your real reason for hating these people and wanting to commit genocide on them?
Because they venerate a racist backwards culture of slavers. What about that is not registering for you?
Yes, you are winning now. Too many people are spineless wimps who think that kowtowing to you monsters is the way to get along.
Or they genuinely think you're a piece of shit like the rest of us.
But, as you people become more and more vile and violent, more and more people will start to fight back.
Fight back. Go ahead. That will be useful propaganda to use against you. There is a reason BLM protesters get celebrated while the cucks at the Capitol get labeled insurrectionists, one cause is seen as just and the other a angry outburst from a bunch of cucks who don't like America's changing demographics and the shift in politics and culture that brings.
THe 60s were a time of turmoil, caused by a MINORITY of like 12% demanding rights.

What do you think your life will be like, when your side is trying to oppress 40 percent of the population?
40% of you aren't going to fight back. That 12% was fighting for equality, something that was worth dying for while you cucks are fighting to keep celebrating dead racists. Hardly any fool is going to want to die over that and the first few fools who do and going to turn the rest pussy real quick.
You think that is going to work out the way you want?

It is bitch. Do something about it. :hhello:
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So if someone is wearing a jacket cause they think it’s cool they should be vilified or just asked not to wear it? They aren’t the same thing. Bullying is a slippery slope.
Bullying a Confederate idolater is like punching a Nazi, no one is going to get too bent out of shape about it.
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I'm not advocating violence, only mockery and ridicule until your culture dies from shame and embarrassment but feel free to live in fear chicken little.

I remember when Patrick Buchanan first talked of the Culture War. Libtards back then, denied that there was such a thing. Now you libtards are openly advocating for Cultural Genocide.

How do I know that your lying is done? ANd it is worth nothing, your hate, doesn't seem like the kind to limit itself.

It wasn't bullshit. Confederates were traitors who fought and killed Americans, just because I don't give a shit about a bunch of racist Whites slaughtering each other doesn't mean there aren't Americans out there who generally despise your idolatry of traitors.

Blah, blah, blah. I asked a simple fucking question. What is YOUR motive if it is not concern for America and "traitors"?

Must be pretty fucking dark, considering that you are willing to be open about a desire for Genocide, but don't want to share your real motivation.

Against white wing culture? Sure. All Whites who embrace the Cobfederacy can get mocked and cancelled until they learn to act right.

So, even more, we can drop all the shit that your hate and motivate is about the Confederacy, or "Traitors".

Is your hate racial or is it more a political ideological thing?

You tried to argue that waving a Confederate flag around doesn't mean you're venerating racist slavers and traitors but that argument is stupid and easily dismissed seeing as no one forced to you wave around their symbols.

It's an historical fact that over 5 generations of Americans were fine with considering it a harmless celebration of regional pride.

You not liking it doesn't change that. So you know that your pretense of caring about "wacist slavery" and such shit is just bullshit.

What is the real reason for your hate?

Because they venerate a racist backwards culture of slavers. What about that is not registering for you?

You are an anti-American, anti-white racist asshole. YOu don't care about that. What is the real reason for your hate and desire for genocide?

Or they genuinely think you're a piece of shit like the rest of us.

Possibly. But anyone old enough to remember prior to this most recent Party Line bullshit, should know better.

Fight back. Go ahead. That will be useful propaganda to use against you. There is a reason BLM protesters get celebrated while the cucks at the Capitol get labeled insurrectionists, one cause is seen as just and the other a angry outburst from a bunch of cucks who don't like America's changing demographics and the shift in politics and culture that brings.

Sure, there is a reason. It's called LYING.

What does it mean to you, that you have to lie so much? Can you grasp that that means you are the bad guy?

40% of you aren't going to fight back. That 12% was fighting for equality, something that was worth dying for while you cucks are fighting to keep celebrating dead racists. Hardly any fool is going to want to die over that and the first few fools who do and going to turn the rest pussy real quick.

It is bitch. Do something about it. :hhello:

You admitted that your goal is genocide. Those that are stupid enough to think that this is about Confederate Flags, will catch on sooner or later.

And genocide is a great reason to motivate people to fight back. Much better than the shit your 12 % had.

I look forward to hearing people like you whine like faggots when this blows up in your stupid fucking faces.
Bullying a Confederate idolater is like punching a Nazi, no one is going to get too bent out of shape about it.

The person you pretended was a Confederate Idolater, might be bent out of shape about it. And his family. And his friends. And people that knew him and know that what you said was bullshit.

I look forward to hearing you people whine like faggots when this blows up in your fucking faces.
I remember when Patrick Buchanan first talked of the Culture War. Libtards back then, denied that there was such a thing. Now you libtards are openly advocating for Cultural Genocide.

How do I know that your lying is done? ANd it is worth nothing, your hate, doesn't seem like the kind to limit itself.

Blah, blah, blah. I asked a simple fucking question. What is YOUR motive if it is not concern for America and "traitors"?

Must be pretty fucking dark, considering that you are willing to be open about a desire for Genocide, but don't want to share your real motivation.

So, even more, we can drop all the shit that your hate and motivate is about the Confederacy, or "Traitors".

Is your hate racial or is it more a political ideological thing?

It's an historical fact that over 5 generations of Americans were fine with considering it a harmless celebration of regional pride.

You not liking it doesn't change that. So you know that your pretense of caring about "wacist slavery" and such shit is just bullshit.

What is the real reason for your hate?

You are an anti-American, anti-white racist asshole. YOu don't care about that. What is the real reason for your hate and desire for genocide?

Possibly. But anyone old enough to remember prior to this most recent Party Line bullshit, should know better.

Sure, there is a reason. It's called LYING.

What does it mean to you, that you have to lie so much? Can you grasp that that means you are the bad guy?

You admitted that your goal is genocide. Those that are stupid enough to think that this is about Confederate Flags, will catch on sooner or later.

And genocide is a great reason to motivate people to fight back. Much better than the shit your 12 % had.

I look forward to hearing people like you whine like faggots when this blows up in your stupid fucking faces.
Oh...Patrick Buchanan...............explains a lot...... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
It sure your so-called "regional pride" flag is the wrong flag about a short-lived loser cause. That's why losers fly it.

No, it is telling that it is the "Wrong flag".

YOu going to address the point you brought up?

Why do you think that happened? Why not the ACTUAL flag of the Confederacy?
What is your source for that figure? Or are you just lying again?
Common sense. Like 85% of NBA players are black. And again hyperbole isn’t lying. If I say Tom Brady is God, I am not lying it’s a figure of speech and hyperbole. Grow up.

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