Because of no right to own firearms...

Why do you have no choice but to use the VA medical?

We have a shortage of Civilian Doctors accepting Medicare patients. It appears that quite a few figured out a way to make extra money by forming Medical Clubs where you pay X amount of Dollars to join the club and then they will take care of you. If you can't afford to join the club, you will get substandard care. What some of the Doctors are doing is freezing out the HMOs that way by making their own HMOs. With the shortage of GPs that accept new Medicare Patients, many are left to go to clinics that are just one step above a Veterinarian Clinic. In fact, some Vet Clinics are better. I am one of the lucky few that have the option to be able to use the VA Hospital for in and out patient care as well as long term and medicine.

Since the Civilian Care is so poor, the VA has opened it's doors to us. Without it, we would be in dire straits. They don't have to. Actually, they do but they can handle us in a space A type way. WE end up using the VA for Universal Health Care and it works well.

The VA is very cost conscience. The Doctors and staff make less than the Civilian Hospitals. Have more employment rules. The VA support staff is generally short handed but the folks they have are aces. There is no long waiting. You get in and out fast, get the help you need and the medicine and you are out the door. Unlike the Civilian Counterpart where you will spend hours on one visit. If the VA doesn't have the specialtist you need, they will refer you to a civilian specialtist who will also be prompt and get you in and out in a timely manner. The Civilian Sector could learn a whole hell of a lot from the VA in cutting costs, time management and other things. I would like to see the VA boilerplate used in Civilian Medicine. Instead, the Civilian Medical Community keeps trying to break the VA down to their own way of doing things. Not on my watch.
You can keep your socialized medicine, leave the rest of us out of it.
It does not require our participation.
It’s only fair to have socialized medicine as an “opt in”, for those that want it... the rest of us want nothing to do with it.
Fine. Obama didn't want a mandate anyway. But obviously we have to go 2 big cost-cutting... The cost of healthcare here is ridiculous. That is the problem with Obamacare.
Like I said, Socialized medicine should be an “opt in”.
It does not require our participation that want nothing to do with it

Actually, you have it backward. It should be an Opt Out. Using Denmark as the yardstick, they have Universal Health Care. They pay half of what we pay in the US and get top knotch health care and medicine. There is NO bill given. Not one dime is asked for. If you are visiting Denmark and need medical care, they take care of you and don't charge you a dime even though you aren't even a citizen. There are people that come from other countries to use those health facilities. And when you figure the cost, it's half of what we pay here in the United States using a private system. This is also how the VA works and always has since it was consieved. It looks like the Dutch borrowed from the VA system and used it for their own. So don't tell me that it doesn't work.

What makes it work is the bulk buying of everything from equipment to medicine. The Medical Community wants to see this but the Pharmacutical and Suppliers don't. And the Insurance Companies and HMOs don't want it either. You see, they would be gone completely and the cost savings would be passed on the to public. In otherwords, put the Medicine back into the Doctors hands and send the leaches packing. But the Lobbyists are purchasing the Congress Critters who aren't working for us anymore and having for a very long time.
Na, not really.
Any socialize medicine should be an “opt in” no one should be forced into shit they want nothing to do with.
Me, and millions just like me and want nothing to do with an “collective”
You are so full of shit about the amount of guns in Rural America. There just aren't enough population in Rural America to go around. Remember, there cupcake, I grew up Rural America. So stop lying. And move onto something else. You lost this one.
Na, progressive blue urban America have hardly any legally held firearms.
Rural red America is where most of the legally held firearms are. Fact
You progressives don’t believe in firearm ownership in any form, you want to abolish the second amendment...


Wow, what a whopper on this one. You, meaning me, Progressives don't believe something? Are you saying that I, Personally, want to get rid of all guns? That I, personally, want the authorities to come to your home and collect all your firearms? That I, personally, want all households and businesses to have to surrender all firearms so that they can be destroyed? Now, show where I have said any of that.

Well, I have said that maybe we should have you sent to a Shrink to find out if you are stable enough to have a firearm of any kind. But that's just you.

You sure to like to lie, cupcake.
Spoken like a true blue anti-gun nutter, we can see right through you.
You have said many times you want to abolish the second amendment

I have stated that it is long on the tooth and at least the first 2/3rds of it have already been superceded. It needs updated. I have also stated we need a 2nd amendment more than a few times. But it needs to be spelled out better. No blanket statement that can be misinterpreted in so many different ways. You keep trying to speak for me. Well, the more you do, the more I think we need you to be forced to visit that shrink to see if you are stable enough to own firearms. You just might be the next fruitcake to go off on the public with all those red flags.

Meanwhile, the rest of us stable gun owners will wake up in the morning, the sun will come up and our guns are going to be okay. And the world won't end.
The second amendment will be strengthened, Trump will be able to nominate two maybe 3 Supreme Court court justices. And they will be very pro-gun, unlike you.

What you don't understand is that a Supreme Court Judge can only make a ruling within the confines of the Constitution of the United States. Not just the part that is interpreted the way you want it to be. But all of it. Trump can replace 2 or 3 Judges but the rulings won't change much. They will still have to rule with the 14th amendment in mind. That's the part you want totally disregarded. Not going to happen.

I am not anti-gun. I am anti-fruitcake, cupcake. And so is the majority of the American Public.
We have a shortage of Civilian Doctors accepting Medicare patients. It appears that quite a few figured out a way to make extra money by forming Medical Clubs where you pay X amount of Dollars to join the club and then they will take care of you. If you can't afford to join the club, you will get substandard care. What some of the Doctors are doing is freezing out the HMOs that way by making their own HMOs. With the shortage of GPs that accept new Medicare Patients, many are left to go to clinics that are just one step above a Veterinarian Clinic. In fact, some Vet Clinics are better. I am one of the lucky few that have the option to be able to use the VA Hospital for in and out patient care as well as long term and medicine.

Since the Civilian Care is so poor, the VA has opened it's doors to us. Without it, we would be in dire straits. They don't have to. Actually, they do but they can handle us in a space A type way. WE end up using the VA for Universal Health Care and it works well.

The VA is very cost conscience. The Doctors and staff make less than the Civilian Hospitals. Have more employment rules. The VA support staff is generally short handed but the folks they have are aces. There is no long waiting. You get in and out fast, get the help you need and the medicine and you are out the door. Unlike the Civilian Counterpart where you will spend hours on one visit. If the VA doesn't have the specialtist you need, they will refer you to a civilian specialtist who will also be prompt and get you in and out in a timely manner. The Civilian Sector could learn a whole hell of a lot from the VA in cutting costs, time management and other things. I would like to see the VA boilerplate used in Civilian Medicine. Instead, the Civilian Medical Community keeps trying to break the VA down to their own way of doing things. Not on my watch.
You can keep your socialized medicine, leave the rest of us out of it.
It does not require our participation.
It’s only fair to have socialized medicine as an “opt in”, for those that want it... the rest of us want nothing to do with it.
Fine. Obama didn't want a mandate anyway. But obviously we have to go 2 big cost-cutting... The cost of healthcare here is ridiculous. That is the problem with Obamacare.
Like I said, Socialized medicine should be an “opt in”.
It does not require our participation that want nothing to do with it

Actually, you have it backward. It should be an Opt Out. Using Denmark as the yardstick, they have Universal Health Care. They pay half of what we pay in the US and get top knotch health care and medicine. There is NO bill given. Not one dime is asked for. If you are visiting Denmark and need medical care, they take care of you and don't charge you a dime even though you aren't even a citizen. There are people that come from other countries to use those health facilities. And when you figure the cost, it's half of what we pay here in the United States using a private system. This is also how the VA works and always has since it was consieved. It looks like the Dutch borrowed from the VA system and used it for their own. So don't tell me that it doesn't work.

What makes it work is the bulk buying of everything from equipment to medicine. The Medical Community wants to see this but the Pharmacutical and Suppliers don't. And the Insurance Companies and HMOs don't want it either. You see, they would be gone completely and the cost savings would be passed on the to public. In otherwords, put the Medicine back into the Doctors hands and send the leaches packing. But the Lobbyists are purchasing the Congress Critters who aren't working for us anymore and having for a very long time.
Na, not really.
Any socialize medicine should be an “opt in” no one should be forced into shit they want nothing to do with.
Me, and millions just like me and want nothing to do with an “collective”

Now you have Millions of little Meeses in your pocket you are speaking for. Sit back and we both can watch things in November. It just might surprise us both.
Na, progressive blue urban America have hardly any legally held firearms.
Rural red America is where most of the legally held firearms are. Fact
You progressives don’t believe in firearm ownership in any form, you want to abolish the second amendment...


Wow, what a whopper on this one. You, meaning me, Progressives don't believe something? Are you saying that I, Personally, want to get rid of all guns? That I, personally, want the authorities to come to your home and collect all your firearms? That I, personally, want all households and businesses to have to surrender all firearms so that they can be destroyed? Now, show where I have said any of that.

Well, I have said that maybe we should have you sent to a Shrink to find out if you are stable enough to have a firearm of any kind. But that's just you.

You sure to like to lie, cupcake.
Spoken like a true blue anti-gun nutter, we can see right through you.
You have said many times you want to abolish the second amendment

I have stated that it is long on the tooth and at least the first 2/3rds of it have already been superceded. It needs updated. I have also stated we need a 2nd amendment more than a few times. But it needs to be spelled out better. No blanket statement that can be misinterpreted in so many different ways. You keep trying to speak for me. Well, the more you do, the more I think we need you to be forced to visit that shrink to see if you are stable enough to own firearms. You just might be the next fruitcake to go off on the public with all those red flags.

Meanwhile, the rest of us stable gun owners will wake up in the morning, the sun will come up and our guns are going to be okay. And the world won't end.
The second amendment will be strengthened, Trump will be able to nominate two maybe 3 Supreme Court court justices. And they will be very pro-gun, unlike you.

What you don't understand is that a Supreme Court Judge can only make a ruling within the confines of the Constitution of the United States. Not just the part that is interpreted the way you want it to be. But all of it. Trump can replace 2 or 3 Judges but the rulings won't change much. They will still have to rule with the 14th amendment in mind. That's the part you want totally disregarded. Not going to happen.

I am not anti-gun. I am anti-fruitcake, cupcake. And so is the majority of the American Public.
Cases by lower courts will be brought before the Supreme Court to strengthen the Second Amendment.
And as far as your anti-gun crusade... elections have consequences
You can keep your socialized medicine, leave the rest of us out of it.
It does not require our participation.
It’s only fair to have socialized medicine as an “opt in”, for those that want it... the rest of us want nothing to do with it.
Fine. Obama didn't want a mandate anyway. But obviously we have to go 2 big cost-cutting... The cost of healthcare here is ridiculous. That is the problem with Obamacare.
Like I said, Socialized medicine should be an “opt in”.
It does not require our participation that want nothing to do with it

Actually, you have it backward. It should be an Opt Out. Using Denmark as the yardstick, they have Universal Health Care. They pay half of what we pay in the US and get top knotch health care and medicine. There is NO bill given. Not one dime is asked for. If you are visiting Denmark and need medical care, they take care of you and don't charge you a dime even though you aren't even a citizen. There are people that come from other countries to use those health facilities. And when you figure the cost, it's half of what we pay here in the United States using a private system. This is also how the VA works and always has since it was consieved. It looks like the Dutch borrowed from the VA system and used it for their own. So don't tell me that it doesn't work.

What makes it work is the bulk buying of everything from equipment to medicine. The Medical Community wants to see this but the Pharmacutical and Suppliers don't. And the Insurance Companies and HMOs don't want it either. You see, they would be gone completely and the cost savings would be passed on the to public. In otherwords, put the Medicine back into the Doctors hands and send the leaches packing. But the Lobbyists are purchasing the Congress Critters who aren't working for us anymore and having for a very long time.
Na, not really.
Any socialize medicine should be an “opt in” no one should be forced into shit they want nothing to do with.
Me, and millions just like me and want nothing to do with an “collective”

Now you have Millions of little Meeses in your pocket you are speaking for. Sit back and we both can watch things in November. It just might surprise us both.
Socialist entitlement programs have zero appeal to me and millions like me
Obama care is a cancer

Do you support the VA Health Care? And why? And don't go off on we owe it to the boys and girls that wore the uniform. Trust me, the civilian health care is so screwed up right now it's a friggin mess. And you can no longer blame it on Obamacare. This is completely owned by your Trumpets. I have no choice but to use the VA facilities even though I should be 100% covered less $175 deductible for the year. But trying to find a GP to accept it just ain't happening. Oh, yes, I can get one just above a horse doctor but not a good one. And my medicine costs would be outrageous. So I use the VA who bills Medicare and Tricare and I use copay for medicine.

I don't want to see the VA privatized. The Private or Civilian Medical is a disaster and it becomes even a bigger disaster as you get older. I want to see the Civilian Medical use the VA as a blueprint. The VA works and it works well no matter how much bad press it gets. To us that use it, we know that it's a far cry better than the Civilian Medical System.

Why do you have no choice but to use the VA medical?

We have a shortage of Civilian Doctors accepting Medicare patients. It appears that quite a few figured out a way to make extra money by forming Medical Clubs where you pay X amount of Dollars to join the club and then they will take care of you. If you can't afford to join the club, you will get substandard care. What some of the Doctors are doing is freezing out the HMOs that way by making their own HMOs. With the shortage of GPs that accept new Medicare Patients, many are left to go to clinics that are just one step above a Veterinarian Clinic. In fact, some Vet Clinics are better. I am one of the lucky few that have the option to be able to use the VA Hospital for in and out patient care as well as long term and medicine.

Since the Civilian Care is so poor, the VA has opened it's doors to us. Without it, we would be in dire straits. They don't have to. Actually, they do but they can handle us in a space A type way. WE end up using the VA for Universal Health Care and it works well.

The VA is very cost conscience. The Doctors and staff make less than the Civilian Hospitals. Have more employment rules. The VA support staff is generally short handed but the folks they have are aces. There is no long waiting. You get in and out fast, get the help you need and the medicine and you are out the door. Unlike the Civilian Counterpart where you will spend hours on one visit. If the VA doesn't have the specialtist you need, they will refer you to a civilian specialtist who will also be prompt and get you in and out in a timely manner. The Civilian Sector could learn a whole hell of a lot from the VA in cutting costs, time management and other things. I would like to see the VA boilerplate used in Civilian Medicine. Instead, the Civilian Medical Community keeps trying to break the VA down to their own way of doing things. Not on my watch.
You can keep your socialized medicine, leave the rest of us out of it.
It does not require our participation.
It’s only fair to have socialized medicine as an “opt in”, for those that want it... the rest of us want nothing to do with it.
Fine. Obama didn't want a mandate anyway. But obviously we have to go 2 big cost-cutting... The cost of healthcare here is ridiculous. That is the problem with Obamacare.

The original design was to allow it to be tweaked. Change it to make it work. Allowing Congress to make it better as time goes by. But instead of tweaking it, they decided to jam it up like it is now. It's not completely a friggin mess. AS it stands now, they do need to get rid of the thing since it's been destroyed anyway. And replace it with something that will actually work. But the Rich just want to get richer and send the poor home to die.
Do you support the VA Health Care? And why? And don't go off on we owe it to the boys and girls that wore the uniform. Trust me, the civilian health care is so screwed up right now it's a friggin mess. And you can no longer blame it on Obamacare. This is completely owned by your Trumpets. I have no choice but to use the VA facilities even though I should be 100% covered less $175 deductible for the year. But trying to find a GP to accept it just ain't happening. Oh, yes, I can get one just above a horse doctor but not a good one. And my medicine costs would be outrageous. So I use the VA who bills Medicare and Tricare and I use copay for medicine.

I don't want to see the VA privatized. The Private or Civilian Medical is a disaster and it becomes even a bigger disaster as you get older. I want to see the Civilian Medical use the VA as a blueprint. The VA works and it works well no matter how much bad press it gets. To us that use it, we know that it's a far cry better than the Civilian Medical System.

Why do you have no choice but to use the VA medical?

We have a shortage of Civilian Doctors accepting Medicare patients. It appears that quite a few figured out a way to make extra money by forming Medical Clubs where you pay X amount of Dollars to join the club and then they will take care of you. If you can't afford to join the club, you will get substandard care. What some of the Doctors are doing is freezing out the HMOs that way by making their own HMOs. With the shortage of GPs that accept new Medicare Patients, many are left to go to clinics that are just one step above a Veterinarian Clinic. In fact, some Vet Clinics are better. I am one of the lucky few that have the option to be able to use the VA Hospital for in and out patient care as well as long term and medicine.

Since the Civilian Care is so poor, the VA has opened it's doors to us. Without it, we would be in dire straits. They don't have to. Actually, they do but they can handle us in a space A type way. WE end up using the VA for Universal Health Care and it works well.

The VA is very cost conscience. The Doctors and staff make less than the Civilian Hospitals. Have more employment rules. The VA support staff is generally short handed but the folks they have are aces. There is no long waiting. You get in and out fast, get the help you need and the medicine and you are out the door. Unlike the Civilian Counterpart where you will spend hours on one visit. If the VA doesn't have the specialtist you need, they will refer you to a civilian specialtist who will also be prompt and get you in and out in a timely manner. The Civilian Sector could learn a whole hell of a lot from the VA in cutting costs, time management and other things. I would like to see the VA boilerplate used in Civilian Medicine. Instead, the Civilian Medical Community keeps trying to break the VA down to their own way of doing things. Not on my watch.
You can keep your socialized medicine, leave the rest of us out of it.
It does not require our participation.
It’s only fair to have socialized medicine as an “opt in”, for those that want it... the rest of us want nothing to do with it.
Fine. Obama didn't want a mandate anyway. But obviously we have to go 2 big cost-cutting... The cost of healthcare here is ridiculous. That is the problem with Obamacare.

The original design was to allow it to be tweaked. Change it to make it work. Allowing Congress to make it better as time goes by. But instead of tweaking it, they decided to jam it up like it is now. It's not completely a friggin mess. AS it stands now, they do need to get rid of the thing since it's been destroyed anyway. And replace it with something that will actually work. But the Rich just want to get richer and send the poor home to die.
Socialized medicine has to be forced on people that want nothing to do with it...
Why force it on people that want nothing to do with it?
Wow, what a whopper on this one. You, meaning me, Progressives don't believe something? Are you saying that I, Personally, want to get rid of all guns? That I, personally, want the authorities to come to your home and collect all your firearms? That I, personally, want all households and businesses to have to surrender all firearms so that they can be destroyed? Now, show where I have said any of that.

Well, I have said that maybe we should have you sent to a Shrink to find out if you are stable enough to have a firearm of any kind. But that's just you.

You sure to like to lie, cupcake.
Spoken like a true blue anti-gun nutter, we can see right through you.
You have said many times you want to abolish the second amendment

I have stated that it is long on the tooth and at least the first 2/3rds of it have already been superceded. It needs updated. I have also stated we need a 2nd amendment more than a few times. But it needs to be spelled out better. No blanket statement that can be misinterpreted in so many different ways. You keep trying to speak for me. Well, the more you do, the more I think we need you to be forced to visit that shrink to see if you are stable enough to own firearms. You just might be the next fruitcake to go off on the public with all those red flags.

Meanwhile, the rest of us stable gun owners will wake up in the morning, the sun will come up and our guns are going to be okay. And the world won't end.
The second amendment will be strengthened, Trump will be able to nominate two maybe 3 Supreme Court court justices. And they will be very pro-gun, unlike you.

What you don't understand is that a Supreme Court Judge can only make a ruling within the confines of the Constitution of the United States. Not just the part that is interpreted the way you want it to be. But all of it. Trump can replace 2 or 3 Judges but the rulings won't change much. They will still have to rule with the 14th amendment in mind. That's the part you want totally disregarded. Not going to happen.

I am not anti-gun. I am anti-fruitcake, cupcake. And so is the majority of the American Public.
Cases by lower courts will be brought before the Supreme Court to strengthen the Second Amendment.
And as far as your anti-gun crusade... elections have consequences

And you know this how? The only way to strengthen the 2nd amendment would be to rewrite it. As it stands now, the first 2/3rds of it has already been superceded and the last part is just too broad and can be interpreted in too may ways. The Founding Fathers wrote that not chiseled in stone. The Constitution is a Living Document and designed to be adapted as time goes on to the needs of the Nation. This hasn't been done to the last 1/3rd of the 2nd amendment. Hell, it hasn't been done even to the first 2/3rds even though it no longer is applicable. The only question I have for you is, how would you do the rewrite so that it makes it specific and not able to be interpreted so many different ways?
Why do you have no choice but to use the VA medical?

We have a shortage of Civilian Doctors accepting Medicare patients. It appears that quite a few figured out a way to make extra money by forming Medical Clubs where you pay X amount of Dollars to join the club and then they will take care of you. If you can't afford to join the club, you will get substandard care. What some of the Doctors are doing is freezing out the HMOs that way by making their own HMOs. With the shortage of GPs that accept new Medicare Patients, many are left to go to clinics that are just one step above a Veterinarian Clinic. In fact, some Vet Clinics are better. I am one of the lucky few that have the option to be able to use the VA Hospital for in and out patient care as well as long term and medicine.

Since the Civilian Care is so poor, the VA has opened it's doors to us. Without it, we would be in dire straits. They don't have to. Actually, they do but they can handle us in a space A type way. WE end up using the VA for Universal Health Care and it works well.

The VA is very cost conscience. The Doctors and staff make less than the Civilian Hospitals. Have more employment rules. The VA support staff is generally short handed but the folks they have are aces. There is no long waiting. You get in and out fast, get the help you need and the medicine and you are out the door. Unlike the Civilian Counterpart where you will spend hours on one visit. If the VA doesn't have the specialtist you need, they will refer you to a civilian specialtist who will also be prompt and get you in and out in a timely manner. The Civilian Sector could learn a whole hell of a lot from the VA in cutting costs, time management and other things. I would like to see the VA boilerplate used in Civilian Medicine. Instead, the Civilian Medical Community keeps trying to break the VA down to their own way of doing things. Not on my watch.
You can keep your socialized medicine, leave the rest of us out of it.
It does not require our participation.
It’s only fair to have socialized medicine as an “opt in”, for those that want it... the rest of us want nothing to do with it.
Fine. Obama didn't want a mandate anyway. But obviously we have to go 2 big cost-cutting... The cost of healthcare here is ridiculous. That is the problem with Obamacare.

The original design was to allow it to be tweaked. Change it to make it work. Allowing Congress to make it better as time goes by. But instead of tweaking it, they decided to jam it up like it is now. It's not completely a friggin mess. AS it stands now, they do need to get rid of the thing since it's been destroyed anyway. And replace it with something that will actually work. But the Rich just want to get richer and send the poor home to die.
Socialized medicine has to be forced on people that want nothing to do with it...
Why force it on people that want nothing to do with it?

Then don't use it. In Denmark, the AFtermarket Medical Community still exists and is doing well. Not everyone opts to use it.
Spoken like a true blue anti-gun nutter, we can see right through you.
You have said many times you want to abolish the second amendment

I have stated that it is long on the tooth and at least the first 2/3rds of it have already been superceded. It needs updated. I have also stated we need a 2nd amendment more than a few times. But it needs to be spelled out better. No blanket statement that can be misinterpreted in so many different ways. You keep trying to speak for me. Well, the more you do, the more I think we need you to be forced to visit that shrink to see if you are stable enough to own firearms. You just might be the next fruitcake to go off on the public with all those red flags.

Meanwhile, the rest of us stable gun owners will wake up in the morning, the sun will come up and our guns are going to be okay. And the world won't end.
The second amendment will be strengthened, Trump will be able to nominate two maybe 3 Supreme Court court justices. And they will be very pro-gun, unlike you.

What you don't understand is that a Supreme Court Judge can only make a ruling within the confines of the Constitution of the United States. Not just the part that is interpreted the way you want it to be. But all of it. Trump can replace 2 or 3 Judges but the rulings won't change much. They will still have to rule with the 14th amendment in mind. That's the part you want totally disregarded. Not going to happen.

I am not anti-gun. I am anti-fruitcake, cupcake. And so is the majority of the American Public.
Cases by lower courts will be brought before the Supreme Court to strengthen the Second Amendment.
And as far as your anti-gun crusade... elections have consequences

And you know this how? The only way to strengthen the 2nd amendment would be to rewrite it. As it stands now, the first 2/3rds of it has already been superceded and the last part is just too broad and can be interpreted in too may ways. The Founding Fathers wrote that not chiseled in stone. The Constitution is a Living Document and designed to be adapted as time goes on to the needs of the Nation. This hasn't been done to the last 1/3rd of the 2nd amendment. Hell, it hasn't been done even to the first 2/3rds even though it no longer is applicable. The only question I have for you is, how would you do the rewrite so that it makes it specific and not able to be interpreted so many different ways?
Reading it in context of the era that it was written... It’s the backbone of the constitution.
Urban America has no need of the second amendment, They have no interest in legally held firearms and their ownership.
Them trying to control what rural America does with his firearm ownership is purely emotional and shallow.
We have a shortage of Civilian Doctors accepting Medicare patients. It appears that quite a few figured out a way to make extra money by forming Medical Clubs where you pay X amount of Dollars to join the club and then they will take care of you. If you can't afford to join the club, you will get substandard care. What some of the Doctors are doing is freezing out the HMOs that way by making their own HMOs. With the shortage of GPs that accept new Medicare Patients, many are left to go to clinics that are just one step above a Veterinarian Clinic. In fact, some Vet Clinics are better. I am one of the lucky few that have the option to be able to use the VA Hospital for in and out patient care as well as long term and medicine.

Since the Civilian Care is so poor, the VA has opened it's doors to us. Without it, we would be in dire straits. They don't have to. Actually, they do but they can handle us in a space A type way. WE end up using the VA for Universal Health Care and it works well.

The VA is very cost conscience. The Doctors and staff make less than the Civilian Hospitals. Have more employment rules. The VA support staff is generally short handed but the folks they have are aces. There is no long waiting. You get in and out fast, get the help you need and the medicine and you are out the door. Unlike the Civilian Counterpart where you will spend hours on one visit. If the VA doesn't have the specialtist you need, they will refer you to a civilian specialtist who will also be prompt and get you in and out in a timely manner. The Civilian Sector could learn a whole hell of a lot from the VA in cutting costs, time management and other things. I would like to see the VA boilerplate used in Civilian Medicine. Instead, the Civilian Medical Community keeps trying to break the VA down to their own way of doing things. Not on my watch.
You can keep your socialized medicine, leave the rest of us out of it.
It does not require our participation.
It’s only fair to have socialized medicine as an “opt in”, for those that want it... the rest of us want nothing to do with it.
Fine. Obama didn't want a mandate anyway. But obviously we have to go 2 big cost-cutting... The cost of healthcare here is ridiculous. That is the problem with Obamacare.

The original design was to allow it to be tweaked. Change it to make it work. Allowing Congress to make it better as time goes by. But instead of tweaking it, they decided to jam it up like it is now. It's not completely a friggin mess. AS it stands now, they do need to get rid of the thing since it's been destroyed anyway. And replace it with something that will actually work. But the Rich just want to get richer and send the poor home to die.
Socialized medicine has to be forced on people that want nothing to do with it...
Why force it on people that want nothing to do with it?

Then don't use it. In Denmark, the AFtermarket Medical Community still exists and is doing well. Not everyone opts to use it.
Which is fine, as long as those that want nothing to do with it should never be on the hook for it.
You can keep your socialized medicine, leave the rest of us out of it.
It does not require our participation.
It’s only fair to have socialized medicine as an “opt in”, for those that want it... the rest of us want nothing to do with it.
Fine. Obama didn't want a mandate anyway. But obviously we have to go 2 big cost-cutting... The cost of healthcare here is ridiculous. That is the problem with Obamacare.

The original design was to allow it to be tweaked. Change it to make it work. Allowing Congress to make it better as time goes by. But instead of tweaking it, they decided to jam it up like it is now. It's not completely a friggin mess. AS it stands now, they do need to get rid of the thing since it's been destroyed anyway. And replace it with something that will actually work. But the Rich just want to get richer and send the poor home to die.
Socialized medicine has to be forced on people that want nothing to do with it...
Why force it on people that want nothing to do with it?

Then don't use it. In Denmark, the AFtermarket Medical Community still exists and is doing well. Not everyone opts to use it.
Which is fine, as long as those that want nothing to do with it should never be on the hook for it.

Your system works for you until you get in real dire straits. When the bill comes in for hundreds of thousands of dollars can you afford to pay for it? Do you sell your home, liquidate your business, sell your wifes jewelry, and still not cover most of the bill. Then you end up filing for the big Chapter bankruptcy. You just went from doing good to being poor very quickly. You just lost it all. And you still can't pay for it all. And who picks up the rest of the tab? Everyone else including me. You are already paying for other's that have had this happen to them. It's part of the bill you get now when you need minor health care. And, mark my words, it's going to happen as you age.
Fine. Obama didn't want a mandate anyway. But obviously we have to go 2 big cost-cutting... The cost of healthcare here is ridiculous. That is the problem with Obamacare.

The original design was to allow it to be tweaked. Change it to make it work. Allowing Congress to make it better as time goes by. But instead of tweaking it, they decided to jam it up like it is now. It's not completely a friggin mess. AS it stands now, they do need to get rid of the thing since it's been destroyed anyway. And replace it with something that will actually work. But the Rich just want to get richer and send the poor home to die.
Socialized medicine has to be forced on people that want nothing to do with it...
Why force it on people that want nothing to do with it?

Then don't use it. In Denmark, the AFtermarket Medical Community still exists and is doing well. Not everyone opts to use it.
Which is fine, as long as those that want nothing to do with it should never be on the hook for it.

Your system works for you until you get in real dire straits. When the bill comes in for hundreds of thousands of dollars can you afford to pay for it? Do you sell your home, liquidate your business, sell your wifes jewelry, and still not cover most of the bill. Then you end up filing for the big Chapter bankruptcy. You just went from doing good to being poor very quickly. You just lost it all. And you still can't pay for it all. And who picks up the rest of the tab? Everyone else including me. You are already paying for other's that have had this happen to them. It's part of the bill you get now when you need minor health care. And, mark my words, it's going to happen as you age.
The Safetynet can never be afforded, there is not enough money in the world for it. It’s a dead end and a ridiculously retarded concept...
The original design was to allow it to be tweaked. Change it to make it work. Allowing Congress to make it better as time goes by. But instead of tweaking it, they decided to jam it up like it is now. It's not completely a friggin mess. AS it stands now, they do need to get rid of the thing since it's been destroyed anyway. And replace it with something that will actually work. But the Rich just want to get richer and send the poor home to die.
Socialized medicine has to be forced on people that want nothing to do with it...
Why force it on people that want nothing to do with it?

Then don't use it. In Denmark, the AFtermarket Medical Community still exists and is doing well. Not everyone opts to use it.
Which is fine, as long as those that want nothing to do with it should never be on the hook for it.

Your system works for you until you get in real dire straits. When the bill comes in for hundreds of thousands of dollars can you afford to pay for it? Do you sell your home, liquidate your business, sell your wifes jewelry, and still not cover most of the bill. Then you end up filing for the big Chapter bankruptcy. You just went from doing good to being poor very quickly. You just lost it all. And you still can't pay for it all. And who picks up the rest of the tab? Everyone else including me. You are already paying for other's that have had this happen to them. It's part of the bill you get now when you need minor health care. And, mark my words, it's going to happen as you age.
The Safetynet can never be afforded, there is not enough money in the world for it. It’s a dead end and a ridiculously retarded concept...

Most of that bill is inflated. There are many unproductive hands in your pocket at that point. What the VA does is to get rid of those unproductive hands completely. And so does Universal Health Care.
Socialized medicine has to be forced on people that want nothing to do with it...
Why force it on people that want nothing to do with it?

Then don't use it. In Denmark, the AFtermarket Medical Community still exists and is doing well. Not everyone opts to use it.
Which is fine, as long as those that want nothing to do with it should never be on the hook for it.

Your system works for you until you get in real dire straits. When the bill comes in for hundreds of thousands of dollars can you afford to pay for it? Do you sell your home, liquidate your business, sell your wifes jewelry, and still not cover most of the bill. Then you end up filing for the big Chapter bankruptcy. You just went from doing good to being poor very quickly. You just lost it all. And you still can't pay for it all. And who picks up the rest of the tab? Everyone else including me. You are already paying for other's that have had this happen to them. It's part of the bill you get now when you need minor health care. And, mark my words, it's going to happen as you age.
The Safetynet can never be afforded, there is not enough money in the world for it. It’s a dead end and a ridiculously retarded concept...

Most of that bill is inflated. There are many unproductive hands in your pocket at that point. What the VA does is to get rid of those unproductive hands completely. And so does Universal Health Care.
I want nothing to do with the collective, because they have zero interest in the best interests of me and my family...
The original design was to allow it to be tweaked. Change it to make it work. Allowing Congress to make it better as time goes by. But instead of tweaking it, they decided to jam it up like it is now. It's not completely a friggin mess. AS it stands now, they do need to get rid of the thing since it's been destroyed anyway. And replace it with something that will actually work. But the Rich just want to get richer and send the poor home to die.
Socialized medicine has to be forced on people that want nothing to do with it...
Why force it on people that want nothing to do with it?

Then don't use it. In Denmark, the AFtermarket Medical Community still exists and is doing well. Not everyone opts to use it.
Which is fine, as long as those that want nothing to do with it should never be on the hook for it.

Your system works for you until you get in real dire straits. When the bill comes in for hundreds of thousands of dollars can you afford to pay for it? Do you sell your home, liquidate your business, sell your wifes jewelry, and still not cover most of the bill. Then you end up filing for the big Chapter bankruptcy. You just went from doing good to being poor very quickly. You just lost it all. And you still can't pay for it all. And who picks up the rest of the tab? Everyone else including me. You are already paying for other's that have had this happen to them. It's part of the bill you get now when you need minor health care. And, mark my words, it's going to happen as you age.
The Safetynet can never be afforded, there is not enough money in the world for it. It’s a dead end and a ridiculously retarded concept...
They manage it in every other country LOL
Socialized medicine has to be forced on people that want nothing to do with it...
Why force it on people that want nothing to do with it?

Then don't use it. In Denmark, the AFtermarket Medical Community still exists and is doing well. Not everyone opts to use it.
Which is fine, as long as those that want nothing to do with it should never be on the hook for it.

Your system works for you until you get in real dire straits. When the bill comes in for hundreds of thousands of dollars can you afford to pay for it? Do you sell your home, liquidate your business, sell your wifes jewelry, and still not cover most of the bill. Then you end up filing for the big Chapter bankruptcy. You just went from doing good to being poor very quickly. You just lost it all. And you still can't pay for it all. And who picks up the rest of the tab? Everyone else including me. You are already paying for other's that have had this happen to them. It's part of the bill you get now when you need minor health care. And, mark my words, it's going to happen as you age.
The Safetynet can never be afforded, there is not enough money in the world for it. It’s a dead end and a ridiculously retarded concept...
They manage it in every other country LOL
Only with un-payable debt...
I don’t want any fucking safety net, the price is too much to pay for it.
I don’t want other people paying for my shit
Then don't use it. In Denmark, the AFtermarket Medical Community still exists and is doing well. Not everyone opts to use it.
Which is fine, as long as those that want nothing to do with it should never be on the hook for it.

Your system works for you until you get in real dire straits. When the bill comes in for hundreds of thousands of dollars can you afford to pay for it? Do you sell your home, liquidate your business, sell your wifes jewelry, and still not cover most of the bill. Then you end up filing for the big Chapter bankruptcy. You just went from doing good to being poor very quickly. You just lost it all. And you still can't pay for it all. And who picks up the rest of the tab? Everyone else including me. You are already paying for other's that have had this happen to them. It's part of the bill you get now when you need minor health care. And, mark my words, it's going to happen as you age.
The Safetynet can never be afforded, there is not enough money in the world for it. It’s a dead end and a ridiculously retarded concept...
They manage it in every other country LOL
Only with un-payable debt...
I don’t want any fucking safety net, the price is too much to pay for it.
I don’t want other people paying for my shit

Sooner or later, your entire portfolio won't cover the cost of your medical or your families medical and someone has to pay. It's a debt that MUST be paid. The question is, who will do the paying since you won't be capable of paying for it even if you liquidate everything you own.
Which is fine, as long as those that want nothing to do with it should never be on the hook for it.

Your system works for you until you get in real dire straits. When the bill comes in for hundreds of thousands of dollars can you afford to pay for it? Do you sell your home, liquidate your business, sell your wifes jewelry, and still not cover most of the bill. Then you end up filing for the big Chapter bankruptcy. You just went from doing good to being poor very quickly. You just lost it all. And you still can't pay for it all. And who picks up the rest of the tab? Everyone else including me. You are already paying for other's that have had this happen to them. It's part of the bill you get now when you need minor health care. And, mark my words, it's going to happen as you age.
The Safetynet can never be afforded, there is not enough money in the world for it. It’s a dead end and a ridiculously retarded concept...
They manage it in every other country LOL
Only with un-payable debt...
I don’t want any fucking safety net, the price is too much to pay for it.
I don’t want other people paying for my shit

Sooner or later, your entire portfolio won't cover the cost of your medical or your families medical and someone has to pay. It's a debt that MUST be paid. The question is, who will do the paying since you won't be capable of paying for it even if you liquidate everything you own.
Nursing homes all over America are full of people being fucked over by the collective… It’s better off to be dead...
I have stated that it is long on the tooth and at least the first 2/3rds of it have already been superceded. It needs updated. I have also stated we need a 2nd amendment more than a few times. But it needs to be spelled out better. No blanket statement that can be misinterpreted in so many different ways. You keep trying to speak for me. Well, the more you do, the more I think we need you to be forced to visit that shrink to see if you are stable enough to own firearms. You just might be the next fruitcake to go off on the public with all those red flags.

Meanwhile, the rest of us stable gun owners will wake up in the morning, the sun will come up and our guns are going to be okay. And the world won't end.
The second amendment will be strengthened, Trump will be able to nominate two maybe 3 Supreme Court court justices. And they will be very pro-gun, unlike you.

What you don't understand is that a Supreme Court Judge can only make a ruling within the confines of the Constitution of the United States. Not just the part that is interpreted the way you want it to be. But all of it. Trump can replace 2 or 3 Judges but the rulings won't change much. They will still have to rule with the 14th amendment in mind. That's the part you want totally disregarded. Not going to happen.

I am not anti-gun. I am anti-fruitcake, cupcake. And so is the majority of the American Public.
Cases by lower courts will be brought before the Supreme Court to strengthen the Second Amendment.
And as far as your anti-gun crusade... elections have consequences

And you know this how? The only way to strengthen the 2nd amendment would be to rewrite it. As it stands now, the first 2/3rds of it has already been superceded and the last part is just too broad and can be interpreted in too may ways. The Founding Fathers wrote that not chiseled in stone. The Constitution is a Living Document and designed to be adapted as time goes on to the needs of the Nation. This hasn't been done to the last 1/3rd of the 2nd amendment. Hell, it hasn't been done even to the first 2/3rds even though it no longer is applicable. The only question I have for you is, how would you do the rewrite so that it makes it specific and not able to be interpreted so many different ways?
Reading it in context of the era that it was written... It’s the backbone of the constitution.
Urban America has no need of the second amendment, They have no interest in legally held firearms and their ownership.
Them trying to control what rural America does with his firearm ownership is purely emotional and shallow.

Glad you brought that up. Do you know why the 2nd amendment was written like it was? What drove them to write it like that? History up a bit before you go off and make a damned fool of yourself.

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