Because of no right to own firearms...

The second amendment will be strengthened, Trump will be able to nominate two maybe 3 Supreme Court court justices. And they will be very pro-gun, unlike you.

What you don't understand is that a Supreme Court Judge can only make a ruling within the confines of the Constitution of the United States. Not just the part that is interpreted the way you want it to be. But all of it. Trump can replace 2 or 3 Judges but the rulings won't change much. They will still have to rule with the 14th amendment in mind. That's the part you want totally disregarded. Not going to happen.

I am not anti-gun. I am anti-fruitcake, cupcake. And so is the majority of the American Public.
Cases by lower courts will be brought before the Supreme Court to strengthen the Second Amendment.
And as far as your anti-gun crusade... elections have consequences

And you know this how? The only way to strengthen the 2nd amendment would be to rewrite it. As it stands now, the first 2/3rds of it has already been superceded and the last part is just too broad and can be interpreted in too may ways. The Founding Fathers wrote that not chiseled in stone. The Constitution is a Living Document and designed to be adapted as time goes on to the needs of the Nation. This hasn't been done to the last 1/3rd of the 2nd amendment. Hell, it hasn't been done even to the first 2/3rds even though it no longer is applicable. The only question I have for you is, how would you do the rewrite so that it makes it specific and not able to be interpreted so many different ways?
Reading it in context of the era that it was written... It’s the backbone of the constitution.
Urban America has no need of the second amendment, They have no interest in legally held firearms and their ownership.
Them trying to control what rural America does with his firearm ownership is purely emotional and shallow.

Glad you brought that up. Do you know why the 2nd amendment was written like it was? What drove them to write it like that? History up a bit before you go off and make a damned fool of yourself.
Emotion rules over you
What you don't understand is that a Supreme Court Judge can only make a ruling within the confines of the Constitution of the United States. Not just the part that is interpreted the way you want it to be. But all of it. Trump can replace 2 or 3 Judges but the rulings won't change much. They will still have to rule with the 14th amendment in mind. That's the part you want totally disregarded. Not going to happen.

I am not anti-gun. I am anti-fruitcake, cupcake. And so is the majority of the American Public.
Cases by lower courts will be brought before the Supreme Court to strengthen the Second Amendment.
And as far as your anti-gun crusade... elections have consequences

And you know this how? The only way to strengthen the 2nd amendment would be to rewrite it. As it stands now, the first 2/3rds of it has already been superceded and the last part is just too broad and can be interpreted in too may ways. The Founding Fathers wrote that not chiseled in stone. The Constitution is a Living Document and designed to be adapted as time goes on to the needs of the Nation. This hasn't been done to the last 1/3rd of the 2nd amendment. Hell, it hasn't been done even to the first 2/3rds even though it no longer is applicable. The only question I have for you is, how would you do the rewrite so that it makes it specific and not able to be interpreted so many different ways?
Reading it in context of the era that it was written... It’s the backbone of the constitution.
Urban America has no need of the second amendment, They have no interest in legally held firearms and their ownership.
Them trying to control what rural America does with his firearm ownership is purely emotional and shallow.

Glad you brought that up. Do you know why the 2nd amendment was written like it was? What drove them to write it like that? History up a bit before you go off and make a damned fool of yourself.
Emotion rules over you

Glad you brought that up. Emotion was exactly why the 2nd amendment was written like it was. Emotions were running high when it was written. If you take out emotions then what do you have?
Then don't use it. In Denmark, the AFtermarket Medical Community still exists and is doing well. Not everyone opts to use it.
Which is fine, as long as those that want nothing to do with it should never be on the hook for it.

Your system works for you until you get in real dire straits. When the bill comes in for hundreds of thousands of dollars can you afford to pay for it? Do you sell your home, liquidate your business, sell your wifes jewelry, and still not cover most of the bill. Then you end up filing for the big Chapter bankruptcy. You just went from doing good to being poor very quickly. You just lost it all. And you still can't pay for it all. And who picks up the rest of the tab? Everyone else including me. You are already paying for other's that have had this happen to them. It's part of the bill you get now when you need minor health care. And, mark my words, it's going to happen as you age.
The Safetynet can never be afforded, there is not enough money in the world for it. It’s a dead end and a ridiculously retarded concept...
They manage it in every other country LOL
Only with un-payable debt...
I don’t want any fucking safety net, the price is too much to pay for it.
I don’t want other people paying for my shit
Of course your facts suck fake news boy. Not to worry the adults will handle it..
Your system works for you until you get in real dire straits. When the bill comes in for hundreds of thousands of dollars can you afford to pay for it? Do you sell your home, liquidate your business, sell your wifes jewelry, and still not cover most of the bill. Then you end up filing for the big Chapter bankruptcy. You just went from doing good to being poor very quickly. You just lost it all. And you still can't pay for it all. And who picks up the rest of the tab? Everyone else including me. You are already paying for other's that have had this happen to them. It's part of the bill you get now when you need minor health care. And, mark my words, it's going to happen as you age.
The Safetynet can never be afforded, there is not enough money in the world for it. It’s a dead end and a ridiculously retarded concept...
They manage it in every other country LOL
Only with un-payable debt...
I don’t want any fucking safety net, the price is too much to pay for it.
I don’t want other people paying for my shit

Sooner or later, your entire portfolio won't cover the cost of your medical or your families medical and someone has to pay. It's a debt that MUST be paid. The question is, who will do the paying since you won't be capable of paying for it even if you liquidate everything you own.
Nursing homes all over America are full of people being fucked over by the collective… It’s better off to be dead...
We have nice ones in blue States... Sorry about that.
The Safetynet can never be afforded, there is not enough money in the world for it. It’s a dead end and a ridiculously retarded concept...
They manage it in every other country LOL
Only with un-payable debt...
I don’t want any fucking safety net, the price is too much to pay for it.
I don’t want other people paying for my shit

Sooner or later, your entire portfolio won't cover the cost of your medical or your families medical and someone has to pay. It's a debt that MUST be paid. The question is, who will do the paying since you won't be capable of paying for it even if you liquidate everything you own.
Nursing homes all over America are full of people being fucked over by the collective… It’s better off to be dead...
We have nice ones in blue States... Sorry about that.
I’d rather be dead than live in one
They manage it in every other country LOL
Only with un-payable debt...
I don’t want any fucking safety net, the price is too much to pay for it.
I don’t want other people paying for my shit

Sooner or later, your entire portfolio won't cover the cost of your medical or your families medical and someone has to pay. It's a debt that MUST be paid. The question is, who will do the paying since you won't be capable of paying for it even if you liquidate everything you own.
Nursing homes all over America are full of people being fucked over by the collective… It’s better off to be dead...
We have nice ones in blue States... Sorry about that.
I’d rather be dead than live in one

I'll hold you to that.
Only with un-payable debt...
I don’t want any fucking safety net, the price is too much to pay for it.
I don’t want other people paying for my shit

Sooner or later, your entire portfolio won't cover the cost of your medical or your families medical and someone has to pay. It's a debt that MUST be paid. The question is, who will do the paying since you won't be capable of paying for it even if you liquidate everything you own.
Nursing homes all over America are full of people being fucked over by the collective… It’s better off to be dead...
We have nice ones in blue States... Sorry about that.
I’d rather be dead than live in one

I'll hold you to that.
It’s not the Indian way... Nursing homes have no appeal to Indians
5 shots are never needed to stop any amount of criminal attackers, yet the NRA pushes assault weapons that accept endless push button reloading of 100 round magazines for wackos to shoot 600 citizens at a concert.
5 shots are never needed to stop any amount of criminal attackers, yet the NRA pushes assault weapons that accept endless push button reloading of 100 round magazines for wackos to shoot 600 citizens at a concert.

Then why do cops carry handguns with 15 round magazines?
5 shots are never needed to stop any amount of criminal attackers, yet the NRA pushes assault weapons that accept endless push button reloading of 100 round magazines for wackos to shoot 600 citizens at a concert.
LOL retard much 100 round magazines DO NOT WORK, the weight pulls them out of the well.
5 shots are never needed to stop any amount of criminal attackers, yet the NRA pushes assault weapons that accept endless push button reloading of 100 round magazines for wackos to shoot 600 citizens at a concert.

Then why do cops carry handguns with 15 round magazines?
Should we recommend, "The Persons with the Golden Gun" qualification so they all only need to carry guns that shoot only one bullet?
Fine. Obama didn't want a mandate anyway. But obviously we have to go 2 big cost-cutting... The cost of healthcare here is ridiculous. That is the problem with Obamacare.
Like I said, Socialized medicine should be an “opt in”.
It does not require our participation that want nothing to do with it

Actually, you have it backward. It should be an Opt Out. Using Denmark as the yardstick, they have Universal Health Care. They pay half of what we pay in the US and get top knotch health care and medicine. There is NO bill given. Not one dime is asked for. If you are visiting Denmark and need medical care, they take care of you and don't charge you a dime even though you aren't even a citizen. There are people that come from other countries to use those health facilities. And when you figure the cost, it's half of what we pay here in the United States using a private system. This is also how the VA works and always has since it was consieved. It looks like the Dutch borrowed from the VA system and used it for their own. So don't tell me that it doesn't work.

What makes it work is the bulk buying of everything from equipment to medicine. The Medical Community wants to see this but the Pharmacutical and Suppliers don't. And the Insurance Companies and HMOs don't want it either. You see, they would be gone completely and the cost savings would be passed on the to public. In otherwords, put the Medicine back into the Doctors hands and send the leaches packing. But the Lobbyists are purchasing the Congress Critters who aren't working for us anymore and having for a very long time.
Na, not really.
Any socialize medicine should be an “opt in” no one should be forced into shit they want nothing to do with.
Me, and millions just like me and want nothing to do with an “collective”

Now you have Millions of little Meeses in your pocket you are speaking for. Sit back and we both can watch things in November. It just might surprise us both.
Socialist entitlement programs have zero appeal to me and millions like me

You gonna give your social security check to charity? How about Medicare? You gonna give that up and opt for private insurance?

No, that isn't true. Violent crime in Britain is higher than here in the U.S. the only difference is that British criminals do not murder their victims....criminals in the U.S. in democrat voting districts murder their victims far more often.

It's how it's reported. A Slap in the face gets reported as violent crime in Britain. In the US, it's just an assault but it's probably not going to be reported at all. In the US, it's probably just a slap in the face. Two jokers going at it in a bar in Britain is called Violent Crime while in the US it's just a brawl and neither one will want to press charges against the other one. There is less REAL Violent Crime in Britain than in the US when you report it the same as the US does.

Wrong, the British police have been under reporting violent crime including rapes...especially against young girls who are raped by gangs of muslim men.....

From 2008 and with their police cuts in manpower and resources and their politically correct policies, this hasn't improved...

Tell us murder, attempted murder and manslaughter and severe assaults are simply slaps to the face.....

Serious violent crime under-reported for a decade

The admission came as the Government reported a 22 per cent yearly rise in the most serious violent incidents, spanning murder, attempted murder, manslaughter and severe assaults.

In a supplement to its quarterly crime figures, the Home Office said that 13 forces had for years been under-reporting the number of cases of Grievous Bodily Harm with intent.

Serious violent crime under-reported for a decade

Even with underreporting, violent crime in the U.S. is much higher than in Western Europe. Murder rate is 5 X higher than in any Western European country.
Like I said, Socialized medicine should be an “opt in”.
It does not require our participation that want nothing to do with it

Actually, you have it backward. It should be an Opt Out. Using Denmark as the yardstick, they have Universal Health Care. They pay half of what we pay in the US and get top knotch health care and medicine. There is NO bill given. Not one dime is asked for. If you are visiting Denmark and need medical care, they take care of you and don't charge you a dime even though you aren't even a citizen. There are people that come from other countries to use those health facilities. And when you figure the cost, it's half of what we pay here in the United States using a private system. This is also how the VA works and always has since it was consieved. It looks like the Dutch borrowed from the VA system and used it for their own. So don't tell me that it doesn't work.

What makes it work is the bulk buying of everything from equipment to medicine. The Medical Community wants to see this but the Pharmacutical and Suppliers don't. And the Insurance Companies and HMOs don't want it either. You see, they would be gone completely and the cost savings would be passed on the to public. In otherwords, put the Medicine back into the Doctors hands and send the leaches packing. But the Lobbyists are purchasing the Congress Critters who aren't working for us anymore and having for a very long time.
Na, not really.
Any socialize medicine should be an “opt in” no one should be forced into shit they want nothing to do with.
Me, and millions just like me and want nothing to do with an “collective”

Now you have Millions of little Meeses in your pocket you are speaking for. Sit back and we both can watch things in November. It just might surprise us both.
Socialist entitlement programs have zero appeal to me and millions like me

You gonna give your social security check to charity? How about Medicare? You gonna give that up and opt for private insurance?
I will not get a SS check, I have never purchased insurance and never intend to...

No, that isn't true. Violent crime in Britain is higher than here in the U.S. the only difference is that British criminals do not murder their victims....criminals in the U.S. in democrat voting districts murder their victims far more often.

It's how it's reported. A Slap in the face gets reported as violent crime in Britain. In the US, it's just an assault but it's probably not going to be reported at all. In the US, it's probably just a slap in the face. Two jokers going at it in a bar in Britain is called Violent Crime while in the US it's just a brawl and neither one will want to press charges against the other one. There is less REAL Violent Crime in Britain than in the US when you report it the same as the US does.

Wrong, the British police have been under reporting violent crime including rapes...especially against young girls who are raped by gangs of muslim men.....

From 2008 and with their police cuts in manpower and resources and their politically correct policies, this hasn't improved...

Tell us murder, attempted murder and manslaughter and severe assaults are simply slaps to the face.....

Serious violent crime under-reported for a decade

The admission came as the Government reported a 22 per cent yearly rise in the most serious violent incidents, spanning murder, attempted murder, manslaughter and severe assaults.

In a supplement to its quarterly crime figures, the Home Office said that 13 forces had for years been under-reporting the number of cases of Grievous Bodily Harm with intent.

Serious violent crime under-reported for a decade

Even with underreporting, violent crime in the U.S. is much higher than in Western Europe. Murder rate is 5 X higher than in any Western European country.
The violent crime in this country resides in progressive controlled urban areas with lax gun laws... fact
The violent crime rate is high in the US due to progressive controlled urban areas.
Violent crime is almost nonexistent in rural America where most of the firearms are owned legally, and the gun control laws are lax... dumbass
I thought suicides were. Big in rube rural?
So now we can't prove the uk is more violent than the us we scour the data to blame it on the black boys?
And quote dem mayors but never a mention of the repub Governors?
I would have thoughttheyhad more power
He had 60 votes in the senate for about 40 days in session and all spent on ACA. You are duped again. As if he passed anything and you think his policies did something he couldn't pass Anything...
So claiming you need 60 votes to control the senate means neither Bush nor Trump control the senate thanks for playing.
All the GOP cares about is cutting taxes on the rich and cutting services for the rest. With reconciliation they can do that with only 51 votes, super duper.
Again according to you it takes 60 senators to control the senate NO republican President has had 60 republican senators. Your claims are spurious.
Can you read?
Yes I can read you are so full of shit your hair must be brown.
ah an uneducated indoctrinated military man.
"When you are not smart enough to get a real job, join the military, great commie benefits"
Which college did you learn yourfoulmouth again?
The violent crime rate is high in the US due to progressive controlled urban areas.
Violent crime is almost nonexistent in rural America where most of the firearms are owned legally, and the gun control laws are lax... dumbass
I thought suicides were. Big in rube rural?
So now we can't prove the uk is more violent than the us we scour the data to blame it on the black boys?
And quote dem mayors but never a mention of the repub Governors?
I would have thoughttheyhad more power

So it's more dangerous To live in rural America?
You're More Likely to Die a Violent Death in Rural America Than in a City - CityLab
Got to watch those all white rube drivers
The violent crime rate is high in the US due to progressive controlled urban areas.
Violent crime is almost nonexistent in rural America where most of the firearms are owned legally, and the gun control laws are lax... dumbass
I thought suicides were. Big in rube rural?
So now we can't prove the uk is more violent than the us we scour the data to blame it on the black boys?
And quote dem mayors but never a mention of the repub Governors?
I would have thoughttheyhad more power
Suicides do not count they are unavoidable, they will use whatever means they have access to

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