Because the vast amount of drugs being smuggled over the border come through legal points of entry, why is Biden being blamed for it?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Surely the blame would be put on at least Texan leadership like Abbott if you want to blame a politician and not border security specifically. Anything bad is Biden’s fault I guess lol

This also proves how useless of an idea a border wall would be.

“According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection statistics, 90 percent of heroin seized along the border, 88 percent of cocaine, 87 percent of methamphetamine, and 80 percent of fentanyl in the first 11 months of the 2018 fiscal year was caught trying to be smuggled in at legal crossing points.”

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Surely the blame would be put on at least Texan leadership like Abbott if you want to blame a politician and not border security specifically. Anything bad is Biden’s fault I guess lol

“According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection statistics, 90 percent of heroin seized along the border, 88 percent of cocaine, 87 percent of methamphetamine, and 80 percent of fentanyl in the first 11 months of the 2018 fiscal year was caught trying to be smuggled in at legal crossing points.”

That's a strange take.
If most of it is coming thru controlled entry points who else do you feel we should blame for purposely letting it in to the country. The Feds control the entry points.
That's a strange take.
If most of it is coming thru controlled entry points who else do you feel we should blame for purposely letting it in to the country. The Feds control the entry points.
Lol clearly what I mean is that border security should be blamed.
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The vast majority of Fentynal comes from China through Mexican Cartels.

Enough Fentynal has reportedly been captured in attempted smuggling to reportedly kill every man, woman, and child in US SEVERAL times over...

China is WAGING WAR against the US by sending this poison into the US, murdering US citizens, but we are supposed to be DISTRACTED by Chinese Espionage Balloons - which Biden has done nothing about, either?!

Several days ago Biden said he looks forward to his UP-COMING phone call with Xi so he can talk to Xi about the spy balloons.

We have an enemy nation sending espionage craft over the US in violation of our national sovereignty, hovering over our ICBM silos, AND BIDEN DIDN'T IMMEDIATELY / HASN'T CALLED XI YET?

It figures - China is pumping deadly Fentynal into the US in record amounts, killing Americans, and he has done nothing to confront China ... or the Mexican Cartels.

** This is the same China who THREATENED TO MURDER MILLIONS OF AMERICANS by withholding life-preservimg/saving medication they manufacture for the US if America attempted to hold them accountable for unleashing COVID-19 and hiding it from the world as they exported it all over the globe from Wuhan.

Meanwhile Biden stopped the highly successful Trump initiative against Chinese industrial / technological espionage, which resulted in many big, high-profile arrests / convictions ... because Xi told Biden to stop, calling the arrests and convictions of his Chinese spies 'RACIST'.

Biden has proven he could not care less what China does, will not do one thing to stop them, will make no effort to hold them accountable, and does not give a damn about Americans, proven again in his latest 'Fuck You' response to Palestine, Oh.
You guys just love making shit up huh?

Only if you ignore US weapons sent by Biden to Ukraine ended up in African Terrorists' hands.

Onama ran weapons to Mexican cartels and ran weapons to terrorists out of Benghazi. Biden is just carrying on the "tradition'.
The vast majority of Fentynal comes from China through Mexican Cartels.

Enough Fentynal has reportedly been captured in attempted smuggling to reportedly kill every man, woman, and child in US SEVERAL times over...

China is WAGING WAR against the US by sending this poison into the US, murdering US citizens, but we are supposed to be DISTRACTED by Chinese Espionage Balloons - which Biden has done nothing about, either?!

Several days ago Biden said he looks forward to his UP-COMING phone call with Xi so he can talk to Xi about the spy balloons.

We have an enemy nation sending espionage craft over the US in violation of our national sovereignty, hovering over our ICBM silos, AND BIDEN DIDN'T IMMEDIATELY / HASN'T CALLED XI YET?

It figures - China is pumping deadly Fentynal into the US in record amounts, killing Americans, and he has done nothing to confront China ... or the Mexican Cartels.

** This is the same China who THREATENED TO MURDER MILLIONS OF AMERICANS by withholding life-preservimg/saving medication they manufacture for the US if America attempted to hold them accountable for unleashing COVID-19 and hiding it from the world as they exported it all over the globe from Wuhan.

Meanwhile Biden stopped the highly successful Trump initiative against Chinese industrial / technological espionage, which resulted in many big, high-profile arrests / convictions ... because Xi told Biden to stop, calling the arrests and convictions of his Chinese spies 'RACIST'.

Biden has proven he could not care less what China does, will not do one thing to stop them, will make no effort to hold them accountable, and does not give a damn about Americans, proven again in his latest 'Fuck You' response to Palestine, Oh.
Lol what? Dude this is a wild post. You’re trying to connect Biden having a conversation with Xi about the spy balloons to fentanyl being smuggled over the border. At the very least can’t you put any blame on Texan republicans if you’re going to blame Biden?
You guys just love making shit up huh?
Lol clearly what I mean is that border security should be blamed.

Considering how much work they have to do on the open borders, are you surprised they are having a rough time handling the controlled points?
Because he is President and all Presidents get blame for stuff they shouldn’t as well as credit for things they shouldn’t it comes with job there is no exception for Biden.
In 2021 Texas imported over 100 billion dollars worth of goods from Mexico.

Do you think they can search every vehicle and every shipping container?

Do you think illegal contraband just started on Jan 20, 2021.

It's the Neo-GOP Motto since losing to Joe.

Saul Bidens fault, no matter what.
Lol what? Dude this is a wild post. You’re trying to connect Biden having a conversation with Xi about the spy balloons to fentanyl being smuggled over the border.

I called the ChiCom spy balloons about which Biden refuses to talk to Xi a DISTRACTION from a worse problem, China's war on the US by sending an ungodly amount of Fentynal into the US through Cartels, killing Americans, about which Biden also refuses to talk to Xi.

If it was that hard for you to keep up maybe you need to sit this one out. It seems over your head.
Surely the blame would be put on at least Texan leadership like Abbott if you want to blame a politician and not border security specifically. Anything bad is Biden’s fault I guess lol

This also proves how useless of an idea a border wall would be.

“According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection statistics, 90 percent of heroin seized along the border, 88 percent of cocaine, 87 percent of methamphetamine, and 80 percent of fentanyl in the first 11 months of the 2018 fiscal year was caught trying to be smuggled in at legal crossing points.”

Do you suppose any of this might have to do with foreigners who enter our country through legal points of entry being subject to search while those illegally crossing our borders are not searched or examined on their way in?

Of course you're going to catch more contraband being carried in by those who are subject to the attention of those in charge of catching such contraband, than that carried in by those who are not subject to any such attention.

I see no rational basis on which to assume that anything about how much contraband is caught at legal points of entry has any bearing on how much is smuggled in by other means.
China is WAGING WAR against the US by sending this poison into the US, murdering US citizens, but we are supposed to be DISTRACTED by Chinese Espionage Balloons - which Biden has done nothing about, either?!

Reminds me of the 19th century Opium Wars, in which the British actually fought to protect their right to smuggle opium into China. Aside from the wars themselves, the plague of drug addition in China was devastating, and eventually led to the fall of the society that then existed there.

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