Beck lies about Assange


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
If you start watching at about 10:15 Glenn Beck says that Assange wants the U.S. to "lock down internally and to balkanize."


But that's not what Assange really said.

Since 2006, we have been working along this philosophy that organizations which are abusive and need to be [in] the public eye. If their behavior is revealed to the public, they have one of two choices: one is to reform in such a way that they can be proud of their endeavors, and proud to display them to the public. Or the other is to lock down internally and to balkanize, and as a result, of course, cease to be as efficient as they were. To me, that is a very good outcome, because organizations can either be efficient, open and honest, or they can be closed, conspiratorial and inefficient.

Transcript: TIME Interview with WikiLeaks' Julian Assange - TIME

Clearly Beck did some artful editing to make it seem like Assange is saying the exact opposite of what he actually said. It should be clear that when Beck claimed to be a libertarian he was really just joshing, and that he's a fraud. Beck is a statist, and Julian Assange is the real defender of liberty.
Glenn Beck is getting nuttier by the day, I swear. I cannot make any sense at all out of these remarks. What in the world is he trying to say??

Beck: "If you are white or you are an American citizen or a white American citizen you are pretty much toast".

Beck: I don't identify as white, why do black people identify as black?

Beck is "tired of the race thing," doesn't "think the race thing works anymore"

Beck on being a white Christian who "loves America": "I just can't win"

Beck calls for "a new Ellis Island," suggests that immigrants effectively live in a "prison" if they can't speak English

Beck decries "the anchor baby thing," asks "Why do we have automatic citizenship upon birth?"
Does Assange actually believe that the U.S. is going to "reform in such a way that they can be proud of their endeavors, and proud to display them to the public"??
I don't think he thinks that. I think the bigger point that Beck was trying to make is what is the reason that all these left wing societies and organizations are supporting Assange?Because they know that the U.S. is going to "lock down internally and to balkanize" instead of "reform in such a way that they can be proud of their endeavors, and proud to display them to the public"??

Beck gets it wrong sometimes just like all other pundits. Nothing new here, but the substance of what he is saying, I believe, holds true and that what Assange is doing is going to create distrust of the government. Once you do that, you put in another stepping stone to revolution.
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Beck gets it wrong sometimes just like all other pundits. Nothing new here, but the substance of what he is saying, I believe, holds true and that what Assange is doing is going to create distrust in the citizens of their own government. Once you do that, you put in another stepping stone to revolution.

Yes, because it's all Assange fault that it was the government doing all these things in the first place and then withholding said information from the American People that creates distrust. :cuckoo:
Beck gets it wrong sometimes just like all other pundits. Nothing new here, but the substance of what he is saying, I believe, holds true and that what Assange is doing is going to create distrust in the citizens of their own government. Once you do that, you put in another stepping stone to revolution.

Yes, because it's all Assange fault that it was the government doing all these things in the first place and then withholding said information from the American People that creates distrust. :cuckoo:

I agree with you on that point. I actually kinda agree with Assange that we should know what our gov is up to.

The point is that this is what revolutionaries have been waiting for. You can only have massive change if you create a crisis. This plays right into their handbook whether Assange wants it to or not.

This is why Bill Ayers said he is as much as an anarchist as he is a marxist. You create anarchy first in order to bring about radical change. Same type of mind set as creating distrust in one's government.
If you start watching at about 10:15 Glenn Beck says that Assange wants the U.S. to "lock down internally and to balkanize."


But that's not what Assange really said.

Since 2006, we have been working along this philosophy that organizations which are abusive and need to be [in] the public eye. If their behavior is revealed to the public, they have one of two choices: one is to reform in such a way that they can be proud of their endeavors, and proud to display them to the public. Or the other is to lock down internally and to balkanize, and as a result, of course, cease to be as efficient as they were. To me, that is a very good outcome, because organizations can either be efficient, open and honest, or they can be closed, conspiratorial and inefficient.
Transcript: TIME Interview with WikiLeaks' Julian Assange - TIME

Clearly Beck did some artful editing to make it seem like Assange is saying the exact opposite of what he actually said. It should be clear that when Beck claimed to be a libertarian he was really just joshing, and that he's a fraud. Beck is a statist, and Julian Assange is the real defender of liberty.
I can see how PC would run with this.

As for Beck? What do you expect form a guy who's always ranting about how the Jes (or at least one master Jew) owns all the media except Fox News and runs the entire world- bringing down regimes at a whim?
Haven't watched Beck in months. He's just gotten too far out there for me.
Assange is a cheap hustler, and a sex criminal. This isn't about transparency in government. He has privileged communications from private organizations he intends to release.

A sex criminal? He hasn't been charged with anything, and the two women he allegedly "raped" claim the sex was consensual and one of them even threw a party for him afterwards.
If you start watching at about 10:15 Glenn Beck says that Assange wants the U.S. to "lock down internally and to balkanize."


But that's not what Assange really said.

Since 2006, we have been working along this philosophy that organizations which are abusive and need to be [in] the public eye. If their behavior is revealed to the public, they have one of two choices: one is to reform in such a way that they can be proud of their endeavors, and proud to display them to the public. Or the other is to lock down internally and to balkanize, and as a result, of course, cease to be as efficient as they were. To me, that is a very good outcome, because organizations can either be efficient, open and honest, or they can be closed, conspiratorial and inefficient.

Transcript: TIME Interview with WikiLeaks' Julian Assange - TIME

Clearly Beck did some artful editing to make it seem like Assange is saying the exact opposite of what he actually said. It should be clear that when Beck claimed to be a libertarian he was really just joshing, and that he's a fraud. Beck is a statist, and Julian Assange is the real defender of liberty.

Well, his forty days of honesty were up, weren't they?
Find another hero, doofus.

If you have to say "the women asked for it," your cred and his cred is really fucked.

What are you talking about "the women asked for it?" They literally asked for it because it was consensual sex.
Find another hero, doofus.

If you have to say "the women asked for it," your cred and his cred is really fucked.

What are you talking about "the women asked for it?" They literally asked for it because it was consensual sex.

Alright, sonny, you are going to defend a sex criminal because he works for your political point of view.

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