Before 1948

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Zionist Jews incited the violence by attempting to take the Temple Mount which is obviously Arab holy land. Prior to the zionist degenerates inciting this violence, Jews and Muslims and Christians lived in peace in Palestine for centuries. Beyond that, many Muslims protected Jews and even hid them in their homes.

/end thread

Why is it called "Temple Mount"? Because it's a Jewish holy place where both Jewish temples was located before Muslims even took control of Jerusalem in 637. So, by your implied argument, being "obviously Arab holy land" actually means less than nothing.
Dumb. Jews call it that from their religious texts which are NEVER used as an historical reference by any legitimate historian or researcher. Beyond that, there is no evidence of these temples, even the west wall is not a settled matter. At the same time, there are massive amounts of archeological evidence of other structures (many still standing) from that same time period around our world.
Louie Loo Looney, did it every occur to you that it really doesn't matter what you and your sock Monte say here?
But not one shred of evidence that any Jewish temple existed there as the Muslim temple still stands where it has been for centuries.
Mere rumor is all it takes for Jews to launch a killing spree. That's followed by "the Mooooslims made us do it".

Except that the Western Wall is itself the evidence.

Dumb. Jews call it that from their religious texts which are NEVER used as an historical reference by any legitimate historian or researcher. Beyond that, there is no evidence of these temples, even the west wall is not a settled matter. At the same time, there are massive amounts of archeological evidence of other structures (many still standing) from that same time period around our world.

You sir, are a moron and I see no reason to honor your silly post with a retort.
The western wall is hardly a settled matter with respect to ANYTHING related to the Jews.

The temple mount is what Jews call it. The Arab world (a couple billion people) call it Haram esh-Sharif.

You wont honor my post with a retort because, really, what could you say? I simply stated facts.

You're no better than a German apologist denying the holocaust. You have no real idea of what's historically accurate and are merely posting noise to support your point of view.
You're crazy, post your evidence of the first temple for starters.

This should be fun.

And I love how you bring up the holocaust here...

View attachment 127560

I have to admit that it's hilarious to see Louie posting the same cartoons multiple times across multiple threads and insisting he has offered facts.

Truly, the guy is breath of fresh air in today's world of radical Islamist's. So funny. How can we get more like him here?
Except that the Western Wall is itself the evidence.

You sir, are a moron and I see no reason to honor your silly post with a retort.
The western wall is hardly a settled matter with respect to ANYTHING related to the Jews.

The temple mount is what Jews call it. The Arab world (a couple billion people) call it Haram esh-Sharif.

You wont honor my post with a retort because, really, what could you say? I simply stated facts.

You're no better than a German apologist denying the holocaust. You have no real idea of what's historically accurate and are merely posting noise to support your point of view.
You're crazy, post your evidence of the first temple for starters.

This should be fun.

And I love how you bring up the holocaust here...

View attachment 127560

I have to admit that it's hilarious to see Louie posting the same cartoons multiple times across multiple threads and insisting he has offered facts.

Truly, the guy is breath of fresh air in today's world of radical Islamist's. So funny. How can we get more like him here?

Just imagine how miserable pro Israel lives would be without a board like this to keep us laughing in this troubled world.
The western wall is hardly a settled matter with respect to ANYTHING related to the Jews.

The temple mount is what Jews call it. The Arab world (a couple billion people) call it Haram esh-Sharif.

You wont honor my post with a retort because, really, what could you say? I simply stated facts.

You're no better than a German apologist denying the holocaust. You have no real idea of what's historically accurate and are merely posting noise to support your point of view.
You're crazy, post your evidence of the first temple for starters.

This should be fun.

And I love how you bring up the holocaust here...

View attachment 127560

I have to admit that it's hilarious to see Louie posting the same cartoons multiple times across multiple threads and insisting he has offered facts.

Truly, the guy is breath of fresh air in today's world of radical Islamist's. So funny. How can we get more like him here?

Just imagine how miserable pro Israel lives would be without a board like this to keep us laughing in this troubled world.
The Hebron massacre of 1929 wasn't the only one, of course, there were other recroded massacres of these Jews that according to these IslamoNazi assholes, were never there! LOL:

1660 destruction of Safed - Wikipedia

The towns of Safed and nearby Tiberias, with substantial Jewish communities, were destroyed.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] Only a few of the former residents of Safed had returned to the town after the destruction.[6][7] The community however recovered within several years, whereas Tiberias lay in waste for decades.

Safed's central role in Jewish life in Galilee declined after the late 16th century, when it had been a major city with a population of 15,000 Jews.[9] By the second half of the seventeenth century Safed still had a majority Jewish community with 200 "houses" and some 4,000 to 5,000 Jewish residents, while about 100 "houses" (multiple family units) in the town were Muslim.
Post your evidence of the first temple for starters. I asked for that several posts ago.

But this is why I need to know your criteria. There is no point in posting evidence if you won't accept it. Define your criteria and I will post my evidence.
Evidence is not necessarily proof, just post any evidence of the first temple. Let's start there.
Post your evidence of the first temple for starters. I asked for that several posts ago.

But this is why I need to know your criteria. There is no point in posting evidence if you won't accept it. Define your criteria and I will post my evidence.
Evidence is not necessarily proof, just post any evidence of the first temple. Let's start there.

See, you want to keep your criteria undefined so that no matter what I post -- you will have "cause" to dispute it. Define your criteria. I will either meet it or argue why your definition of criteria is faulty. I'm going to try to meet it, unless your criteria is silly -- like things didn't exist unless there is physical evidence remaining of the destroyed object.
You're no better than a German apologist denying the holocaust. You have no real idea of what's historically accurate and are merely posting noise to support your point of view.
You're crazy, post your evidence of the first temple for starters.

This should be fun.

And I love how you bring up the holocaust here...

View attachment 127560

I have to admit that it's hilarious to see Louie posting the same cartoons multiple times across multiple threads and insisting he has offered facts.

Truly, the guy is breath of fresh air in today's world of radical Islamist's. So funny. How can we get more like him here?

Just imagine how miserable pro Israel lives would be without a board like this to keep us laughing in this troubled world.
The Hebron massacre of 1929 wasn't the only one, of course, there were other recroded massacres of these Jews that according to these IslamoNazi assholes, were never there! LOL:

1660 destruction of Safed - Wikipedia

The towns of Safed and nearby Tiberias, with substantial Jewish communities, were destroyed.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] Only a few of the former residents of Safed had returned to the town after the destruction.[6][7] The community however recovered within several years, whereas Tiberias lay in waste for decades.

Safed's central role in Jewish life in Galilee declined after the late 16th century, when it had been a major city with a population of 15,000 Jews.[9] By the second half of the seventeenth century Safed still had a majority Jewish community with 200 "houses" and some 4,000 to 5,000 Jewish residents, while about 100 "houses" (multiple family units) in the town were Muslim.

These & other incidents are well documented attacks on the Jews in the land long before what the Pali supporters blame on the Zionists since 1948. It's called Palestinian mentality.
The native people of Palestine rightly resented the arrival of people from Europe that threatened their future, be they the Jews from Spain and Portugal after 1492 or the Zionists later. To think otherwise is the called the Jew mentality.
The native people of Palestine rightly resented the arrival of people from Europe that threatened their future, be they the Jews from Spain and Portugal after 1492 or the Zionists later. To think otherwise is the called the Jew mentality.

Translation: Arabs rightly resented someone taking land the Arabs rightfully stole.
Post your evidence of the first temple for starters. I asked for that several posts ago.

But this is why I need to know your criteria. There is no point in posting evidence if you won't accept it. Define your criteria and I will post my evidence.
Evidence is not necessarily proof, just post any evidence of the first temple. Let's start there.

Fucking idiot, I bet you even failed your the Islamic education you got at your mosque madrassa:

Arch of Titus - Wikipedia

The south panel depicts the spoils taken from the Temple in Jerusalem. The golden candelabrum or Menorah is the main focus and is carved in deep relief. Other sacred objects being carried in the triumphal procession are the Gold Trumpets, the fire pans for removing the ashes from the altar, and the Table of Shew bread.[7] These spoils were likely originally colored gold, with the background in blue.[7] In 2012 the Arch of Titus Digital Restoration Project discovered remains of yellow ochre paint on the menorah relief.[8]

Post your evidence of the first temple for starters. I asked for that several posts ago.

But this is why I need to know your criteria. There is no point in posting evidence if you won't accept it. Define your criteria and I will post my evidence.
Evidence is not necessarily proof, just post any evidence of the first temple. Let's start there.

See, you want to keep your criteria undefined so that no matter what I post -- you will have "cause" to dispute it. Define your criteria. I will either meet it or argue why your definition of criteria is faulty. I'm going to try to meet it, unless your criteria is silly -- like things didn't exist unless there is physical evidence remaining of the destroyed object.
You are paranoid. I would honestly love to see any evidence ay all of the first temple. Please, for the love of G-d, post what you got. I am truly interested here and couldn't give to shits about disputing anything.
Post your evidence of the first temple for starters. I asked for that several posts ago.

But this is why I need to know your criteria. There is no point in posting evidence if you won't accept it. Define your criteria and I will post my evidence.
Evidence is not necessarily proof, just post any evidence of the first temple. Let's start there.

See, you want to keep your criteria undefined so that no matter what I post -- you will have "cause" to dispute it. Define your criteria. I will either meet it or argue why your definition of criteria is faulty. I'm going to try to meet it, unless your criteria is silly -- like things didn't exist unless there is physical evidence remaining of the destroyed object.
You are paranoid. I would honestly love to see any evidence ay all of the first temple. Please, for the love of G-d, post what you got. I am truly interested here and couldn't give to shits about disputing anything.
So not only are you stupid and illiterate, but blind as well. The Colosseum was built with the gold the Romans stole from the First Temple, and then the Catholic Church stole all it's marble and gold to build the Vatican.

True story. :cool:
Post your evidence of the first temple for starters. I asked for that several posts ago.

But this is why I need to know your criteria. There is no point in posting evidence if you won't accept it. Define your criteria and I will post my evidence.
Evidence is not necessarily proof, just post any evidence of the first temple. Let's start there.

See, you want to keep your criteria undefined so that no matter what I post -- you will have "cause" to dispute it. Define your criteria. I will either meet it or argue why your definition of criteria is faulty. I'm going to try to meet it, unless your criteria is silly -- like things didn't exist unless there is physical evidence remaining of the destroyed object.
You are paranoid. I would honestly love to see any evidence ay all of the first temple. Please, for the love of G-d, post what you got. I am truly interested here and couldn't give to shits about disputing anything.
So not only are you stupid and illiterate, but blind as well. The Colosseum was built with the gold the Romans stole from the First Temple, and then the Catholic Church stole all it's marble and gold to build the Vatican.

True story. :cool:

Are you so stupid to believe that a little backwater place had enough wealth to build anything but a few of the public latrines in Rome? Read some real Roman history, not just Jew propaganda.
But this is why I need to know your criteria. There is no point in posting evidence if you won't accept it. Define your criteria and I will post my evidence.
Evidence is not necessarily proof, just post any evidence of the first temple. Let's start there.

See, you want to keep your criteria undefined so that no matter what I post -- you will have "cause" to dispute it. Define your criteria. I will either meet it or argue why your definition of criteria is faulty. I'm going to try to meet it, unless your criteria is silly -- like things didn't exist unless there is physical evidence remaining of the destroyed object.
You are paranoid. I would honestly love to see any evidence ay all of the first temple. Please, for the love of G-d, post what you got. I am truly interested here and couldn't give to shits about disputing anything.
So not only are you stupid and illiterate, but blind as well. The Colosseum was built with the gold the Romans stole from the First Temple, and then the Catholic Church stole all it's marble and gold to build the Vatican.

True story. :cool:

Are you so stupid to believe that a little backwater place had enough wealth to build anything but a few of the public latrines in Rome? Read some real Roman history, not just Jew propaganda.
The Collosseum in Rome was built by not only the Temple's wealth, but by imported Jewish slaves after the sacking of Jerusalem. That's why there is an ancient Jewish quarter that still exists in Rome, which I have visited. Any Italian Christian living in Rome will tell you that.

In fact that's exactly what our private tour guide told us, the Colosseum was built with Jewish gold and the labor of Jewish slaves. And he was a history and archeology major. Interesting how years later, the Church looted the magnificent Colosseum to build their "Vatican" which is filled statues and idols people inside bow to. What goes around comes around.
Evidence is not necessarily proof, just post any evidence of the first temple. Let's start there.

See, you want to keep your criteria undefined so that no matter what I post -- you will have "cause" to dispute it. Define your criteria. I will either meet it or argue why your definition of criteria is faulty. I'm going to try to meet it, unless your criteria is silly -- like things didn't exist unless there is physical evidence remaining of the destroyed object.
You are paranoid. I would honestly love to see any evidence ay all of the first temple. Please, for the love of G-d, post what you got. I am truly interested here and couldn't give to shits about disputing anything.
So not only are you stupid and illiterate, but blind as well. The Colosseum was built with the gold the Romans stole from the First Temple, and then the Catholic Church stole all it's marble and gold to build the Vatican.

True story. :cool:

Are you so stupid to believe that a little backwater place had enough wealth to build anything but a few of the public latrines in Rome? Read some real Roman history, not just Jew propaganda.
The Collosseum in Rome was built by not only the Temple's wealth, but by imported Jewish slaves after the sacking of Jerusalem. That's why there is an ancient Jewish quarter that still exists in Rome, which I have visited. Any Italian Christian living in Rome will tell you that.

In fact that's exactly what our private tour guide told us, the Colosseum was built with Jewish gold and the labor of Jewish slaves. And he was a history and archeology major. Interesting how years later, the Church looted the magnificent Colosseum to build their "Vatican" which is filled statues and idols people inside bow to. What goes around comes around.

Here we go, retard, why do I always have to educate you and your stupid sock:

Colosseum 'built with loot from sack of Jerusalem temple'

THE Colosseum, the huge Roman amphitheatre used for animal shows and gladiatorial combat, was built with the spoils of the sack of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem, a new archaeological find suggests.

A recently deciphered inscription was made public yesterday as organisers prepared for an exhibition on the monument, opening next week. A feature of the show is a large, altar-like stone with a chiselled Latin inscription, which tells how a senator, Lampaudius, had the Colosseum restored in AD 443.

Colosseum - Wikipedia

Construction was funded by the opulent spoils taken from the Jewish Temple after the Great Jewish Revolt in 70 AD led to the Siege of Jerusalem. According to a reconstructed inscription found on the site, "the emperor Vespasian ordered this new amphitheatre to be erected from his general's share of the booty." Along with the spoils, estimated 100,000 Jewish prisoners were brought back to Rome after the war, and many contributed to the massive workforce needed for construction. The slaves undertook manual labor such as working in the quarries at Tivoli where the travertine was quarried, along with lifting and transporting the quarried stones 20 miles from Tivoli to Rome.[16] Along with this free source of unskilled labor, teams of professional Roman builders, engineers, artists, painters and decorators undertook the more specialized tasks necessary for building the Colosseum.

Construction of the Colosseum began under the rule of Vespasian[4] in around 70–72 AD (73-75 AD according to some sources)[16] The Colosseum had been completed up to the third story by the time of Vespasian's death in 79. The top level was finished by his son, Titus, in 80,[4] and the inaugural games were held in A.D. 80 or 81.[16] Dio Cassius recounts that over 9,000 wild animals were killed during the inaugural games of the amphitheatre. Commemorative coinage was issued celebrating the inauguration.[17] The building was remodelled further under Vespasian's younger son, the newly designated Emperor Domitian, who constructed the hypogeum, a series of underground tunnels used to house animals and slaves. He also added a gallery to the top of the Colosseum to increase its seating capacity.[18]
The Collosseum in Rome was built by not only the Temple's wealth, but by imported Jewish slaves after the sacking of Jerusalem. That's why there is an ancient Jewish quarter that still exists in Rome, which I have visited. Any Italian Christian living in Rome will tell you that.
Every time I think that you can't post something dumber, you do. The Jewish quarter in Rome has NOTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH JEWISH SLAVES, you moron.

But then again, you think the Europeans who occupy Palestine today have something to do with the Jews from biblical times.
See, you want to keep your criteria undefined so that no matter what I post -- you will have "cause" to dispute it. Define your criteria. I will either meet it or argue why your definition of criteria is faulty. I'm going to try to meet it, unless your criteria is silly -- like things didn't exist unless there is physical evidence remaining of the destroyed object.
You are paranoid. I would honestly love to see any evidence ay all of the first temple. Please, for the love of G-d, post what you got. I am truly interested here and couldn't give to shits about disputing anything.
So not only are you stupid and illiterate, but blind as well. The Colosseum was built with the gold the Romans stole from the First Temple, and then the Catholic Church stole all it's marble and gold to build the Vatican.

True story. :cool:

Are you so stupid to believe that a little backwater place had enough wealth to build anything but a few of the public latrines in Rome? Read some real Roman history, not just Jew propaganda.
The Collosseum in Rome was built by not only the Temple's wealth, but by imported Jewish slaves after the sacking of Jerusalem. That's why there is an ancient Jewish quarter that still exists in Rome, which I have visited. Any Italian Christian living in Rome will tell you that.

In fact that's exactly what our private tour guide told us, the Colosseum was built with Jewish gold and the labor of Jewish slaves. And he was a history and archeology major. Interesting how years later, the Church looted the magnificent Colosseum to build their "Vatican" which is filled statues and idols people inside bow to. What goes around comes around.

Here we go, retard, why do I always have to educate you and your stupid sock:

Colosseum 'built with loot from sack of Jerusalem temple'

THE Colosseum, the huge Roman amphitheatre used for animal shows and gladiatorial combat, was built with the spoils of the sack of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem, a new archaeological find suggests.

A recently deciphered inscription was made public yesterday as organisers prepared for an exhibition on the monument, opening next week. A feature of the show is a large, altar-like stone with a chiselled Latin inscription, which tells how a senator, Lampaudius, had the Colosseum restored in AD 443.

Oops? LOL, you must of crapped yourself again.


Looks like mommy has to change that diaper again.
The Collosseum in Rome was built by not only the Temple's wealth, but by imported Jewish slaves after the sacking of Jerusalem. That's why there is an ancient Jewish quarter that still exists in Rome, which I have visited. Any Italian Christian living in Rome will tell you that.
Every time I think that you can't post something dumber, you do. The Jewish quarter in Rome has NOTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH JEWISH SLAVES, you moron.

But then again, you think the Europeans who occupy Palestine today have something to do with the Jews from biblical times.
Again I have to educate the Neanderthal. how do you think the Jews got to Rome in the first place?
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