Before 1948

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You are paranoid. I would honestly love to see any evidence ay all of the first temple. Please, for the love of G-d, post what you got. I am truly interested here and couldn't give to shits about disputing anything.
So not only are you stupid and illiterate, but blind as well. The Colosseum was built with the gold the Romans stole from the First Temple, and then the Catholic Church stole all it's marble and gold to build the Vatican.

True story. :cool:

Are you so stupid to believe that a little backwater place had enough wealth to build anything but a few of the public latrines in Rome? Read some real Roman history, not just Jew propaganda.
The Collosseum in Rome was built by not only the Temple's wealth, but by imported Jewish slaves after the sacking of Jerusalem. That's why there is an ancient Jewish quarter that still exists in Rome, which I have visited. Any Italian Christian living in Rome will tell you that.

In fact that's exactly what our private tour guide told us, the Colosseum was built with Jewish gold and the labor of Jewish slaves. And he was a history and archeology major. Interesting how years later, the Church looted the magnificent Colosseum to build their "Vatican" which is filled statues and idols people inside bow to. What goes around comes around.

Here we go, retard, why do I always have to educate you and your stupid sock:

Colosseum 'built with loot from sack of Jerusalem temple'

THE Colosseum, the huge Roman amphitheatre used for animal shows and gladiatorial combat, was built with the spoils of the sack of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem, a new archaeological find suggests.

A recently deciphered inscription was made public yesterday as organisers prepared for an exhibition on the monument, opening next week. A feature of the show is a large, altar-like stone with a chiselled Latin inscription, which tells how a senator, Lampaudius, had the Colosseum restored in AD 443.

Oops? LOL, you must of crapped yourself again.

View attachment 127738

Looks like mommy has to change that diaper again.
Looks like Abdul is hungry. Are you fasting again? It isn't Ramadung yet.
Post your evidence of the first temple for starters. I asked for that several posts ago.

But this is why I need to know your criteria. There is no point in posting evidence if you won't accept it. Define your criteria and I will post my evidence.
Evidence is not necessarily proof, just post any evidence of the first temple. Let's start there.

See, you want to keep your criteria undefined so that no matter what I post -- you will have "cause" to dispute it. Define your criteria. I will either meet it or argue why your definition of criteria is faulty. I'm going to try to meet it, unless your criteria is silly -- like things didn't exist unless there is physical evidence remaining of the destroyed object.
You are paranoid. I would honestly love to see any evidence ay all of the first temple. Please, for the love of G-d, post what you got. I am truly interested here and couldn't give to shits about disputing anything.

Louie self destructs again. Heh Heh!

Archaeological Evidence for Solomon's Temple!
Post your evidence of the first temple for starters. I asked for that several posts ago.

But this is why I need to know your criteria. There is no point in posting evidence if you won't accept it. Define your criteria and I will post my evidence.
Evidence is not necessarily proof, just post any evidence of the first temple. Let's start there.

See, you want to keep your criteria undefined so that no matter what I post -- you will have "cause" to dispute it. Define your criteria. I will either meet it or argue why your definition of criteria is faulty. I'm going to try to meet it, unless your criteria is silly -- like things didn't exist unless there is physical evidence remaining of the destroyed object.
You are paranoid. I would honestly love to see any evidence ay all of the first temple. Please, for the love of G-d, post what you got. I am truly interested here and couldn't give to shits about disputing anything.

Louie self destructs again. Heh Heh!

Archaeological Evidence for Solomon's Temple!
I doubt even shusha accepts that as evidence for the first temple. I mean a link from UK Apologetics quoting Israel’s Geological Institute? Did any outside scientists corroborate or even peer review this work lol. I'll help you here... NO!

The link even states that it was dated over 500 after the supposed temple was supposedly destroyed.

Please read what is contained in the links you post PRIOR to posting. This will save me time and you embarrassment.
You show the idiot proof, that on a two thousand year old Roman arch the evidence of the sacking of Jerusalem and what the Romans did with the temple's gold, and he keeps braying like a donkey. This is why there will never be peace in the Middle East, too many ignorant donkeys like Achmed Louie the looney.

Yeah, awwwwwkward...
Yeah, awwwwwkward...

Awkward for you, this time and all the other times you cut and pasted this same unsourced picture you found on the web.
You're being both silly and stupid. Each of those dots can be referenced from the Jew edited wikipedia itself...

Acre Subdistrict
See also: Acre Subdistrict
Beersheba Subdistrict
See also: Beersheba Subdistrict
Beisan Subdistrict
See also: Beisan Subdistrict
Gaza Subdistrict
See also: Gaza Subdistrict
Haifa Subdistrict
See also: Haifa Subdistrict
Hebron Subdistrict
See also: Hebron Subdistrict
Jaffa Subdistrict
See also: Jaffa Subdistrict
Jenin Subdistrict
See also: Jenin Subdistrict
Jerusalem Subdistrict
See also: Jerusalem Subdistrict
Nazareth Subdistrict
See also: Nazareth Subdistrict
Ramle Subdistrict
See also: Ramle Subdistrict
Safad Subdistrict
See also: Safad Subdistrict
Tiberias Subdistrict
See also: Tiberias Subdistrict
Tulkarm Subdistrict
See also: Tulkarm Subdistrict
Yeah, awwwwwwkward!
Yeah, awwwwwkward...

Awkward for you, this time and all the other times you cut and pasted this same unsourced picture you found on the web.
You're being both silly and stupid. Each of those dots can be referenced from the Jew edited wikipedia itself...

Acre Subdistrict
See also: Acre Subdistrict
Beersheba Subdistrict
See also: Beersheba Subdistrict
Beisan Subdistrict
See also: Beisan Subdistrict
Gaza Subdistrict
See also: Gaza Subdistrict
Haifa Subdistrict
See also: Haifa Subdistrict
Hebron Subdistrict
See also: Hebron Subdistrict
Jaffa Subdistrict
See also: Jaffa Subdistrict
Jenin Subdistrict
See also: Jenin Subdistrict
Jerusalem Subdistrict
See also: Jerusalem Subdistrict
Nazareth Subdistrict
See also: Nazareth Subdistrict
Ramle Subdistrict
See also: Ramle Subdistrict
Safad Subdistrict
See also: Safad Subdistrict
Tiberias Subdistrict
See also: Tiberias Subdistrict
Tulkarm Subdistrict
See also: Tulkarm Subdistrict
Yeah, awwwwwwkward!

Well yeah, awkward for you, obviously.

You hoped to dance around your undated, unsourced and therefore unreliable cut and paste picture.

You hoped to bury your earlier, nonsensical cutting and pasting by cutting and pasting pages of material from wiki. You further minimized your own credibility with references to the "Jew edited wiki" and then proceeded to spam the thread with pages of cutting and pasting you have cut and pasted before.

Effectively, you managed to trivialize your own cutting and pasting by spamming the thread with cut and paste pictures of unknown origin or authenticity and dumping pages of repetitive cutting and pasting with no connection to your earlier cutting and pasting.

Yeah, awwwwwkward...

Awkward for you, this time and all the other times you cut and pasted this same unsourced picture you found on the web.
He found this map on the Disney site, right next to the picture of Mickey Mouse.
Here you can find links to each of those dots on the map...

Acre Subdistrict
See also: Acre Subdistrict
Beersheba Subdistrict
See also: Beersheba Subdistrict
Beisan Subdistrict
See also: Beisan Subdistrict
Gaza Subdistrict
See also: Gaza Subdistrict
Haifa Subdistrict
See also: Haifa Subdistrict
Hebron Subdistrict
See also: Hebron Subdistrict
Jaffa Subdistrict
See also: Jaffa Subdistrict
Jenin Subdistrict
See also: Jenin Subdistrict
Jerusalem Subdistrict
See also: Jerusalem Subdistrict
Nazareth Subdistrict
See also: Nazareth Subdistrict
Ramle Subdistrict
See also: Ramle Subdistrict
Safad Subdistrict
See also: Safad Subdistrict
Tiberias Subdistrict
See also: Tiberias Subdistrict
Tulkarm Subdistrict
See also: Tulkarm Subdistrict

Qaqun, 2008

List of Arab towns and villages depopulated during the 1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia
Yeah, awwwwwkward...

Awkward for you, this time and all the other times you cut and pasted this same unsourced picture you found on the web.
He found this map on the Disney site, right next to the picture of Mickey Mouse.
Here you can find links to each of those dots on the map...

Acre Subdistrict
See also: Acre Subdistrict
Beersheba Subdistrict
See also: Beersheba Subdistrict
Beisan Subdistrict
See also: Beisan Subdistrict
Gaza Subdistrict
See also: Gaza Subdistrict
Haifa Subdistrict
See also: Haifa Subdistrict
Hebron Subdistrict
See also: Hebron Subdistrict
Jaffa Subdistrict
See also: Jaffa Subdistrict
Jenin Subdistrict
See also: Jenin Subdistrict
Jerusalem Subdistrict
See also: Jerusalem Subdistrict
Nazareth Subdistrict
See also: Nazareth Subdistrict
Ramle Subdistrict
See also: Ramle Subdistrict
Safad Subdistrict
See also: Safad Subdistrict
Tiberias Subdistrict
See also: Tiberias Subdistrict
Tulkarm Subdistrict
See also: Tulkarm Subdistrict

Qaqun, 2008

List of Arab towns and villages depopulated during the 1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia

There's nothing to indicate that your phony cut and paste from wiki has any connection with your phony cut and paste picture.

It's actually comical that you're cutting and pasting the same material from what you described as the "Jew edited wiki".
Samuel Clemen's visit to Lebanon, Syria, and the Holy Land, sums up the area in "The Innocents Abroad" (pub.1867) where he described Palestine as follows:

"..... A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds... a silent mournful expanse.... a desolation.... we never saw a human being on the whole route.... hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country." (The Innocents Abroad, p. 361-362)

He saw one human. A nomad. No thriving metropolis in the 1800's, nor in 1948.

The King of Jordan blamed Egypt for hanging those Arabs that left Israel out to dry. He said it was to try to take Israel's land away. He was correct.
Last edited:
Yeah, awwwwwkward...

Awkward for you, this time and all the other times you cut and pasted this same unsourced picture you found on the web.
He found this map on the Disney site, right next to the picture of Mickey Mouse.
Here you can find links to each of those dots on the map...

Acre Subdistrict
See also: Acre Subdistrict
Beersheba Subdistrict
See also: Beersheba Subdistrict
Beisan Subdistrict
See also: Beisan Subdistrict
Gaza Subdistrict
See also: Gaza Subdistrict
Haifa Subdistrict
See also: Haifa Subdistrict
Hebron Subdistrict
See also: Hebron Subdistrict
Jaffa Subdistrict
See also: Jaffa Subdistrict
Jenin Subdistrict
See also: Jenin Subdistrict
Jerusalem Subdistrict
See also: Jerusalem Subdistrict
Nazareth Subdistrict
See also: Nazareth Subdistrict
Ramle Subdistrict
See also: Ramle Subdistrict
Safad Subdistrict
See also: Safad Subdistrict
Tiberias Subdistrict
See also: Tiberias Subdistrict
Tulkarm Subdistrict
See also: Tulkarm Subdistrict

Qaqun, 2008

List of Arab towns and villages depopulated during the 1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia

"List of cities named and renamed by Arab / Muslim invaders". Congratulations...You just accomplished jack shit. And about half of them obviously had Hebrew names, renamed into Muslim names. Even "Ramallah" had a Jewish name, Ramah, Muslim invaders added an "Allah" to it. Are you happy to have made a fool of yourself?
Last edited:
Yeah, awwwwwkward...

Awkward for you, this time and all the other times you cut and pasted this same unsourced picture you found on the web.
He found this map on the Disney site, right next to the picture of Mickey Mouse.
Here you can find links to each of those dots on the map...

Acre Subdistrict
See also: Acre Subdistrict
Beersheba Subdistrict
See also: Beersheba Subdistrict
Beisan Subdistrict
See also: Beisan Subdistrict
Gaza Subdistrict
See also: Gaza Subdistrict
Haifa Subdistrict
See also: Haifa Subdistrict
Hebron Subdistrict
See also: Hebron Subdistrict
Jaffa Subdistrict
See also: Jaffa Subdistrict
Jenin Subdistrict
See also: Jenin Subdistrict
Jerusalem Subdistrict
See also: Jerusalem Subdistrict
Nazareth Subdistrict
See also: Nazareth Subdistrict
Ramle Subdistrict
See also: Ramle Subdistrict
Safad Subdistrict
See also: Safad Subdistrict
Tiberias Subdistrict
See also: Tiberias Subdistrict
Tulkarm Subdistrict
See also: Tulkarm Subdistrict

Qaqun, 2008

List of Arab towns and villages depopulated during the 1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia

There's nothing to indicate that your phony cut and paste from wiki has any connection with your phony cut and paste picture.

It's actually comical that you're cutting and pasting the same material from what you described as the "Jew edited wiki".
You just say stuff that you know nothing about in hopes that nobody knows enough to catch you in your bullshit. Here are two villages from the above list and if you looked you could find many more.

Iqrit - Wikipedia

Miska - Wikipedia

Yeah, awwwwwkward...

Awkward for you, this time and all the other times you cut and pasted this same unsourced picture you found on the web.
He found this map on the Disney site, right next to the picture of Mickey Mouse.
Here you can find links to each of those dots on the map...

Acre Subdistrict
See also: Acre Subdistrict
Beersheba Subdistrict
See also: Beersheba Subdistrict
Beisan Subdistrict
See also: Beisan Subdistrict
Gaza Subdistrict
See also: Gaza Subdistrict
Haifa Subdistrict
See also: Haifa Subdistrict
Hebron Subdistrict
See also: Hebron Subdistrict
Jaffa Subdistrict
See also: Jaffa Subdistrict
Jenin Subdistrict
See also: Jenin Subdistrict
Jerusalem Subdistrict
See also: Jerusalem Subdistrict
Nazareth Subdistrict
See also: Nazareth Subdistrict
Ramle Subdistrict
See also: Ramle Subdistrict
Safad Subdistrict
See also: Safad Subdistrict
Tiberias Subdistrict
See also: Tiberias Subdistrict
Tulkarm Subdistrict
See also: Tulkarm Subdistrict

Qaqun, 2008

List of Arab towns and villages depopulated during the 1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia

There's nothing to indicate that your phony cut and paste from wiki has any connection with your phony cut and paste picture.

It's actually comical that you're cutting and pasting the same material from what you described as the "Jew edited wiki".
You just say stuff that you know nothing about in hopes that nobody knows enough to catch you in your bullshit. Here are two villages from the above list and if you looked you could find many more.

Iqrit - Wikipedia

Miska - Wikipedia


Those are the same YouTube videos you have cut and pasted multiple times across multiple threads.

That seems to be a pattern of behavior with the islamic terrorist huggers.
Awkward for you, this time and all the other times you cut and pasted this same unsourced picture you found on the web.
He found this map on the Disney site, right next to the picture of Mickey Mouse.
Here you can find links to each of those dots on the map...

Acre Subdistrict
See also: Acre Subdistrict
Beersheba Subdistrict
See also: Beersheba Subdistrict
Beisan Subdistrict
See also: Beisan Subdistrict
Gaza Subdistrict
See also: Gaza Subdistrict
Haifa Subdistrict
See also: Haifa Subdistrict
Hebron Subdistrict
See also: Hebron Subdistrict
Jaffa Subdistrict
See also: Jaffa Subdistrict
Jenin Subdistrict
See also: Jenin Subdistrict
Jerusalem Subdistrict
See also: Jerusalem Subdistrict
Nazareth Subdistrict
See also: Nazareth Subdistrict
Ramle Subdistrict
See also: Ramle Subdistrict
Safad Subdistrict
See also: Safad Subdistrict
Tiberias Subdistrict
See also: Tiberias Subdistrict
Tulkarm Subdistrict
See also: Tulkarm Subdistrict

Qaqun, 2008

List of Arab towns and villages depopulated during the 1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia

There's nothing to indicate that your phony cut and paste from wiki has any connection with your phony cut and paste picture.

It's actually comical that you're cutting and pasting the same material from what you described as the "Jew edited wiki".
You just say stuff that you know nothing about in hopes that nobody knows enough to catch you in your bullshit. Here are two villages from the above list and if you looked you could find many more.

Iqrit - Wikipedia

Miska - Wikipedia


Those are the same YouTube videos you have cut and pasted multiple times across multiple threads.

That seems to be a pattern of behavior with the islamic terrorist huggers.

So you didn't miss them. You just ignored them and continued with your bullshit.
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