Before The White Man Came

Before the White man came, America had no diversity

True story
That is inaccurate.
Unless, of course. you think there's no difference between the Inuit and, say, the Cherokee? Inca?
Since they all look alike...
They all looked the same, did they same shit, lived the same way. The only difference they had was they each had their own primitive language, otherwise they were virtually identical.

So the Aztec looked the same and had EXACTLY the same culture as the Inuit?
The Cherokee who developed a written language were EXACTLY the same culture as the natives in the Amazon?

I'm gonna say you really haven't the foggiest notion as to what you are talking.
No, im talking about all the indian tribes in the US, Cheroke, Apache, etc. They may have had different languages, but they were basically the same. As for Inuits and Aztecs, they had the same inferior level of technology as American Indians.
So the Aztec looked the same and had EXACTLY the same culture as the Inuit? The Cherokee who developed a written language were EXACTLY the same culture as the natives in the Amazon?
Do the Irish have EXACTLY the same culture as Germans and the English? They're all considered white.
Check the genes sonny.
You'll find differences that readily identify these subgroups.
Ever hear of Blue People? They're "White" too, fancy that.
Before the White man came, America had no diversity

True story
That is inaccurate.
Unless, of course. you think there's no difference between the Inuit and, say, the Cherokee? Inca?
Since they all look alike...
They all looked the same, did they same shit, lived the same way. The only difference they had was they each had their own primitive language, otherwise they were virtually identical.

So the Aztec looked the same and had EXACTLY the same culture as the Inuit?
The Cherokee who developed a written language were EXACTLY the same culture as the natives in the Amazon?

I'm gonna say you really haven't the foggiest notion as to what you are talking.
No, im talking about all the indian tribes in the US, Cheroke, Apache, etc. They may have had different languages, but they were basically the same. As for Inuits and Aztecs, they had the same inferior level of technology as American Indians.
Ah the White man history.

You think, now let's ALL pay attention
That peoples separated by 5000 miles, two mountain ranges, over 10000 years are genetically identical?

Your response came to my question as to whether you think The Inuit and the Inca are the same.
After answering wrong you tried to make believe I was confused by changing the parameters and saying "I meant"

Why not try reading your post before hitting that Reply button?
Check the genes sonny.
You'll find differences that readily identify these subgroups.
If you're German, Irish, or English, you'd tick the "white" box when asked which race you are, "sonny".

Ever hear of Blue People? They're "White" too, fancy that.
Ever hear of vitiligo? It turns black people white. Should they tick off the "white" box when asked which race they are?
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Before the White man came, America had no diversity

True story
That is inaccurate.
Unless, of course. you think there's no difference between the Inuit and, say, the Cherokee? Inca?
Since they all look alike...
They all looked the same, did they same shit, lived the same way. The only difference they had was they each had their own primitive language, otherwise they were virtually identical.
Ya...just like all Europeans are identical, and all the Americas are identical, and all Africa is identical...

Cultural arrogance?
Check the genes sonny.
You'll find differences that readily identify these subgroups.
If you're German, Irish, or English, you'd tick the "white" box when asked which race you are, "sonny".

Ever hear of Blue People? They're "White" too, fancy that.
Ever hear of vitiligo? It turns black people white. Should they tick off the "white" box when asked which race they are?
Obviously you are ignorant of the subject. Try studying up a little. Maybe a visit to that 23 and me place?

It's not about checking boxes, sonny. It's about looking deeper than that.
Probably why you're confused.
Before the White man came, America had no diversity

True story
That is inaccurate.
Unless, of course. you think there's no difference between the Inuit and, say, the Cherokee? Inca?
Since they all look alike...
They all looked the same, did they same shit, lived the same way. The only difference they had was they each had their own primitive language, otherwise they were virtually identical.
Ya...just like all Europeans are identical, and all the Americas are identical, and all Africa is identical...

Cultural arrogance?
Arrogance or ignorance?
Can we really look at a Swede and a person from Southern Italy and say they are genetically the same?
Are you claiming you know of all the ethnicities in the North American continent and their origins before white guys piddled in the pool?

Why do you not cite them or list them on the pages, oh, you think there were none...I guess what you are saying is that all Native American Indians are from one person?
Well, they none of them lived in real structures, they had no written language and they hadnt even invented the wheel yet. Id say they were all the same bunch of primitive tribesman who eventually lost at the game of "land wars".
Yes they did by a bunch of guys who kneel and bob at the alter of Christ.
awww more racist hate towards people and their right to worship as they wish
Before the White man came, America had no diversity

True story
That is inaccurate.
Unless, of course. you think there's no difference between the Inuit and, say, the Cherokee? Inca?
Since they all look alike...
They all looked the same, did they same shit, lived the same way. The only difference they had was they each had their own primitive language, otherwise they were virtually identical.
Ya...just like all Europeans are identical, and all the Americas are identical, and all Africa is identical...

Cultural arrogance?
Arrogance or ignorance?
Can we really look at a Swede and a person from Southern Italy and say they are genetically the same?
man liberals obsess about race and trump race and trump race and trump..yawn
Are you claiming you know of all the ethnicities in the North American continent and their origins before white guys piddled in the pool?

Why do you not cite them or list them on the pages, oh, you think there were none...I guess what you are saying is that all Native American Indians are from one person?
Actually Europeans and asians came in various waves (including before Columbus and BEFORE Leif Ericson) .....Indians are a mix of whites and asians (before America was a country) .....lighter skinned indians tending to be further north while darker skin progressively showed as you went south. Ancient south american and central american tribes talked of men with beards supposedly before White man officially came. There was a talk of a blue-eyed native americans when whites first came originally in North America.

Since so few true full blooded native americans exist and the race hos continue to pump their nonsense, when genetic markers are used for native americans-----often markers for those not in NORTH america natives are used. The Indian tribes of the US will not use genetic tests to establish membership of the tribes--they use "culture" to which many hispanics illegals and their anchors claim as they often move to the reservations.
Obviously you are ignorant of the subject. Try studying up a little. Maybe a visit to that 23 and me place?

It's not about checking boxes, sonny. It's about looking deeper than that.
Probably why you're confused.
So you think an OPINION piece supports your idiocy?


Pick your word and you'll still find that Swedes are genetically distinct from Italians and Inuits from Incas but what you will ALWAYS find is that at one point, we were all African.
Before the White man came, America had no diversity

True story
That is inaccurate.
Unless, of course. you think there's no difference between the Inuit and, say, the Cherokee? Inca?
Since they all look alike...
They all looked the same, did they same shit, lived the same way. The only difference they had was they each had their own primitive language, otherwise they were virtually identical.
Ya...just like all Europeans are identical, and all the Americas are identical, and all Africa is identical...

Cultural arrogance?
Arrogance or ignorance?
Can we really look at a Swede and a person from Southern Italy and say they are genetically the same?
man liberals obsess about race and trump race and trump race and trump..yawn
Care to look back at the OP bucko?

That's right. Thread started by a Tiny Minded "conservative"


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