Before Trump, Dems stood a poor chance of regaining Congress...but now..

How does a President with a surging economy, low unemployment, low gas prices and no war poll at 37%?

The only answer is that people think he is an asshole

voices on the right have been saying for years that polls are not an accurate reflection of the public mood & opinion; but rather, a tool to define and shape the narrative

these last election cycles (Trump; almost every special election; especially GA 6) have proven that to be true

They're accurate enough just don't represent the EC
voices on the right have been saying for years that polls are not an accurate reflection of the public mood & opinion; but rather, a tool to define and shape the narrative

these last election cycles (Trump; almost every special election; especially GA 6) have proven that to be true

OK,'s a free history lesson......

First, GA 6th was the old Newt Gingrich seat....and you can't get a much REDDER district than that fat, fuck clown's seat

Second, that seat was held by the disgraced piece of turd, Tom Price (where is that piece of turd today?)

Third, in 2012, Price won by 63%; in 2014, by 66% and by 2016, by 62%.....

Fourth, after Price joined the Trump swamp dwellers and got caught screwing everybody, a special election was held.....

Do you want to know by how much the GOP nitiwit won by????

BY A MERE 4% over a rather dingy democrat........See a trend emerging, moron?

BTW, you forgot to mention, VA, NJ and AL.......I'm sure those last elections were a bit "disappointing" to right wing , Trump cult members......LOL
As some of us have often stated, Trump has done more to hurt the GOP than any democrat ever dreamed of........Where gaining a slim majority in Congress for democrats at the upcoming midterms were a very difficult task, Trump has not only made the House an almost foregone conclusion for a D. majority (note Ryan's possible "retirement")....BUT,now, the Senate is also in play........perhaps difficult, but with AZ and NV as a coin toss for a Dem. who knows???

Now, they stand much less of a chance, you partisan hack, you!

How does that make you feel?
Now, they stand much less of a chance, you partisan hack, you!

How does that make you feel?

Well, WHO could argue with your well-documented, objective and erudite assessment, there Marion???....................Have another drink and go to bed.
It would be pretty funny if after 2018 the Senate ends up 51 - 49 Democrat, meaning that the Roy Moore loss made the difference.

.....and imagine how Pence-baby would be pissed that his tie-breaking vote no longer counted.
Now, they stand much less of a chance, you partisan hack, you!

How does that make you feel?

Well, WHO could argue with your well-documented, objective and erudite assessment, there Marion???....................Have another drink and go to bed.

Not anyone who sees how many leftist shill threads you post here day in and day out, making your post count, that's for sure.
It would be pretty funny if after 2018 the Senate ends up 51 - 49 Democrat, meaning that the Roy Moore loss made the difference.

It would be even funnier if the Senate ends up say ... 58-42 Republican. The howling would be endless, and the steamrolling would commence.
Not anyone who sees how many leftist shill threads you post here day in and day out, making your post count, that's for sure.

......BUT, like a moth to you are bumping up the thread, Marion.....LOL
Economy is BOOMING
Tax Cuts accomplished and making people happy
-- Dems looking like insane 'Armageddon Prophesiers
FBI Exposed As Seditiously Conspiring to Take Down Trump (Insurance Policy), as having corrupt criminal Leadership
Mueller's entire team, including him, accused of Conflicts of interest, crimes, etc...
- Fired multiple team members
Mueller and Comey accused of Hiding Russian crimes
Republicans and US AG now calling for Special Investigations into Liberal / Democrat Crimes being Exposed
Obama exposed for helping terrorists to get Un-Constitutional Iran Treaty done
Dems have been ravaged by Sexual Predators it their ranks and as having used tax dollars to pay off their victims

Yes...the DNC is RIGHT ON TRACK... lose another 1,000 elections, and to NOT recapture the House, Senate, and WH. :p
It would be pretty funny if after 2018 the Senate ends up 51 - 49 Democrat, meaning that the Roy Moore loss made the difference.

.....and imagine how Pence-baby would be pissed that his tie-breaking vote no longer counted.

And everyone could thank the far right in Alabama that Trump would not get any further rightwing judges on the court.

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