Beg for shit vs. work for foreigners vs. support Americans


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Let’s talk about the NOT so common denominators between the two parties these days. Why the mass divide and no common ground?
Large multinational oligarchs have all say, power & influence that they use to rig the system to benefit themselves. Workers have none & are living in tent cities.
Large multinational oligarchs have all say, power & influence that they use to rig the system to benefit themselves. Workers have none & are living in tent cities.
...and that's a function of a government (or governments) big enough to be able to rig the system. If you want the playing field to get leveled, then you'd be in favor of the smallest government possible. Anything that becomes big enough, be it a corporation or government, eventually makes decisions to sustain and grow itself at the expense of responsible decision making and the little guys.
Large multinational oligarchs have all say, power & influence that they use to rig the system to benefit themselves. Workers have none & are living in tent cities.
...and that's a function of a government (or governments) big enough to be able to rig the system. If you want the playing field to get leveled, then you'd be in favor of the smallest government possible. Anything that becomes big enough, be it a corporation or government, eventually makes decisions to sustain and grow itself at the expense of responsible decision making and the little guys.

Growing Deficits & unrestricted free trade to circumvent regulations & taxes imposed on US citizens & domestic companies. This gave oligarchs all the wealth & power. We aren't even worthy of polishing their private jets.
America first....if we all thought that way again we would all be better off.....sadly too many out there want us to be like the rest of the know like Obama's new normal.....
The D strongholds are generally in poor fiscal shape now and likely to get worse.

Oddly the iQ challenged lowlifes will continue to vote in favor of lawlessness, criminality, indecency, misery and despair...Weird shit!
Large multinational oligarchs have all say, power & influence that they use to rig the system to benefit themselves. Workers have none & are living in tent cities.
...and that's a function of a government (or governments) big enough to be able to rig the system. If you want the playing field to get leveled, then you'd be in favor of the smallest government possible. Anything that becomes big enough, be it a corporation or government, eventually makes decisions to sustain and grow itself at the expense of responsible decision making and the little guys.
Hey, Plutes! Kiss My Glutes!

We need to take over the government in order to protect ourselves from the oligarchs. You purposely take that option away because you it makes you feel more important taking the side of the rich and influential.
Hey, Plutes! Kiss My Glutes!

We need to take over the government in order to protect ourselves from the oligarchs. You purposely take that option away because you it makes you feel more important taking the side of the rich and influential.
When you talk about basic function of government, it boils down to protection. A body that will accept some level of agency in protecting you: your body and your rights. From there, it's a matter of how much liberty someone will take with what "protection" really means.

So, you're really talking about protection. From that angle, i agree. No one should be aggressing someone else, and that consists of health/injury and taking your stuff. There's a lot of nuance in there, but the long and short of it is that just because someone is rich doesn't mean they're aggressing someone else. In a true free market capitalist system (which America is no longer), someone can't get rich without providing a lot of value to a lot of peoplee while also not aggressing them. If someone provides a lot of value, like Jeff Bezos has with Amazon, why is he not entitled to the fruits of his labor and his ideas? Amazon has made life better for millions of people being able to buy just about anything from the comfort of their home, not to mention the thousands of sellers who've benefited from access to their platform.

And so we come back to my original post. People like Bezos earned the money they make through providing a service that benefits lots of people. What we don't want now is him being able to spend his money leveraging our governing bodies for his own and his companies' gain. That would be aggressing us via stealing our tax money and de-facto applying it to purposes it's not intended for, it'd be aggressing potential competitors via the use of government to enact restrictive policies that create barriers to entry. And again, a government that's only has the power to protect but not play favorites via favored policy cannot create the conditions by where it's profitable for a Jeff Bezos to spend money on getting politicians elected. The practice of government and big business working together to rub each others' backs at the expense of the tax paying citizenry is called cronyism. Sounds like we both don't like, just that one of us has a more realistic expectation of how to combat it.
The D strongholds are generally in poor fiscal shape now and likely to get worse.
There are two generations at least now that are professional family-lineal panhandlers and thieves. Just the other day I saw two completely fit and spy young 20-somethings on the streetcorner with a sign "need gas, need food". My broken down 50-something still working carcass just glared at them as I drove by.

Two generations of slackers raising a third for those who see the ones with the real or rent-a-baby to jerk tears from the PC liberals with spare $20s. I know of a guy who actually bought a house begging on the streetcorner. I doubt he files taxes either.
The D strongholds are generally in poor fiscal shape now and likely to get worse.
There are two generations at least now that are professional family-lineal panhandlers and thieves. Just the other day I saw two completely fit and spy young 20-somethings on the streetcorner with a sign "need gas, need food". My broken down 50-something still working carcass just glared at them as I drove by.

Two generations of slackers raising a third for those who see the ones with the real or rent-a-baby to jerk tears from the PC liberals with spare $20s. I know of a guy who actually bought a house begging on the streetcorner. I doubt he files taxes either.
The majority of people on welfare only need it for a short time
Hate the wealthy and love the poor
Hate law abiding citizens and love criminals
Hate Christians and love illegal wetbacks
Hate heterosexuals and love LGBTQ alphabet Loons
Hate decency and love indecency
Hate accountability and love excuse making

How does one reason with the weird and unreasonable?
Hey, Plutes! Kiss My Glutes!

We need to take over the government in order to protect ourselves from the oligarchs. You purposely take that option away because you it makes you feel more important taking the side of the rich and influential.
When you talk about basic function of government, it boils down to protection. A body that will accept some level of agency in protecting you: your body and your rights. From there, it's a matter of how much liberty someone will take with what "protection" really means.

So, you're really talking about protection. From that angle, i agree. No one should be aggressing someone else, and that consists of health/injury and taking your stuff. There's a lot of nuance in there, but the long and short of it is that just because someone is rich doesn't mean they're aggressing someone else. In a true free market capitalist system (which America is no longer), someone can't get rich without providing a lot of value to a lot of peoplee while also not aggressing them. If someone provides a lot of value, like Jeff Bezos has with Amazon, why is he not entitled to the fruits of his labor and his ideas? Amazon has made life better for millions of people being able to buy just about anything from the comfort of their home, not to mention the thousands of sellers who've benefited from access to their platform.

And so we come back to my original post. People like Bezos earned the money they make through providing a service that benefits lots of people. What we don't want now is him being able to spend his money leveraging our governing bodies for his own and his companies' gain. That would be aggressing us via stealing our tax money and de-facto applying it to purposes it's not intended for, it'd be aggressing potential competitors via the use of government to enact restrictive policies that create barriers to entry. And again, a government that's only has the power to protect but not play favorites via favored policy cannot create the conditions by where it's profitable for a Jeff Bezos to spend money on getting politicians elected. The practice of government and big business working together to rub each others' backs at the expense of the tax paying citizenry is called cronyism. Sounds like we both don't like, just that one of us has a more realistic expectation of how to combat it.
Me, Myself, and Ivy

Bezos didn't produce anything, his underpaid employees did. Overglorification of such parasites is what breaks us down into giving the upper echelon supreme authority to determine what is a fair "market" price and wage. There's nothing free about that, except for the conceited GreedHead looters, who are free to walk all over anyone who is not in their clique.

You illustrate what a free market for government favors is in reality. The private market is the same, run by the same class of people, from the same universities.
Me, Myself, and Ivy

Bezos didn't produce anything, his underpaid employees did. Overglorification of such parasites is what breaks us down into giving the upper echelon supreme authority to determine what is a fair "market" price and wage. There's nothing free about that, except for the conceited GreedHead looters, who are free to walk all over anyone who is not in their clique.

You illustrate what a free market for government favors is in reality. The private market is the same, run by the same class of people, from the same universities.
Really? Where were all those employees when Bezos was just a dude selling books out of his garage?

This idea that the person running the company isn't doing anything is complete fallacy. The only reason that those employees are there to make money in exchange for their labor is because there's a Jeff Bezos who understands the demand for a given product/service and also understands how to meet the demand for that product/service. Employees are only hired when that one guy doesn't have enough hours in the day to fill the demand, so he/she hires people to do the duties that he/she doesn't have enough time to do and they get paid an agreed-upon amount for them to do it. To act like that employee would know what to do and when without the proper direction to make and sell a product that justifies the employees existence doing that job is fictitious. He/she very well may have that knowledge after learning the business and that's why i want a government that doesn't play favorites and will make it as easy as possible for that employee to start a company on his own that either delivers that product/service better or can deliver a new product/service that he/she has identified a demand for.

This is really basic stuff, and why America is the richest nation the world has ever seen. To advocate against this is to advocate against wealth for everyone, since free market capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than any other system of anything.
Me, Myself, and Ivy

Bezos didn't produce anything, his underpaid employees did. Overglorification of such parasites is what breaks us down into giving the upper echelon supreme authority to determine what is a fair "market" price and wage. There's nothing free about that, except for the conceited GreedHead looters, who are free to walk all over anyone who is not in their clique.

You illustrate what a free market for government favors is in reality. The private market is the same, run by the same class of people, from the same universities.
Really? Where were all those employees when Bezos was just a dude selling books out of his garage?

This idea that the person running the company isn't doing anything is complete fallacy. The only reason that those employees are there to make money in exchange for their labor is because there's a Jeff Bezos who understands the demand for a given product/service and also understands how to meet the demand for that product/service. Employees are only hired when that one guy doesn't have enough hours in the day to fill the demand, so he/she hires people to do the duties that he/she doesn't have enough time to do and they get paid an agreed-upon amount for them to do it. To act like that employee would know what to do and when without the proper direction to make and sell a product that justifies the employees existence doing that job is fictitious. He/she very well may have that knowledge after learning the business and that's why i want a government that doesn't play favorites and will make it as easy as possible for that employee to start a company on his own that either delivers that product/service better or can deliver a new product/service that he/she has identified a demand for.
Suckers Get Sucked

Saying that the rich create jobs is like saying that vampires create blood.

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