Behind the Trump Phenominum: People are Sick of Being Lied To


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Both Political Parties (and their media cheerleaders) are guilty of this, although the Democrats have raised it to an art form while the Republicans still plod along with half-truths and emotional mischaracterizations. With the rise of unlimited information from the internet, more and more people are realizing this. As a result, support for traditional party-backed candidates is waning. Instead, people are valuing straight talk from non-traditional candidates over carefully crafted speeches written by the political elite.

This is where Donald Trump (and, to a lesser extent, Bernie Sanders) comes into the picture. Despite all of the noise about his intemperate statements and vague policy positions, he comes across as a real person who speaks his mind rather than a programmed political robot.

For those who still subscribe to these criticisms of Trump, maybe it's time to step back and reconsider how we have selected Presidential candidates in the past: Our choices have been limited to those who represent wealthy donors and enjoy positive media coverage. Do we really want these people making decisions for us?

Donald Trump clearly does not have all the answers, but who can state with certainty how they would react to unknown future events? Of what value are detailed policy proposals that would require future Congressional approval? Instead, he describes political deal making as it has been practiced for decades. Wouldn't it be refreshing to have a master negotiator on our side for a change?
Trump lies more than any current candidate

Two thousand people dancing in the street told me so
Both Political Parties (and their media cheerleaders) are guilty of this, although the Democrats have raised it to an art form while the Republicans still plod along with half-truths and emotional mischaracterizations. With the rise of unlimited information from the internet, more and more people are realizing this. As a result, support for traditional party-backed candidates is waning. Instead, people are valuing straight talk from non-traditional candidates over carefully crafted speeches written by the political elite.

This is where Donald Trump (and, to a lesser extent, Bernie Sanders) comes into the picture. Despite all of the noise about his intemperate statements and vague policy positions, he comes across as a real person who speaks his mind rather than a programmed political robot.

For those who still subscribe to these criticisms of Trump, maybe it's time to step back and reconsider how we have selected Presidential candidates in the past: Our choices have been limited to those who represent wealthy donors and enjoy positive media coverage. Do we really want these people making decisions for us?

Donald Trump clearly does not have all the answers, but who can state with certainty how they would react to unknown future events? Of what value are detailed policy proposals that would require future Congressional approval? Instead, he describes political deal making as it has been practiced for decades. Wouldn't it be refreshing to have a master negotiator on our side for a change?

the "phenomenon" you talk about is 40% of 47% of the electorate. it is the same angry minority of this country that hates our federal government, hates the black guy who was elected seven years ago and thinks that they've been wronged because marriage equality has been recognized as a right and women still have their right to reproductive choice. we're talking about white christian males who feel threatened by anyone who isn't them and is hysterically trying to hold on to their privileged status.

that's your phenomenon....and it's represented by the white supremacist the donald retweeted who says he is located in "jewtopia".

that's your "phenomenon".

and it's why you lose and will continue to lose national elections.
Both Political Parties (and their media cheerleaders) are guilty of this, although the Democrats have raised it to an art form while the Republicans still plod along with half-truths and emotional mischaracterizations. With the rise of unlimited information from the internet, more and more people are realizing this. As a result, support for traditional party-backed candidates is waning. Instead, people are valuing straight talk from non-traditional candidates over carefully crafted speeches written by the political elite.

This is where Donald Trump (and, to a lesser extent, Bernie Sanders) comes into the picture. Despite all of the noise about his intemperate statements and vague policy positions, he comes across as a real person who speaks his mind rather than a programmed political robot.

For those who still subscribe to these criticisms of Trump, maybe it's time to step back and reconsider how we have selected Presidential candidates in the past: Our choices have been limited to those who represent wealthy donors and enjoy positive media coverage. Do we really want these people making decisions for us?

Donald Trump clearly does not have all the answers, but who can state with certainty how they would react to unknown future events? Of what value are detailed policy proposals that would require future Congressional approval? Instead, he describes political deal making as it has been practiced for decades. Wouldn't it be refreshing to have a master negotiator on our side for a change?

the "phenomenon" you talk about is 40% of 47% of the electorate. it is the same angry minority of this country that hates our federal government, hates the black guy who was elected seven years ago and thinks that they've been wronged because marriage equality has been recognized as a right and women still have their right to reproductive choice. we're talking about white christian males who feel threatened by anyone who isn't them and is hysterically trying to hold on to their privileged status.

that's your phenomenon....and it's represented by the white supremacist the donald retweeted who says he is located in "jewtopia".

that's your "phenomenon".

and it's why you lose and will continue to lose national elections.

What happens when the crack gets turned off? One day all these people on the government tit will be sorry. No free lunch last for ever

There is an excellent (though long) video by Stefan Molyneaux about how the media and both political parties have constantly distorted Trump's positions and statements, then used those distortions to attack him. He shows the quotes from Trump, then lays out the criticisms that follow. Invariably, the criticism is NOT of what Trump actually said, but of the mischaracterizations.

To the person who posts as "rightwinger," please provide a couple examples of LIES that Trump has uttered. Then we'll see who is actually lying. Thank god for the internet and youtube; it won't be hard to verify.
I will never vote for Donald Trump but one can't deny he is presently on everyone's lips.
"Despite all of the noise about his intemperate statements and vague policy positions, he comes across as a real person who speaks his mind rather than a programmed political robot."

No, he comes off as an ignorant bigot, someone reckless and irresponsible, who disdains sound governance, appropriate public policy, and the rule of law.
Both Political Parties (and their media cheerleaders) are guilty of this, although the Democrats have raised it to an art form while the Republicans still plod along with half-truths and emotional mischaracterizations. With the rise of unlimited information from the internet, more and more people are realizing this. As a result, support for traditional party-backed candidates is waning. Instead, people are valuing straight talk from non-traditional candidates over carefully crafted speeches written by the political elite.

This is where Donald Trump (and, to a lesser extent, Bernie Sanders) comes into the picture. Despite all of the noise about his intemperate statements and vague policy positions, he comes across as a real person who speaks his mind rather than a programmed political robot.

For those who still subscribe to these criticisms of Trump, maybe it's time to step back and reconsider how we have selected Presidential candidates in the past: Our choices have been limited to those who represent wealthy donors and enjoy positive media coverage. Do we really want these people making decisions for us?

Donald Trump clearly does not have all the answers, but who can state with certainty how they would react to unknown future events? Of what value are detailed policy proposals that would require future Congressional approval? Instead, he describes political deal making as it has been practiced for decades. Wouldn't it be refreshing to have a master negotiator on our side for a change?
Clearly not a serious post.

Trump is as much a liar as any other politician, if not more so.
Both Political Parties (and their media cheerleaders) are guilty of this, although the Democrats have raised it to an art form while the Republicans still plod along with half-truths and emotional mischaracterizations. With the rise of unlimited information from the internet, more and more people are realizing this. As a result, support for traditional party-backed candidates is waning. Instead, people are valuing straight talk from non-traditional candidates over carefully crafted speeches written by the political elite.

This is where Donald Trump (and, to a lesser extent, Bernie Sanders) comes into the picture. Despite all of the noise about his intemperate statements and vague policy positions, he comes across as a real person who speaks his mind rather than a programmed political robot.

For those who still subscribe to these criticisms of Trump, maybe it's time to step back and reconsider how we have selected Presidential candidates in the past: Our choices have been limited to those who represent wealthy donors and enjoy positive media coverage. Do we really want these people making decisions for us?

Donald Trump clearly does not have all the answers, but who can state with certainty how they would react to unknown future events? Of what value are detailed policy proposals that would require future Congressional approval? Instead, he describes political deal making as it has been practiced for decades. Wouldn't it be refreshing to have a master negotiator on our side for a change?

the "phenomenon" you talk about is 40% of 47% of the electorate. it is the same angry minority of this country that hates our federal government, hates the black guy who was elected seven years ago and thinks that they've been wronged because marriage equality has been recognized as a right and women still have their right to reproductive choice. we're talking about white christian males who feel threatened by anyone who isn't them and is hysterically trying to hold on to their privileged status.

that's your phenomenon....and it's represented by the white supremacist the donald retweeted who says he is located in "jewtopia".

that's your "phenomenon".

and it's why you lose and will continue to lose national elections.

What happens when the crack gets turned off? One day all these people on the government tit will be sorry. No free lunch last for ever


I don't need or get "free stuff".

More rabid idiocy from you. :cuckoo:

But thanks for the rightwingnut talking point.

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