Being Black is Not an Excuse

12 arrests for homicides per 100, 000 Is not a rate i will lose sleep over.
I posted this on the top of the last page.


I guess you try lying/minimizing with statistics instead.

"12 per 100,000" is about the rate of Dangerous Narco-state Mexico, which many are "losing sleep over" and some are outright fleeing.

And about 3x the USA's overall 4 per 100,000.
Of course, without Violent Blacks who commit Half the murders, the USA rate would be about 2 per 100,000.
Without Hispanics about 1.5 per 100,000.
Otherwise we could sleep with our doors open.

IOW, and again, Blacks have about 8x the Murder rate of Whites.
(See my #122 from Wiki)

IOW II..."12 per 100,000" means 4800 Black Murderers in the USA... Per Year. (many others uncaught)

You can't play stats with me BOY.
There's that Racial IQ differential again.
BLACKS HAVE A MURDER RATE OF 12/100,000 WHILE WHITES HAVE 1.5/100,000. That's 8x higher.

This is the point where race pimps have problems with racist statistics.
Uh yeah we DO have problems with RACIST statistics. a homicide rate of 12 per 100 K is negligible for a population of 42, million people. But a 12 per 100 K homicide rate for the Russians with a population of 150,000,000 is HUGE>>>

4935 back American bodies vs 18150 white Russian bodies. And the Russians were MUCH worse in the past
Look, if you don't want to do anything about horrific black violence except defend it, at least take a remedial math class.
12 arrests for homicides per 100, 000 Is not a rate i will lose sleep over.
I posted this on the top of the last page.


I guess you try lying/minimizing with statistics instead.

"12 per 100,000" is about the rate of Dangerous Narco-state Mexico, which many are "losing sleep over" and some are outright fleeing.

And about 3x the USA's overall 4 per 100,000.
Of course, without Violent Blacks who commit Half the murders, the USA rate would be about 2 per 100,000.
Without Hispanics about 1.5 per 100,000.
Otherwise we could sleep with our doors open.

IOW, and again, Blacks have about 8x the Murder rate of Whites.
(See my #122 from Wiki)

IOW II..."12 per 100,000" means 4800 Black Murderers in the USA... Per Year. (many others uncaught)

You can't play stats with me BOY.
There's that Racial IQ differential again.
BLACKS HAVE A MURDER RATE OF 12/100,000 WHILE WHITES HAVE 1.5/100,000. That's 8x higher.

This is the point where race pimps have problems with racist statistics.
Uh yeah we DO have problems with RACIST statistics. a homicide rate of 12 per 100 K is negligible for a population of 42, million people. But a 12 per 100 K homicide rate for the Russians with a population of 150,000,000 is HUGE>>>

4935 back American bodies vs 18150 white Russian bodies. And the Russians were MUCH worse in the past
Look, if you don't want to do anything about horrific black violence except defend it, at least take a remedial math class.
I might need remedial Calculus but my statistics have crippled your premise so badly you can only mumble incoherently in response.
I see a lot of signs saying "Being Black is not a crime" but in almost every incident cited, the Black victim of a police shooting was engaged in some sort of criminal activity and actively evading arrest. If a White person is shot in the same circumstances, he is generally held accountable for his actions. If a Black person is shot, it is immediately blamed on police brutality.

Why is this type of personal behavior deemed acceptable in the Black community?
How often do you hear about a white guy getting shot like this? I never do.
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12 arrests for homicides per 100, 000 Is not a rate i will lose sleep over.
I posted this on the top of the last page.


I guess you try lying/minimizing with statistics instead.

"12 per 100,000" is about the rate of Dangerous Narco-state Mexico, which many are "losing sleep over" and some are outright fleeing.

And about 3x the USA's overall 4 per 100,000.
Of course, without Violent Blacks who commit Half the murders, the USA rate would be about 2 per 100,000.
Without Hispanics about 1.5 per 100,000.
Otherwise we could sleep with our doors open.

IOW, and again, Blacks have about 8x the Murder rate of Whites.
(See my #122 from Wiki)

IOW II..."12 per 100,000" means 4800 Black Murderers in the USA... Per Year. (many others uncaught)

You can't play stats with me BOY.
There's that Racial IQ differential again.
Just like clockwork at every holiday season we see all the ads being played to "Help The Emerging Countries" by sending NGOs our hard earned money.
We see kids shivering and crying and laying in their starving mother's arms.
These starving masses are almost all from African countries who have been at war with their neighbors since the time of the cave man.
These "Emerging Countries" never have even started "emerging". If anything they have been going backward.
Fifty years ago on TV there were ads to help the "Emerging Countries".
When there is a race of people with an average IQ of about 80 nothing is going to help them "emerge".
12 arrests for homicides per 100, 000 Is not a rate i will lose sleep over.
I posted this on the top of the last page.


I guess you try lying/minimizing with statistics instead.

"12 per 100,000" is about the rate of Dangerous Narco-state Mexico, which many are "losing sleep over" and some are outright fleeing.

And about 3x the USA's overall 4 per 100,000.
Of course, without Violent Blacks who commit Half the murders, the USA rate would be about 2 per 100,000.
Without Hispanics about 1.5 per 100,000.
Otherwise we could sleep with our doors open.

IOW, and again, Blacks have about 8x the Murder rate of Whites.
(See my #122 from Wiki)

IOW II..."12 per 100,000" means 4800 Black Murderers in the USA... Per Year. (many others uncaught)

You can't play stats with me BOY.
There's that Racial IQ differential again.
Just like clockwork at every holiday season we see all the ads being played to "Help The Emerging Countries" by sending NGOs our hard earned money.
We see kids shivering and crying and laying in their starving mother's arms.
These starving masses are almost all from African countries who have been at war with their neighbors since the time of the cave man.
These "Emerging Countries" never have even started "emerging". If anything they have been going backward.
Fifty years ago on TV there were ads to help the "Emerging Countries".
When there is a race of people with an average IQ of about 80 nothing is going to help them "emerge".
Spoken like a true racist insecure hatemonger. If you really believed the puke you spew you wouldnt have to keep repeating it over and over ad nauseam.
..12 arrests for homicides per 100, 000 Is not a rate i will lose sleep over.
I posted this on the top of the last TWO pages.


As I said:

"12 per 100,000" is about the rate of Dangerous Narco-state Mexico, which many are "losing sleep over" and some are outright fleeing.

And about 3x the USA's overall 4 per 100,000.
Of course, without Violent Blacks who commit Half the murders, the USA rate would be about 2 per 100,000.
Without Hispanics about 1.5 per 100,000.
Otherwise we could sleep with our doors open.

IOW, and again, Blacks have about 8x the Murder rate of Whites.
(See my #122 from Wiki)

IOW II..."12 per 100,000" means 4800 Black Murderers in the USA... Per Year. (many others uncaught)

You can't play stats with me BOY.
There's that Racial IQ differential again.
So now you Bring up Russia and LOFL, Greenland! (population 56,000 Drunk Inuit).

Russia has a similar problem with it's Northerly native peoples, as well as yes, an alcoholism problem nationally.

But Only a DISHONEST Clown would look at this map and Ignore the astronomical Murder Rates of Sub-Sahara and S America.


So you point to exceptions while virtually ALL the nations of sub-Sahara and S America (esp incl some of it's blackest countries) have Astromical Murder rates.

And it's only the Western/White Justice systems (the USA's high imprisonment rate) which keep Afros, etc from even Higher Murder totals.

What's also notable on the Racial front is the Predictably very low Murder rates of High IQ NE Asia (Ch, Ja, Ko).

So really, and again, it's quite Dishonest to ignore the BIGGEST problems on the map while cherry picking a white Exception..

Again BOY, you can't debate me, you just keep talking/BSing

The stats are against you and you don't have the brains even if they weren't.
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..12 arrests for homicides per 100, 000 Is not a rate i will lose sleep over.
I posted this on the top of the last TWO pages.


As I said:

"12 per 100,000" is about the rate of Dangerous Narco-state Mexico, which many are "losing sleep over" and some are outright fleeing.

And about 3x the USA's overall 4 per 100,000.
Of course, without Violent Blacks who commit Half the murders, the USA rate would be about 2 per 100,000.
Without Hispanics about 1.5 per 100,000.
Otherwise we could sleep with our doors open.

IOW, and again, Blacks have about 8x the Murder rate of Whites.
(See my #122 from Wiki)

IOW II..."12 per 100,000" means 4800 Black Murderers in the USA... Per Year. (many others uncaught)

You can't play stats with me BOY.
There's that Racial IQ differential again.
So now you Bring up Russia and LOFL, Greenland! (population 56,000 Drunk Inuit).

Russia has a similar problem with it's Northerly native peoples, as well as yes, an alcoholism problem nationally.

But Only a DISHONEST Clown would look at this map and Ignore the astronomical Murder Rates of Sub-Sahara and S America.


So you point to exceptions while virtually ALL the nations of sub-Sahara and S America (esp incl some of it's blackest countries) have Astromoical Murder rates.

What's also notable on the Racial front is the Predictably very low Murder rates of High IQ NE Asia (Ch, Ja, Ko).

So really, and again, it's quite Dishonest to ignore the BIGGEST problems on the map while cherry picking a white Exception..

Again BOY, you can't debate me, you just keep talking/BSing

The stats are against you and you don't have the brains even if they weren't.
The truth is that your insistence on attaching a racial genetic component to violence has been shown to be hogwash. The Russian homicide rate has been recorded as high as 33 per 100K. So, that shreds your ill gotten illusion that White people are gentle souls.
By contrast your 2010 map shows some African nations with homicide rates on par with Russia. But is it fair to record deaths classified as collateral damage resulting from warfare as criminal homicide? If so...while you are pointing one bloody finger at Africa
4 other bloody fingers are pointing at you.
No "race" has shed more blood than yours within the last 200 years.
12 arrests for homicides per 100, 000 Is not a rate i will lose sleep over.
I posted this on the top of the last page.


I guess you try lying/minimizing with statistics instead.

"12 per 100,000" is about the rate of Dangerous Narco-state Mexico, which many are "losing sleep over" and some are outright fleeing.

And about 3x the USA's overall 4 per 100,000.
Of course, without Violent Blacks who commit Half the murders, the USA rate would be about 2 per 100,000.
Without Hispanics about 1.5 per 100,000.
Otherwise we could sleep with our doors open.

IOW, and again, Blacks have about 8x the Murder rate of Whites.
(See my #122 from Wiki)

IOW II..."12 per 100,000" means 4800 Black Murderers in the USA... Per Year. (many others uncaught)

You can't play stats with me BOY.
There's that Racial IQ differential again.
BLACKS HAVE A MURDER RATE OF 12/100,000 WHILE WHITES HAVE 1.5/100,000. That's 8x higher.

This is the point where race pimps have problems with racist statistics.
Uh yeah we DO have problems with RACIST statistics. a homicide rate of 12 per 100 K is negligible for a population of 42, million people. But a 12 per 100 K homicide rate for the Russians with a population of 150,000,000 is HUGE>>>

4935 back American bodies vs 18150 white Russian bodies. And the Russians were MUCH worse in the past
Look, if you don't want to do anything about horrific black violence except defend it, at least take a remedial math class.

How about you do something about the horrific white violence? Seems like every week some unhinged white boy decides to shoot up 20-30 people in a setting. Or you have some old white lecher raping 2-300 little girls and boys. Work to stop that and shut up telling us about black crime.
12 arrests for homicides per 100, 000 Is not a rate i will lose sleep over.
I posted this on the top of the last page.


I guess you try lying/minimizing with statistics instead.

"12 per 100,000" is about the rate of Dangerous Narco-state Mexico, which many are "losing sleep over" and some are outright fleeing.

And about 3x the USA's overall 4 per 100,000.
Of course, without Violent Blacks who commit Half the murders, the USA rate would be about 2 per 100,000.
Without Hispanics about 1.5 per 100,000.
Otherwise we could sleep with our doors open.

IOW, and again, Blacks have about 8x the Murder rate of Whites.
(See my #122 from Wiki)

IOW II..."12 per 100,000" means 4800 Black Murderers in the USA... Per Year. (many others uncaught)

You can't play stats with me BOY.
There's that Racial IQ differential again.
BLACKS HAVE A MURDER RATE OF 12/100,000 WHILE WHITES HAVE 1.5/100,000. That's 8x higher.

This is the point where race pimps have problems with racist statistics.
Uh yeah we DO have problems with RACIST statistics. a homicide rate of 12 per 100 K is negligible for a population of 42, million people. But a 12 per 100 K homicide rate for the Russians with a population of 150,000,000 is HUGE>>>

4935 back American bodies vs 18150 white Russian bodies. And the Russians were MUCH worse in the past
Look, if you don't want to do anything about horrific black violence except defend it, at least take a remedial math class.

How about you do something about the horrific white violence? Seems like every week some unhinged white boy decides to shoot up 20-30 people in a setting. Or you have some old white lecher raping 2-300 little girls and boys. Work to stop that and shut up telling us about black crime.
The last to do is excuse or defend it.

For example, if I were to tell you that white crime is not bad because black crime is far, far worse. While it is certainly true that black crime, especially violent is far worse than white, or any other demographic for that mattter, I would not use that to justify or excuse anything.
I posted this on the top of the last page.


I guess you try lying/minimizing with statistics instead.

"12 per 100,000" is about the rate of Dangerous Narco-state Mexico, which many are "losing sleep over" and some are outright fleeing.

And about 3x the USA's overall 4 per 100,000.
Of course, without Violent Blacks who commit Half the murders, the USA rate would be about 2 per 100,000.
Without Hispanics about 1.5 per 100,000.
Otherwise we could sleep with our doors open.

IOW, and again, Blacks have about 8x the Murder rate of Whites.
(See my #122 from Wiki)

IOW II..."12 per 100,000" means 4800 Black Murderers in the USA... Per Year. (many others uncaught)

You can't play stats with me BOY.
There's that Racial IQ differential again.
BLACKS HAVE A MURDER RATE OF 12/100,000 WHILE WHITES HAVE 1.5/100,000. That's 8x higher.

This is the point where race pimps have problems with racist statistics.
Uh yeah we DO have problems with RACIST statistics. a homicide rate of 12 per 100 K is negligible for a population of 42, million people. But a 12 per 100 K homicide rate for the Russians with a population of 150,000,000 is HUGE>>>

4935 back American bodies vs 18150 white Russian bodies. And the Russians were MUCH worse in the past
Look, if you don't want to do anything about horrific black violence except defend it, at least take a remedial math class.

How about you do something about the horrific white violence? Seems like every week some unhinged white boy decides to shoot up 20-30 people in a setting. Or you have some old white lecher raping 2-300 little girls and boys. Work to stop that and shut up telling us about black crime.
The last to do is excuse or defend it.

For example, if I were to tell you that white crime is not bad because black crime is far, far worse. While it is certainly true that black crime, especially violent is far worse than white, or any other demographic for that mattter, I would not use that to justify or excuse anything.

Except black crime is not worse. Whites commit more than double the crimes blacks do and that includes violent crimes.

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